Tag Archives: China

World War 3, East Asian Front: United States will re-occupy Philippines in preps for war with China!

27 April 2014 (00:54 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Jumada t-Tania 1435/07 Ordibehesht 1393/28 Wu-Chen 4712

The Associated Press reports they have seen a confidential Filipino government document that shows the Obama regime has agreed to a ten year re-occupation pact with the Philippines.

Japanese news media reporting that three Filipino bases will be used by the U.S., including the former U.S. military base at Subic Bay.  The other two bases are Fort Magsaysay and the Ulugan Bay Naval station on the island of Palawan.

These bases are strategically located next to the disputed and oil rich South China Sea.  Japanese military analyst say the re-occupation of Philippines by the U.S. is directly related to the ongoing disputes between China and other East Asian countries over the right of access to the massive South China Sea petroleum fields.

The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will be signed by U.S. and Filipino officials in Manila on Monday, shortly before the arrival of regime-ist Obama.

World War 3, Asian Front-Afghanistan, 10-15 April 2014: Innocent truck driver spends nine years in U.S. prison hell! U.S. taxpayers fund new dam project! Mujahideen peace envoy kidnapped in UAE! U.S. creates 800 square miles of unexploded bombs! North Dakota defies Obama!


Ghazni Province: In Andar District, a government agent, in charge of creating anti-Mujhahideen militias, was assassinated by Mujahideen. Three of his cronies were wounded.

Helmand Province: The bodies of four construction workers kidnapped earlier in the month were found in Kanadahar province.

Kabul Province:  In Kabul City, the National Security Council condemned the U.S. led occupation of Afghanistan for creating 1287 square kilometers (800 square miles) of unexploded ordinance (UXO)!  It’s not all in one place but at various ‘training’ ranges, spread all over Afghanistan, that Occupation forces have used over the past 13 years.  The United Nations’ Mine Action Coordination Center of Afghanistan has documented at least 70 victims of such U.S./NATO UXO, just since 2012!  A female Member of Parliament (MP) was wounded when she was shot by men who got away.

Kandahar Province: In Panjwai District, a U.S. drone crashed.  Mujahideen claim they shot it down, local Afghan government officials confirmed a drone crashed, U.S. officials refuse comment.  The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) wants to spend bookoo U.S. tax dollars raising the Dahla Dam.  The dam needs to be raised 7.62 meters (25 feet) because the reservoir bottom has silted up.  The project is expected to take until 2017 to complete. No details about the cost of the project were given in the report.  U.S. taxpayers might be surprised at how many foreign dam projects their USACE is involved in.

Herat Province:  In Herat City, the spokesman for Herat Ulema Council was shot dead by two men riding a motorcycle.

Khost Province: In Khost City, two separate explosions killed two cops, and wounded five.  A third explosion killed two civilians and wounded nine.  In Zani Kheil area, local government officials report that a U.S. helicopter (private security company?) on a training mission strafed a house with machine gun fire, killing a woman and her two children, the father was wounded.  U.S.-ISAF says they will investigate.  

Logar Province:  In Pul-e-Alam District, a U.S. Army 10th Mountain Division Specialist from Texas was shot and killed by Mujahideen.

Maidan Wardak Province: Multiple battles have left at least four Mujahideen dead, two wounded, as well as one cop killed, five wounded.

Paktika Province: In Urgun District, a suicide bomber killed a tribal elder.  Three people were wounded.

Parwan Province:  A former Pakistani truck driver, released from the infamous U.S. controlled Bagram Prison after nine years of hell, finally spoke out.  He was never charged with a crime by the United States, but suffered sleep depravation among other things: They wouldn’t let us sleep. If they wanted to punish you, for example if you spoke to another prisoner, they would put you in a star position for 30 minutes to an hour.”Umran Khan, finally released in November 2013, claims he has breathing problems from U.S. guards routinely spraying the prisoners with tear gas

Agha Jan Mutasim, a Afghan Mujahideen peace envoy sent to United Arab Emirates, disappeared the day after he arrived.  The Obama regime of the United States is suspect because they are not concerned that a peace envoy is missing.

Election officials are delaying the results of the latest ‘election’ in Afghanistan.  They say 85% of votes have been counted, but there is a major problem in that many ballot boxes were destroyed en route to the vote counting center, and thousands of election fraud complaints have been filed.  Six presidential candidates have already declared the election a fraud.  Not surprisingly, the pro-Obama regime candidate, Abdullah Abdullah, is projected to be the winner.  This is probably why the U.S. and UN have already declared the ‘election’ a success.

The Russian intelligence agency, FSB, claims the missing Malaysian airlines MH370/CZ748 was actually hijacked by military pilots and flown to a secret base along the Afghan-Pakistan border.

China is prepping to take over from the United States in Afghanistan.  A Reuters reports says China has already spent $250-million USD of their taxpayers’ money to support the economy of Afghanistan, and is becoming more involved in ‘security’ issues.  China has also promised $700-million to develop Afghanistan’s oil industry, and $3-billion for Afghanistan’s copper mines!

150 militiamen of the Army National Guard’s 876th Engineer Company (Georgia) deploying to Afghanistan.

The Army National Guard’s 1-82 Cavalry Squadron (Oregon) deploying to Afghanistan.  They are part of more than 1-thousand Oregon militiamen and air-militiamen deploying to Afghanistan this year.

Militia members of North Dakota’s Army National Guard have defied the Obama regime’s U.S. Department of State and paid to rescue their Afghan interpreter.  The former interpreter and his wife now live in North Dakota.  Afghan interpreters working for U.S. forces have been told by Mujahideen that they will be assassinated, the Obama regime government has refused to help them.

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boner, I mean Boehner, went to Afghanistan to demand that U.S. forces remain in Afghanistan: The delegation sent a strong, unequivocal message that the House of Representatives wants to maintain a right-sized presence in Afghanistan to successfully complete the work that has been done to date, and to honor the sacrifice of thousands of troops and civilians, as well as their families.”

Exceptional Failed State: Who really owns NBC? Is Brian Williams kowtowing to the Chinese?

22 April 2014 (17:03 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Jumada t-Tania 1435/02 Ordibehesht 1393/23 Wu-Chen 4712

In 2012 news reports by the U.S. NBC’s (National Broadcasting Corporation, aka NBCUniversal) affiliated reporter Steve Handelsman began appearing on China’s CCTV (aka CNTV, China’s largest “broadcast network……launched in 2000”).  CCTV anchors proudly announced Handelsman as their new U.S. reporter, yet if you check NBC’s website Handelsman is still listed as one of their reporters.

As a former number one rated local TV news producer, I remember using many of Handelsman’s reports, and even requesting he use our local NBC affiliate tag out (KPVI, and KYMA before that), but that was back in the mid to late 1990s.

In 2013 General Electric sold off NBCUniversal to Comcast.  But who owns Comcast?   Comcast is a publicly traded corporation, but it’s very hard to find out who is the majority holder of the controversial company.  Comcast is controversial because they’re on their way to becoming a monopoly in the United States, even though monopolies are outlawed (Comcast is currently pushing to take over CNN owner Time Warner).

News anchor poster boy Brian Williams, who is also Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News, just might be licking new boots that are made in China.  Comcast is a major provider of Chinese TV channels within the United States, under a program Comcast calls “The Dragon Pack”.    CCTV-4 is one of those Dragon Pack channels offered by Comcast.

Why would an NBC affiliate reporter (Handelsman) be working for CCTV (as claimed by CCTV) while still working for NBC (even though his current NBC bio makes no mention of CCTV)?  Perhaps CCTV is a new NBC ‘affiliate’ by way of Comcast, or is Comcast really owned by the Chinese, or maybe nobody at NBC or Comcast know that Steve Handelsman is also working for the Chinese?   Makes Comcast’s efforts to control everything news media wise even more ominous.

“Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security……..That’s what makes America different. That’s what makes us exceptional.”-Barack Obama, 10 September 2013

Martial Law China: Cops start carrying guns despite outright gun ban!

21 April 2014 (12:08 UTC-07 Tango)/20 Jumada t-Tania 1435/01 Ordibehest 1393/22 Wu-Chen 4712

“Wow, so cool! They were cool before but now they’re even cooler and can do the job of protection even better! Now they have the power to decide one’s life. If some of the police officers’ personalities are not so good, then I’m kind of worried. Will they feel free to shoot? As far as I know from cases I have read online, police might hurt people.”– Liang Jing, Chinese subject, I mean citizen who likes the idea of armed cops but at the same time is afraid

Associated Press reporting that Chinese cops have joined their British Bobby counterparts and have started arming themselves with guns.  This in a country where private ownership of guns is outright banned!

For the first time in ‘Communist’ China’s history, cops will be armed with guns for routine patrols.  Why?  Their own studies into why so many people are killed with knives show it is because there wasn’t anybody armed with a gun who could have stopped the knife attacks!  In other words, they’ve come to the same conclusion that many true U.S. citizens have, that if people are armed with guns then it’s much easier/faster to stop a violent crime.

There have been growing numbers of mass knifings in China, some by disgruntled Han who’ve been screwed over by the move towards capitalism, and others by Uighurs who’re tired of being screwed over by the Han elite.

In China, being an ethnic/religious minority seeking independence because you’re tired of being screwed over is reason to be called a terrorist, officially.

In crony capitalist Communist China, the government is viewed as the “people” while the people are viewed as potential enemies.  Therefore the only “people” allowed to have guns is the government.

Obviously the true people of China do not have the same attitude as their elitist government leaders, as proven by the record number of gun confiscations, year after year.

If China was a true Communist country then everybody should be armed with guns, not just the government.  And then there’s Switzerland, where every household can take part in the country’s militia and is actually issued machine guns they can keep at home.  Go ahead, check the violent crime rate in Switzerland against other countries who ban ownership of guns, I dare you!

Martial Law China: Gun ban fails to stop gun running! 10,500 guns captured!

15 April 2014 (02:55 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Jumada t-Tania 1435/26 Farvardin 1393/16 Wu-Chen 4712

In the city of Guiyang, in Guizhou Province, 10500 guns were captured by NAZI Chinese police!  120-thousand banned knives were also captured! This is in a country that bans guns for the overwhelming majority of citizens.

It turns out that guns are not only ending up in the hands of gangs, but even in the hands of China’s nouveau riche.   It’s gotten so bad that China’s police state government holds periodic gun ‘buy back’ drives, and recently bought back 150-thousand guns! Laws only work when the government and the citizens are in sync, obviously things are out of sync in China.

In China individual ownership of guns is illegal.  Only those individuals who can prove then need to hunt for survival are allowed to own a gun.  Guns are allowed for military, police and state authorized organizations.

Punishment for illegal ownership of a gun ranges from a minimum of 3 years in prison to being executed!

gun ban fails to prevent 29 people being killed with knives

China’s gun ban fails to stop mass killing

many students were attacked by a man with a knife

MH370 False Flag update: Aussie PM says they’ve found it (again?)!

11 April 2014 (21:22 UTC-07 Tango 10 April 2014)/10 Jumada t-Tania 1435/22 Farvardin 1393/12 Wu-Chen 4712

Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbot, has just reported that they are confident that the pinger signal heard during today’s search is from the missing MH370/CZ748.

False Flag MH370: More pings heard!

09 April 2014 (21:23 UTC-07 Tango 08 April 2014)/08 Jumada t-Tania 1435/20 Farvardin 1393/10 Wu-Chen 4712

Australian Defence ship Ocean Shield has heard pings on two more occasions, for a total of four times since 05 April.  The Chinese ship Haixun 01 picked up signals twice.

The signal is 33.331 kilohertz, at 1.106 second intervals, consistent with flight data recorders.

Search will now concentration on an area 75-thousand square kilometers (46,602 square miles) in size.  The ocean bottom in that area is known to be silty.  Silty sea bed actually absorbs sonar and other acoustic sound detection systems.   The silt could also be interfering with the data recorders’ pingers.

Satellite tracking data indicates MH370/CZ748 suffered engine flame out (due to running out of fuel) approaching the area of the pings.

The number of ships involved will be kept to a minimum because their props will generate noise that will interfere with the detection of pings.  Aircraft will be dropping sonobuoys.

No wreckage has been seen.

During the search for Air France flight 447, it took underwater vehicles 20 days after the pings were heard before the plane was found.

Fly By Wire hijacking?

False Flag MH370: Fly By Wire hijacking?

08 April 2014 (00:25 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Jumada t-Tania 1435/19 Farvardin 1393/09 Wu-Chen 4712

“I want to raise a point that has not been much discussed in either the mainstream or alternative media, which is that the technology of autopilot has been in existence for a long time. Since September 11th, more sophisticated systems have been placed in all planes to avoid any hijackings. If there is a hijacking in progress it kicks in and flies to an airport to land safely. The system can be triggered by the pilot himself from the cockpit, or it can be triggered by ground control. And by ‘ground control’ I mean it can be operated from land, an AWAC plane, or a ship, by an entity that has the capability and technology to fly the plane remotely.

This plane is flying for six hours on its own. Who’s flying the plane? The entity flying the plane must be those with the technology that’s used now to pilot drones.

…..the one country that has the most sophisticated surveillance technology has remained mute.

…..I find it very odd that America has been reticent, conspicuously silent, about what their satellites have shown, if anything.

As MH370 reached the airspace of Vietnam it went north toward Thailand where the U.S.-run Cobra Gold and Cope Tiger military exercises were being held. Then, allegedly, the plane ended in the Indian Ocean……when a plane goes past Southern Thailand into the Indian Ocean, it has to fly past a very important landmark: Diego Garcia, a secretive U.S. military base. It was from this base that the U.S. launched bombers to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam before that. Surely this base has some of the most sophisticated surveillance technology. Any unidentified plane that flew in the direction of Diego Garcia would certainly be located and identified.

On 9-11, when planes struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, there were military exercises taking place, and NORAD and others were confused about whether the planes were part of the exercise or not.

On 7-7 in London, there was a bombing of underground stations, plus the bus in Tavistock Square. Surprise surprise……on that very day, there were terrorist bombing exercises at precisely the same four locations.

…….immediately after the hijacking [of MH370] the Times of Israel put out propaganda that the plane was hijacked by agents of Iran, then landed in Bangladesh to weaponize the plane to carry out a diabolical attack like September 11th.

We’ve been diverted to look for the black box. Bullshit! There are plenty of signals.

As long as the engine is running, they monitor it. If anything goes wrong with the engine for any reason, they land the plane and abort the flight. There have been a couple of instances when Rolls-Royce detected malfunctions and told the pilot to land as soon as possible due to the malfunction.  So for six hours or more, Rolls-Royce would have kept track of the pings. Rolls-Royce would know where the plane’s going. Now I’m told, rightly or wrongly, that in the protocol, Rolls-Royce may be prohibited from disclosing this information.

There is cyber war between these [larger] countries, and we small countries are caught in the middle. I think the passengers were collateral damage.”-Matthias Chang, former Political Secretary to the Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia

Detected something

False Flag MH370: Aussies “detected something”!

06 April 2014 (22:12 UTC-07 Tango 05 April 2014 )/05 Jumada t-Tania 1435/17 Farvardin 1393/07 Wu-Chen 4712

Retired Aussie Air Chief Marshal, Angus Houston, has just held a press conference stating that Australian Defence Vessel Ocean Shield has “detected something”, calling them “acoustic events”, but he said he could not give out any details, yet.

Houston also refused to comment on China’s claims of picking up ping signals.  He hinted that the signal was “fleeting” which raises doubts, but then in answering a reporter’s question admitted that the Chinese lead was the “most promising” so far.   That’s because the Chinese picked up the signal a second time, later in the day.

China finds pings

False Flag MH370: China finds pings, Australia angry! Lies about life span of batteries? Malaysian company blames Boeing & Rolls Royce!

05 April 2014 (11:56 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1435/16 Farvardin 1393/06 Wu-Chen 4712

“Chinese patrol ship Haixun 01 searching for flight MH370 discovered a pulse signal with a frequency of 37.5kHz per second in south Indian Ocean waters Saturday.”-Xinhua

The People’s Liberation Army Navy says they detected pings consistent with an airliner black box.  This has upset Malaysian and Australian officials, supposedly because of the way China made the announcement.  The Chinese announcement was made through state run TV news rather than through the Australian/Malaysian led public relations operation.

The signal is located at 25 degrees south latitude and 101 degrees east longitude.  The stuck up British empire Australians say they might “consider” sending their own search vessels to the area.

The People’s Liberation Army Air Force also says they’ve spotted wreckage floating in the area.

There are now conflicting reports about the pinger battery life.  The U.S. company that made the batteries, Dukane Seacom, said the batteries should have been replaced back in 2012.  Malaysian Airlines officials say their maintenance records show the batteries were replaced and are good until June 2014!

Making things more confusing, the Malaysian government is creating three new committees, and a new international investigation team, to oversee the search.  In typical bureaucratic contradiction, Malaysian officials claim this is their attempt to make things more efficient.   The new committees are the Next of Kin, Investigation, and Search Coordination.  The new Investigation Team will be led by an independent Investigator in Charge, and will include people from Australia, Malaysia, China, United States, United Kingdom and France.  This is interesting because we’ve all been led to believe the investigation and search was already a  coordinated international effort!

Datuk Zolkipli Abdul, chairman of Malaysian based Advanced Air Traffic Systems, is attacking Boeing and Rolls Royce for their seeming lack of participation in the search for MH370/CZ748: “We have been seeing MAS [Malaysian Airline System] handling the press conferences alone and answering on behalf of Boeing and Rolls-Royce……..Even when we were told that the two agencies have cooperated with the United States aviation security investigation team, as the manufacturer for Boeing 777-200ER, Boeing should have the technical capacities to significantly contribute to MH370’s search and rescue operation.  It is not acceptable for Rolls-Royce being the engine maker of an engine that costs more than RM500- million [$156-million USD] to not have the technology to track the engine from the plane.  We can use the same analogy as buying a luxury car, every engine will be installed with a tracker that allows the maker to track the engine in case of theft or loss.  MAS spend a great deal of money to secure the best services from both Boeing and Rolls-Royce but when this incident happened, both of them seemed to have clammed up!”

Malaysian Defense Minister/Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein revealed that the missing MH370/CZ748 is of concern to dozens of military agencies in the area.  Hussein attended the U.S.-ASEAN Defense Forum held in Hawaii just a few days ago.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations consists of ten countries;  Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Here’s what they officially stated: “We, the Defence Ministers of the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations express our deepest sympathies to the family members of the passengers and crew on board the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

We acknowledge that the member nations of ASEAN have participated in the search operations directly and indirectly since the plane went missing on 8th March 2014.  

From the South China Sea, the Andaman Sea to the Indian Ocean – ASEAN has continued to assist in every way possible, true to the spirit of regional cooperation and friendship without any hesitation in sharing of information, assets and expertise.

We believe that Malaysia has done its level best in its response to this unprecedented predicament given the sheer scale of the Search and Rescue operation which is the biggest and most complex we have ever seen.

We reaffirm our commitment for greater cooperation between each member nation especially in the field of disaster management under the framework of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response. This incident stressed upon us the importance of information and resource sharing as we strive to be in the utmost state of readiness in mitigating potential calamities and risks.  

ASEAN’s unity will remain solid and is totally committed to assisting Malaysia in coordinating this massive SAR to locate MH370. We are resolute in finding a closure to this tragic chapter in aviation history. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the families in these difficult times.”

Why are so many military agencies involved in searching for a missing airliner?   The search for Air France 447 involved the militaries of Brazil, France and U.S.  The Brazilian navy found wreckage and human bodies five days into the search.

The search for MH370/CZ748 involves more than 20 militaries, and they’ve found neither wreckage (connected to the plane) nor human bodies, after a month of searching.

Cover up!