Tag Archives: obama

World War 3: Obama about to go all Nixon on Pakistan’s ass

“I think that the fact that there are links that exist between the Pakistani government and the Haqqani network, the nature of those can be assessed and is complicated. But there is no question that they have safe havens in Pakistan.”– Jay Carney, White House spokesman

September 28, U.S. President Barack Obama has endorsed the claims of Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, who accused Pakistan’s intelligence agency of “exporting” violence to Afghanistan.

In 1969 President Nixon (a Republican) secretly ordered the bombing of Cambodia and Laos (Operation Menu), believing they were helping the Viet Cong in South Vietnam.  The Operation Menu bombing lasted from March 1969 to May 1970, and failed to stop Viet Cong, or North Vietnam’s efforts to unite the country.  The failure led to Nixon making peace with the Viet Cong and North Vietnam.

Will Obama (a Democrat) follow in Nixon’s footsteps?

But wait, we’re already bombing Pakistan with our UAVs.  Oh, but the U.S. was already secretly bombing Cambodia under President Johnson (a Democrat), four years before President Nixon!  It turns out that Nixon’s bombing of Cambodia and Laos were simply an escalation of Johnson’s actions.

U.S. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Obama had to consider military action against Pakistan.

Passing the Buck: Obama blames Arab Uprisings and Europe for bad economy in the U.S.

“The changes that have taken place in the Middle East sent oil prices up, and that gave a shock to the world economy.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States

First off, President Obama, oil prices are no where what they were a couple of years ago. What’s been driving up the price of gas (which is just as high as when oil was more than $100.00 per barrel) is not the current price of oil, but refineries that’re purposely keeping production of gas below the demand for gas (which makes the price go up).

Secondly, it was your attack on Libya, President Obama, that caused oil prices to go up!

President Obama also blamed the Europeans: “Some of the challenges that we’ve had over the last several months actually have to do with the fact that in Europe we haven’t seen them deal with their banking system and their financial system as effectively as they needed to.”

First off, if the U.S. banking system wasn’t so involved with the European banking system the U.S. wouldn’t be as affected by their problems.

Secondly, many of the actions taken by European banks, that got them into trouble, were the same mistakes that got U.S. banks into trouble.  By the way, those banking troubles started here in the United States, and have yet to be resolved!

Stop passing the buck President Obama!

Government Incompetence: Obama staffers say Denver is located in…Wyoming?

U.S. President Barack Obama just finished a three state campaign; California, Washington and Colorado.  There’s one problem, the White House press credentials indicate Wyoming, not Colorado.

According to the press credential Obama made stops in San Diego, San Jose and Los Angeles, California; Seattle, Washington and Denver,…Wyoming?

I did a quick check, and no Denver, Wyoming showed up.  I guess there’s only one Denver, and that’s in Colorado.  Is this a Freudian slip, showing just how out of touch those on the east coast are with those on the west coast?

World War 3: More proof that Obama is a puppet of Israel, and no better than Bush jr; Newsweek says Obama ordered Pentagon to boost military cooperation with Israel

In an upcoming Newsweek magazine, they write that Obama pushed the sale of bunker busting bombs to Israel, despite Pentagon officials pointing out that Israel’s military has moved closer to cooperation with China.

The sale was originally planned under President Bush jr, but it was Obama that made the final push.

On top of ordering the sale of huge bunker busting bombs, Obama also ordered the Pentagon to boost military cooperation, despite Pentagon advice against it.

World War 3: Obama recognizes Libyan NTC, after only a few months fighting, but Obama refuses to recognize the Palestinians who’ve been fighting oppression for more than 50 years!

“I know many of you are frustrated by the lack of progress. I assure you, so am I…. There is no short cut to the end of a conflict that has endured for decades. Peace is hard work.”-Barack Obama, President of the United States

No “short cut”!?!  What an ass hole!!!  U.S. President Barack Obama gave the Palestinians a big middle finger the other day at the United Nations!

Let see, how long have the U.S. backed Libyan rebels been fighting for their bull shit ‘liberation’? Six friggin’ months, and already Obama, and the whole world through the United Nations has officially recognized the rebel NTC as the official government of Libya!  Bull shit!!!

Palestinians have been fighting Israeli oppression since the creation of Israel in 1948!!!  On top of that they’ve been fighting the invasion of European Zionism since the end of World War 1!!!

World War 1 ended in 1918, for those of you who’re lacking in the history department.  It was then that the British took over Palestine and began shipping English Zionist Jews from Great Britain to Palestine.  By the way, it’s not just Palestinian Muslims who’re being oppressed by the Israelis, Palestinian Christians, and Palestinian Jews are being oppressed as well!

So you’re talking almost a hundred years of fighting oppression, and fighting for recognition within the international community!  And the President of the United States tells the Palestinians they can’t take short cuts?!?  What an ass hole!!!

World War 3: Kurdish rebels in Iran admit they are being armed by the United States

In an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation’s Iranian channel, BBC Persian, Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi admitted they are conducting military action against Iran with the help of the United States.

Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi is the boss of the Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK) terrorist group.

He said the PJAK had built tunnels into Iran from Iraq.  They also received new weapons and equipment, including 120mm mortars, from the U.S. consulate in the northern Iraqi city of Arbil.

Currently Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) is in battle with the PJAK.  This follows attempts by Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to mediate between the Iranian Kurdish rebels (PJAK) and Iranian government.  The mediation failed after PJAK forces killed two Kurds: “But the PJAK terrorist group paid no heed to the KRG’s appeals and mediation (and) martyred two local Kurdish forces… and this proved to the KRG that the terrorists had ignored its requests.”-Hamid Ahmadi, IRGC Colonel


What Economic Recovery? Obama screws 400 Merchant Marines out of a job

“This has literally flabbergasted the American maritime industry.  The idea was to create American jobs and help the economy.  But all the profit from the sale of the oil has gone to traders and oil companies and all the profit from movement of the oil has gone to foreign shippers and crewmen, and that’s galling.“-Christopher Coakley, The American Waterways Operators

In the name of a national emergency, President Obama has waived U.S. Merchant Marine Law, and is allowing foreign ships to carry U.S. oil supplies.

About a month ago Obama decided that the situation in Libya was threatening world oil supplies, so he decided to release 30 million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserves.

Under the U.S. Merchant Marine Act of 1920: “Section 27, better known as the Jones Act, deals with cabotage (i.e., coastal shipping) and requires that all goods transported by water between U.S. ports be carried in U.S. flag ships, constructed in the United States, owned by U.S. citizens, and crewed by U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents. The purpose of the law is to support the U.S. Maritime industry.”-Wikipedia

Obama decided the situation qualified as a national emergency, which allows him to wave the Jones Act.

According to U.S. merchant marine officials, Obama’s decision cost at least 400 U.S. jobs.


Nuclear plant shut down by Viginia Earthquake, 9 other nuke plants affected

The North Anna nuclear power plant, outside Richmond, Virginia, has shut down.

The plant is on the coastline, just seven miles from the epicenter of the 5.9 quake (earlier reports said it was 5.8).

Diesel generators are supplying power to basic systems at the plant.

Nine nuke plants from New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania to Maryland have declared unusual events.  They have not shut down.

Obama wants troops to stay in Afghanistan until 2024, Russia says it doesn’t make sense

Afghan officials have told British media that the U.S. and Afghanistan have agreed to keep thousands of U.S. troops in country until 2024!

The deal would allow U.S. forces to use Afghan military bases, provide facilities to store massive numbers of U.S. military equipment, and allow thousands of military personnel to stay, including special forces.

Russian officials pointed out that the deal doesn’t make sense: “If the job is done, if terrorism is defeated and peace and stability is brought back, then why would you need bases?  If the job is not done, then several thousand troops, even special forces, will not be able to do the job that 150,000 troops couldn’t do.  It is not possible.”-Andrey Avetisyan, Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan

The Russians should know, they got their butts kicked by the Afghans back when Russia was part of the Soviet Union.  They did exactly what the U.S. is doing now, trying to train up the Afghan government to take on the “terrorists”.  The Soviet Union left Afghanistan in 1989, but continued to supply weapons and trainers to the Afghan government.  The Afghan government lasted until 1992, brought down by a civil war that lasted until 1996.  The civil war ended in 1996 when the Taliban took control of the country.

What Economic Recovery? Obama orders a 5% reduction in government budgets

President Obama’s budget chief Jacob Lew has ordered government agencies to submit budgets that are at least 5% less than the past fiscal year’s budgets.

It was also suggested that the different government agencies find ways to cut another 10% through out the next fiscal year.  This is part of the Debt Limit Deal (Budget Control Act of 2011) passed a few weeks ago.