02 March 2023 (09:59-UTC-07 Tango 06) 11 Esfand 1401/09 Sha’ban 1444/11 Yi-Mao 4721/02 марта 2023 года
The U.S. Department of Defense is blaming The CoViD Pandemic for a 1-thousand-7-hundred percent increase in medical events, just among military pilots, however, a whistleblowing anti-mRNA U.S. Army doctor says it is the mandated vaccines!
U.S. Army flight surgeon, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, has filed for whistleblower protection and publicly testified against the vaccine mandate. She also has a popular Twitter page where she keeps taxpayers informed of the shenanigans happening within the U.S. military.
It should be noted that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) relaxed health standards for pilots, specifically regarding heart health! Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long claims this is because the mandated mRNA has permanently damaged the hearts of pilots, both military and civilian!
A military news outlet spoke to the Defense Health Agency which quoted them a bunch of official data, revealing that the majority of medical events involving pilots were officially listed as “COVID-19 cases.” My family has personal experience with military doctors, and VA doctors, making the wrong diagnosis, sometimes resulting in the death of a relative!
The most recent and personal example involves my son. About a decade ago my son was in the U.S. Army, on Fort Gordon, Georgia. One day he called me and said he was being sent home, he explained something was wrong, he was in the hospital on post and they had diagnosed him with a “preexisting medical condition” and had medically discharged him. This happened over a 48 hours period.
When I picked him up at the Salt Lake City Airport I could tell there was something wrong. We drove home to Southeastern Idaho, and since it was a long day I told him to get some sleep and see how he is feeling in the morning. The next morning, while I was talking to him he suddenly presented all the classic symptoms of a stroke, he was only 18! I rushed him to our local hospital, which at that time was not able to handle neurological events and they immediately sent him down to University of Utah Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The doctors there said he was suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke, slowly bleeding out around his brain stem, he could have died. The preexisting condition medical discharge from the U.S. Army prevented him from getting help from the Veterans Affairs (VA)! He is still paying on more than $100-thousand in medical bills, the hospital finance administrators tricked him into getting a medical loan through our local Bannock County Indigent Services and you can’t file bankruptcy against a government issued loan!
To add insult to injury, a couple of years later he got a letter from the U.S. Army saying that they had reviewed what had happened and they would gladly take him back, but no offer to pay his medical bills. He correctly threw their letter in the trash.
I personally have experienced incompetent military doctors, going all the way back to when I was a six years old military dependent (in which I had to be resuscitated with adrenaline due to a U.S. Air Force doctor giving me the wrong medication) to my last physical with the Idaho Army National Guard in 2002.
Military doctors are protected from any type of legal action! You absolutely cannot trust the military, or VA, medical system!
Pandemic Perfidy:
Vaccine Fail, November 2022: