Category Archives: Technology

Global Economic War: Bolivia wants Iranian made Farm equipment

The South American country of Bolivia has sent a trade delegation to Iran.  They want the Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company to set up shop in Bolivia.

Bolivian officials say they’re impressed with Iran’s industrial advancements, despite all the decades of sanctions from the United States and Europe.

The building of an Iranian tractor factory in Bolivia, is part of the South American country’s agriculture modernization program.

Iran has economic agreements with numerous Latin American countries, like Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Brazil and Ecuador.

Corporate Incompetence: Netflix says internet speeds in the United States sucks!

Earlier this year Netflix tested internet connection speeds in several countries, the United States sucked!

Apparently Netflix ranked the U.S. at 32.  Countries like Canada did much better.

The thing is that much faster connection speeds are available in the United States, it’s just that most people can’t pay the outrageous fees.  Also, most internet service providers don’t guarantee a faster connection rate, their fine print misleadingly says “speeds up to”.  This means they aren’t able to consistently provide faster connection speeds.


Corporate Incompetence: Idaho Internet providers blame the weather and animals for slow internet service, thank Allstate & Education reforms for a much needed upgrade

“We have a guy here who was dropped into remote, isolated areas of Iraq to set up their telecommunications systems. He told me, ‘We had better communications in Iraq than you have in Central Idaho.’ ”-Christine L. Frei, Clearwater Economic Development Association

A recent survey listed Idaho with the slowest internet service.  Now a new survey lists the Pocatello area (in southeastern Idaho) as the place with the slowest internet service in the whole state.

Some internet service providers use only line of sight broadcasts, which is extremely slow.  They blame snow, rain, clouds, fog and even bears rubbing on their transmission towers for internet disruptions.

The Federal government is spending $25 million to upgrade Idaho’s internet services. Part of the reason is that Allstate is building a big call center in Chubbuck, within the extremely slow Pocatello internet service area.

The other reason for the Federally funded upgrades is that Idaho has been pushing an at home internet school program for its High Schools: “Without broadband, especially in rural areas, kids might not reach their full potential. And we can’t expect to be competitive in a global economy.”-Jonathan Adelstein, Rural Utilities Service

One of the reasons Idaho has such slow internet service is also one of the reasons people like living in Idaho; only 19 people per square mile!

This makes it difficult for companies to make money providing internet service: “It’s not the lack of availability. It’s the lack of demand and what people are willing to pay.”-Bibiana Nertney, Idaho Department of Commerce

Most big businesses in Idaho actually get high speed internet service, but only because they can afford the outrageous fees.  Even Idaho’s public schools have high speed internet on campus.



Drug resistant TB affecting thousands of Europeans

“TB is an old disease that never went away, and now it is evolving with a vengeance.”-Zsuzsanna Jakab, UNWHO

The United Nations World Health Organization is warning European countries  to be alert against the extensively-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB), and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).

Estimates show 15 of the 27 countries with the highest burden of MDR-TB are in the European region.  More than 80,000 MDR-TB patients are diagnosed in the region annually.  London, U.K., has been the hardest hit capital city with 3,500 new cases diagnosed each year.

About half of the newly diagnosed MDR-TB patients are expected to die!


Corporate Incompetence: Pain killing drug pump killing the patient, says FDA recall

September 13, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a recall on a drug infusion pump by Medtronic.

The recalled drug pump was called “SynchroMed II”, including models of 8637-20 and 8637-40, distributed between 2004 and July 2011.

There is a problem that actually causes recurrent or withdrawal symptoms, which could be life-threatening.  There are 55 known cases of failure, and one known death.  I personally might know of another unreported death, someone who died just two months after having a pain pump put in. It was a painfully slow death because her own doctors didn’t know what was going on.  She was a single mom.

Corporate Incompetence: Colorado company contaminating community with radiation

Cotter Corporation, managers of a uranium mill, want to stop testing a leaking radioactive pond because conditions are too dangerous for workers.

Not only is the pond leaking radiation, it’s leaking TCE’s (trichloroethene) and other contaminants.  It could affect the community of Canon City.

The mill was built in 1958, to process uranium for weapons and nuclear power plants. Cotter Corporation dumped waste in 11 unlined ponds, which contaminated the area groundwater.  The EPA declared the area a Superfund cleanup site, and the company has been moving waste to a clay lined pond.

The problem is that the clay lined pond is now leaking.  On top of that, the company says the pond is too dangerous for their workers to safely check acidity levels.

Colorado officials are considering a request to stop monitoring the pond.

Corporate Incompetence: Home juicing machines & soy milking machines contain carcinogens

A report out of China says that home juicing machines, and soybean milking machines, are being manufactured with lubricants that are known to cause cancer.

Inspectors working for the Germany company Fuchs Petrolub, discovered the malpractice: “Manufacturers of soybean milk machines, including Joyoung and Midea, are well aware that the lubricant for production is for industrial use.  It is only during product examinations from outside agencies that they purchase lubricant for food.”

Products intended for food production should use food grade lubricants, but it was revealed that the home juicing machines were put together using standard industrial grade lubricants.

However, there is apparently no law in China requiring the use of food grade lubricants for food production machines.  Staff with Fuchs Petrolub say the Chinese companies use industrial grade lubricants, for food machines, because they’re cheaper.



Global Economic War: China accuses Europe & Japan of dumping steel products

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce is investigating claims that Europe and Japan are dumping steel tubes in China.

“Dumping can force established domestic producers out of a market and lead to monopolistic positions by the exporting nation.”-Wikipedia

China will look into the matter of “certain high-performance stainless steel seamless tubes” and calculate the loss suffered by domestic companies.

Corporate Incompetence: Millions of people lost power due to mistakes by power company employees

“This was not a deliberate act. The employee was just switching out a piece of equipment that was problematic.”-Daniel Froetscher, Arizona Public Service

At least 2.5 million people in the U.S. and Mexico, lost power because of maintenance at a Yuma, Arizona, substation.

Around 15:30 September 8, monitoring equipment was replaced.  That caused power to go out for about 56,000 customers.  Ten minutes later, after an attempt to restore power, the lights went out for 2.5 million customers from Yuma, Arizona, to San Diego, California, to Tijuana, Baja California.

Apparently circuits were shorted out.  Power company officials are trying to find out why such actions would have created a “cascade” effect along the power grid.

The power outage also shut down the San Onofre nuclear plant, and caused a 3.2-million gallon sewage spill San Diego beaches.




Government & Corporate Incompetence: NRC says U.S. Nuclear plants are not earthquake safe

According to the Associated press,  a preliminary Nuclear Regulatory Commission review says that most U.S. nuclear reactors are not as earthquake safe as first thought.

The NRC review was actually started before the recent east coast quake, and the March 11 quake in Japan.

Earthquake safety standards for nuclear reactors were set more than 20 years ago.  Since then much more has been learned about earthquakes.

The review showed that some reactors are actually 24 times more likely to suffer a severe accident, than originally thought.  That’s because 20 years ago most planners didn’t think there could be such big earthquakes as the one in Japan on March 11.

At least 27 reactors are being recommended for earthquake safety upgrades.