Tag Archives: nuclear

More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: Nuke worked buried alive! More nuke workers contaminated at WIPP! Mexico upset!

28 March 2014 (15:18 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1435/08 Farvardin 1393/28 Ding-Mao 4712

In Japan, a throwaway worker at Fukushima Daiichi was buried alive while rebuilding a warehouse just to the north of reactor Unit 1.  They were trying to shore up the foundation, the worker was down in a hole when a wall of fresh concrete and mud buried him.  He died at the hospital.

A new documentary shows how prized horses were left to starve to death because of the Fukushima Daiichi melt downs.  The owner of the horses was able to return and save some, but at least seven of the horses, used in a thousand years old ceremony, died of starvation.  It’s called The Horses of Fukushima.

Another electric power company is suing Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo).  The other company just happens to have the same initials as TEPCo, but its name is Tohoku Electric Power Company.  Tohoku Power officials say TEPCo owes them at least $1.67 million USD for Tohoku Power’s forced evacuation of the Fukushima radiation zone.  TEPCo officials replied to Tohoku Power’s claim by stating “We will deal appropriately with the demands.”    

So far, TEPCo has been reneging on compensation payments to individual victims.

In New Mexico, U.S.A., four more nuclear workers at the nuke weapons waste storage site, known as WIPP, are contaminated.  That brings the number of officially contaminated workers to 21.

Two New Mexican senators, Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich, demanded an explanation from the Department of Energy (DoE) why required safety inspections were not performed: “The health and safety of the workers at WIPP and the surrounding community are our top priorities and it is extremely concerning to learn that a fire in the mining portion of WIPP was a preventable circumstance.”

Four safety inspections per year are required at WIPP, but an investigation revealed that only two inspections were done during a three year period!

After early reports said inspection teams were heading down WIPP, turns out an inspection team of eight people will actually enter the deep mines next week.

Supposedly, two weeks from now, the U.S. EPA will deploy mobile rad monitoring units at WIPP.   The idea is to provide airborne radiation monitoring since it’s become obvious that people can’t trust the DoE’s own monitoring.

In the city of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, officials are expressing concern over the ongoing WIPP problems.  Mexican news media says Juárez is within the nuke evacuation zone of WIPP.  Officials from the U.S. DoE and EPA are going to visit Mexican cities to convince them they are in no danger.

False Flag MH370: Aussie officials admit search area is best guess! Search area being moved back to the north!

28 March 2014 (22:00 UTC-07 Tango 27 March 2014)/26 Jumada l-Ula 1435/08 Farvardin 1393/28 Ding-Mao 4712

Aussie search officials say they are now shifting their search for MH370/CZ748 back 1094km (680 miles) north.  They say it’s based on new “analysis” of radar/satellite data.  They also think the plane was flying faster than they first thought.

However, at a live press conference (ending as I write this) Australian reporters asked some pointed questions about just how officials from dozens of countries have determined where to search.

The two officials basically responded that is was their best guess, and that the so called ‘data’ they have from radars and satellites are not conclusive!   Basically the international investigators put together a scenario that they thought was the most likely, based on the inconclusive satellite and radar data, and then used math to calculate the fuel usage to estimate how far the plane could have flow.

The key point is that they admitted the ‘data’ they have is inconclusive.  They also avoided answering questions about the possibility MH370/CZ748 crashed even further north and the debris drifted south.  One official said he “thinks” the current is “to the east”.

After the live conference, a reporter for British empire Sky News said the new search area is not based on new data at all, simply the investigators have somehow garnered a better picture of the flight of MH370/CZ748 from data they already have!

Was the nuke on the missing MH370?

Israel….training for MH370 scenario!

False Flag setup? Obama drastically cuts NYC’s nuclear war funding! Was the nuke on the missing MH370?

27 March 2014 (12:42 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

“I’m just happy that the President sees New York City as a target…..”-Raymond Kelly, taxsucking NYC Police Commissioner

“This is dramatic, it’s draconian, it doesn’t make sense!”-Pete King, Representative from taxsucking New York

First off, how many U.S. taxpayers knew they were funding taxsucking New York City’s very own NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) operation? Currently federal taxpayers from across the U.S. are giving NYC $10.4-million USD every year to maintain the equivalent of a military NBC unit.

Now the Obama regime wants to cut that funding by 50%.  But wait, even Obama said the threat of nuclear attack is up!  He slipped his comment about NYC into his lie filled comments about Crimea, on 25 March at the International Nuclear Security Summit: “I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.”

Federal level politicians were shocked about the massive NBC budget cut, and revealed that for a long time they’ve been expecting NYC to be hit with a nuke: “As President Obama correctly noted, our biggest fear is a nuclear weapon going off in New York City. So why….cut funding….?”-Charles Schumer, Senator from taxsucking New York

Yes, if the Obama regime still thinks NYC will be nuked, why make a 50% cut in their NBC operations?  Was the weapon to be used onboard the disappeared MH370/CZ748? 

More Fukushima WIPP Fallout: More throwaway workers contaminated, and more lies about it from TEPCo! Special teams finally enter WIPP! Investigator says WIPP operators incompetent! New Zealand hit with radiation?

27 March 2014 (11:56 UTC-07 Tango)/25 Jumada l-Ula 1435/07 Farvardin 1393/27 Ding-Mao 4712

Japan’s Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry says Tokyo Electric Power Company deliberately hid that 142 throwaway workers suffered internal radiation exposure immediately after the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster began.

The 142 victims were exposed to at least 5.86 millisieverts of radiation.  One worker suffered 180.10 mSv!  The government limit, for nuke industry workers, is 100 mSv over a five year period!  To make things even worse for the poor guy, TEPCo forced him to continue working even after the massive dose of radiation!

Once again, TEPCo says they made a mistake; they read the exposure readings wrong!  They’ve used that excused continually ever since the disaster bagean!  It also turns out that many employees never got the required iodide pills, that TEPCo first claimed were handed out.

Because TEPCo has continually said they’ve misread radiation measuring instruments, Japan’s Atomic Energy Agency and National Institute of Radiological Science decided to investigate all the radiation data TEPCo submitted since the disaster began.  Their conclusions will (supposedly) be announced in April.

Now for more news of newly discovered gross incompetence at the Fukushima Daiichi: 15-hundred water control valves are flowing water that nobody knows from what, where or if the water is contaminated!

The valves are important to regulating which pipes or equipment are connected to pumps and contaminated water storage tanks. It was just revealed that throwaway workers have no idea what the 15-hundred valves are connected to!  TEPCo officials admitted that they decided to start labeling the valves in Autumn 2013, in order to “…lower the risk of erroneous operations.”  It took them three years to realize that?!

Scientists with New Zealand’s University of Auckland are monitoring muttonbirds (a shearwater sea bird) for exposure to radiation.   Muttonbirds migrate to Japan, then return to New Zealand.  They are part of the food chain in Kiwiland, and scientists are concerned they could spread radiation, specifically cesium 134.  The scientists say the cesium will show up in the bird’s feathers: “…..detection of gamma rays would tell us whether the birds spend sufficient time near Fukushima to accumulate cesium-134 from nuclear fission. Obviously the issue would then become whether that radioactivity is being absorbed into local ecosystems or the food chain.”-David Krofcheck

In Carslbad, New Mexico, special Department of Energy/Environmental Protection Agency teams have finally entered the shutdown U.S. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.

The team must descend 609 meters (2-thousand feet) to begin their radiological testing.  At least 17 WIPP workers were contaminated.

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) reported to the U.S. Senate that safe operations at WIPP are questionable, saying reactions to the fire and radiation releases “…were not performed with the rigor necessary for a hazard category 2 defense nuclear facility. Both the federal and contractor workforce proved unprepared for emergency response.”

The DNFSB told senators they issued four warnings about operations at WIPP, since 2010.  The investigators also blasted the timing of the public alarms: “Shelter in place instructions were not given until 10 hours after the first indication of a problem, and over four hours after a release had been confirmed by local readings. As a result, the internal contamination level of workers, although minor, was nevertheless greater than necessary.”

United States military adventures vs Russian military adventures, since 1990: We’re all living in Amerika!

26 March 2014 (23:41 UTC-07 Tango 25 March 2014)/24 Jumada l-Ula 1435/06 Farvardin 1393/26 Ding-Mao 4712

Russia: 1st & 2nd Chechen Wars, 1994-1999.

Georgia, 2008.

Ukraine/Crimea Crisis, present.

United States:  Saudi Arabia; Operation Desert Shield, 1990.

Iraq & Kuwait; Operation Desert Storm, 1991.

Iraq; Operation Provide Comfort, Operation Desert Strike, Operation Desert Fox, No Fly Zones, 1991-2003.

Sierra Leone; Operation Silver Anvil, 1992.

Bosnia & Herzegovina; Operation Provide Promise, Operation Deny Flight, Operation Joint Guard, 1992-96.

Somalia; Operation Restore Hope, 1993.

Macedonia; UN Protection Force, 1993.

Liberia; Operation Assured Response, 1996.

Central African Republic; Operation Quick Response, 1996.

Albania; Operation Silver Wake, 1997.

Afghanistan; Operation Infinite Reach, 1998.

Sudan; Operation infinite Reach, 1998.

East Timor;  UN International Force, 1999-2001.

Serbia; Operation Allied Force, 1999.

Afghanistan; Operation Enduring Freedom (War on Terror), 2001-2014(?).

Philippines; War on Terror, 2002

Liberia; Second Liberian Civil War, 2003.

Georgia; War on Terror, 2003.

Djibouti; War on Terror, 2003.

Iraq; Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, 2003-2011.

Haiti; coup, UN Multinational Interim Force, 2004.

Pakistan; War on Terror-Drone War, 2004-present.

Somalia; War on Terror, 2007-present.

Georgia; South Ossetia War, 2008.

Libya; Operation Odyssey Dawn, 2011.

Uganda; War on Terror, 2011-present.

Syria; support troops deployed in Jordan and Turkey for Syrian Civil War, 2012-present.

Mali; Operation Serval, 2013.

Ukraine/Crimea Crisis, present.

“We’re all living in Amerika, Amerika, ist wunderbar!……Coca Cola,  sometimes War!”Rammstein


More Fukushima Nuke Industry Fallout: Radioactive snow hits Nevada & Utah! ALPS fails again! TEPCo admits defeat, GE to lead decommissioning group! High School student detects radiation in Canadian grocery store sea food! California homes radioactive?

25 March 2014 (00:58 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Jumada l-Ula 1435/05 Farvardin 1393/25 Ding-Mao 4712

Only six hours after re-starting the failed experimental Advanced Liquid Processing System it was shut down, again.  Tokyo Electric Power Company says yet another leak was discovered coming from a storage tank.

To add insult to the injured intelligence of the victims of the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, a new decommission group will be formed.  Essentially TEPCo admits it can’t handle the job.

The new decommissioning group will be formed of nuclear industry corporations like Hitachi-GE (General Electric), TEPCo, Toshiba and Mitsubishi.  TEPCo says the soonest they can start removing nuclear fuel from the damaged reactors is in 2020!

A Fukushima Prefecture fisherman’s association has agreed to TEPCo’s plan to divert groundwater around the melting down nuke plant.  It’s hoped the diverted groundwater will enter the ocean without becoming contaminated.  As I’ve written before, groundwater is testing positive for contamination even before it hits Fukushima Daiichi, because of ongoing radioactive fallout in rain and snow.

In the U.S. state of California, the USN is investigating claims by residents of Treasure Island that their homes are contaminated with radiation.  This is because, in the past few years, once secret USN radioactive waste dumps have been discovered near the homes.

At first the U.S. Navy denied it, but is investigating “due to a recent radiological finding beneath an empty housing unit”.

“….Reno, may have a radiation snow problem. For the past three years, according to EPA’s Radnet system that NETC.com uses to build the charts, it shows that each year in December or January, the radiation increases to the highest level for that year. Three times in three years, the snow is radioactive.”-Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center responding to question from Fact Checker.

NETC reports, for the past three years, Reno, Nevada and Saint George, Utah, have been hit with radioactive snowfall.  This is based on the U.S. EPA’s own radnet sites near those cities, which spike whenever it snows.

In Alberta, Canada, a 10th grade High School student did what the British empire government refuses; she began testing grocery store sea food for contamination.

Bronwyn Delacruz actually won a science award for her project.  She detected not only contaminated food, but discovered that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency deliberately stopped testing food for radiation in 2012!  That’s interesting, because the CFIA actually posted in February 2014 that they tested 200 food items and declared them safe!

Delacruz used a $600 CAD geiger counter and discovered “Some of the kelp that I found was higher than what the International Atomic Energy Agency sets as radioactive contamination, which is 1,450 counts over a 10 minute period. Some of my samples came up as 1,700 or 1,800.”

World War 3: Brazil, China, India and South Africa join Russia against G7! Russians laughing their asses off because Obama sanctions against Russia will backfire!

24 March 2014 (17:39 UTC-07 Tango)/22 Jumada l-Ula 1435/04 Farvardin 1393/24 Ding-Mao 4712

“G8 is an informal organization that does not give out any membership cards and, by its definition, cannot remove anyone. If our Western partners believe that this organizational format has been outlived, so be it!”-Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia

The members of the anti-G7 group, BRICS, have stated their economic support for Russia.  Specifically, they blasted threats by the U.S./U.K. led G7, which threatened to kick Russia out of the G20: “The Ministers noted with concern, the recent media statement on the forthcoming G20 Summit to be held in Brisbane in November 2014. The custodianship of the G20 belongs to all Member States equally and no one Member State can unilaterally determine its nature and character.”-BRICS statement

It’s becoming clear that U.S. and British empire led sanctions against Russia are going to backfire: “The position of officialdom and business is that these sanctions aren’t hitting Russia very hard, while harsher economic sanctions are problematic for Western countries themselves.”-Dmitry Danilov, Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences

There are already reports that people are actually increasing deposits into the Obama sanctioned Bank Rossiya, hundreds of new accounts have been opened.  This is despite Visa and Mastercard suspending their services with the bank.

Russia is striking back, imposing sanctions against 13 British empire Canadian officials.  They are banned from entering Russia.

Nine U.S. falsely elected member of Congress are also banned from entering Russia.

“We have repeatedly warned that sanctions are a double-edged instrument and would hit the United States like a boomerang!”-Russian Foreign Ministry

False Flag MH370 update: Israel begins new pilot training for MH370 scenario! Refuses to explain why!

23 March 2014 (00:45 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Jumada l-Ula 1435/03 Farvardin 1393/23 Ding-Mao 4712

“In the aftermath of the Malaysian plane incident, additional and more complicated exercises are being implemented in simulator training.”-Captain Yosi Shuv, National Association of Israeli Pilots

Israeli officials say they know MH370/CZ748 was the victim of a massive malfunction/sabotage, and they say all other theories are bogus.  They are now training their airline pilots to deal with such malfunctions/sabotage.

Here’s the big question: How can they begin training their airline pilots to deal with such a scenario when MH370/CZ748, along with its data recorders, has yet to be found?

Israeli officials refused to give Israeli reporters an explanation.

is there a missing nuke?

More Fukushima Fallout: Fears of Sumerian ‘Evil Wind’ in Fukushima! Japan admits it has weapons grade uranium!

23 March 2014 (20:57 UTC-07 Tango 22 March 2014)/21 Jumada l-Ula 1435/03 Farvardin 1393/23 Ding-Mao 4712

The neo-imperialist government of Japan is notifying the Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands that Japan is shipping highly-enriched weapons grade uranium and plutonium to the Obama regime, supposedly for disposal.  Officials admitted they bought the weapons grade material from the United States (in violation of Japan’s own constitution), during the Cold War, for “research purposes”.

Japan also revealed that it has been storing the weapons-grade highly-enriched uranium and plutonium at the Japanese Atomic Energy Agency’s fast critical assembly in Ibaraki Prefecture.  Both Prime Minister Abe and President Obama are expected to make a joint statement at next week’s 3rd Nuclear Security Summit.

In Fukushima Prefecture, fears of Sumerian Evil Wind if drought dries up reservoirs.  That’s because national, prefectural and local government rad tests of reservoirs show massive build up of radiation in the mud under the water.

Between June and December 2013, half of the prefecture’s 1,940 dams and reservoirs were found to have radiation levels far exceeding national government safe limit.  In the soil of a reservoir just 58 kilometers (36 miles) away from Fukushima Daiichi, 370-thousand becquerels per kilogram of contamination was found.  That’s 46 times the safe limit!

Despite this, the water is still being used for rice farming!  Locals are fearful if drought dries up the reservoirs: “When there is no water in the reservoir the radiation contaminated soil will be blown as dust toward nearby towns.  It will become a terrible health problem.”-Ishii Kiyoshi, local residents association

World War 3, West Asian Front: Syria declares war against U.S. backed insurgents is now a war to Liberate Golan & Palestine! Lebanon kicks ass in the west, forcing U.S. to begin covert invasion from Jordan!

22 March 2014 (11:49 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Jumada l-Ula 1435/02 Farvardin 1393/22 Ding-Mao 4712

“Syria is more confident than ever that the war today is a war for the sake of Palestine and the Golan Heights…..a war with Israel!”Faissal Mikdad (Faisal Miqdad), Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister

Mikdad says it is too obvious now that Israel is at war with Syria, and in bed with U.S. created al Qaeda: “…Israel repeatedly displayed publicly as a full partner in the war, from the raids that targeted Gemariah near Damascus a year ago, leading to the recent aggression in the region of Quneitra and Sasa days ago, and everything in between…..it [Israel] has become all the groups insurgent assaults on the Syrian citizens and their army and their institutions, and no matter how different the labels, reveal the nature and the fact that their subordination to al Qaeda.”

He also pointed out that just days ago the U.S. backed Syrian National Council promised Israel it would give up Syrian rights to Golan, if Israel began launching airstrikes and no fly zone missions.

Mikdad also blamed the hands of the Obama regime and takfiri Arabs for the civil war in Syria.

Mikdad said it is too obvious that Israel never wanted peace by evidence of “…the destruction of the Palestinian refugee camps and displaced people, in the context of the plan of Israel to liquidate the right of return for Palestinian refugees….”  He called Arab and UN peacekeepers monitoring the situation between Palestinians and zionists “….false witnesses to this violation, and often accomplice to partner implicitly with terrorism and occupation!”

A Los Angeles Times article says the Obama regime has shifted focus to covert invasion from the British empire puppet of Jordan.  The article says Obama has increase U.S. taxpayer funding of insurgent groups with “…the focus of a reinvigorated U.S.-backed initiative to bolster faltering opposition forces now losing ground in their three-year battle….”

“Every rebel and activist is looking to the much-vaunted southern front for good news and restored hope.”-Joshua Landis,  warmonger for Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma

What western news media won’t tell you is that the shift in Obama’s policy is because, yesterday, Lebanon’s Hezbollah cut off the Obama regime insurgent’s access through Lebanon by capturing the last al Qaeda “affiliated” western stronghold of Yabroud, in Syria.  The victorious action’s of Lebanese fighters are scaring the shit out of the British empire puppet king of Jordan: “Out of concern for the security, stability, sovereignty and security of Lebanon, we emphasize the need for the non-intervention of any Lebanese side in the conflict in Syria.”-Abdullah 2nd ibn al-Hussein

Obama’s new “southern front” is already failing as the Syrian Arab Army decimated a new wave of invasions from Jordan, just yesterday.  At least 12 Obama/U.S. tax dollar paid insurgents were killed.  The British empire based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed the defeat.

Also yesterday, the Sryian Arab Army captured the old false Christian Crusader castle of Qal’at al-Hisn from the Obama regime funded al Qaeda “affiliated” insurgents.

Today, a recruitment video from the Obama supported Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant was posted.  They are trying to recruit Britishers to fight with al Qaeda.

In Tunis, the manager of a Al Arabiya News said it’s now clear that the U.S. tax dollar funded insurgents are only about murder: “Extremist groups consider fighting against civilized society as one of their priorities. They don’t care about people’s freedom or political aspirations.”-Abdulrahman al-Rashed 

the gloves are off!