Incomplete list (due to internet access problems, come on why won’t anybody donate to BlindBatNews?) of U.S. Federal/State/Local Government self-destruct announcements for December 2016:
Political activists known as The Koch Brothers laid off 81 people, now that the undemocratic presidential election is over. At the same time they announced they’re creating a new for-profit communications company.

Alaska: The state’s low tax collections (due to oil industry cutbacks) got a big boost from the new legalized marijuana operations. December was the second month of Mary-Jane tax collections with the state raking in nearly $146-thousand USD! Buds are taxed at $50 per ounce, and the junk is taxed at $15 per ounce, with the grower being responsible for the tax payments.
Colorado: Garfield County Library District laid off eight people due to a $1.2-million USD crash in revenues (that’s what happens when you put all your hopes into the oil industry and then they reduce local operations by 45%).
Florida: Orange County was surprised when tax collections from tourists crashed by 3.5% in December. Local news reports say December is usually a good tax collection month for Orange County. The city of Miami reports continued crashing of hotel tax collections, and of course city admin continues to blame it on fear of the Zika virus.
Georgia: The overall tax collections for December 2016 were stagnant at 0.7% compared to December 2015.
Illinois: Peoria County warning of as many as 40 layoffs as part of their budget for 2017. The new budget also raises property taxes. County chairman Andy Rand indicated they didn’t expect any short term economic recovery by saying the austerity measures were meant to “…give us some breathing room over the next four years.”
Louisiana: Tax collections from tourists dropped 3.5% in December.
Massachusetts: Once again, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) to kill jobs, this time warning of at least one hundred layoffs in 2017, due to a taxpayer funding shortage of $100-million USD!
Michigan: In Port Huron, ThumbCoast Brewing Company shutdown blaming taxpayer funded city construction projects for creating “…challenges that we’ve faced throughout 2016, especially those which had (a) significant impact on revenue during the months of May and June, have finally caught up with us and we can no longer move forward.”
Nebraska: For the past six months state level tax collections have been far less than what the predominantly ‘christian’ government ‘experts’ expected. Actual tax collections came in at $51-million short of what was projected, proving their economy has not improved.
New Jersey: The evil city of Newark forces janitor services company United Services to layoff 41 people. In July, United Services filed a lawsuit claiming the city failed to pay for services rendered!
New York: Tax-sucking military sewing contractor The Resource Center issued a shutdown WARN, 57 Buffalo jobs lost by March 2017. The town of Hempstead shutting down the 20 years old East Meadow Senior Center because the property owner now wants $9-thousand per month in rent (for the past 20 years the rent was free).
Ohio: Tax collections failed to meet government budget ‘expert’s expectations, for the 5th month in a row! This is another sign that Ohio’s low unemployment rate is fake.
Pennsylvania: 520 Jobless Center employees could join the unemployment lines before Xmas! Local news media blames it on disputes between Democrat and Republican politicians.
Rhode Island: Cafe-bakery Au Bon Pain shutdown, the owners blame crashing sales on the city of Providence for forcing potential customers to pay for parking! Local news reports say it was the third business to shutdown as a result of the new city parking meters!
Tennessee: Wilson County reports four straight years of increased sales tax collections, local news reports didn’t explain why. However, at the state level it was reported that overall sales and corporate tax collections were up, mainly due to “substantial one time” corporate tax payouts.
Texas: State tax collectors reported that tax revenues for the twin cities of Bryan-College Station were up for the year, but down for December. The increases came from sales taxes, and the decreases were caused by the oil industry shutdowns.
Vermont: Taxpayer funded, Bernie Sanders founded, drug-free music venue 242 Main finally shutdown after 32 years of lack of funding and lack of ticket sales. (probably would’ve made money if it offered free drugs instead of being drug-free)
Virginia: The city of Danville reports increased tax and fee collections for the year. City admin admitted that part of the increase is from cash strapped property owners finally making payments on past due taxes.
Washington DC: The federal government’s budget deficit hit $28-billion in December 2016, double what it was in December 2015! Obama regime’s new legacy as The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a record 95-million 102-thousand U.S. citizen, ages 16 and up, are Not In Labor Force during December. Not In Labor Force refers to people unemployed for various reasons, and are not used to calculate the ‘official’ unemployment percentage as reported by main stream news media. Meaning the number of unemployed ‘Mericans is much higher than ‘officially’ reported.
WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification
Dumbing Down the U.S., December 2016: “THIS IS A BOMB DROPPED ON US!” “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!”