02 February 2023 (02:25-UTC-07 Tango 06) 13 Bahman 1401/11 Rajab 1444/12 Jia-Yin 4721/02 февраля 2023 года
“Although change is gradual across nations in the Western Hemisphere, the frequency at which these challenges present themselves is certainly increasing. Politics, migration policies and natural disasters amplify those realities and trigger migration.”–Commander Ray Caro, Chief of Intelligence U.S. Coast Guard for Operation Vigilant Sentry

In 2004, the administration of President George Walker Bush began Operation Vigilant Sentry, it is supposedly an anti-illegals operation overseen by Department of Homeland Security, but involving the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) Southern Command (SouthComm), Department of State (DoS), Department of Justice(DoJ), Health and Human Services, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Transportation Security Administration, Citizenship and Immigration Services, Secret Service, and state and local agencies.
Operation Vigilant Sentry targets ‘Boat People’ using the Caribbean Sea, south of the United States. Specifically: “…maritime migration originating from the Bahamas and Cuba through the Florida Straits, from Haiti through the Windward Pass, and from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico through the Mona Pass.”
On 21AUG2022, Homeland Security Task Force Southeast (HSTF-SE) shifted from Phase 1a: Steady State and Surge–Preparation to Phase 1b: Steady State and Surge–Prevention opperations. On 06JAN2023, the Florida National Guard was mobilized to deal with a flood of illegals in The sunshine State. On 10JAN2023, the State of Florida reported that already since the beginning of 2023, 5-thousand-184 ‘Boat People’ had landed on Florida beaches! Not only has Florida’s National Guard been mobilized, but Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Department of Law Enforcement and the Highway Patrol are now on alert for coastal migration.

“Just about every vessel we encounter in these voyages were constructed haphazardly with improvised materials and were taking on water. The few vessels that appeared to be well built were dangerously overloaded and capsizing was imminent when we arrived on scene. It’s very dangerous to try and cross the Florida Straits this way.”-Chief Warrant Officer Matthew James, U.S. Coast Guard Islamorada Station
The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) reported that approximately 65 Boat People died in 2022. Compare that to 2021 when the USCG counted 17 dead, and in 2020 only five deaths.
The never ending flood of Boat People can be traced back to the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 (passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Lyndon Baines Johnson) which made it easy for Cubans to get U.S. citizenship. Then in 1995, the administration of President William Jefferson Clinton revised the 1966 Act, basically saying if Cubans could set foot on dry land then they were U.S. citizens, it is known as the Wet Foot/Dry Foot Policy. In 2017, the administration of President Barack Hussein Obama the Second ended Wet Foot/Dry Foot (just days before Donald John Trump took office) in the hopes of reducing the skyrocketing numbers of Cuban Boat People.
According to Northwestern University’s Immigrant Connect, the ending of Wet Foot/Dry Foot did not stop Boat People from Cuba, Cubans simply switched to claiming to be asylum seekers. The USCG reported a slight decrease in Cuban Boat People during the administration of President Donald John Trump, but since President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior took office the numbers are skyrocketing, again.
“As Haiti’s overall situation continues to erode, our crews have witnessed an alarming uptick in maritime migration; we see spikes in this dangerous activity following natural disasters or socio-economical events. These vessels are shockingly overloaded; when you see it firsthand, it’s almost unbelievable. Smugglers are coercing desperate people to endure unthinkable conditions for long periods of time. Many of our crews arrive just in time to rescue them from peril.”-Captain Robert Kinsey, Operations Chief for Operation Vigilant Sentry
But let us not blame just U.S. presidents, or Cubans. In 1998, the U.S. Congress passed the Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act, also known as The Green Card for Haitian Refugees. It allowed many refugees, and their children, to become U.S. citizens, after a specific period of time.
USCG video by Petty Officer Third Class Ryan Graves, boat full of Cubans captured near Islamorada, Florida, 12JAN2023. The illegals were sent back to Cuba on 18JAN2023:
Since the beginning of Fiscal 2023 (which began in October 2022), four months ago, the USCG has captured 5-thousand-321 Cubans and 1-thousand-766 Haitians, and despite that, the state of Florida is so overwhelmed with Boat People that they had to mobilize their National Guard! The question is, can the 18 years old Operation Vigilant Sentry be considered successful?
2015: U.S. Army South conducts ‘Boat People’ wargame!
Biden’s Borderland:
Biden’s Borderland, December 2022: Haitians in Florida celebrate 50 years of illegal Boat People operations!