Tag Archives: wall street

Korean Made Batteries To Strip By! The government can now turn you into an electric Zombie, just like in Star Trek!

25 October 2015 (20:09 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Well, it’s not Rob Zombie and you really can’t strip by them, in fact they are strips.

Korea’s Samsung has unveiled revolutionary batteries that look like lengths of tape or band-aids, I call them strip batteries (Samsung calls them stripe or band batteries).

Unfortunately the strip batteries unveiled are prototypes, but Samsung claims if they ever get to production stage they could increase your cell phone’s batt life by 50%.

But wait, here’s the real marketing target; clothing!  The strip batteries are a new tech that basically has created batteries out of fibers that can be woven into your clothing.  You might think that’s cool because it brings on a whole new level of wearable electronic devices, but it also makes it easier for any nefarious organization to track you, maybe even hack into you (like how they can hack into your new car) and turn you into an electric Zombie!

The cops could even use your own clothing to taze you remotely, just like in that old episode of Star Trek!

Israel developing new Video 911 service! You can call police & your family at the same time you’re being killed, & they can watch!

25 October 2015 (19:46 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“We’re changing the way people interact with authorities and first responders in emergency events.”-Amir Elichai,  Reporty Homeland Security

In the United States the number to call emergency services is 911, in Israel it’s 100.  Soon that service could include a video link so emergency responders can see what’s actually going on.

The Israeli company is call Reporty Homeland Security (typical of paranoids) and they claim they will soon have their video 100 (911) app ready for use.  The cell phone application will let people calling for emergency services send video at the same time.

For proof this is all about martial law, company administrators say they are already working with the Israeli Defense (occupation) Forces for their own app.

“There’s no city in Israel today that doesn’t have Musketeers.”-Nathalie Beaudoin

Another Israeli occupation company called Musketeer already has Jews using its app which allows you to not only call emergency services but up to two other numbers at the same time.

The application lets you create a list of three ’emergency’ numbers to contact and it also lets you send video.  Company administrators say their subscriptions have jumped 30% in recent weeks.

Jewish video catches Jewish soldiers beating innocent Goy! 

India develops Rare Earth Alloy to extend life of NATO Cold War strike aircraft!

25 October 2015 (19:19 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

India is one of the last users of the Cold War era NATO developed SEPECAT (Breguet/BAC) Jaguar strike (ground attack) aircraft, and now they just gave it new life (again).  It is called the Shamsher in India.

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Adour Mark 871.


The adour turbine engines have a relatively short lifespan, but a group of defense contractors in India claim they’ve developed new compressor blades made of a new titanium-rare earth mineral alloy.  The Indian government has ordered mass production of the expensive replacement blades.

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Matthew Hannen, 30JUL2007.

India has been steadily upgrading their old school Shamshers, the most recent major upgrades took place in 2012 and involved electronics and weapon systems.

Anti-ship Shamsher/Jaguar equipped with Agave radar, over the Bay of Bengal, 07SEP2007.

God is Evil: Jewish security camera catches Jewish soldiers beating innocent man!

24 October 2015 (17:20 UTC-07 Tango 01)/02 Aban 1394/10 Muharram 1437/12 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.”-Blade Runner

That’s what it’s like to be a Palestinian under Israeli occupation.


The Israeli Defense forces lied after they arrested the innocent man and swore up and down that he attacked them!   If it wasn’t for the Jewish human rights group B’Tselem getting a hold of the video and shoving it in the faces of the evil Jewish Zionists that innocent man would still be rotting in prison right now!

Your Gott-damned tax dollars support these genocidal idiots, that makes you guilty of war crimes!!!

God is Evil Stupid: Video of more Jew on Jew violence in occupied Palestine!

“I lost, they won.” Banks & illegal drugs cause illegal immigration to U.S.! Major restaurant chain being dumped, too much debt & mysterious fires! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 23 October 2015

God’s immigrant help NGO Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People is warning of increased illegal immigration to the United States caused by the crashing & burning of the Honduran economy.  It’s partly blamed on a crackdown on illegal drug trafficking which has revealed even multi-national corporations and the government are involved, like Jaime Rolando Rosenthal Oliva owned Grupo Continental-Continental Bank.  Of Romanian ancestry Rosenthal Olivia got his business and civil engineering degrees from MIT in the U.S. (just like so many other evil people)!  The latest layoffs involve 7-thousand government employees!  At least 1.5-million Hondurans are currently unemployed and more layoffs are expected. (that’s equivalent to the entire population of the U.S. state of Idaho, which is much larger geographically, by almost double the square miles)  (Obama orders new War on Drugs targeting legal prescription drug users & his own ObamaCare!)

Italy based drugs maker Perrigo eliminating 8-hundred jobs and selling off its U.S. Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements division!

Failed State Alabama: The city of Bayou La Batre laid off six employees without warning.  The city is in the financial hole by at least $750-thousand USD.

California: In Saint Helena, after 28 years Tra Vigne restaurant shutting down right before Xmas, the lease was not renewed.

Florida: Tampa based restaurant chain owner Bloomin’ Brands is in trouble (as usual), but so much so this time that investor analyst Zacks has told shareholders to dump their stocks in the corporation.  Stocks of Bloomin’ Brands downgraded to Sell status, the company failed to show any significant increase in revenues in its last report but is still considered to have too much debt.  The debt is probably from all the new restaurants Bloomin’ Brands has opened in the past year.  The food corporation controls restaurant chains known as Outback Steakhouse, Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Bonefish Grill, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar, and Roy’s.  Interesting side note, several of Bloomin’ Brands restaurants have suffered fires this year; the Outback Steakhouse at the Meridian Crossroads plaza in Meridian, Idaho (blamed on corroded gas line).  Then two months later another Meridian, Idaho, Outback Steakhouse caught fire, this time at the Bonita Crossroads Shopping Center, firefighters said it “seemed to be electrical”.  The Carrabba’s in Suntree, Florida, caught fire last week with initial reports saying the fire started on the roof around an air conditioning unit.  In June, the West Springfield, Massachusetts, Carrabba’s caught fire twice, first initial reports said the fire somehow started in between the metal and rubberized roofing materials around a vent fan, then the next morning the kitchen caught on fire!  It’s not just fires, the Richland, Washington, Bonefish Grill was vandalized with a blowtorch in June.

ISU located in Pocatello, Idaho, lost 671 students since last year!

Idaho: Yet again, Idaho State University reports crashing enrolment (what I call the Disappearing Students Syndrome affecting schools across the U.S.).   This year’s admission (as in they’re admitting they lost students, because in recent years past they lied and said enrollment was up) stated that they lost 671 students compared to Fall 2014!

Failed State Illinois:  Peoria based Caterpillar bribed 2-thousand 1-hundred employees to take early retirement!    In Aurora, after less than a year the massive Cosmopolitan Marketplace grocery store shutting down!  The shutdown was revealed by signs that read “All Sales Final”.  A local alderman blames the shutdown on lack of sales.  In Danville, after eight years consignment store Kid’s Kloset shutting down when the inventory is gone.

Iowa:  In Keokuk, after 88 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Johnson-Schmidt Menswear shutting down as soon as the inventory is gone,  because the owner says he can’t eat it “Because it doesn’t taste good with salt and pepper”.

Kansas: Cell phone company Sprint is eliminating jobs, but now it says it doesn’t have the money to cover the two weeks of severance originally promised.  As a result they will cut it down to one week of severance for all layoff notifications made after January 2016.  After 16 years E.G. Geller shutting down their Country Club Plaza shoe store in January 2016, blaming crashing sales caused by most of the Plaza’s tenants shutting down.

Maryland: After 32 years The Yule Cupboard shutting down before Thanksgiving, blaming “…a smaller clientele. Today’s retail world is so different. We realize that you have to have an online presence basically, and I’m not willing to do that. We’re just too hands-on. We buy what we see, we don’t buy from a catalog…”  In Cross Keys, after 40 years the Jones & Jones boutique shutting down by December.

Massachusetts: Boston Weak based evil holding company State Street warned of layoffs due to flat profits and declining assets (running out of cash).

Failed State Michigan: What automotive industry recovery?  General Motors (GM) eliminating another 5-hundred jobs as it shuts down its 2nd shift in the Orion Assembly factory!  GM administrators say they must “align” their production to meet demand.  The city of Detroit has already eliminated 1-thousand 1-hundred water department employees and now news reports say another 1-hundred will be let go!  In Kalamazoo, after 50 years Wayside West sports bar shutdown.  Local news reports blame a shooting that happened last year, but in reality the property was sold-off.

Minnesota: After 115 years God refuses to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ First Presbyterian Church in Wilmont.  The Rapture has resulted in 12 members being Left Behind.

Nebraska: In Omaha, God refuses to stop ObamaCare from forcing Catholic Health Initiatives from eliminating 60 jobs.

New York:  Premier Laser Spa of Albany now chapter 11 bankrupt, local news reports say the company hasn’t been able to pay its advertising debts.  TD Bank revealed it will shutdown its Glens Falls office. The dumb administrators opened too many offices too close together.

Oklahoma:  Halliburton killing more jobs in The Sooner State.  In Duncan, 30 former Halliburton employees reported to the local unemployment office on Friday, that’s how the layoffs were discovered.

Oregon: In Prineville, Woodgrain Mill shutting down 55 remaining jobs lost.  The mill has been struggling since last year’s roof collapse, which forced 2-hundred people out of work!   

Pennsylvania: State budget cuts forcing pre-Kindergarten programs to shutdown.  Local news reports say some pre-K operations are trying to stay open by asking employees to work for free!  In Jim Thorpe, after surviving The Great Depression Dugan’s General Store cannot handle this so called ‘recovery’ from The Great Recession and will shutdown.  News reports revealed the current owners have been floating the store using lottery winnings they won back in 2000!

Rhode Island: Bankrupt busted City Sports shutting down their Providence store at the end of the month due to crashing sales.  It’s the eighth City Sports store to shutdown.

South Carolina:  ObamaCare killing off yet another affordable insurance co-op, this time it’s non-profit Consumers’ Choice Health Insurance being forced to shutdown, leaving 67-thousand customers without affordable insurance!

Texas:  Retailer JCPenney eliminated another 3-hundred jobs at its Plano HQ!  In Victoria, a Subway sandwich shop on Main and Constitution streets shutdown.

Zions Bank branch in Pocatello, Idaho.

Zions Bank branch in Pocatello, Idaho.

Utah: Mormon Zions Bank reported what they think is good news, they’ve increased loans to small businesses in Idaho (71% increase) and Utah (29% increase).  Here’s why it’s bad news; those loans are to help companies make payroll, in other words companies still can’t generate enough revenue to pay their employees with cash.   Zions Bank administrators claim their debt financing of regional businesses created more than 5-hundred jobs!  Jobs created by pure debt is not a good thing, debt financing of things like payroll is one of the main reasons Corporate America is in such financial trouble.  In Cottonwood Heights, police are being blamed for the shutdown of the 25 years old Canyon Inn.   The owner said he’s tired of cops intimidating his customers into staying away: “I lost, they won.”-Jim Stojack


20 – 22 October 2015: “…an absolute nightmare!”

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”

How the Currency Wars can double your profits without increasing sales!

24 October 2015 (20:58 UTC-07 Tango 01, 23 October 2015)/02 Aban 1394/10 Muharram 1437/12 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“Monetary authorities in Sweden have limited policy options that would assist in weakening the Krone, and we doubt the ability of the central bank to meaningfully weaken the currency. Overall, we forecast a mild depreciation in the currency against the euro to 9.60 by the end of the year.”-Lloyds Bank

The Sweden based manufacturer best known for vehicles, Volvo, just reported a sudden doubling of profits without a significant increase in sales.

Volvo sales have been so bad in the United States they’re slowly getting the hell outta Dodge. In 2014 Volvo eliminated 4-thousand 4-hundred jobs globally (on top of the 3-thousand they got rid of in 2013)!  In April Volvo shutdown its distribution operations in Orange Township, Ohio, U.S.A.

Now Volvo reports a 9% increase in global sales (it would have been higher if it weren’t for a 33% crash in South American sales), not enough to double profits.  Administrators do credit part of their profits on their massive job killing program, but the real reason is a 70% increase in revenue caused solely by the value of their currency!

Several Swedish corporations are reporting increased profits simply due to the strength/weakness of the SEK versus the USD and EUR.  Ericsson reported a weak 3% net increase in global sales, but a 16% increase in profits.

Although Sweden is a member of the European Union it still uses its own Swedish Krona (SEK) for cash.  Last week currency investors were being told to “go long” with the SEK and dump the stronger USD!

This is an example that a weak currency can greatly increase profits without significantly increasing sales (which is more complicated than I can explain), in relation to the simplistic mainstream news explanation that a weak currency increases profits solely by increasing international sales.   The Swedes are now making big profits without doing anything!

$$ Tesla $$ bites the electric dust on Reliability! 

God is Evil Stupid: Video of more Jew on Jew violence in occupied Palestine!

23 October 2015 (11:15 UTC-07 Tango 01)/01 Aban 1394/09 Muharram 1437/11 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

A recent video shows an ‘illegal’ Jew settler attacking members of a Jew peacenik group called Rabbis for Human Rights.  The settler was part of an instigation group setting fire to Palestinian farms.


These people really are idiots, and you ‘Merican weenie heads support them with billions of your tax dollars while your economy crashes and burns!

God is Evil, and Stupid: Once again, paranoid Jews attack Jews! This time it’s a kill shot! 

Syria, 20 – 23 October 2015: Turkish politicians admit supplying chemical agents to insurgents! NATO members abandon United States! Jordan abandons U.S. & joins Russia!

Under an agreement between His Majesty King Abdullah II and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, the militaries of the two countries have agreed to coordinate their actions, including military aircraft missions over the Syrian territory.”-Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia

The once puppet of the Unites States and United Kingdom, Jordan is joining Russia and creating a joint command base in Amman.

On the same day that Russia and Belarus formed a new military alliance, Belarusian and Syrian diplomats met in Switzerland.  It was part of the 133rd Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) meeting (bet most ‘Mericans never heard of that organization).

Syrian (Rojava) Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) is in Russia taking part in the Foundation Perspective of International Coalition for Struggle against Islamic State meetings.

President Bashar al-Assad met with President Vladimir Putin and every mainstream news source in the ‘west’ went nuts, shocked that Assad could do such a thing.  After all, Syria still controls its own airspace you ‘western’ weenie heads.

The new Prime Minister elect of NATO member Canada, Justin Trudeau, says he will end his country’s participation in U.S. led NATO Operation Inherent Resolve Combined Joint Task Force airstrikes on Iraq and Syria, as soon as he takes office!

NATO member Poland is working with Syria to create economic and agricultural trade deals.  Syrian Ministry of Industry admitted some of the trade deals are needed to replace factories destroyed by the U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed insurgents.

In the NATO country of Turkey politicians with the CHP Istanbul political party are reporting they have evidence that the Turkish military supplied Ahrar-al Sham and Nusra Front insurgents with sarin gas in 2013!  CHP Istanbul is now suing the Turkish government over the allegations.  They say their evidence is recorded phone conversations between Turkish military and Nusra Front.

Aleppo Governorate:   Four civilians killed after insurgents hit the al-Neel neighborhood in Aleppo city with a rocket.  Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (militias) liberated the towns of Blas, Tal al-Zahmoul, al-Dabaghat, al-Shaheed hill, al-Wadeehi and the area surrounding it, al-Qadara, al-Hweijeh, Kafar Obeid, al-Sbeihiyeh, al-Sabqiyeh, al-Jaberiyeh, Tal al-Sabien, al-Huweiz and al-Qarasi.  At least 20 insurgents killed.  The insurgents also booby trapped many homes and farm buildings as they continue to flee into U.S. led NATO member Turkey.  Syrian Arab Army Air Force bombed U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed Islamic State DAIISH (Islamic State, DA for al-DAwla, I for al-Islamiya, I for al-Iraq, SH al-SHam [al-Sham = Syria]) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front).  It should be noted that DAIISH has been trying to take control of the Syrian Saudi Chemical Company (SYSACCO) in the eastern countryside.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that an insurgent group has imposed a curfew on pain of death in the villages of Blas, Hlisa, Zitan, Bardah, Mrymin, Kafr Bish, al-Ies and al-Hader.  Anybody caught out after dark will be accused of being a spy and executed.  The insurgents calling themselves Military Operations Room of Aleppo also banned the private ownership of guns! 

Damascus (Rif Dimashq) area:   Syrian Arab Army liberated the al-Mashtal al-Zirae’e after 24-hours of establishing control on al-Majbal region in Harasta.


Deir Ezzor Governorate: DAIISH continues their assault on Deir Ezzor airbase.  14 DAIISH killed during a battle over the Ceramic Factory in al-Mrei’iyeh.  Syrian Arab Army artillery pounded a group of DAIISH near the al-Seyasiyeh Bridge.  Reports of unknown gunmen laying waste to DAIISH insurgents in al-Miadin City.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports that DAIISH arrested four men, one is an Imam and another is a former political prisoner of the Syrian government.  No reason was given for their detainment by U.S.-EU-Saudi-Israeli backed DAIISH.

Hama Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army and Air Force report major battles with DAIISH and Nusra Front, claiming a total of 90 insurgents killed, 38 U.S./Japanese made gun-trucks destroyed and three armored vehicles destroyed or captured.

Homs Governorate:   Battles with DAIISH continue near Palmyra (Tadmur) triangle.  A child was killed and 28 civilians wounded by insurgent rocket attacks in Homs City.  Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (militias) liberated Iza’aa , Gherbal, al-Qanatri, Snisil, al-Mahatta, Jawalak and the southern part of Teir Ma’ala town.  Syrian Army Air Force bombed Nusra Front and DAIISH targets.  Several Syrian rebel groups and insurgent groups have formed an alliance called Coordination Group of Homs.

Lattakia Governorate:  Syrian Arab Army claims they killed more than 3-hundred insurgents and destroyed dozens of U.S.-Japanese made gun-trucks near the Bradoun Dam.

Raqqa Governorate:  YPG (Kurdish People’s Protection Units)-YPJ (Kurdish Women’s Defense Units) liberated the town of Tel Abyad.  In the process they captured several  Islamic State (DAIISH) Syrian rebels who reported that U.S. led NATO member Turkey is directly supplying DAIISH with weapons.  The Turkish military is using a route between Syria’s Raqqa and Turkey’s Urfa to deliver arms and munitions to the border town of Tel Abyad.  The captives also say DAIISH tortured Syrians into joining them.  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has confirmed that some of the DAIISH insurgents killed in the governorate came from Iraq.

16-19 October 2015: Horrifying scene as Islamic State shaves beards to avoid detection! 

Obama deploys A-10 Thunderbolt to Turkey! Signs ‘secret’ deal with Russia!

$$ Tesla $$ bites the electric dust on Reliability!

23 October 2015 (01:25 UTC-07 Tango 01)/01 Aban 1394/09 Muharram 1437/11 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Remember a couple of months ago when the mainstream news media spurted elation all over Consumer Reports’ record top score for Tesla Model S?  Now there’s barely mention from the mainstreamers of Consumer Reports’ beratement of the very same electric car over major reliability problems!

Consumer Reports touted Tesla Model S P85D as “the best car we’ve ever tested”, but that was based on initial impressions and not on long term reliability.  Now they’ve just released their ‘long term’ results and they are not good.


The results of their Annual Auto Reliability Survey show the highly expensive Tesla doesn’t last long, and they are not talking about the batteries.  Operators of the vehicles report “hassles with motorized door handles, locks and latches……the drivetrain” breaks down after only two to three years of use!  Is this the real reason money draining Tesla EVs come with a five years warranty?

VW intentionally sacrifices Diesel for hackable electric cars! Blame the Rockefellers!


“…an absolute nightmare!” 9,000+ new layoffs! Small town Soda Springs hit with big time layoffs, Idaho Dept. of Labor sits on WARN notice! : U.S. Job Losses & Closings 20 – 22 October 2015

Texas founded but Ireland based oil service company Weatherford International just jacked up the number of their layoffs (again) by 3-thousand! Reports say 11-thousand people have already become jobless, now the ‘planned’ total will hit 14-thousand before the end of 2015! Most of those jobs were in Canada and United States.

California: What housing market recovery?  Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo announced 6-hundred additional job cuts to its countrywide mortgage ops, blaming declining demand for mortgage services!  The grocery chain store known as Fresh & Easy is now being shutdown by its current owners Yucaipa Companies, which is known for chopping up and selling off businesses (Mormon Mitt Romney style).  The shutdown of 97 grocery stores will result in 3-thousand people across the U.S. desert southwest becoming jobless starting now!  Yucaipa has been trying to sell the grocery chain but nobody is interested in buying.

Colorado: Another Great Harvest Bread store shuts down, this time in Montrose.

Connecticut:  In Stamford, Too Big to Jail British empire RBS eliminating an additional 64 jobs to the 186 layoffs currently underway!

Florida: Affordable Care Act forcing ResCare to layoff 79 employees in Homestead before Thanksgiving.   After 42 years the WACO gift shop shutdown in Marianna.

Iconic geyser of Soda Springs, Idaho, population about 3,000. They just lost 100 jobs!

Idaho: What construction industry recovery?  The small southeast Idaho town of Soda Springs got hit with at least 1-hundred layoffs when apparently Mark III Plant Construction shutdown! I could not find any local news reports about it, I only found the WARN notice conspicuously publicly posted by the state Department of Labor after the fact (about 20 October, the layoffs took place on 11 October), even though they got the notice back at the beginning of September!   Another WARN that Dept. of Labor dragged its feet on publicly posting is architecture, design, engineering, and construction company AECOM laying off 85 people in Boise right before Thanksgiving.  Depart. of Labor got the WARN on 21 September, but just posted it to their website this week!  Last year AECOM merged with rival URS.

Indiana:  Food maker Sonoco shutting down their New Albany dough packaging plant by August 2016, at least 76 jobs lost.  In Evansville, Penny Lane Coffeehouse shutdown, the owner blamed ongoing construction that’s blocking access to his shop: “Very, very frustrated, I don’t feel like we’ve gotten any support from the City of Evansville. We’ve had our entrances blocked, which I know is a fire hazard, it’s just been an absolute nightmare!”-Brian Bennett, owner

Iowa: In Ames, after 31 years The Ark pet store shutting down, the property has been sold.

Kentucky:  In Louisville, Fabulous Finds second hand store shutdown because “…we felt the time was right to focus on our other philanthropic endeavors to benefit Heuser.”

Louisiana: Oil industry company Frank’s International announced it will eliminate an additional 1-hundred jobs, on top of the 6-hundred they got rid of during the first half of the year!

Massachusetts:  Boston Weak based Cabot Corporation eliminating 3-hundred jobs blaming the not so recovered global economy!  Cambridge based drugs pusher Biogen eliminating 880 jobs, saying it needs to save $250-million per year!

Minnesota: Saint Paul based 3M announced they’re killing 1-thousand 5-hundred jobs due to crashing sales caused by global currency wars!   In 2012 I wrote how 3M execs warned there was no economic recovery taking place.

Mississippi: In Jackson, after 62 years Lamar Restaurant shutdown: “The last four to five years it has really gone down. People just aren’t eating as many plate lunches as they were…..They want what I call plastic food.”-Chris Grillis, owner

Missouri: Saint Louis based iconic beer maker Anheuser-Busch offshoring less than 40 U.S. jobs to India, blaming crashing sales in the United States.

New York:  Grocery store Drew’s Food issued a shutdown WARN for their Brooklyn 4511-8th Avenue store, 51 jobs lost in January 2016 because it’s not worth it to renew the lease due to skyrocketing rents.  That Which Cannot Be Named refuses to stop Affordable Care Act from forcing Jewish Board of Family and Children Services from shutting down their Hempstead Mental Health Clinic & Nassau County Care Coordination Programs, 72 jobs lost at the end of the year.  Hillstone Restaurant Group shutting down its Houston’s Restaurant in Garden City, 71 jobs lost after Xmas because it’s not worth it to renew the lease due to skyrocketing rents.  Too Big to Jail British empire Barclays issued a mass layoff WARN saying more than 3-hundred New Yorkers will begin losing their jobs right after Xmas!

Ohio: Vallourec Star eliminated an additional 1-hundred jobs in Youngstown, on top of the 60 jobs killed off back in July!  It’s blamed on ‘low’ oil prices.  The Bon Ton shutting down their Lima Mall Elder Beerman store by the end of January 2016.

Texas: County of Zapata warned there will be even more layoffs as the size of the County’s budget has gone from $22-million USD per year down to just $12-million in the past five years! Local news reports say the County has eliminated jobs every year for five years.  What construction industry recovery?  In Gregory layoffs hit a factory under construction.  12 people working on a Chinese owned pipe factory laid off by TPCO due to bad “market conditions”.  In Orange, Invista shutting down one of its factories and eliminating 110 jobs due to crashing demand in the United States!  The factory they will shutdown makes oil based ingredients for the clothing and plastics industries.  Harland Clarke Holdings issued a shutdown WARN for its San Antonio financial forms factory, 107 jobs lost!

Vermont: In Stowe, Phoenix Table and Bar shutdown due to lack of money: “Here’s what happened. A big undertaking with hard-working staff doing twice the work that was needed to keep it going; an off-season looming without much cash; an exhausted ownership that needed a breather. Sorry, everyone!”-Julie Pickett

Washington: In Renton, Graphic Packaging issued a shutdown WARN, 108 people jobless before Xmas!  Colorado based oil and gas engineering company CH2M made it official and issued a shutdown WARN for their Bellingham operations, 128 jobs lost before Xmas! After 126 years (surviving the great Depression and numerous recessions) Fairhaven Pharmacy shutdown, the owner Rob Johansen blamed ObamaCare saying “Financially it is almost impossible to run an independent pharmacy. It’s a frustrating field to be in right now.” Redmond based Microsoft just announced yet another round of mass job destruction, this time 1-thousand more people will join the already 25-thousand 8-hundred people who’ve lost their jobs due to Microsoft!

West Virginia:  The Bon Ton shutting down their Huntington Mall Elder Beerman store by the end of January 2016.

Wisconsin: Affordable Care Act medical device tax killing yet another medical device maker. Cardiac Science now chapter 11 bankrupt busted, 190 jobs threatened!  The company has failed to make payments on $80-million USD of debt.  Milwaukee based iconic Harley Davidson motorcycles in big trouble after big losses in global sales, 250 people will become jobless as a result!  God refuses to stop ObamaCare from forcing ‘his’ Ministry Health Care from eliminating 5-hundred jobs from their hospital system!  Administrators say the Affordable Care Act does not cover the actual costs of providing healthcare!  In Whitewater, grocery store Daniel’s Sentry shutting down after Xmas, 53 jobs lost.

18 – 19 October 2015:“Once again…been dealt a severe financial blow…”

U.S. Pay TV loses nearly half million customers in 3 months!

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

Former employees who receive severance are not counted as unemployed

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) no longer issues mass layoff reports: “On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the- board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all ‘measuring green jobs’ products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data.”