Category Archives: Technology

False Flag: NSA ends illegal metadata spying?

29 November 2015 (01:23 UTC-07 Tango 01)/08 Azar 1394/16 Safar 1437/18 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) claims it has halted its mass phone metadata spying operations, however, they say their illegal program is being replaced with ‘targeted’ phone spying.

The NSA must now get a court order to spy, and it must apply to specific phone companies concerning specific individual cases.  The NSA must also make yearly reports to the U.S. Congress about how many people have been spied on.



World War Three, 2015: Deadly S400 anti-aircraft missiles arrive in Syria!

26 November 2015, 20:32 UTC-07 Tango 01 (06 Azar 1394/14 Safar 1437/16 Ding-Hai 10th month 4713)

The advanced Russian anti-aircraft system has arrived in Latakia Governorate, Syria, in direct response to NATO member Turkey’s attack on Russia aircraft bombing U.S., EU, Saudi and Israeli backed insurgents.

The S400 Triumf (Triumph), aka SA-21 Growler, is claimed to be able to track 3-hundred targets and attack up to eight aircraft at one time, and each supersonic missile can hit a target the size of a football!  The anti-aircraft system uses three different/specialized missiles and guns.

The Future of Fish Fry: The dead in Japan can now procreate!

12 November 2015 (14:38 UTC-07 Tango 01)/21 Aban 1394/29 Muharram 1437/01 Ding-Hai (10th month) 4713

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology claim they’ve created a way to create new life from the frozen dead!

Actually they discovered that stem cells in frozen trout can remain viable for three years.  They transplanted the cells into live trout and those cells were able to grow and create eggs and sperm and eventually baby fish (aka Fry).

No, not that kind of Fry!

Until now the conventional wisdom said cells of frozen creatures were no longer viable.

That High Tech agreement you signed onto just took away your Rights!

“The Ranking Digital Rights 2015 Corporate Accountability Index shines a needed spotlight on corporate practices…We found that many of the world’s most powerful Internet and telecommunications companies fail to disclose key information about practices affecting users’ rights.   ….companies were assessed on 31 indicators across three categories –commitment, freedom of expression, and privacy – drawn heavily from international human rights frameworks, as well as emerging and established global principles for privacy and freedom of expression.    …..Nearly half the companies in the Index scored less than 25 percent, showing a serious deficit of respect for users’ freedom of expression and privacy.”Ranking Digital Rights  

theguardian: “If this was a test, nearly everyone failed”: how tech giants deny your digital rights

Driverless Cars: Should they be programmed to kill one Pedestrian or a whole bunch of Pedestrians? Drivers can legally blame it on the car!

25 October 2015 (21:36 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

The deadly incident in which an allegedly intoxicated woman plowed her car into a crowd of people at the Oklahoma State University’s homecoming parade brings home a moral dilemma for driverless cars: How many people are OK to kill?

Advocates of driverless cars no doubt would say this terrible accident is why we need driverless cars, but wait, researchers at exalted MIT (the place where many of the Americas’ dictators and drugs dealers went to school) revealed that programmers of driverless cars are trying to decide how to tell the computer how many pedestrians can be killed.  It’s the old hypothetical moral dilemma test of would you kill the fat man by pushing him in front of a runaway train because it might stop the train from hitting a dozen other people who are for some reason stuck on the tracks?


The MIT scenario is that a driverless car is suddenly confronted with a crowd of pedestrians in the street.  If the car swerves onto the sidewalk to avoid those idiot pedestrians then the car hits and kills pedestrians on the sidewalk.  What is the driverless car, that’s supposedly more intelligent than most humans, supposed to do?

Unknowingly this MIT posed dilemma brings up another legalistic dilemma: Is the resulting accident the car’s fault or the human ‘driver’s fault?

Does hands free driving mean legally free of responsibility?

Ever since the first car accidents occured people have tried to blame the accidents on the car itself.  Now, with the so called safer driverless (because they eliminate human error?) car the human occupants could legally be absolved of any responsibility.  Not only regarding anybody who got killed, but instead of suing the vehicle owner for damages you can now directly sue the vehicle maker, even the subcontractor who programed the car.

Afterall, who in their right mind would by a self-driving car when they could be held legally responsible for the actions of that self-driving car?  (and don’t forget that computer controlled vehicles can be hacked into)

What’s the point of driving a car if you’re not actually driving the car? Or maybe it’ part of the conspiracy to get rid of independence creating personally owned vehicles?

So much for your Rockefeller Rothschild Bilderberg Liberal Brave New Agenda 21 Trendy 1984 Animal Farm World!


China invests big into driverless electric cars!

Korean Made Batteries To Strip By! The government can now turn you into an electric Zombie, just like in Star Trek!

25 October 2015 (20:09 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

Well, it’s not Rob Zombie and you really can’t strip by them, in fact they are strips.

Korea’s Samsung has unveiled revolutionary batteries that look like lengths of tape or band-aids, I call them strip batteries (Samsung calls them stripe or band batteries).

Unfortunately the strip batteries unveiled are prototypes, but Samsung claims if they ever get to production stage they could increase your cell phone’s batt life by 50%.

But wait, here’s the real marketing target; clothing!  The strip batteries are a new tech that basically has created batteries out of fibers that can be woven into your clothing.  You might think that’s cool because it brings on a whole new level of wearable electronic devices, but it also makes it easier for any nefarious organization to track you, maybe even hack into you (like how they can hack into your new car) and turn you into an electric Zombie!

The cops could even use your own clothing to taze you remotely, just like in that old episode of Star Trek!

Israel developing new Video 911 service! You can call police & your family at the same time you’re being killed, & they can watch!

25 October 2015 (19:46 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

“We’re changing the way people interact with authorities and first responders in emergency events.”-Amir Elichai,  Reporty Homeland Security

In the United States the number to call emergency services is 911, in Israel it’s 100.  Soon that service could include a video link so emergency responders can see what’s actually going on.

The Israeli company is call Reporty Homeland Security (typical of paranoids) and they claim they will soon have their video 100 (911) app ready for use.  The cell phone application will let people calling for emergency services send video at the same time.

For proof this is all about martial law, company administrators say they are already working with the Israeli Defense (occupation) Forces for their own app.

“There’s no city in Israel today that doesn’t have Musketeers.”-Nathalie Beaudoin

Another Israeli occupation company called Musketeer already has Jews using its app which allows you to not only call emergency services but up to two other numbers at the same time.

The application lets you create a list of three ’emergency’ numbers to contact and it also lets you send video.  Company administrators say their subscriptions have jumped 30% in recent weeks.

Jewish video catches Jewish soldiers beating innocent Goy! 

India develops Rare Earth Alloy to extend life of NATO Cold War strike aircraft!

25 October 2015 (19:19 UTC-07 Tango 01, 24 October 2015)/03 Aban 1394/11 Muharram 1437/13 Bing-Xu (9th month) 4713

India is one of the last users of the Cold War era NATO developed SEPECAT (Breguet/BAC) Jaguar strike (ground attack) aircraft, and now they just gave it new life (again).  It is called the Shamsher in India.

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Adour Mark 871.


The adour turbine engines have a relatively short lifespan, but a group of defense contractors in India claim they’ve developed new compressor blades made of a new titanium-rare earth mineral alloy.  The Indian government has ordered mass production of the expensive replacement blades.

U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Matthew Hannen, 30JUL2007.

India has been steadily upgrading their old school Shamshers, the most recent major upgrades took place in 2012 and involved electronics and weapon systems.

Anti-ship Shamsher/Jaguar equipped with Agave radar, over the Bay of Bengal, 07SEP2007.