Incomplete list of U.S. Christian shutdowns and layoffs 2nd Quarter 2016.

Mormon Glen Beck’s ‘news’ network The Blaze laid off at least 40 employees across the U.S. This is at least the second round of layoffs for Glen Beck. Back in February a Daily Beast report basically said former employees accused ‘christian’ Beck of being a backstabber. It’s blamed on crashing ratings and the crashing numbers of people looking at Beck’s websites and
Arizona: God powerless to stop his Illinois based Saint Xavier University from shutting down their Gilbert campus. Administrators say they are prepping for the possible halting of Illinois taxpayer funding for low income students.
Colorado: In Colorado Springs, god powerless to stop ‘his’ British empire Salvation Army from shutting down the Cold Weather Shelter. Administrators said their shelter was a temporary short term fix requested by the county, but the homeless situation has become so bad that it “…needs to be addressed as a community.” Also in Colorado Springs, after three years Curbside Cuisine shutting down multiple lots owned by god’s Young Men’s Christian Association and being rented to independent food trucks. YMCA administrators said Curbside Cuisine wasn’t making enough money off renting out the YMCA property so they’re being handed back to the YMCA. One food truck operator said he got three weeks notice of shutdown: “I don’t know where to move. We have been here all winter and didn’t make any money and now the weather is starting to get better and we have to move. It is not fair.”-Hayder Hassan, former U.S. Army translator now food truck operator
Connecticut: Despite surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ East Avenue United Methodist Church. Church leaders adopted an “off the fence faith” policy by that failed to stop The Rapture, I mean massive loss of believers.
Florida: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Saint Leo University system from eliminating 30 jobs due to “restructuring”. Interestingly local news reports say administrators claim they’re actually creating new jobs. God powerless to stop ‘his’ church organ maker Tadlock Piano Company from shutting down their Dothan store. They’re consolidating ops to Panama City.
Georgia: In Savannah, god powerless to stop ‘his’ Young Men’s Christian Association from shutting down their 17 years old Southside YMCA. But get this, the YMCA is being shutdown by god’s own Saint Joseph Hospital, who owns the property the Southside YMCA is using.
Idaho: In Twin Falls, after 37 years god powerless to stop ‘unofficial’ Mormon Bell’s Family Books from being shutdown by ‘official’ Mormon bookstore Deseret Book! You read right! Local news reports say Bell’s Family Books was facing increasing competition, the final straw being when their own religion opened a bookstore down the street.
More charges of corruption in the ‘christian’ controlled Gem State: A city employee of 14 years has resigned from her job with Idaho City after being accused of taking taxpayer funding. Idaho State Police say she took about $47-thousand USD over a two years period, two other city employees were fired. According to in the past year and a half Idaho doctors were paid-off by drug companies, to the tune of $24-million USD of ‘incentives’! Now you know why so many ‘christians’ in The Gem State are wacked on evil prescription drugs! ‘Suspect’ State Treasurer Ron Crane is now facing wrongful termination charges by a former employee, who was fired “in direct retaliation for communicating in good faith the existence of extensive waste of public funds/manpower and illegality”. In November 2015 five state employees reported to their superiors massive corruption in the Republican ‘christian’ controlled state government. Instead of being praised for revealing the waste of taxpayer funding, they were accused of insubordination! Two were fired! Idaho state level ‘elected christian’ politicians have so far spent $136-thousand taxpayer dollars on travel expenses for just 75 days of their legislative session! The revelation was made after The Associated Press forced the release of data through a Freedom of Information demand. Not all reimbursement requests have been submitted, so expect the total tax dollars spent to go up. It was revealed that state taxpayers were forced to pay outrageous three-fold increase in overtime pay to Idaho State Police (ISP) trainees. ‘Christian’ ISP administrators explained, without blinking an eye, that it was mainly for trainee commute times to the academy because there was No Room at the Inn, I mean the ISP’s academy dorms in Meridian, or at the National Guard barracks on Gowen Field! (how many civilian businesses pay their employees to commute?) The Idaho Housing and Finance Association reports that the number of homeless people in northern Idaho has increased 5% since 2015. Local true Christian charities say the homeless rate is actually higher than the official count because not all localities are included in the head-counting, and warned the homeless rate will go up: “Although the homeless number is always interesting, those living from paycheck to paycheck who are on the verge of losing their homes is far greater. That’s the bigger issue.”-Jeff Conroy, Saint Vincent de Paul of North Idaho
Despite boasting of a recovering economy the self proclaimed ‘christian’ leaders of Idaho have decided they must ration the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, incorrectly called Food Stamps). Starting in July instead of getting all their food assistance on a single day, it will be spread over a ten days period, affecting 82-thousand of Idaho’s 1.5-million residents. It was revealed that this rationing of food assistance was actually ordered by state ‘elected christian lawmakers’ back in 2014! The British empire created christian Salvation Army protested the SNAP rationing by pointing out that poor Idahoans have been screwed so much by state ‘christian lawmakers’ that up to 90% of people coming into Salvation Army food banks are there to supplement the meager scraps given to them by Idaho’s SNAP! (as a single healthy unemployed adult male I can confirm that there are plenty of poor people in Idaho who don’t qualify for ‘christian’ state manipulated social programs) This comes as Gem State ‘christian’ led Department of Labor sold its Right to Work Internet Unemployment System (ius) to the states of Iowa and Vermont! In Boise, ‘christian’ healthcare scammer Saint Luke’s Regional Medical Center has been found in violation of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). In 2015 an employee reported to the U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) that Saint Luke’s was not ‘coding’ certain time off as FMLA. The DoL reviewed two years worth of “hundreds” of employee records and concluded that Saint Luke’s “…failed to ensure that all employees on FMLA-covered leave received all the protections…” Interestingly the DoL determination, and resulting Saint Luke’s resolution actually took place in November 2015, but only now is being made public! In February I reported how Saint Luke’s was caught stealing local property taxes! The AFL-CIO’s annual Executive PayWatch survey reports that chief executive officers in ‘christian’ controlled Idaho are paid an average 277 times more than Idahoans earning minimum wage, and 149 times more than Idahoans earning a ‘living wage’!

Illinois: God powerless to stop ‘his’ University of Saint Francis from revealing they laid off 21 employees. Local news media pointed out that the ‘christian’ university is spending big bucks constructing new buildings. God powerless to stop ‘his’ Seton Academy (Elizabeth Seton High School) from shutting down. In 2003 the all-girls schools went co-ed in an attempt to keep itself alive. Local news media said back in 2014 the Archdiocese of Chicago gave the school two years to increase student enrollment and decrease operational costs, it didn’t happen. In Elgin, god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 50 years old Messiah Lutheran Church. The property was sold to competitor Greek Orthodox Church. God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, 65 jobs gone.
Kansas: God powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ 46 years old Shawnee Presbyterian Preschool. The Rapture, I mean what I call Disappearing Students Syndrome is forcing them to shutdown by the end of the year. In Topeka, god powerless to stop the shutdown and sell-off of ‘his’ 130 years old (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) Central Congregational United Church Of Christ. Church leaders say the costs to maintain the old building far exceeds revenues.
Kentucky: God powerless to stop the federal government from shutting down ‘his’ Saint Catherine College. The ‘christian’ school was caught withholding taxpayer funded financial aid for students! Accusations imply the ‘christian’ school was using the taxpayer funding for students to pay-down school debt. After 122 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) god powerless to stop ‘his’ Westminster Presbyterian Church from shutdown after cash strapped members voted to sell the property to Baptist competitors.
Maine: The British empire’s christian Salvation Army shutting down their 102 years old (surviving The Great [deflationary] Depression and numerous recessions) Alder Street Family Thrift in Portland, calling the shutdown “the most responsible choice.”
Maryland: Despite surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions, god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Visitation Academy sexist girls only school. Enrollment dropped to just 89 students, below the Catholic church’s new 100 minimum enrollment standard for keeping their schools open. However, local news reports implied the church actually wants to sell the property, because it’s worth $3.7-million USD.
Massachusetts: WWLP created a map showing Catholic church closings for the past ten years. After 59 years god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Presentation of Mary Early Childhood Program, due to the economy: “When we looked at all the resources available we realized we just didn’t have the resources to continue. We wanted to continue serving as long as we could, but realistically we can’t….”-Sister Janice Perrault
Michigan: In Midland, god refuses to stop ‘his’ Lutheran church owned Journeys Coffee House, on Main Street, from shutting down in June. Senior pastor Ed Doerner revealed god was powerless against “…substantial rent increases and other stipulations from our landlord.”
New Jersey: In South Amboy, after more than 1-hundred years (surviving The Great deflationary Depression and numerous recessions) god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Sacred Heart Elementary School because “…enrollment has decreased by 40 students and the subsidy required to sustain the school’s operation has risen to over a half-million dollars annually…”
New York: God powerless to stop ‘his’ Catholic Charities of Buffalo from shutting down their social services operations within taxpayer funded public schools (hey, isn’t that a violation of the 1st Amendment, government shall not recognize a religion?), at least 65 jobs lost by the end of June. In Bronx NYC, Saint Barnabas Rehabilitation & Continuing Care Center has been sold to a vulture capitalist, a shutdown WARN has been issued, 254 jobs lost in July! Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffett controlled NYC based American Express began massive layoffs as part of plans to cut $1-billion USD in operating costs! In Ogdensburg, god powerless to stop the shutdown of 60 years old Wesleyan Church due to active membership dropping to 30 people. In Albany, god powerless to stop ‘his’ girls only Academy of the Holy Names from shutting down its elementary school, due to crashing enrollment (Rapture?). In Brooklyn, god powerless to stop ‘his’ Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services from shutting down their Outreach & Integration Program, by the end of August. God powerless to stop ‘his’ Webster Christian School from shutting down due to The Rapture, I mean lack of students: “The road to transition had been paved with honest assessment, strategic planning, and fresh initiatives….. Notwithstanding all these….Webster Christian School will be closing at the end of this current school year….we simply do not have the number of students….to provide a standard of excellence in Christian education.”-school statement
North Dakota: Propane tank maker Trinity Containers shutting down their West Fargo operations, 91 jobs lost in June.
Ohio: In Hubbard, god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Saint Patrick School. The Bishop of Youngstown blames it on ten years of Rapture, I mean declining enrollment.
Oklahoma: After 18 years ‘christian’ owned Owasso Fitness Center shutting down. Local news reports say “the most Christian” owner is switching to private fitness lessons only. In Lawton, after 53 years the J. Roy Dunning Children’s Shelter shutting down due to being $122-thousand USD in the hole. In Tishomingo, country music singer ‘christian’ Miranda Lambert ‘flipped the bird’ at her own The Pink Pistol employees when she secretly sold the property to her ex-husband, and then without warning shutdown the clothing store. However, Miranda crazed former employees tried to hide their anger about not being warned: “This ‘rumor’ is real and my sister and Kay lost their jobs.”-Morgan Cribbs
“Yes, Pink Pistol Tishomingo is closed as of today. Blake bought it and we don’t know much more. I’ve loved my job there and I love the town!”-Kayleigh
Pennsylvania: Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffett owned Kraft-Heinz moving its Lehigh Valley Grey Poupon production to Michigan, because it’s being paid half-a-million dollars by Michigan taxpayers and $17-million USD by private investors. Also, Kraft-Heinz is moving its Lehigh Valley Tassimo coffee production to Canada, claiming that the majority of Tassimo customers live in Canada. Both moves will cost Pennsylvania as many as 7-hundred jobs! On top of that, in Pittsburgh Warren Buffett eliminating 40 in-house Heinz-Kraft jobs in favor of cheap-o contractors (bet they’re H-1B migrants). In Lansford, Our Lady of Angels Academy has gone from 8-hundred students to just more than 1-hundred, and god is powerless to stop the shutdown in July. Administrators said the only way they could stay open was to jack up the fees, but christian parents can’t afford to pay more fees. In Freeland, Despite surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Park United Methodist Church: “It’s unfortunate. All the churches are experiencing this decline in attendance. It’s a shame.”-Barbara Haraschak, church chairwoman
South Dakota: In Howard, after 134 years (surviving The Great Depression and numerous recessions) Belleview Lutheran Church shutdown. Due to The Rapture, I mean declining membership local Lutheran churches are merging in an attempt to stay alive. Local news media says the Belleview church was averaging only 14 people every Sunday (Sun-day, as in Star-day, now you know who their real god is: Apollo).
Tennessee: Utah based ‘christian’ owned Capstone Nutrition shutdown their Spring Hill factory-warehouse, 125 jobs gone! It’s blamed on legal problems with client MusclePharm, which supposedly hasn’t paid for $22-million USD worth of Capstone products! In Limestone, ‘god’ powerless to stop nursing home John M. Reed Health & Rehabilitation shutting down due to the federal government ending Medicare/Medicaid payments. The board members include members of the Church of the Brethren. In 2015 the nursing home was accused of having so called “deficiencies” that could threaten the health of patients, mainly a lack of competent employees. After 42 years god powerless to stop the shutdown of ‘his’ Bible distributor Send the Light Distribution. Administrators blame it on competition with Amazon!
Texas: Presbyterian/Agnostic Warren Buffett owned BNSF railway revealed it eliminated 4-thousand 6-hundred jobs in past months! The layoffs exceed the job cuts BNSF made when the ‘recession’ officially began in 2007! A hiring freeze is in effect, it’s blamed on the oil industry BS!
Vermont: Burlington College shutdown, administrators blame it on their 2010 decision to buy property once owned by the ‘christian’ god, saying the college “struggled under the crushing weight of the debt incurred by the purchase of the Archdiocese property on North Avenue.”
Washington DC: In the ‘christian’ controlled U.S. Navy three more officers have been arrested and charged with bribery. It’s part of investigations into USN bribery and contractor overcharging problems going back many years and involving more than $34-million USD! The tax-draining U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is asking for permission to conduct yet another round of base shutdowns. Christian leadership with the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force now claim they have more posts (bases) than they really need! But wait, don’t think this is going to save taxpayers money, the DoD wants to use the money saved by shutting down bases, and laying off thousands more personnel, on buying even more outrageously expensive high-tech weapons (like robots to replace human personnel).
1st Q 2016: Christianity “It’s for sale, someone can turn it into a restaurant if they want to.”

“But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.”-1 Timothy 6:10 Aramaic Bible
“And Yeshua entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And he said to them, It is written: ‘My house will be called the House of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.’ “-Matthew 21:12-13 Aramaic Bible
“Yeshua said to them, ‘Give what is Caesar’s to Caesar and what is God’s to God.’ And they marveled at him.”-Mark 12:17 Aramaic Bible
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.-1st Amendment, U.S. Constitution
WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification
Employees of religious non-profits might not qualify for unemployment assistance: “If the non-profit organization is a church, you may or may not be entitled to unemployment. It all depends upon state regulations for church employers. In many cases, churches are allowed to set their own rules regarding unemployment benefits, meaning the church can choose whether to offer benefits to former employees.”