Tag Archives: eu

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 18 – 21 March 2013. More Green on Blue! Danes getting out early! U.S. agrees to pullout SOF! World Bank giving Afghanistan even more money! Cop impersonator arrested for desecrating Qur’an!

21 March 2013/09 Jumada l-Ula 1434/01 Farvardin 1391/10 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Ghazni Province, contracted security/mercenaries (Arbakis) tortured and killed two people. The bodies were found three days after they were kidnapped in Muqur district. Their eyes were gouged out, several bones broken. A third person was released after a ransom was paid, but they suffered three days of torture as well.

In Helmand Province, local police say a suicide bomber training class went wrong when the bomb laden vest went off on accident. Five potential suicide bombers were killed, six wounded.

In Takhar Province, a district governor was killed along with his two body guards, and two others wounded, after they drove over a landmine.

20 March 2013/08 Jumada l-Ula 1434/30 Esfand 1391/09 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

U.S./NATO agreed to get their SOF personnel out of Maidan Wardak province within the next few days.  This comes after President Karzai ordered the U.S. forces out, because of growing reports of torture and killings of innocent people by SOF forces.

In Paktika Province,  Afghan National Army troops shot and killed a U.S. led troop.  The official report says ANA troops said it was an accident as they mistook the occupier as Mujahideen.  However, there are independent reports that say six U.S. personnel were killed and several wounded, and it was deliberate. The ANA troop who open fired was shot and killed.

In Ghazni Province, a Polish NATO soldier was killed, another wounded after the armored vehicle they were in drove over a landmine.

In Helmand Province, at least four people were killed, seven wounded, during protests following the desecration of a Qur’an supposedly by a Afghan National Policeman.  However, police say they’ve arrested a man who dressed as a cop then entered the local Mosque to deliberately destroy a Qur’an.  Also, police say the shooting at the protest was started by people in the crowd who claimed to be Mujahideen.  Two cops were wounded.  Sounds like a set up, probably by occupying troops.

Germany being sued for killing Afghans!  In Bonn, Germany, a trial has begun to determine if German troops knowingly killed civilians in Kunduz Province.  It happened in 2009, and involved German troops calling U.S. airstrikes on two fuel trucks that were surrounded by civilians.  The families are suing for $4.3 million USD.

The United Nations has unanimously approved the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) for at least one more year.  That would mean the UNAMA mission would end in March 2014.

The World Bank announced yet another grant for Afghanistan.  This time $55 million for teaching Afghan youths more skills.

19 March 2013/07 Jumada l-Ula 1434/29 Esfand 1391/08 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, an Afghan border cop open fired on his fellow cops, killing three, including his commander.  He then joined the Mujahideen.  Also, Mujahideen claim to have launched rockets into Kandahar airbase.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen shot down a small recon drone. It took place in Marjah district, which has seen sporadic battles ever since U.S./NATO led troops were brought in by helicopter several days ago, after another drone was shot down.

Denmark announced it will pullout troops early! Originally the Danes were to leave at the end of 2014, but Danish media are reporting that all of their personnel will be out by the end of this summer.

18 March 2013/06 Jumada l-Ula 1434/28 Esfand 1391/07 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In Paktika Province,  Mujahideen claim they ambushed a U.S./NATO patrol foot patrol in Khair Kot district. A 30 minute firefight took place, one U.S./NATO troop killed.

In Kandahar Province, the people of Zandi village say they were hit by a U.S. led airstrike. One person was killed.  Also, in Panjwaee district a U.S. led patrol was ambushed twice, no more details.  And another U.S. led foot patrol encountered a landmine, which reportedly killed two troops.

In Helmand Province, in Marjah district, where battles have been ongoing for the past several days, there are reports that U.S. led troops open fired on civilians. Four people killed, two wounded.


World War 3: IMF & EU banks trying to take over Cyprus banking system! Yet another attempt to seize depositors’ accounts!

22 March 2013/10 Jumada l-Ula 1434/02 Farvardin 1391/11 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

“Time is up, we want our cash! Our friends in Europe brought us to this point. We expected more.”-Maria Melitou, Cypriot accountant

The latest reports are that hundreds of people, if not thousands, are clashing with police in the capital city of Cyprus.  All because the European Union wants to take their bank accounts.

European Central Bank (ECB) officials are now pressuring Cyprus to close down its banks, as part of the latest bailout offer.  The ECB is also demanding the freezing of any accounts that are not insured!

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that they would be able to seize 40% of uninsured assets and accounts!

German officials said the radical bailout offer is justified because the two biggest banks in Cyprus will fail anyway.  The German official said seizing uninsured accounts would actually leave more money in the Cypriot banking system than if the two biggest banks failed outright.

But there are several Russian billionaires who have large amounts of uninsured deposits in Cypriot banks, and they say this is just an attempt by the ECB to steal some free money.

Another German official admitted in a Christian Science Monitor interview that the European Union wants to get its hands on the suspected tens of billions that are in the almost unregulated Cypriot banks: “We want this to be taxed.”-Michael Fuchs, a member of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats

The Cyprus Popular Bank (aka Laiki Bank) said it will fail outright on Monday, 25 March 2013.  The Cypriot government is considering a law that would ban money being taken out of the country.  Also, ATMs are running out of money because of the amount of people trying to cash out (the banks are still closed).

Right now 67.3% of Cypriots want out of the European Union.  There are reports that if Cyprus goes along with a ECB bailout that Russia could dump its holdings of euros.  42% of Russia’s foreign exchange currency holdings are in euros.  Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev says it’s not worth it to have euros if the ECB gets its way: “If it can be done in Cyprus, why not in Spain, in Italy, or in other countries where there are problems with finances? Tomorrow they will start to confiscate deposits there.”



What Economic Recovery? Cyprus banks to remaind closed for another week! Signs of banks not Too Big to Fail!

21 March 2013/09 Jumada l-Ula 1434/01 Farvardin 1391/10 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

After rejecting an privately funded European Union bailout, and after starting negotiations for a bailout from Russia, banks in Cyprus have decided to remain closed for another five days.

This is because many Cypriots plan on withdrawing all their money.  This is because the EU bailout plan involved a heavy tax on bank accounts.  ATMs are still working, but reports say it’s difficult to keep them filled with cash because of all the withdrawals.

There is also signs that two major banks are in trouble. Cypriot media is reporting that the government is going to create new banks to take over ‘good’ accounts from the Bank of Cyprus and Cyprus Popular Bank.  The two banks are rumored to be allowed to fail.

Officials with Cyprus Popular Bank are reportedly in Russia looking for a buyer.  Other reports say banks are being offered to Greek buyers.

The Ministry of Finance and Central Bank officials are also working on creating bonds that will be backed by the future development of natural gas sites from Leviathan.

World War 3: More proof the U.S. is behind WMD attack in Syria, they’re delaying the UN investigation! U.S. puppet agents say no Syrian soldiers reported killed, that’s a lie!

21 March 2013/09 Jumada l-Ula 1434/01 Farvardin 1391/10 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

On 20 March the Syrian government demanded a United Nations investigation into the supposed gas attacks in Aleppo Province, and possibly in the city of Damascus.

Now the United States, France and United Kingdom (all backers of the insurgency) are working hard to delay the UN investigation.  Why?  If it turns out that a gas attack was launched by the Syrian government wouldn’t that play into their ‘red line’ threat of all out war?

Also, in a U.S. News & World Report article Maher Nana, co-founder of Syrian Support Group in Florida, said the Syrian government did not report any soldiers killed in the WMD attacks.  A bold face lie as the Syrian government reported at least 10 of their soldiers killed in the Aleppo Province attack!  Nana was using the bogus claim as a way to prove the gas attacks came from the Syrian government.

What Economic Recovery? British Treasury Boss says economy to stagnate for the next four years!

20 March 2013/08 Jumada l-Ula 1434/30 Esfand 1391/09 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

United Kingdom’s Chancellor of the Exchequer/Second Lord of the Treasury, George Osbourne, changed his earlier predictions on the British economy.  Now he says it’s going worse than they thought, despite his political party’s policies which include big tax cuts for corporations, and big spending cuts for social programs: “…this year their output forecast is reduced to 0.6% growth….while less than we would like our growth, this year and next year, is forecast by the IMF [International Monetary Fund] to be higher than France and Germany. It is a reminder that all western nations live in  challenging economic times…the OBR [Office for Budget Responsibility] then expects the recovery to pick up to 1.8% in 2014, 2.3% in 2015, 2.7% in 2016, and 2.8% in 2017….”

Note that none of the forecasts are at or above the important 3% mark.  Until a country’s economy hits 3% it is not considered to be growing.  Between 0% and 2.9% means stagnation.  So for at least the next four years the British (and other western countries) economy will be a rotting stagnating stinking mess.

World War 3: Cyprus says EU stabbed them in the back, now turning to Russia for help! War over Leviathan!

20 March 2013/08 Jumada l-Ula 1434/30 Esfand 1391/09 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

In a surprise vote, the Cypriot Parliament rejected the privately funded European Union bailout.  Cypriot politicians said the bank account tax was seen as a stab in the back by the EU.

Others believed it was an attempt by the EU to rape Cypriot banks, which have almost no regulations and a lot of wealthy investors.

There are reports that Cyrpus will now discuss a bailout loan from Russia.  Russian banks and individuals are among those wealthy investors in Cypriot banks.

There are reports that Russia’s Gazprom petroleum corporation has offered a bailout in exchange for control of offshore gas deposits.  Cyprus sits almost in the middle of eastern half of the huge Leviathan petroleum fields in the Mediterranean Sea.

Control over Leviathan is the real reason behind the U.S., European and Israeli backed insurgency in Syria and Lebanon, and efforts to keep Egypt destabilized, as well as Tunis and Libya.

Libya, Tunis, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Greece all border Leviathan. If you look at a map of the Mediterranean, then draw a line straight south from Greece to Libya, the area under the Sea east of that line is Leviathan.  Cyprus going over to the Russians would really screw things up for the west.

U.S. begins Leviathan war games

Too Big to Jail Bank Evil: Cyprus officials refuse bailout, Britain has to fly in cash for their soldiers!

20 March 2013/08 Jumada l-Ula 1434/30 Esfand 1391/09 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The Cypriot Parliament has rejected the privately funded bailout plan.  36 politicians voted against it, 19 abstained.  Not one politician voted for it!

The bailout would have placed a high tax on bank accounts, and would have affected individuals and large investors.  Russian officials complained because Russian banks have large accounts in Cyprus and would have had to pay $168 million in taxes!

Over the weekend, Cypriot banks closed down, including their ATMs, because people were rushing to get their cash out. The bank closures not only affected Cypriots but British Red Coats stationed there.

The United Kingdom has what’s called sovereign military bases in Cyprus. The U.K. Defence Ministry confirmed that they’ve flown nearly $1.3 million USD to their British Forces Cyprus personnel. They will also allow personnel to have their paychecks deposited in U.K. based accounts.

World War 3 & Government Incompetence: Sanctions a big fail! For the first time North Korea is actually making money off its exports! More proof China will not support sanctions.

19 March 2013/07 Jumada l-Ula 1434/29 Esfand 1391/08 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

A report in the Japanese media suggests that for the first time ever, and despite increasing economic sanctions, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is actually making money off its exports!

The Japan Times says U.S. based economists, Marcus Noland and Stephen Haggard, think North Korea might actually have a trade surplus, thanks to China.

According to the government of the Republic of Korea, North Korea’s trade with China tripled from 2007 to 2011.

Having account surpluses means sanctions have less effect. However, the U.S. economists say one of DPRK’s exports is large amounts of cash, which could be bad for the communist country.  Also, the economists assumed illicit activities in their estimations of North Korea’s trade.

World War 3: U.S. backed Syrian insurgents warned they were going to use WMDs!

19 March 2013/07 Jumada l-Ula 1434/29 Esfand 1391/08 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

The hundreds of killed and wounded in the U.S., European and Israeli backed gas attack in Syria, includes government soldiers, but mainly civilian men, women and children.

Independent reports say some insurgent groups had been warning they were going to use WMDs.  Yesterday a U.S., European and Israeli backed interim insurgent government elected a U.S. citizen to be their Prime Minister.

Breaking news: Russia says U.S. backed insurgents behind WMD attack in Syria!

19 March 2013/07 Jumada l-Ula 1434/29 Esfand 1391/08 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Russian officials say they have documented that the chemical weapons attack in Aleppo province was launched by U.S., European and Israeli backed insurgents.  Russian intelligence believe the insurgents captured the chemical armed rockets from the Syrian military.

The Syrian government says the insurgents got the WMDs from outside the country.