Category Archives: Technology

What Global Warming? Late melting snowpacks shut down Oregon wind power

Bonneville Power Administration has been shutting down their Oregon wind power farms, because of the late melting snowpacks in the local mountains.

Rivers that power hydroelectric dams have been full thanks to a wet winter and spring.  Now the late melting of snow in the mountains is keeping the rivers fuller than normal, keeping the hydroelectric dams generating plenty of electricity, reducing the need for wind power.


Japan not number one when it comes to computer skills, girls better at digital reading, computer use at school of little value, Idaho needs to get their act together

A survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development shows which countries are the top for computer/internet skills among teenagers.

Japan did not come in first.  South Korean teenagers are number one in computer/internet skills, followed by New Zealand, Australia, then Japan and Hong Kong/China.

The OECD study looked at the digital reading comprehension and computer operating skills of 15 year olds.  16 countries were involved with the study, the United States did not take part.   It turns out that girls are better at digital reading than boys (studies show that girls are better at print reading as well).

A surprising find was that use of computers in schools showed little benefit.  It could be because they aren’t used at school as much as at home.  The study showed that most teenagers learn their computer skills at home, not at school.

“But computer use at school had little impact on results, while using a computer at home had a more marked impact on results. To help students at school, computer use should be integrated into curricula and more invested in training teachers to use them for teaching and to help students learn, says the OECD.”

I can attest to that.  Almost every year here in Idaho, the Albertsons Foundation gives our schools new computers.  One year, right before the start of the school year, I was visiting Chubbuck Elementary school to meet one of my daughters teachers.  The teacher was busy trying to set up some of the new computers, she was also complaining about it.  She admitted that she didn’t “understand the things” and tried “not using them at all”.   Over their elementary school years, my daughters, and my son, confirmed that most of the teachers did not allow them to use the donated computers.  My kids learned their computer skills from me and their mother (passed away).   We did so well that I have to go to my now adult kids for help with any computer problems.

The state of Idaho is pushing a new computer system on our schools, they hope to give high school students their own laptops.  I’ve already read stories of how other states have done the same thing, then actually used those laptops to spy on the kids while they where at home.  This new study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development blows holes in the argument by some education officials that pushing more computers in schools is the answer for our country’s educational disaster.  In fact the study proves that kids learn better at home.  It’s too bad most parents don’t have the luxury of home schooling.

Corporate Incompetence: Citi hacked, millions of dollars stolen

Citigroup is admitting that a May hack cost cardholders millions of dollars.

On May tenth 3,400 accounts had at least $2.7 million stolen from them.  The total number of accounts that were hacked is more than 360,000.

Citi officials claim they notified customers quickly, yet those notices weren’t sent out until June 3.  So far 200,000 credit cards have been replaced by Citi.



What Economic Recovery? Idaho Micron says demand for computer chips anemic

Idaho based Micron is reporting a drop in demand for computer chips.  One semiconductor analyst calls it “anemic”.

Micron reports sales are down, even though profits are up 4%, from the previous quarter.  How did they make a profit?  Officially Micron calls it ‘reduction in manufacturing costs’.  That means workers got laid off, in fact since 2008 more than 2000 Micron employees lost their jobs.

When you compare net revenues, year to year, Micron still lost money.


What Global Warming? Scientist say Little Ice Age on its way

“The fact that there are three separate lines of evidence all pointing in the same direction is very compelling.”-Frank Hill, National Solar Observatory in New Mexico

Here in Idaho we can attest to claims that an ice age might be coming; we’ve had cooler and wetter weather this year.  So much so that some farmers had to delay planting their crops, and local rivers are flooding.

Three separate studies have convinced U.S. astronomers that the Earth is about to begin a “Little Ice Age”.  It’s based on decreased solar flare activity.

The decreased solar flare activity is being compared to the Grand Minimum of the 17th Century, in which Europe experienced a little ice age.

However, scientist who love their Global Warming hypothesis say any cooling trend caused by the Sun, will be countered by man made global warming.  Come, join us in Idaho, we’d like some of that warming right now.


Even when turned ‘off’ your electronic appliances still use electricity. Has Japan solved that problem?

Even when turned ‘off’, most of your electronic appliances are still on.  That’s because most appliances now contain tiny computers to remember settings, to run clocks, to sense your remote, etc.

Actually when you turn your electronics ‘off’ you’ve actually put them in a ‘standby mode’.  This standby mode accounts for about 6 percent of household electricity use.

NEC and Tohoku University have developed a semiconductor to cut that standby power usage to zero.  They say it uses a magnet, instead of electricity, to operate in standby mode.  Unfortunately it will be a few more years before it hits the market, but they hope it will cut overall electricity usage by 25%.


The U.S. IS a Police State: FAST system completes first field test, will determine if you “intend” to commit a crime

According to, Homeland Security field tested the new Future Attribute Screening Technology system, at an undisclosed location in March 2011.  Up ’till now testing was done in a laboratory setting, officials claim 70% success rate.

FAST is a system that is supposed to tell if you are going to commit a crime (they call it “malintent”).  It measures things like heart rate, and eye movement.  U.S. Department of Homeland Security wants to use it at airports, sporting events, shopping malls, etc.

Many scientists question the rational of the FAST system: “Even having an iris scan or fingerprint read at immigration is enough to raise the heart rate of most legitimate travelers.”-Tom Ormerod, Investigative Expertise Unit at Lancaster University, U.K.

“I believe that the premise of this approach — that there is an identifiable physiological signature uniquely associated with malicious intent — is mistaken.”-Steven Aftergood, Federation of American Scientists


U.S. military computers hacked by ?, weapons codes stolen

“Given the military targets, and that millions of compromised keys are in circulation, this is not over.”-Rick Moy, NSS Labs

Reuters reporting that several U.S. military contractors have been hacked.  The cyber attack might have snagged codes for high tech weapons being used in Afghanistan and Iraq.

ECM corporation admits that several of its RSA security keys were copied by hackers several months ago.  This played a role in allowing hackers to access dozens of contractor databases, possibly for weapons codes.  So far officials are not saying what the hackers actually did.