Tag Archives: occupy

“This isn’t foster care, this is state-sponsored kidnapping!”: U.S. government shenanigans, June 2018

Incomplete (i-e ‘Tip of the Iceberg’) list of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct revelations for June 2018:

Tax Foundation: To What Extent Does Your State Rely on Property Taxes?

USA TODAY:  By 2021, these 8 states will have no income tax

ALABAMA: tax delinquency amnesty program begins July 1

Seven Ways Alabama Has Made It Harder to Vote

Rail Commission apologizes, while former member continues to attack Alabama governor

Mobile Council Asks Alabama taxpayers for Amtrak Money

Alabama team showcases state for foreign investment 

ALASKA: What global warming? It’s June, but one Alaska community just got half a foot of snow

Walker signs oil credit payment bill amid lawsuit controversy

troopers search government offices for evidence of malfeasance

State Trooper’s mail among items recovered in arrest

trade war deals heavy blow to Alaska’s fishing industry

Alaska receives $56-million from federal taxpayers for salmon fishery disaster

State healthcare refuses to pay for sex-change

New law bans restaurant tip sharing with all employees

ARIZONA:  Attorney General’s mother’s name forged on state Senate campaign’s paperwork

Arizona can’t deny driver’s licenses to ‘dreamers’

More than 1,600 immigrant children in Arizona facilities

Ducey vows to keep troops at Arizona, Mexico border

Arizona agrees to ease some restrictions for people registering to vote

ARKANSAS:  Federal officials inspect Little Rock Air Force Base, for potential immigrant housing

Democrats ask governor to stop deploying Arkansas National Guard soldiers to Mexico border

lobbyist admits role in bribery of state lawmakers

State politician arrested failing to pay taxes

Arkansas senator gets 18 months in prison in fraud case

Consolidating state taxpayer funded data centers could cost $15-million USD

Arkansas court clears way for medical marijuana

$2.2 Million Medicaid Fraud Arrest

CALIFORNIA: Taxpayer funded DynCorp eliminating 118 jobs at Fort Irwin, by the end of July!

Gov’na Brown signs largest ever tax spending bill 

Gov’na Brown forces taxpayers to give the movie/TV industry $330-million USD!

San Francisco Is So Expensive, You Can Make Six Figures and Still Be ‘Low Income’

Non-citizens Get Narrow Access to vote in San Francisco

Democrat politicians demand democrat gov’na stop sending National Guard to patrol border with Mexico

Democrat Dianne Feinstein is being challenged by Democrats

California bans local soda taxes

California’s state-level travel ban blocks Oklahoma politicians!

new water restrictions send residents fleeing to saner states

illegal to shower and do laundry on the same day?

Cop sentenced to nearly 8 years in prison for sex crimes

wildfire leads governor to declare emergency

‘Weed Apocalypse’ dawns as new California marijuana quality control law could destroy ganja dispensaries

landlords say they’ll back caps on rent increases — if a big rent control measure goes away (say, isn’t a cap on rent the same as rent control?)

The Californization of America

COLORADO: taxpayer funded one-stop website for business registration, licensing

leftist Colorado to adopt California’s stricter car pollution rules

Bill for Failed Colorado anti-homosexual/pro-christian bakery owner lawsuit sent to taxpayers

6 Questions About Colorado’s true reasons for Suing Opioid Drug Makers

 6 Wildfires

hail storm caused estimated $169M in losses (and that’s just for people who had insurance)

Oil And Gas industry threatens Taxpayers not to Vote Against new Drilling

CONNECTICUT:  Refuses to send National Guard to patrol U.S. border with Mexico

State Comptroller’s Office has been forcing non-union members to pay union dues!

Imposes internet sales tax

State taxpayers forced to pay $80-million USD in ‘economic assistance’, supposedly to create 19-thousand jobs!

State taxpayers forced to give professors an 11% pay raise! 

State Department of Energy and Environmental Protection demanding that taxpayers start counting Wild Turkeys!

DELAWARE: Tiny state of Delaware has a new $4.2 Billion taxpayer funded Budget

draws $322,135 in bets on Day 1 of full-scale sports betting

new anti-2nd Amendment Firearm Confiscation Law

Refuses to send National Guard to patrol U.S. border with Mexico 

anti-American Delaware leases its Port of Wilmington to United Arab Emirates!

Attorney and University of Delaware trustee resigns amid sex crimes accusations

FLORIDA: Over 100 new Florida laws 

Judge halts ban on smoking medical marijuana

Suicides rates in Florida have risen over 10 percent

Taxpayer funded contractors  sparked Eastpoint fire that destroyed 36 homes

Hurricane Irma emergency contracts cost taxpayers millions

new $88.7 billion taxpayer funded budget

Florida ranks pretty low in household earnings

Another reason why it’s not lack of gun control laws; for some unknown reason Florida stopped doing gun permit checks for more than a year

GEORGIA: Lawsuit tries to force Georgia to use paper ballots in 2018 elections

Candidate for Governor Bought Condo From Lobbyist

Secret recording shows Candidate backed ‘bad’ bill to hurt gov race rival

Federal taxpayers giving Georgia millions of tax dollars to create pay-as-you-go toll roads on state highway 400!

State taxpayers forced to pay $100-million USD for new bus route on state highway 400!

Georgia forcing state taxpayers to pay for attracting ‘Hollywood’ production companies!

Oil and gas industry begins hard lobbying for political support of offshore drilling

voters in two districts were given the wrong ballots?

Georgia police officer stalked and hunted black man

Veteran protesting treatment by VA sets himself on fire 

GUAM: America’s day begins in Guam

No abortion providers on Guam

Baby left at doorstep

Extended tax amnesty ends

Governor’s office security takes toll on police budget

Guam Memorial Hospital under investigation for ripping off federal taxpayers

Whistle-blower reveals Department of Land shredded hundreds of property titles?

11 beaches polluted

HAWAII: housing is so expensive that the gov’na is forcing taxpayers to add $210M to affordable housing funds

The gov’na says Hawaii Not Ready For Police Standards 

What A Constitutional Convention Might Cost Hawaiian Taxpayers

What a Washington state based political Consultant Is Doing In Hawaii Is A Mystery

Revealed; farmers in Hawaii have been allowed to use ‘secret’ pesticides!

IDAHO:  Skeptical crowd questions Avista sale to Canadian utility

Idaho usurps federal EPA water regulation, gov’na calls it “a big day for Idaho.”

State taxpayers spent millions sending prisoners to other states, and it didn’t work

Foreign and domestic migration to The Gem State has resulted in massive prison overcrowding, taxpayers asked to spend $500-million USD to build new state prison!

 ‘dirty laundry’ in Idaho’s open meeting law?

“Idaho State University students peacefully protesting our Republican convention. Do you think I should show these girls the empty 30mm shell I have in the truck?”

Bingham County Sheriff’s deputy kills herself

Nampa man dies while in Bonneville County Jail

Idaho’s insane mental health ‘system’ draws standing room only crowd to public forum!

Is Pocatello mental health Crisis Center a ‘game changer’, or too little too late?

The exalted leaders of Pocatello/Bannock County can’t stop lying about how great their economy is, so here’s a reality check; “Pocatello couldn’t stay out of the top ten poorest places in Idaho”Roadsnacks.net

United Way released its new poverty/ALICE rankings and Bannock County (where Pocatello is located) ranked 46% combined poverty/ALICE (18% poverty, 28% ALICE), meaning almost half of people living in the county are struggling with everyday necessities.  United Way also declared that the so called recovery from The Great Recession is “flat”, meaning no economic recovery despite all the taxpayer funded construction projects.  (clue; when taxpayers fund the majority of construction projects it’s usually a sign the private sector is in trouble)

New Idaho laws take effect on July 1

ILLINOIS: Federal Government Ends Oversight of Cook County Jail’s Medical Center

$53-million to rebuild veteran’s home?

Illinois budgets $200 million for Obama-related projects, $0 for Veteran Grant Program

Taxpayer funded buyouts of state employee retirement pensions will take time due to complexities

new taxpayer funded state budget is just ‘more of the same’

Taxpayers want Illinois to secede from Obama’s money pit Chicago

Fight Against Chicago Streaming Tax

Most Dangerous Cities in Illinois

Illinois is home to more units of government than any other state — nearly 7,000!

Children Cleared to Leave Psychiatric Hospitals—But Can’t

the 2nd highest black unemployment rate

INDIANA: New Indiana laws

$25-million in emergency funding for Child Services

Revealed that the state government has been sitting on $21.6-million USD in taxes (since the 1990s) that should’ve been distributed to local municipalities! 

 abortion tally grew 6.8 percent 

Repeal of state ‘sub-minimum’ wage law could kill employers of disabled workers

Federal court halts Indiana’s attempt to purge duplicate voter registrations

IOWA: Seven counties declared disaster areas

Train derails, spills 230,000 gallons of oil into river

governor’s race will shatter spending record

court reduces government liability for road safety

Court halts fetal heartbeat abortion law

New voter ID rules 

KANSAS:  judge strikes down Kansas voter law requiring proof of citizenship

Kansas outsourcing taxpayer funded InfoTech jobs

Kansas uses robot chatbox to answer taxpayer’s complaints

tuition and fee increases for state universities

New sales tax law

Taxpayer funded Federal Fund Exchange to improve roads?

National Guard to haul bottled water to Norton

Foster Kids Sleeping In ‘christian’ contractor’s Offices

Innocent man spent 16 years in prison, activist group says at least 5-hundred innocent people are in state prison, Kansas now offering 65-thousand tax dollars for every year of wrongful imprisonment to prisoners found innocent!

KENTUCKY: judge blocks Kentucky’s Medicaid work requirements

Judge Rules Kentucky Pension Law Unconstitutional

Kentucky has one of the worst economies in the U.S.

Non-profits hit by new sales tax law

New tax laws so confusing that tax dollars are being spent on a website to explain them!

Finally, Bourbon Without Borders

LOUISIANA:  food stamp program threatened with shutdown

‘Too many broken promises’

New sales tax rate in effect

spending tax dollars on website to monitor state tax spending

Special sessions costing Louisiana taxpayers a pretty penny

Louisiana pays 42 million tax dollars to settle lawsuits

State no longer incarceration capital

state trooper accused of raping 16-year-old girl

FBI probing vote-buying allegations

innocent man spent 40 years in prison!

MAINE: voters blew up their votng system 

19 Eel Smugglers Sentenced, But Lucrative illegal Trade Persists

Uptick in Child Abuse, Neglect Cases

Maine Senate candidate arrested at border

gender-neutral driver licenses

MARYLAND: Up to 80,000 voters will have to file provisional ballots

Race to spend taxpayer money on pay-as-you-go toll roads

Maryland Area Regional Commuter train can’t make mandatory federal safety upgrades?

Google stops taking political ads in Maryland

New Maryland laws

crab houses expect to go without immigrant workers

Taxpayer funded California based engineering company AECOM issued a WARN, at least 173 jobs gone by August due to the taxpayer funded contract being ‘reduced’!

MASSACHUSETTS: $15 Minimum Wage, Required Paid Leave 

Refuses to send National Guard troops to U.S. border with Mexico

Gov’na’s son accused of sex crimes

3 State Police Troopers Charged With Theft

Senate approves ‘red flag’ gun bill without roll call vote

Taxpayers forced to give scientists $500-million USD

State’s highest court kills ‘millionaires’ tax’

Stranded Passengers Furious After Green Line Suspension

Puerto Rican refugees in Massachusetts face homelessness


Grand Rapids based and federal taxpayer funded Bethany Christian Services (who’s slogan is Bringing & Keeping Families Together) “…an adoption center with financial ties to [Education Secretary] Betsy DeVos, has taken 81 immigrant children who were forcibly separated from their parents at the border. Most have had no contact with their families. They’re charging $700 per child per night. This isn’t foster care, this is state-sponsored kidnapping!”

Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) issued a shutdown WARN for three counties, 318 jobs gone if cash strapped voters don’t approve more taxpayer funding!

Michigan to close prison as part of budget agreement

On Medicaid? Then you better get a job!

lawmakers’ repeal prevailing wage law

Taxpayers forced to ‘grant’ schools $17-billion USD!

Michigan State University forces taxpayers to make $500-million settlement!

Federal taxpayers funding Michigan contractors who steal immigrant children!

Wayne County approves new $533 million jail complex

It’s official — There’s a housing shortage in Michigan

Domino’s Pizza is paving the nation’s potholes, but not Michigan’s

Innocent man who spent 25 years in prison is barely surviving on SNAP and SS!

MINNESOTA: Big Medicare shift coming to Minnesota

Disability job program cut

‘It’s going to be a mess’ come tax season

MNLARS repair money running out

Supreme Court throws out Minnesota voter attire law

Watchdog nonprofit sues Minnesota for Amazon HQ2 details

Federal taxpayers funding Minnesota contractors who steal immigrant children!

police officer arrested for assaulting, threatening wife

MISSISSIPPI:  Foster care takeover fight

Protesters torch Mississippi flag

Taxpayers forced to spend an additional $56-million USD on water projects

In a state with only one clinic, Mississippi approves the most restrictive abortion law in the U.S.

Court rules that Mississippi Judges can’t regulate concealed guns

over 2000 teacher job openings!

MISSOURI: Missouri loses millions of dollars in taxes

Top adviser to new Missouri governor owes nearly $300,000 in back taxes

dark-money group a ‘criminal enterprise’ 

Woman seeks apology after government workers caught shaming family

State Treasurer launches annual effort to find owners of $1 billion worth of unclaimed property

Innocent man spent 36 years and 10 days in prison!

MONTANA: Hacktivists targeting state computers

Contract public defenders sue over hourly rate decrease

State prison system torturing disabled prisoners?

Missing and murdered indigenous women in Montana

Montana tribe can’t account for $14.5 million in taxpayer grants

Auditor says state Dept. of Transportation covering up how it spends your money!

Judge temporarily blocks Medicaid cuts

Montana tops national trend of increasing suicide rates

What global warming? June snowstorm hits Montana’s mountains

NEBRASKA: Driverless shuttle arrives in Lincoln

officials demand access to health records of women referred for emergency abortions​

Judge orders Nebraska to release lethal injection records

prisons playing major role in mental health care

prison employees complain of no pay raises, blames their union

Prison employee arrested for meth

22 arrested in sex trafficking sting

state tax collections lower than expected

Nebraska one of top states for rise in home prices

New hunting permit payment

Military medals found among 200 safe deposit boxes the state raids every year

NEVADA: marijuana tax revenue blows past 12-month projections

How Tesla uses cash from Nevada casinos to boost its bottom line

$5 million electric utility dollars (meaning utility customers ultimately pay) approved for electric car charging stations

Taxpayer funded Nevada boards pay more than allowed by law, more than even the gov’na!

New car insurance law

Man pleads guilty to voter fraud

Nuclear Dumping Ground: It’s not Just Yucca Mountain

NEW HAMPSHIRE: New Hampshire Suicide Rates Are Skyrocketing

surplus spending bill (interesting because in April they said they were short on cash)

NH wants $3.1 Million in federal taxpayer funded Election Security Funding

NH cop accused of illegal search

Gov’na refuse to deploy National Guard to border 

New Hampshire Fish and Game involved in secret shooting?

 2017 was deadliest year for drug overdoses

NEW JERSEY: More than 8 people are dying from drug overdoses in NJ each day

NJ Refuse to Send National Guard to U.S.-Mexico border

Fire suppression system causes taxpayer funded data center outage

Five New Jersey Police Officers Charged With Theft and Misconduct

NEW MEXICO:  Land commissioner sues top water official

New Mexico ranks last in child well-being

 state tax secretary accused in court of corruption

Tax revenue soars, due to surging oil production

11 Children, Youth and Families Department employees accused of mishandling child sex crimes

NEW YORK: A NYC cop Lied to the Grand Jury. Now She’s Going to Jail.

The NYPD Sex Crimes Unit Still Needs Help

Prisoners Endure A Nightmare ‘Gulag’ In Lower Manhattan

Freed prisoner says other prisoners are innocent

NYC Cop who killed student is freed after only four months

Separated Children Have Quietly Been Sent to New York

New York City Housing Authority, Accused of Endangering Residents

NORTH CAROLINA:  Lawmakers Override governor,  Cap Income Tax

One third of new tax payer funded state budget going to the Piedmont Triad’s 12 counties

sheriff accused of calling Latinos ‘taco-eaters’ 

New ‘certificates of relief’ allows employers hire people with multiple felony convictions

State Department of Commerce accused of using unreliable data

North Carolina ranked 55.06 out of a possible 99.99 on its economy

first to make $15 minimum wage law for (most) state employees

Victory for Whistleblowers 

NORTH DAKOTA: Another round of state employee buyouts (voluntary separation incentive program) was launched, last year the state convinced 159 employees to quit at a cost of 2.9-million tax dollars.

District courts demand more employees

State auditor orders gov’na to stop using taxpayer funded aircraft for “commuting to or from personal residences”

Taxpayers forced to pay $4.6-million USD in Outdoor Heritage Fund grants

Department of Transportation reveals that fixing state roads will put the state in debt by $14.6-billion

Oil revenues exceed forecast, but state budget boost unlikely

What Ever Happened To The Dakota Access Pipeline?

voter I-D changes

Small town to ‘dissolve’ over ‘supremacy’ accusations

North Dakota fines CenturyLink $25,000 due to One Call violations

Suicide rates in North Dakota saw largest spike nationwide

OHIO: Federal taxpayers forced to give $16-million USD to help PTT Global Chemical ethane plant

Oil and gas companies to be exempted from Ohio taxes?

Montgomery County jacks-up sales tax

New law forces teachers to out students

Ohio State University dissolves its Sexual Civility and Empowerment (SCE) unit 

 ‘Pastor Protection’ Law

 Dayton’s Water More Dangerous Than Previously thought

Mercy Health fined $14.25 million

Innocent man spent 16 years in prison!

Bazetta Police Officer fired following alleged assault

police officer fired for abuse of power

Cop Fired After Racist Posts About his Boss

Fired police officers often have edge in arbitration cases

Police to be replaced by drones in the sky

man dies after being Tasered by police

man mistakenly attacked by police K-9 wants answers

114 illegal immigrants caught working for Ohio landscaper

146 illegal immigrants caught working for Ohio meat plant

Neighbors Call Police on 12-Year-Old Boy Who Was Mowing a Lawn

OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma is not only number one in the nation for locking people up in prison, it’s number one in the entire world!!!

Innocent man spent 26 years in prison!

Ex-cop jailed after multi-county pursuit

Oklahoma Ethics Commission files lawsuit against Gov. Mary Fallin, legislative leaders

University of Oklahoma releases police reports related to former professor

Oklahoma State University jacks-up tuition

Oklahoma drops into the bottom 10 states for child well-being

Suicide rate increases by 37 percent

OREGON:  TV show reveals innocent woman spent 12 years in prison!

Police kill man who was trying to stop a fight

Portland police commander arrested after DUII crash 

Newport police sergeant arrested on sex abuse charges 

Thousands of drivers are violating school bus stop laws 

Oregon.gov blacklisted

State employees hit with new transportation tax

Comcast settlement will be used to shore-up failing local government employee retirement funds

PENNSYLVANIA:  Innocent man spent 25 years in prison!

Police Officer Charged With Homicide

Aliquippa assistant police chief charged with sending sexually explicit material to minor

Berks detention center for immigrant families still in operation

Report finds ‘grave’ concern with Pennsylvania’s death penalty law

Natural gas is one of the cleanest burning fuels, yet state taxpayers are being forced to pay for new anti-natural gas laws.

Governor to sign utility-backed measure drawing criticism

Two taxpayer funded gentrification/private sector redevelopment bills enacted under the guise of ‘eradicating blight’.

Where did $13M in taxpayer funded public salaries go?

40 percent of households struggle to make ends meet

Taxpayers forced to give newborns a $100 scholarship

LGBTQA Hagerstown Hopes co-founded pled guilty to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from employer

Bell Acres councilman accused in court of driving through crowd of protesters

PUERTO RICO:  Florida donates taxpayer funded cop cars to Puerto Rico 

78 killings in one month

True ‘official’ storm death toll to skyrocket after court ruling

How Puerto Rico Maxed Out On taxpayer funded Bonds

Taxpayer funded Electrical Grid Still ‘Teetering’,  despite that Tesla claims it has ‘about 11000’ energy storage projects underway in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico attempts to Become 51st State

Thousands of people threatened with homelessness as FEMA cuts off assistance, despite the fact that taxpayer funded FEMA just awarded a contractor $189-million USD!

RHODE ISLAND:  A third taxpayer funded state government lawyer found to have no license to practice

Department of Transportation snafu could cost taxpayers $4M

Anybody ever hear of Hospital Operation Room smoke caused by “energy generating devices” (aka ‘electrosurgical smoke’)? Apparently it’s become such a problem that Rhode Island is the first state in the U.S. to force taxpayers to make hospital O-Rs smoke free!

Malware breach at 3 state agencies

Rhode Island creates taxpayer funded ‘trucks only’ pay-as-you-go toll roads

New state law bans cellphones while driving

Local police chiefs say they can’t comply with new mental health training rules because of the costs

Councilman harassed East Providence city employees

Treasurer for Block Island fire department accused of embezzling

Cop arrested for domestic assault uses legal judo flip and accuses his victim of violating a little known state law! 

SOUTH CAROLINA: Local governments force taxpayers to give businesses millions in incentives, but the math is fuzzy

Veteran senator resigns after pleading guilty

Pickens cop arrested after crashing car with child inside, the cop was drunk

distracted deputy nearly runs over students getting on school bus 

Separated Children Have Quietly Been Sent to South Carolina

James Island town residents face 13 percent property tax increase

SOUTH DAKOTA:  sheriff loses re-election, fires winning deputy

ex-cop, veteran gets jail time for meth

postmaster fined $353K for stealing $9K from post office

Opioid fentanyl causing spike in overdoses

Data breach, ballot question and beer laws 

TransCanada files bond for Keystone XL

$126 million in taxes reaped from Wharf Mine

State prison system sued over lack of taxpayer funded computer tablets for prisoners

TENNESSEE: Over 150 new laws

New Tax Laws

$230M Medicare Fraud

Woman suspended from taxpayer funded job after being accused of having an affair with Tennessee Bureau of Investigation boss

Middle Tennessee State University police officer accused of theft

TEXAS:  Dallas Police Chief Meets Citizens After City Leaders Question Crime Stats

Arrest Warrants Issued for 4 Dallas Police Officers

Lexington police chief accused of misusing official information

Corsicana police officer placed on leave after DWI arrest

Waco PD officer convicted 

Texas is 4th Most Unsafe State

Texas tent camp for migrant children

State Agencies Ordered to Cut Supplemental Budgets by 10 Percent despite a Billion Dollar Windfall 

1 in 4 Texas clinics closed 

Contents of taxpayer funded natural disaster response building infected with blood sucking parasites

UTAH: Why do so many Mormons back Trump?  (the author of this article needs to come to Mormon dominated Idaho, Idaho Mormons don’t like Trump)

‘Domestic foreigner’ (former elitist gov’na of Massachusetts) Mitt Romney wins GOP primary in Utah

Proof that elections are just another form of bribery: Sheriff candidates are the big spenders in Utah

‘Handcuffed’ cities: the new transportation tax

State taxpayer funded study of marijuana repeatedly delayed

Zionist-Nazi U.S. taxpayer funded Israeli ‘homeland security’ company to open Utah location

Mystery Utah data center gets tax break approval

Prisoners forced to pay tribute to Mormon pioneers!

Lawsuit filed by widow of Ogden man killed in prison settled out of court

Pro-police, anti-gun judge sides with Ogden cops as he dismisses a gun-rights lawsuit by a man who went to the police for medical help! Instead of helping him the cops broke his leg and arrested him for having a gun, which is our Constitutional Right!

Ex-SWAT deputy files $1M suit against Davis County

Retention, recruitment ‘killing’ Utah police and fire departments (short 600 cops statewide)

Provo city council may raise property taxes to face ‘crisis’ in police force

Sandy City forcing taxpayers to spend $1 million to recruit police officers

Creating Utah’s Newest Police Department

Massive ‘clean-up’ effort underway at ‘illegal’ homeless encampments

Free-range(?) parenting gets legal protection in Utah (gee, when I was a kid that was normal parenting, mom yelling at the kids to go outside and stay outta da gott-damned house)

Five Utah Counties implement evil emissions testing for diesel powered vehicles 

VERMONT: State taxpayers being ripped off by privately run prisons that have record of killing prisoners.

Vermont suicide rates far outpace nation’s

dysfunctional tax system

Border Patrol plans 5 more checkpoints for immigration

Why Vermont Will Pay You $10000 To Move There And Work ‘Remotely

reduced Unemployment Insurance taxes for employers (which will probably result in reduced unemployment assistance for workers)

Residents now forced by state law to buy failed ObamaCare-ACA insurance!

VIRGINIA:  Taxpayer funded Northrop Grumman lost its 13 years old $2-billion USD InfoTech contract with the state, 348 people now hoping a new InfoTech contractor will be hired!

Governor orders probe of abuse claims by immigrant children

The ins and outs of Virginia’s new Medicaid expansion

The owner of the Red Hen explains why she asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave

James River Air Conditioning Co. settles federal lawsuit for $625,000, for underpaying employees working under federal taxpayer funded contracts!

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality website hacked

State taxpayers forced to give an ADDITIONAL $50-million USD to law enforcement agencies!

Virginia police captain arrested for possession of child pornography

Cops shoot each other during gun training, two wounded!

Dayton police chief demoted

Two Lynchburg officers indicted in shooting that left an innocent homeowner blind!

City confirms police employee spoke on white nationalist’s podcast

student bloodied in arrest reaches settlement with the state

WASHINGTON:  State Trooper in trouble for flying confederate flag at home (what happened to Freedom of Expression?)

Seattle cracks down on loud vehicle exhausts

Seattle’s new ‘sleeping dragon’ police-state tactics

Deputy in standoff charged with assault

Police Accused Of Lying

Seattle quietly steals homeless people’s vehicles, under the guise of picking up trash!

Western State Hospital’s failures blamed on gov’na

British empire member Canada acquires key pipeline link to Washington refineries

Seattle landlords competing for scarce tenants

WASHINGTON DC: the highest black unemployment rate

The Supreme Court Blesses Voter Purges

Are DC’s poorest neighborhoods falling off the electoral map?

Residents Sue Washington DC For Racist Gentrification Practices

DC police commander removed amid rise in homicides

Family of cop killed by ‘friendly’ fire during police ambush files lawsuit against police

WEST VIRGINIA: High-level state Judge to be impeached for fraud, witness tampering and misuse of government property!

lawmaker sues governor to force him to move 

Wild & Not So Wonderful Waste Of Taxpayer Dollars On Display

Politicians blame others for failed taxpayer funded recovery after 2016 floods

Elk captured in Arizona died awaiting release in West Virginia

Elitist Gov’na hasn’t paid years of taxes on family’s historic properties, and nobody wants to buy them!  

WISCONSIN: NBA player sues Milwaukee police, claiming excessive force

Wisconsin’s first arrest from a massive rape kits backlog

Retired Beloit officer charged with child sex assault

Scott Walker orders National Guard troops to U.S./Mexico border

Wisconsin poverty rate up despite job gains

Taxpayers forced to pay for new emergency services radio system

Bird scooters illegal to operate

WYOMING: State Auditor Charged us $8,000 And We’ll Finally Receive The State Checkbook By 2048

The people of Wyoming deserve transparency about government spending

Number of new Wyoming oil and gas wells rose 60 percent 

Highway Patrol trooper shoots and kills dog

Jackson, Teton County lose cops, apparently because of lack of pay

In an attempt to retain cops, Cheyenne Police Department relaxes tattoo rules

Increase in arrogant/ignorant bicyclists violating traffic laws prompts cops to make bike video

9-1-1 called numerous times because of loud music being played at University of Wyoming’s football practice

Welcome to Quebec 01 Missile Alert Facility

U.S. government shenanigans, May 2018: ‘ZOMBIE ALERT’ IS FOR REAL

Dumbing Down the U.S.A., June 2018:  “LOCKDOWN, LOCKDOWN”

ObamaCare (ACA) death spiral, June 2018: “…WE HAD THE WORST YEAR…EVER…”

Drugs, The American Way, June 2018: ‘THE DREAM MARKET’

‘American’ Military Spread Thin: North America Front, May 2018

“Lockdown, lockdown”: Dumbing Down the U.S.A., June 2018

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”-George Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair)

 Disappearing Students Syndrome (DSS): A phrase created by me to describe a phenomenon taking place across the United States, affecting both privately and publicly funded schools, from Kindergarten all the way through University levels.

Incomplete (Tip-o-the-Iceberg) list of publicly announced education related layoffs, shutdowns and crimes, June 2018:

ALASKA: No incumbents seeking reelection to Fairbanks school board

Fairbanks school bus contractor on road to improvement

Students take hunting challenge

ALABAMA: Locker room attack victim calls for firing of Davidson coach

School board approves Baldwin County dress code changes

Teaching offer rescinded for Limestone County superintendent’s daughter

ARIZONA: Organizers of education funding initiative defend taxing Arizona’s wealthiest

Arizona to use VW settlement money for new diesel powered school buses

Arizona Summit Law School on verge of losing American Bar Association accreditation

State education board votes to put over-budget Phoenix school district into receivership

Poverty is so bad that…Tucson-area schools, centers offering free meals… and …Back to School Clothing Drive supports classrooms

School districts release teacher pay info

ARKANSAS: Safety panel backs arming Arkansas school staffers

Rules to accredit Arkansas schools revised

State places school district on probation

Arkansas Teacher Salary Falls Three Notches

statewide teacher shortage

North Little Rock school exec to get $213000 to resign

Earle School District improperly spent about $766,000 on personnel costs using state funds specifically meant for education

Arkansas No. 1 in percentage of students at risk

CALIFORNIA: U.S. Education Department opens investigation into USC after gynecologist scandal

Acclaimed UC Irvine geneticist resigns due to sexual harassment

Three UC campuses did not consistently discipline faculty accused of sexual misconduct, state auditor finds

LA Unified’s spending

High opt-out rates on state exam continue to frustrate school district

California Will Be Fourth State to Sue Over Student Loans

COLORADO: After 47 years god’s own alternative school La Academia shutting down in Denver due to The Rapture, although they’re actually blaming it on competition from other schools.

Colorado Springs charter school on brink of closing stymied by D-11

Colorado approves $447 million in school construction

Colorado Dept. of Education worker sentenced to 12 years for ‘upskirt’ photos, videos

Board of Education rejects proposal to have students discuss gun benefits

Four Colorado Springs-area school projects benefit from marijuana-funded grants

CONNECTICUT: New Haven Public Schools issued 1-thousand-1-hundred layoff notices, due to a sudden budget reduction of $5-million USD as a result of state taxpayer funding cuts!  Washington based online used book seller Thrift Books Global issued a shutdown WARN for its Windsor Locks location, 54 jobs gone by July.

School safety bill vetoed by the governor

Region 10 School District to Arm Security Guards 

Student arrested for East Hartford High School social media threat

Coach Resigned, 2 Teachers on Leave Amid Investigation

Torrington Superintendent Resigns Amid Allegations of Neglect

Nearly $1 million was stolen from Connecticut Higher Education Trust

Ansonia’s mayor blames superintendent, board for school budget crisis

Ansonia and Derby Consider Merging School Districts

Windsor Lock revising grading system after backlash

Plainfield Mom Furious After Son Gets ‘ADD Award’

School Districts Struggle To Comply With New Student Data Privacy Law

DELAWARE: Delaware Backs Down on Letting Students Self-Identify Race, Gender

Sussex Tech School Board facing calls to resign 

Teacher Faces Sentencing on Child Sex Charge

FLORIDA:  new home for Troops to Teachers program 

Duval schools continue to lag in state reading, math

Florida Education Association employee arrested for shoplifting

GEORGIA: DeKalb schools sue to block Atlanta annexation

Georgia universities seek more rural students

Dying teacher’s request: Backpacks filled with school supplies

Kroger to give school supplies to GA teachers

Teacher pension funding behind cost increase for local taxpayers 

State taxpayer funding for Georgia teachers’ pension should begin to ease

State to hire construction managers for 4 taxpayer funded university projects that will cost at least $104-million

Polk School District created a dedicated taxpayer funded school Police Department, they’ve already got new taxpayer funded cars and locks on school doors 

Richmond County schools are failing, state taxpayer funded Department of Education taking over

Ever hear of the taxpayer funded Stop the Bleed program? Neither have the schools it’s supposed to support!

GUAM: Island paradise is short 300 teachers!

10 simple steps to become a University of Guam student

U.S. taxpayers (via U.S. Department of the Interior) giving Guam $2.5-million USD in fiscal year 2018 for various programs including scholarships 

Election complaint names GDOE superintendent

HAWAII: 84% of teachers choosing to leave Hawaii

Hawaii Will Pay $10.25 Million To Settle Special Education Lawsuit

Hawaii Schools fail To Address Bullying

Hawaii Farm to School program gets $100000 in federal tax funding

IDAHO: The state Board of Education approved an alcohol permit for home games at University of Idaho.

Idaho is tied with North Dakota for last place in the nation in early childhood education participation.

Taxpayers funding the largest Summer school for immigrants yet (200 students) in Minidoka County

Test results show Idaho student SAT scores dropped

Idaho Latinos least likely to have college degrees

For some reason ‘holocaust’ education is being forced upon grade school students.

Moscow School District ramps up vaccination rates.

District 93’s Special Education Program Struggles to Keep Up

Idaho Teacher Accused of Feeding live Puppy to Turtle Charged With Animal Cruelty 

Idaho school office dig fails to find body of missing woman

U.S. News & World Report: Idaho has the highest rate per capita of child marriage in the United States.

ILLINOIS: Western Illinois University suddenly laid off 24 people with only two days notice, and 62 vacant positions will not be filled, due to crashing enrollments (DSS).  God powerless to stop ‘his’ DePaul University from suddenly eliminating 62 jobs due to The Rapture, I mean DSS.  In 2012 the university had more than 16-thousand undergraduates, by 2017 undergraduates dropped to 14,816.  The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago issued a shutdown WARN, 155 jobs gone by Xmas!

Six-Figure Illinois Educators Cost Taxpayers $3.7 Billion

Illinois Teacher Shortage?

Teachers take gun class at Farmer City

‘No way in hell’: School board member accused of using racism to ban books 

Illinois Among Biggest Spenders For Higher Education

School leaders worry about cost of mandated pay raises for teachers

INDIANA: Carmel Clay Schools spending taxpayer money on rebuilding/relocating two elementary schools despite their own 2016 survey results showing enrollments declining by 4-hundred by 2020 and by 9-hundred by 2026!    The global dairy collapse hitting even Andrews University, which decided to shutdown its 111 years old dairy school in 2019.  The shutdown will not only affect students and employees, but 1-thousand-2-hundred cows: “In the last two to three years, we have lost between $750,000 and $900,000 a year!”-Stephen Payne, VP of integrated marketing & communication

More Indiana children living in poverty but state rates well in education

Teacher pay in Indiana continues its downward slide

teacher resigns over transgender name policy

middle school math teacher shortage

Court rules Police officers working in Indiana schools must advise students of their Rights!

IOWA: Educational assessment company Pearson-ACT shutting down its Iowa City location, which will result in more than 2-hundred jobs lost by Xmas!  Company execs blame it on increasing numbers of people deciding not to go on to college/university.  God’s own Cedar Valley Catholic Schools warning it might have to shutdown three elementary schools due to deterioration of the buildings and The Rapture, I mean crashing enrollments. Alternative plans are being discussed.

Nine of every 10 public school districts in Iowa have buildings exposed to pesticides, and school officials don’t even know it!

Mystery complaint against multiple school boards over special education: “We’re not even really sure what it is about.”-Becky Wichers, Muscatine School Board

KANSAS:  Atchison school may close amid debts

Kansas Supreme Court: School funding is inadequate

Kansas Supreme Court upholds repeal of teacher tenure rights

Schools hold job fair as vacancies grow

Regents approve tuition and fee increases for state universities

Inside Wichita State’s latest tuition increase

Kansas teacher gets probation in student sex case

Kansas school official accused in sex messages case

KENTUCKY: Kentucky’s new school vaccination laws

State board of education OKs Bible literacy standards

High school student fools Trump fans

College and University admission standards changed

school districts get creative as teacher candidate pool dwindles

Two juveniles arrested for middle school burglary

LOUISIANA:  Tuition-free college? Louisiana teachers will be eligible 

Lack of diversity among teaching staff

15 new Louisiana education laws parents should know about

‘Too many broken promises’

LSU students to see another fee increase to help with pay raises

MAINE: School District to Remove Native American Imagery

Boy Drowned at State Park During school Field Trip

School Bus Driver Took Upskirt Photos of Students

Running Back Held Without Bail in Classmate’s Death

MARYLAND: MS-13 threatens a middle school, warn teachers

Prince George’s high school officials accused of boozing on the job

Transgender teen gets ‘permanent’ access to boys’ locker room

Nearly 1 in 5 Maryland students is chronically absent.

School Bus Aide Accused of Choking 7-Year-Old Boy

More than 32000 tickets issued to drivers for illegally passing stopped school buses 

MASSACHUSETTS: By the end of the month Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District notified 84 people they were being rendered jobless, school officials are hoping cash strapped voters will approve additional tax spending in July.

“Lockdown, lockdown”: kindergarten uses Police State nursery rhyme to teach shooting response

High School Apologizes After Nazi Quote Is Printed

Hispanic population rapidly increases

Asbestos found at Healy School

MICHIGAN: God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Mary School in Mount Morris due to The Rapture, I mean declining enrollment, declining church attendance, rising costs and more families seeking tuition assistance.  Dream Center Education Holdings issued a shutdown WARN for its The Art Institute of Michigan, 114 jobs gone in August!

University of Michigan to raise in-state tuition by 2.9 percent

MSU expands sexual misconduct workgroup

teen sentenced in mass school shooting plot

Parents pull elementary students from school because of hit list

U.S. weighs in against University of Michigan bullying policy

MSU’s bond debt to jump because of Nassar case

Detroit-area high school raises nearly $150k to help homeless

MINNESOTA: Minnesota high school grad rate ranks 35th in U.S.

Saint Paul schools fail to meet state law on teaching the arts

1700 reading, math tutors sought for Minnesota schools

 school district tussle over girl’s need for special ed

Minnesota’s largest school district begins work on its biggest construction project ever ($249-million taxpayer dollars)

MISSISSIPPI: 2-thousand vacant education jobs

lottery announced for special needs scholarship program

teacher facing allegations of ‘improper conduct’ with student

32 arrested in online sex crimes against kids

executive order to establish School Safety Task Force

MISSOURI: University of Missouri suddenly laid off 30 people due to a shortfall of $45-million USD, a total of 185 jobs will be killed, one local news media source called the situation “chaos”!  Lindenwood University revealed that it had laid off 17 people in May.  God’s own Fontbonne University suddenly laid off 27 of its employees, due to The Rapture, I mean enrollment is down to just 1,375 students.

KCU begins construction of ‘future-proof’ $33M simulation center

Medical student accuses UMKC of racketeering, fraud

Missouri Southern faces a $1.1 million fine for tuition hike

coach’s lawsuit alleges racial discrimination

Eight northeast schools fail bus inspections

School shooting training at O’Fallon

New suicide policy

MONTANA: Missoula school cop accidentally fired gun

Gun found at Sentinel High School, 2 boys shot

Helena teacher says school cop shooter drill caused hearing loss

Billings teacher terminated following misconduct investigation

schools begin carrying drug to reverse overdose

Roosevelt Elementary School closed 

 school food truck serves free meals all summer long

NEBRASKA:  State will intervene at Schuyler Central High School 

Nebraska to implement ‘good behavior game

Taxpayers to spend $420000 on consultants for troubled schools

Property taxes remain high due to school funding

School bus crashes into utility substation

State Board of Education revokes license of substitute teacher

NEVADA: CCSD cuts electives due to lack of funding

CCSD budget reductions result in loss of 563 jobs!

Controversy erupts because of 2005 sex offender amendment

Solar panels help local school buy laptops

Questions raised about marijuana revenues for education

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Students Caught Sending Nude Pics

state’s role in bullying cases limited by current law

student behavioral issues escalating

$10M more approved to ‘harden’ NH schools

NEW JERSEY: School Didn’t Do Enough to Stop Her Suicide

school superintendent caught crapping in public, multiple times!

School District Mandates Clear Backpacks

Upper Freehold School District put on lockdown

Parents infuriated after short notice of christian school closing, especially after they paid more in tuition to keep it open

NEW MEXICO: APS submits plan for failing Hawthorne school

Parents fail to attend school choice expo for Hawthorne

La Resolana Leadership Academy’s charter is not renewed

SFPS finds state taxpayer funding for school security not worth it

Albuquerque Public Schools increases pay for employees

Taxpayers fund border-crossing students

teacher evaluations flawed

superintendent accused of faking credentials 

New Mexico ranks last in child well-being

NEW YORK: Van Trans-Attendant lost its taxpayer funded contract with state Department of Education, 333 jobs lost by September!  Taxpayer funded Cardinal McCloskey Community Services shutting down its Head Start Programs due to losing the federal contract, 202 jobs affected by July! Center for Family Support issued a shutdown WARN for its NYC ops, 80 jobs gone by September.  God’s own Saint John Villa Academy issued a shutdown WARN, 71 jobs gone by the end of August.  Lifeline Center for Child Development issued a shutdown WARN for its Queens-NYC pre-school, 41 jobs gone by the end of August. ‘Global learning company’ Channel One-Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company issued a shutdown WARN, 28 NYC jobs gone by the end of September.

NYC’s ‘shadow school system’ 

NYC Spent $136 Million on temporary Teachers 

What’s Going On With New York’s Elite Public High Schools?

Elite Girls’ Schools Admitting Transgender students

NORTH CAROLINA: After 117 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) King’s College shutting down when the 2018-19 school year is done, administrators say their own studies show that what I call DSS will only get worse.  

40 state education staffers laid off, 21 vacant positions eliminated

Good test scores but too much Bible

 private school voucher millions still lack accountability

teacher among 3 charged with child sex offense

Class size and hunger top two problems for grade students

NORTH DAKOTA: teacher facing 3 new sex assault charges

Fargo teacher accused of bullying will be back in school 

kindergarten teacher appealing life without parole sentence

pilot shortage takes a toll on UND

OHIO: Taxpayer ‘sponsored’ (but independently operated) Phoenix Academy suddenly shutdown its alternative high school campus in Toledo, blaming lack of money.  GC Services warning that it could lose its taxpayer funded U.S. Department of Education contract, 123 jobs gone by August!

Taxpayer funded schools lose more than $24 million tax dollars to the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow charter school 

Summer schools now about feeding hungry children

Hamilton City School District arming school staff in response to complaints about security

State Bureau of Workers’ Compensation giving schools $8-million tax dollars for school security

Deficit-ridden Niles schools back under state watch

Sex abuse inquiry on Ohio State doc now includes high school

OKLAHOMA: University of Oklahoma warning of mass layoffs, claiming it lost $15-million USD to escalating operating costs.

tuition increase at Oklahoma State University

State Supreme Court Voids Challenge To Teacher Pay Tax

Troops To Teachers Program Looking To Ease Oklahoma Teacher Shortage 

‘We are in a teaching crisis in this state’

OREGON: Sate Department of Education creates 3rd Gender Option

School’s out for summer, but free meals for low income students are still on

Marcola teacher files complaint with state alleging ‘racist’ mascot

Taxpayer funded Eugene teachers knelt during national anthem

Students and parents bully bus driver, then they lie about it on social media! 

PENNSYLVANIA: plan to ax school property taxes is misleading 

Most school districts plan tax increases

State overwhelmed with tracking charter school taxpayer funding

All newborns will get a $100 investment scholarship for college

students given bulletproof backpacks for starting high school

Freshman student stabbed at Pennsylvania high school

school districts implementing trauma kits in classrooms

PUERTO RICO:  A quarter of Puerto Rico’s schools are shutting down

Judge blocks closure of nine schools

It seems that many school districts along the east coast of the United States have been taking in hurricane refugee students from Puerto Rico, as a way to shore up their declining student enrollments.  The result is that Puerto Rico is shutting down schools due to lack of students.

RHODE ISLAND:  Legal counsel Attorney for state Dept. of Education not a member of state Bar

teacher absenteeism rate third-highest in nation

SOUTH DAKOTA: South Dakota teachers rank 30th in buying power nationally

educational cooperative business employee charged in a financial misconduct scheme

More than half of South Dakota communities losing population

TENNESSEE:  Meharry Medical College suddenly laid off 55 employees. 

Tennessee law says anybody entering school, including colleges and universities, must be vaccinated

Benefits for Hamilton County Schools retirees delayed

Hamilton County Schools investigating state data leak

Five years later Achievement School District fails to improve

Parents dealing with growing wait lists for Pre-K programs

Metro Schools teacher arrested for meth use

Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary School PTO president charged with theft

Bledsoe County school district accused of racism

two Blount County Schools teachers lose their license to teach

TEXAS: Huntsville Memorial eliminating its Joe G. Davis School of Vocational Nursing due to increasing competition from area nursing schools.

Enforcement of school vaccinations causes shot shortage in Ector County

Mom caught son in bed with junior high school counselor

Student kills self at McKinney North High School 

The Fall of Dallas County Schools

Cypress-Fairbanks school district mandates clear backpacks

2 Teen Boys Wore Dresses To Texas School 

Texas school district can exhume unmarked graves

Pine Tree ISD manages to lower tax rate and give pay raises, all while operating on a deficit!

UTAH: Most Utah schools spent $1000 or less on suicide prevention programs

tug of war for teachers leads to higher salaries 

Two employees at Sierra Bonita Elementary School accused of sex crimes

high schools in Utah do not allow Pacific Islander students to wear leis at graduation

University of Utah Professor appointed chairman of Pakistan’s Higher Education Commission.

VERMONT: Merger madness

$50K theft from Pownal school account

South Burlington High to provide condoms

Vermont Law School laying off Tenured Faculty

VIRGINIA: School drops Confederate name in favor of Barack Obama

School being sued for not protecting girl from known sex bully

Manassas schools ‘on lockdown’

Richmond schools out of toilet paper?

teacher accused of being drunk at school

WASHINGTON: free city bus passes for high-school students

Durham offering $4K signing bonus, $17 an hour to entice new school bus drivers

Principals can’t hire enough special-education teachers

Homeless but not hopeless: Spokane high school students

Spokane school zone speed cameras snare $4 million in fines

superintendent expected to plead guilty in child sex case

Fife school board finds principal sexually harassed teachers

WASHINGTON DC:  DC-Area Schools’ Vaccine Requirements


WEST VIRGINIA: Mental health crisis in schools

More than 3,000 students awarded PROMISE Scholarships

Low income school clothing allowance deadline extended

WISCONSIN: School’s Closed. Forever.

Gunshot detection technology

volunteer tutor accused of sex crimes

Madison School District losing $7 million in state tax funding

Oregon School District increasing the number of school breaks in an attempt to stop flu outbreaks

WYOMING: Four schools set to close in Casper and Mills

Riverton High School hazing case

Evanston school district sued over new gun policy

Teton County School District No. 1 slashes employee benefits

Dumbing Down U.S.A., May 2018: “MORALE HAS NEVER BEEN LOWER.”

Vehicle I-D: Kfir COA invades Nevada!

In 2012, Columbia took part in its first participation in the USAF’s Red Flag wargames at Nellis AFB, Nevada.  Columbia used their  Israeli made Kfir COA (Kfir C.12, heavily modified Dassault Mirage).



Vehicle I-D: ‘Dissimilar’ Contracted F-21 Lion (Kfir)

In 2017 and 2016, the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, conducted ‘dissimilar’ air combat training, pitting contracted (Airborne Tactical Advantage Company [ATAC]) Israeli made F-21 Lion (Kfir, modified Dassault Mirage) against the super expensive F-35B.

Taxpayer funded ATAC operated F-21

F-35B Lightning-2

ATAC F-21, June 2016

F-21 Lions used to be operated by the U.S. Navy-Marine Corps.

Vehicle I-D: NATO’s Cold War era Hawker Hunter Russian aggressor?

U.S. Air Force and U.S. Marine Corps use an outdated aircraft to simulate Russian aggressors.

Marine Corps Base Hawaii, 24NOV2020. USMC photo by Corporal Jacob Wilson.

Naval Air Station Key West, Florida. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist Third Class Arnesia McIntyre, 23NOV2020.

Key West, Florida. USN photo by Danette Baso Silvers, 09OCT2019.

Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Eric M. Fisher, 14MAY2019.

Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. USAF photo by Airman First Class Gerald R. Willis, 07SEP2018.

Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. USAF photo by Airman First Class Gerald R. Willis, 07SEP2018.

The U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, conducts ‘dissimilar’ air combat training, pitting contracted Cold War era British empire made Hawker Hunters against the super expensive F-35B Lightning-2.

A Mark 58 Hawker Hunter aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Corporal Terry Haynes, 18APR2018.

Two seat Hunter operated by taxpayer funded Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC). USMC photo by Lance Corporal Terry Haynes, 18APR2018.

ATAC Hunter over South China Sea, Philippine Amphibious Landing Exercise 33 (PHIBLEX). USN photo by Petty Officer Second Class Raymond D. Diaz the Third, 09OCT2016.

Two seater Hunter. USMC photo by Staff Sergeant Dengrier Baez, 26JUN2016.

ATAC Hunter at Boca Chica Field, Florida, USN photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Brian Morales 25MAR2015.

Vehicle I-D: USMC AAV7 vid-fest

Slow Mo video, Bellows, Hawaii, July 2018:

Video assault on Pyramid Rock Beach, July 2018:

Video AAV7 ground ops, Twentynine Palms, California, June 2018:

Video USS Oak Hill recovers AAV7, Baltic Sea, June 2018:

Video USS Ashland AAV7 deployment, Philippine Sea, April 2018:

Video, ocean towing an AAV7, Okinawa, Japan, March 2018:

Video Assault Amphibious Vehicle AAV7-A1, Camp Pendleton, California, October 2014:

Vehicle I-D: USMC cannibalizes HMMWV to upgrade brand new JLTV

The older HMMWV parts are being harvested for use on the brand new Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV).

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Kristen Murphy, 01MAY2018.

The U.S. Marines Corps is cannibalizing older High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles in an attempt to save taxpayers millions of dollars, and “increase the JLTV’s survivability.”

Official video explainer for JLTV:

Vehicle I-D: M88A1 mud-bug

M88A1 Medium-Tracked Recovery Vehicle

The following pics are from Fort McCoy’s Maintenance Tracked Vehicle Recovery Course in July 2018.

Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, began its tracked vehicle recovery training in October 2017.




Epidemic Burst Fade Out: New flu killing dogs and cats! Blame Metro-sexual areas?

04AUG2018 (15:05 UTC-07 Tango 06)  13 Mordad 1397/22 Dhu l-Qa’da   1439/23 Geng-Shen 4716

New York might be ground zero for an epidemic of a new version of Influenza A subtype H3N2 flu now targeting dogs, called H3N2 canine influenza virus (CIV).

H3N2 was first identified in 1968, evolving from H2N2.  By 2007 a version of H3N2 evolved (mutated) into one of three swine flus.  H3N2 CIV first showed up China and Korea in 2005.  CIV first appeared in the United States in 2015.  (H3N8 is another form of CIV)  In 2016, the U.S. strain of H3N2 CIV evolved to infect cats.

In June, the U.S. state of Arkansas began reporting cases of CIV there.  And in New York, New York City reported 1-hundred cases of CIV.

Oakland County currently has the highest rate of CIV in the U.S. state of Michigan, with 49 confirmed cases so far.  And so far this year Michigan has 98 confirmed cases of dog flu, last year there were only nine cases of dog flu.

Connecticut is also reporting dog flu cases, and dog owners are being told to keep their dogs away from doggie daycares and pet groomers, avoid other dogs, and get them vaccinated.

Veterinarians say CIV can survive on your hands for 12 hours, on your clothes for 24 hours and a dog bowl for 48 hours.  Typical signs of CIV are just like human flu infections; lethargy, fever, boogery nose. Most local news media report CIV is not fatal, however some local news media are calling it fatal.  In January 2018 (in the middle of the 2017-18 flu season) some news media reports warned of a possible dog flu epidemic in the future, while others downplayed the possibility.  However, in August of 2017 veterinarians warned of increasing cases of CIV during Summer months. To show you that CIV is expected to get worse, greedy vaccine investment analysts did research that predicts increasing CIV outbreaks worldwide until 2028 (thus creating a lucrative market for profit seekers).

At the end of July 2018, the Journal of Virology published an ‘epidemic burst-fade-out’ study blaming recurring cases of H3N2 CIV on high population density areas, saying “CIV must therefore rely on metapopulations of high host density (such as animal shelters and kennels) within the greater dog population and reintroduction from other populations or face complete epidemic extinction.”  In other words, if dog owners live in a highly populated area they are inadvertently keeping the CIV alive and well.

Veterinarians say dogs that die while infected with CIV are dying from secondary diseases, the result of their immune systems being weakened by CIV.  But some cats are being directly killed by ‘cat flu’.

A possible latest victim is an adult cat who was about to be given an award for saving the life of its owner.  In United Kingdom, Theo died one week before an award ceremony honoring him for saving his owner from a blood clot.  News media say no official cause has been announced in the cat’s death, but that the owner took the cat in when it was a kitten and infected with cat flu.

It seems the United Kingdom is being hit hard with an epidemic of cat flu (there are lots of reports of hundreds of abandoned cats who are sick, there’s even a case of sick kittens being dumped by overwhelmed animal control officers).

‘Cat flu’ is not necessarily an influenza, the name comes from the symptoms which can be caused by several types of viruses and even bacteria.

In Australia, warnings of the reemergence of ‘cat plague’ virus, called feline panleukopenia.  It’s being found in abandoned kittens and has veterinarians urging cat owners to get their cats vaccinated.  Last year there were reports of the deadly feline calicivirus, also referred to as a cat flu, which has a 40% kill rate.

In South Africa, the Boksburg SPCA is warning dog owners after a puppy had to be put down due to a severe case of what South Africans call ‘cat flu’ (which is actually canine parvo-virus).  Boksburg SPCA manager blames the pet shop where the puppy was bought: “These animals appear to be healthy but can be incubating a disease which can manifest once the pet has been purchased. You then usually end up with a very sick animal that usually dies.”-Maggie Mudd

In the U.S. state of Idaho a Elmore County cat died, in July this year, from plague commonly found in rodents.  In June another cat in the same county got sick with plague but recovered.  A human child (also in Elmore County) got sick with plague in May (also recovered).

In Connecticut, the VCA Cheshire Animal Hospital reported two cats died from H1N1 influenza (swine flu), despite advanced in-hospital care: “Cats can catch the flu from people.”-Anthony Pierlioni

In Florida, the Bay County Animal Shelter had to halt adoptions at the beginning of July, due to an outbreak of ‘cat flu’ (upper respiratory infection).

In New Jersey, the Saint Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center rescued more than 172 cats in July, the most in its operational history.  Most of the cats had to undergo medical treatment for infections and physical conditions.

Metro: 4 common illnesses that could be making your cat sick

SeattlePI: Cat-born parasite may prompt people to start businesses



Fox News: Woman scams casino to pay off sick cat’s vet bill

WJLA: Maryland woman spends $19000 on kidney donor for sick cat

Medical News Today: Could ‘dog flu’ be the next pandemic?

Agri-Pulse: USDA training dogs to sniff out bird flu outbreaks

Science News for Students: Dogs carry a grab bag of flu viruses

Scientific American: Ancient Dog DNA Reveals Close Relationship with Contagious Cancer

KABC-TV: Wisconsin man loses both legs and hands after being licked by dog

WebMD: Dog Illness Can Spread to Humans


Vaccine Fail: Health official accused of Torture in vaccine deaths! It’s all about the money!

More proof it’s all about the money as theperfectinvestor.com reports Vaccine Contract Manufacturing Market Size Is Predicted To Exceed $4-Billion By 2025!

Health Europa: World Vaccine Congress Europe 2018

Arrogant, and ignorant, @caraxdemarco wrote on social media “We vaccinate so that those that medically cannot be vaccinated don’t contract diseases”.  (why don’t you just nail yourself to a crucifix and be done with it!)

Quanta Magazine: Vaccines causing germs to get stronger

WKMG: Florida doctor goes to jail for improper use of vaccines

Forbes: how doctors can force parents to vaccinate their kids

The Conversation AU: Most people don’t benefit from vaccination

The Standard: Filipino pro-vaccine health officials accused by Department of Justice of killing kids with vaccines, in violation of Anti-Torture Act and other laws!

If vaccines are safe why did the U.S. government create the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System?

Business Standard: Indian girl died due to MR vaccine complications

CNN: Samoa pulls MMR vaccine after two babies die

Newshub: Cook Islands lifts vaccine suspension after baby deaths

Stuff.co.nz: Rare condition suspected in children who died after MMR vaccinations

thejournal.ie: Ireland demands citizens get measles vaccine

Note that U.S. measles outbreak ended BEFORE the vaccine was introduced!

Ars Technica: JAMA Pediatrics blames a 2013 outbreak of measles on anti-vaxers in Brooklyn-NYC, saying they should pay for the public healthcare response. 

Press Herald: Romanian measles outbreak blamed on anti-vaxers

Science Magazine: Nobody can prove Congo’s Ebola outbreak was halted by the new vaccine

New Dengue Fever vaccine proven to make people sick and does not offer ‘full immunization’, UN-WHO warns!

UNICEF: Another fine example that if you become a refugee you will have the ‘shit’ vaccinated outta you!

UN News: Record 123 million infants received at least one vaccine in 2017

STAT: Was pandemic flu vaccine tied to an increase in narcolepsy cases?

The Local Italy: Italian parents no longer need proof of vaccinations to enroll children in school

Focus Taiwan News Channel: Taiwan begins baiting ferret-badgers with rabies vaccine

fiddleheadfocus.com: Airborne operations to bombard raccoons with rabies vaccines

Surrey Now Leader: Normally pro-vaccine Canadian health officials refused to give woman rabies vaccine after she was attacked by wild raccoon (the mayor of Surrey got vaccinated, why not her?)

Caixin Global: Rabies Vaccine Producer Ordered to Halt Production

More proof rabies vaccines are about the money as Stock Analysis reports Global Rabies Vaccine for Humans Market 2018

The Mercury: Class warfare as new Australian vaccine costs $1,100 AUD for a family with four children, leaving poor people out in the cold 

Yahoo News: New medical-martial-law plan to crack down on Australian parents who refuse vaccines for children

The Atlantic: Is your horse vaccinated against Hendra, which is deadlier than Ebola and kills humans? 

Honolulu Civil Beat: Want The New Shingles Vaccine? Join The Crowd

Food Poison Journal: Nearly 2,000 Vaccinated for Hepatitis A after Dining at Hardee’s

Arizona State University: Plants produce natural vaccine against norovirus

Ahwatukee Foothills News: Arizona health czars freaking out about declining vaccination rates

NBCNews.com: Anti-vaccine hot spots on rise across U.S.

Sacramento Bee: This lawmaker blocked anti-vaccine activists on Twitter. Now he’s being sued

How to make anti-vax doctors think twice about exempting you from shots

wgbh.org: Anti-Vaccine Doctor Is Disciplined By California Medical Board

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “We thought we could bring brigades of Mexican doctors and we can put free vaccines from Mexico, and we realized that it was not permitted.”-Xochitl Castaneda, Health Initiative of the Americas at University California Berkeley’s School of Public Health

Odessa American: Enforcement of school vaccinations causes shot shortage in Ector County

Dallas Observer: 76 Percent of Texans Believe Vaccines Are Good.

Chron.com: Texas anti-vaccine movement is growing

Infectious Disease Advisor: Universal Purchase Programs in the United States May Not Effectively Increase Vaccination Rates

H1N1 flu shots proved to be failures during the 2015-16 outbreak, new study discovers several factors that will prevent vaccines from working

Minneapolis Star Tribune: Crack down on anti-vax doctors!

The Pioneer News: Kentucky’s new school vaccination laws

Times Free Press: Tennessee law says anybody entering school, including colleges and universities, must be vaccinated

NBC4 Washington:  DC-Area Schools’ Vaccine Requirements

Richmond News: Parents told to check immunization records after Chinese vaccine recall

South China Morning Post: Fake data – the disease afflicting China’s vaccine system.  Disease numbers are being swept under the carpet and false expiry dates slapped on injections, industry insiders say.

Specialty Pharmacy Times: Should drug addicts be forced to get vaccinations? (why not, since they obviously don’t mind putting ‘junk’ into their system?)

Labiotech.eu: Spider web is the new vaccine ingredient

Natural News: Top 9 vaccine ingredients you would never eat if found in food

People: Supermodel caught kissing British anti-vax doctor (oh my!)