Tag Archives: food

Craving food & sex? Don’t blame yourself, blame those micro parasites in your stomach!

27 April 2017 (01:01 UTC-07 Tango 06) 07 Ordibehest 1396/30 Rajab 1438/02 Jia Chen [4th month] 4715

“….gut bacteria act through a different mechanism to change behavior and reproduction. Thus, eAAs and commensal bacteria are potent modulators of feeding decisions and reproductive output.”Commensal bacteria and essential amino acids control food choice behavior and reproduction

Results from a new study, released by Australia’s Monash University, blames your cravings for food and/or sex on the little microbes that live in your belly!

Specifically hundreds of bacteria live in your gut, and there’s nothing you can do about it (except make things worse by taking antibiotics).  The original purpose of the study was to prove a connection between microbes and amino acids, instead the researchers concluded that the bacteria are actually creating a false signal telling your brain it needs more food, or to procreate.

It might explain those people who seem to be having an orgasm because they’re stuffing their face with food, but hold on, the researchers didn’t study humans, they studied fruit flies.  So more research needs to be done.

Interestingly, another Monash University study involving flies concluded that not eating enough animal protein can damage a person’s ability to procreate healthy offspring.

National Guard activated for Disney Awards?

20 April 2017 (04:32 UTC-07 Tango 06) 31 Farvardin 1396/23 Rajab 1438/24 Jia Chen 4715

Senior Airman Mariah Klingenberg, 133rd Force Support Squadron, Sustainment Services Flight, Minnesota National Guard

The following official Defense Department video is of Kentucky Air National Guard’s 123rd Force Support Squadron preparing lunch for the UTA Disney Award:

But wait, it’s not what you think.  The UTA doesn’t stand for The Walt Disney Company’s United Talent Agency, it stands for Unit Training Assembly.  The Disney Award is a food service competition named after Senior Master Sergeant Kenneth W. Disney, also known as the Disney Food Service Excellence award.

Senior Airman Terrance Hill of the 132d Wing Services Flight, Iowa National Guard


Operation Jupiter : New TB killing deer & beef cattle!

13 April 2017 / 19:38 UTC-07 Tango 06 (25 Farvardin 1396/17 Rajab 1438/18 Jia Chen 4715)

“I can’t explain how this is moving around.  My concern is it is moving in something.”-Bret Marsh, Indiana State Board of Animal Health

In the United States, the Indiana State Board of Animal Health warning of what appears to be a new type of Bovine tuberculosis (TB) hitting both wild deer and domestic cows.

Supposedly Indiana’s cattle industry was TB free from 1984 until about nine years ago.  U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) testing revealed that the most recent cases of Bovine TB in wild white-tailed deer and domestic cattle are of the same strain of TB.  Also of interest is that one raccoon also tested positive for the same TB strain.

The particular strain of Bovine TB first popped up in 2008 in domestic cattle in Indiana. In 2009 the first wild deer case was found, also in Indiana, and it has spread across the United States.  Since then thousands of cattle and several types of wild deer and elk have been culled.

Last month South Dakota’s Game Fish and Parks Department discovered a herd of cattle infected with TB (the first time since 2011), they will be culled at U.S. taxpayer expense (the USDA will compensate the farmer).  Even the cows that tested negative will be killed.

In February this year the USDA identified cows from Nebraska as being infected.  It was also revealed that infected cows were found in feed lots in Nebraska and South Dakota in November 2016.

Bovine TB is considered the most infectious across animal specie, but I’ve discovered that until 1994 Bovine TB was considered rare in wild animals. Michigan Department of Natural Resources says until 1994 only eight wild deer were documented to have the disease. However, for some publicly unexplained reason, in 1995 Michigan required that wild deer killed by hunters, or found dead, had to be tested for the disease.  Since than not only have deer been found infected but so have elk, black bear, bobcat, coyote, opossum, raccoon, and red fox (‘You big dummy!’ No not that Redd Foxx).

Michigan’s domestic cattle industry is also being hit.  Earlier this month the USDA confirmed that a cow in Newaygo County tested positive.   A study by Michigan State University concluded that the main culprit in the spread of Bovine TB are salt licks set out by cattle ranchers.  Basically the wild deer come onto the farms at night to lick the salt, then move on during the day.  They pick up the TB from the domestic cows and then spread it across state lines.

The country of New Zealand reporting great progress in fighting Bovine TB.  In the Gregorian year of 2000 there were at least 7-hundred documented cases in deer and cattle.  Today the Operational Solutions for Primary Industries reports that there are currently 41 cases.

In the country of Ireland it’s reported that from the 1st quarter of 2016 to the 1st quarter of 2017 at least 2-thousand 8-hundred cases of Bovine TB were confirmed!  Interestingly wild deer are being blamed (even though it’s actually domestic cattle who should be blamed) and the Manor Kilbride Deer Management Project is demanding that hunters be allowed to kill-off as many as 50-thousand deer just in the tiny county of Wicklow!  Local news reports revealed that cattle farmers are blaming the deer for the TB epidemic in the hopes of freeing up more grazing land for their domestic cows.

In the United Kingdom, the Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales and County Hall is demanding an elk cull, not because they have Bovine TB but to find out if they do!   Turns out that the elk roam on private lands and are not required to be routinely tested, as domestic cows are required to be.


Operation Jupiter : Raccoons hit with unknown disease? Spreading like wildfire!

13 April 2017 (16:33 UTC-07 Tango 06) 24 Farvardin 1396/16 Rajab 1438/17 Jia Chen 4715

“We do this every year, but this year it’s been an epidemic.”-Jerry Harrison, Alcoa County Animal Control, Tennessee

Since the end of March there’s been a sudden increase in sightings of diseased raccoons in the United States and Canada.

In Tennessee, skyrocketing cases of raccoons being culled due to unknown (so far) disease.  According to animal control employees the average number of sick raccoons put-down in a year is about three, but in Alcoa County they euthanized 18 raccoons just in the month of March!

The symptoms displayed are similar to canine distemper or rabies.  Distemper is not a threat to humans, but rabies is, so as a precaution all sick raccoons are being killed until USDA test results reveal what is making them sick: “Most of the time, it’s going to be distemper, and it kind of mimics the rabies, the tremors, things like that. It’s probably going to be distemper, but we won’t know until the testing is done.”- Eddie King, Maryville  County Animal Control

The problem with canine distemper and rabies is that symptoms are similar; being out in the open during the day, no fear of humans, trembling, foaming at the mouth, walking in circles.

I was surprised to discover that some U.S. states treat raccoons as if they are the source of disease.  Raccoons are unknowing spreaders of disease, but the disease doesn’t start with them.  Canine distemper can be blamed on dogs brought to the Americas by European settlers.  Rabies was first identified more than 4-thousand years ago by the ancient Egyptians, it too could have been spread to the Americas by European settlers and their farm animals.  This is more historical proof that immigration is a bad thing for native specie.

Reports of sick raccoons are coming out of Alabama as well.   Social media reports by residents of the city of Homewood reveal numerous sightings of sick raccoons. One raccoon was killed and is undergoing testing.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture is warning the public of all the various diseases that raccoons can unknowingly spread, after a raccoon was found sick with rabies.

In Virginia, towards the end of March a woman in Arlington was attacked by a raccoon while she was sitting on her back porch.  She said the animal came “out of nowhere” and bit her leg. She received rabies vaccinations as a result.  Just today, reports out of Newport News say another raccoon tested positive for rabies.

In South Carolina, a veterinarian broke-up a fight between one raccoon and three dogs earlier this month, this week test results showed the raccoon had rabies.  Interestingly the vet said other than trying to fight three dogs the raccoon showed no signs of being sick.

The true vector of disease isn’t the raccoons, but the fleas, ticks and mosquitoes that love to suck animal’s blood (humans are animals, take that you filthy animal Donald Trump for calling al-Assad an “animal”).

In British empire Canada, the Province of Ontario warning of increased cases of rabies in raccoons.  Significant considering there hasn’t been a documented case of raccoons with rabies in many parts of Ontario for the past ten years!  Rabies can be spread through saliva. Manager of Health Protection for Public Health Services, Jessica Morris, warned “Once the virus…..hits the brain…it’s essentially too late…”




“floods, pests, drought, land use”: U.S. Food Crisis, February 2017

Incomplete list of announced United States food supply shutdowns for the month of February, 2017: Many food suppliers/distributors are consolidating operations and killing jobs due to the collapsing grocery store and restaurant industries, as well as rising costs of food production, spread of disease and extreme weather.

Alabama:  Wintzell’s Oyster House suddenly shutdown its six years old Huntsville restaurant with only a one day notice, no reason given.

Arizona: Marana Hooters shutdown not by protesters, but by a $148-million USD state taxpayer funded road project.  Local news reports say the road project will block both access points to the restaurant.

California: Rocket Fizz Soda Pop and Candy Shop shutdown its five years old Vista location with only a one day notice to customers, blaming the landlord without giving details.  In Oak Park, after 28 years Louie’s shutting down by the end of March.  The location is for sale to help fund the owners’ retirement.  In Irvine, after more than 30 years Prego Ristorante forced to look for a new location by greedy landlord, affecting 55 employees.  Texas based Whole Foods Market shutdown their store in Davis due to sales failing to improve.  In Los Angeles, Auntie Em’s Kitchen shutdown, the owner went back to catering (because catering has lower operating costs).

Colorado: Broomfield based Noddles & Company conducting yet another round of restaurant shutdowns, this time 55 starting in April, blaming “negative cash flow”. Noodles & Co. also sold-off $31.5-million USD in stocks to raise cash.

Connecticut: In Middleton, after 80 years Cypress Restaurant shutdown. The owners of the oldest locally owned restaurant say they need to retire.

Florida: Bloomin’ Brands announced it will shutdown 43 Outback Steakhouses across the U.S. due to continued crashing sales.  Bloomin’ Brands reported a $43-million USD loss for its 4th quater of 2016! Bloomin’ Brands has been losing money and shutting down restaurants for years.

Georgia:  Texas based Whole Foods Market shutdown a store in Augusta due to sales failing to improve.

Illinois: After 88 years the Swedish Bakery shutdown due to “Changing times”.    In Loves Park, after more than 40 years Chen’s Cantonese Chef shutdown because the owner says he’s too old to keep running it.  In Chicago, restaurant Three Aces shutdown their seven years old Little Italy location.

Indiana:  In Indianapolis, Pizzology shutdown, the owner will supposedly try a new restaurant theme.

Iowa: In Cedar Rapids, BBQ This! shutdown to be replaced with something “new”.  In Des Moines, after six years Patton’s Restaurant shutdown, the owner is focusing on catering.

Kansas: In Manhattan, Rusty’s bar and Rusty’s Outback shutdown, the owners are now focusing on one operation.

Kentucky:  In Louisville, after 59 years Tim Tam Tavern up for sale as the current owner wants to move on.

Police rescued the Town & Country Foods fiberglass mascot from cow-nappers, back in 2014.

Maine: After more than four decades of beef, Town & Country Foods suddenly shutdown its Greene location.

Michigan: Battle Creek based food-maker Kellogg’s shutting down 39 distribution centers affecting at least 1-thousand-1-hundred jobs!  Believe it or not, the food-maker blames its failed attempt to stop Donald Trump for crashing sales!  Combination restaurant-movie theater Alamo Drafthouse Cinema shutting down by April due to the new owner not wanting to renew the lease.

Minnesota: In Saint Paul, Asian-Latin food joint Senior Wong Craft Bar shutdown.

Missouri: In Saint Louis, Monty’s Sandwich shutting down its North Broadway location due to being unable to renew the lease.  Condiment maker French’s Food shutting down their Springfield distribution center, 140 jobs gone starting in April!  The state  Department of Economic Development revealed they’ve known about French’s consolidation plan since January.  In Saint Joseph, after more than 30 years Weidemeir’s Truck Stop shutdown after being put up for sale.

Montana: In Billings, iconic 35 years old restaurant Rex suddenly shutdown, supposedly due to being sold to an employee.  The former owner believes the new owner has plans to re-open Rex.

Nebraska: In Omaha, after only two years Grane Whiskey Dispensary shutdown. Local news reports say the owner is fighting legal claims over alleged unpaid taxes concerning a different booze business.

Nevada: Decades old California based Du-Par’s Restaurant suddenly shutdown its six years old Las Vegas location earlier than publicized.  Local news media reported that it was having problems paying expenses.  Du-Par’s became famous for introducing 99 cent booze.

New York: Christian agnostic Warren Buffet owned Kraft-Heinz issued a shutdown WARN for their cheese ops in Campbell, 380 jobs lost starting at the end of May!  After 91 years Will Foods shutting down the distribution ops in Buffalo, 71 jobs lost between February and the end of March.  “Perishable Prepared  Food” maker Sabra Dipping shutting down their Farmingdale operations, 22 jobs lost between May and June.  Gormet Guru-United Natural Foods issued a shutdown WARN for their Bronx-NYC ops, 77 jobs lost by mid-May.  In NYC, Craftbar Restaurant shutting down at the end of April, 70 jobs lost due to “economic” reasons.  NYC based International Flavors & Fragrances warning of as many as 370 jobs lost over the next two years, because expected sales will not generate enough profit.   In Rochester, after more than a hundred years (surviving the christian imposed prohibition by pretending to be a cigar shop) Dicky’s Bar shutdown.  In Amherst, 27 years old Tandoori’s Royal Indian Cuisine and 17 years old Palm’s Banquets suddenly shutdown. Local news media speculated that the shutdowns are connected to a co-owners 2013 conviction concerning falsified tax returns.  Also in Amherst, TGI Fridays shutdown its decades old Transit Road location, no reason given.  In Brooklyn-NYC, Flatbush Farm shutdown blaming “floods, pests, drought, land use.”

North Carolina:  In Charlotte, after almost 20 years Phat Burrito shutdown, apparently due to losing customer parking spaces due to property re-development.

Ohio: In Fairfield, after 37 years Moon Garden restaurant shutdown, the owners are in their 70s and want to retire. Maumee based agribusiness and farm retailer Andersons shutting down all four stores, laying off 920 people by the end of April!  It’s blamed on millions of U.S. dollars in losses over the past eight years.

Pennsylvania: The Meadville based operator of area Burger Kings and Perkins restaurants, Unique Ventures Group, now chapter 11 bankrupt busted.  Local news reports says Unique Ventures Group owes $1.8-million USD in state and federal taxes! In Factoryville, Ray’s Supermarket shutdown, it was the only grocery store in the town.  The store manager lamented that doing business in a small town doesn’t pay the bills, saying “This building itself is too small to compete, we`re just too small. For 12 years we`ve been trying to do something to expand in town and there`s not much available, and what is available just is not feasible.”   France based food service contractor Sodexo issued a shutdown WARN for their ‘christian’ Temple University operations, 454 jobs lost by mid-May!   Soda pop seller ShopRite laying off 3-hundred people because sales crashed by 50% due to the city of Philadelphia’s 1.5 cents per ounce tax (on top of existing food taxes)! New Jersey based Canada Dry Delaware Valley eliminating 20% of its jobs in Philadelphia, because their soda sales crashed by 45%, again, due the city of Philadelphia’s 1.5 cents per ounce tax (on top of existing food taxes)!

Tennessee: After only one year and U.S. taxpayer funded incentives to build a $22-million USD factory in Kingsport, British empire Canada owned Pure Foods now chapter 11 bankrupt busted!  The company also promised to hire 275 Tennesseans, but local news media reported that food production at Kingsport was suddenly halted in October 2016 after the Canadian owners suddenly decided to consolidate operations.

Texas: In Houston, Luv Me Tenders shutdown its brick-n-mortar eatery saying it “didin’t make sense” to sign a five years lease.  Luv Me Tenders food trucks will continue to operate.  Austin based Whole Foods Market shutting down at least nine stores due to crashing sales, in stark contrast to last year’s hopeful claim of opening hundreds of new stores!   Without warning Austin based My Fit Foods shutdown all 50 stores! One local news report said some store managers were bold faced lied to about the shutdowns: “Despite other stores closing earlier in the week, upper management had assured Quiroz that her stores selling healthy prepared meals in The Woodlands would remain open. Saturday’s call felt out of the blue, but there were warning signs.”Houston Chronicle

Vermont:  It was revealed that state tax collectors forced Flanders Market/North Tunbridge General Store/Chelsea’s Pizza House to shutdown in November! The owner of the stores re-opened them in December after settling the taxes, but then suddenly shutdown them all down in January/February, saying “Everything is financial”.

Virginia:  In Lynchburg, the TastyKake Bakery Outlet on Hollins Mill Road suddenly shutdown due to crashing sales.  University of Richmond shutting down its Center for Culinary Arts by June 30, blaming skyrocketing operating costs and crashing student enrollments.

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

U.S. Food Crisis, January 2017: “IT’S GETTING TOUGH OUT THERE.”

National Guard responds to chemical attack(?) in Arizona!

07 April 2017 (01:50 UTC-07 Tango 06) 18 Farvardin 1396/10 Rajab 1438/11 Jia Chen 4715

Arizona first responders and National Guard suit-up for toxic gas situation at animal hospital

On 06 APR 2017, employees at an animal hospital in Gilbert, Arizona, thought they smelled a gas leak.  When the fire department investigated they claim to have found a toxic gas “hazmat situation” and ordered an evacuation of the Arizona Veterinary Specialists clinic.

The National Guard’s 91st Civil Support Team was called in, as well as surrounding municipality’s HAZMAT teams.   Apparently first responders called it a hazmat situation because they determined it was not a gas leak, but they were not able to identify what was in the air.

Entering the Hot Zone in Level-A suits

14 dogs and one cat were evacuated, most were connected to medical equipment.  Local news media said the first dog brought out was in critical condition, but didn’t say if it was due to the toxic gas. Veterinarians who checked out the animals after evacuation don’t think the animal’s conditions are connected to the hazmat situation.

Local news media say the employees, and the fire crews that responded to the 9-1-1 call, were checked for contamination.  Finally, investigators determined the toxic gas was ethylene oxide, a chemical used to sterilize medical equipment.

Ethylene oxide is a flammable colorless gas with a sweet odor, and is also used to make toxic bug spray.



Pittsburgh asks Army Reserve for water!

“How much purified water can one of your water purification units produce to distribute to the public?”-City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety

04 APR 2017 meeting between Pittsburgh admin and U.S. Army Reserve commanders

Just days ago the city of Pittsburgh asked the U.S. Army Reserve 316th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) to provide logistical information about water purification.

Not much info has been made public about the meeting, other than city administrators are concerned about the loss of city water services due to a potential ‘disaster’.

Militarizing the Cops: Mississippi Militia trains up police!

Mississippi National Guard conducts MARLINSPIKE-2, an operation involving more than 30 federal and state agencies train-up local police/first responders with military tactics and equipment and create Composite Interagency Teams to respond to WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) attacks!

UH-72 Lakota training:

Clearing a Building, Port Security, React to WMD:

Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Smith explains MARLINSPIKE-2:


National Guard preps for Catastrophic Event!

The U.S. state of Georgia recently hosted the massive Vigilant Guard 17 part 2 exercise (Vigilant Guard 17 part 1 was held in California & Nevada at the end of 2016):

The exercise is promoted as preparations for natural disasters, however our leaders must be expecting a massive catastrophic event because Vigilant Guard 17-2 included the United States Northern Command, U.S. Coast Guard, National Guard Bureau, Georgia Department of Defense, Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency, South Carolina National Guard, Kentucky National Guard, Florida National Guard, Tennessee National Guard, Virgin Islands National Guard, and included preparations for a Chemical-Biological-Radiological ‘event’!

State militia personnel conduct ‘Hot Zone’ checks onboard a ship, off the coast of Georgia

U.S. Army NorthCom explains Vigilant Guard: