Category Archives: Technology

Occupy the World, Corporate Incompetence: Camera maker Olympus never reported losses, for at least a decade!

November 8, scandal for Japanese owned camera and industrial equipment maker Olympus: They deliberately kept losses off their finance books since the 1990s.

More proof that corporations can’t be trusted. The scandal wasn’t the result of Olympus officials confessing, it was the result of a third party investigation!

The losses come from securities investments.  Company officials tried to cover up the losses by blaming it on consulting fees, and the purchase of three smaller companies.

Olympus stock is now crashing on the Japanese stock market.  Olympus Vice President Hisashi Mori was fired for his involvement in the cover up.


Asteroid 2005 YU 55 will come close to Earth, closer than the Moon

NASA says on November 8, asteroid 2005 YU 55 will come very close to the Earth.

The asteroid is 400 meters (1,312 feet) in diameter, and at the closest point will be only 320,000 kilometers (198,000 miles) from Earth, that’s within the orbit of the Moon.

This isn’t a rare occasion; the last time such a close encounter happened was 35 years ago.

World War 3: Israel develops ballistic missile, the target; Iran

November 3, Israel’s Defense Ministry said they had test fired a ballistic missile.  Observers say the latest test-firing is a warning against Iran’s nuclear program.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of a “direct and heavy threat” posed by Iran’s nuclear program.

The testing of the ballistic missile was not announced in advance.  Some Israeli media sources say this is part of the Israeli government’s plan to attack Iran.  However officials in Netanyahu’s administration say regarding the missile test and Iran “The two things are separate”.


What Economic Recovery? Sony blames $2 billion loss on the United States & Europe, no more Sony TVs for you

On November 3, Sony announced that its television division is likely to post a record loss of about U.S.$2.2 billion for 2011.  That makes eight straight years of losses!

Sony is blaming poor sales in the United States and Europe.  This is more proof that the U.S. is no longer the market place for the World’s manufacturers.

Sony Executive Deputy President Kazuo Hirai says there is no sign of any economic recovery, and the company will revise downward its mid-term sales target by half.  Sony will also cut way back on TVs sold in Europe and the U.S.

Panasonic and Sharp say they will do the same.


Government Incompetence: Inspectors screw up approval of nuclear fuel rods

The Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization admitted it allowed nuclear fuel rods to pass quality checks using a faulty factory manual.

Government inspectors used the manufacture’s manual to inspect four sets of fuel rods.  They approved three of the sets.  The problem is that the approved sets did not match up with the length stated in the manual.  The rods were four meters (13 feet) long, the manual said they should have been 5 centimeters shorter.

Government officials say they will correct future inspections.

Government Incompetence: Japan will now study 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident

In a classic example of too little too late, Japan will now spend big money to study the effects of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident!

Japan will expand its Ukrainian embassy staff to include two nuclear specialists and three translators.  The staff will also be equipped with gear for dealing with radiation.  They will interview Ukrainian and former Soviet officials, and residents about the effects of radiation contamination, and how to deal with a nuclear disaster.

The Japanese government said they will spend about U.S.$2 million on the project.  You’d think a country that got so involved with nuclear power would have included, as part of its nuclear disaster preparedness, a detailed study of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster!

What Economic Recovery? SAAB sold to China, at a loss

SAAB has new Chinese owners.  The car maker was sold at a loss, after it filed for bankruptcy in September.  SAAB hasn’t made any cars in its factory in Sweden, since April!

SAAB was originally offloaded by GM to Dutch company Spyker (now Swedish Automotive).  Chinese distributor Pang Da Automobile Trade, and auto manufacturer Zhejiang Youngman Lotus Automobile will pay about U.S.$142 million for SAAB.

SAAB joins Volvo in becoming a Chinese owned company.  In 2010 Volvo was sold by Ford, also at a loss, to Chinese company called Geely.

SAAB sales in the U.S. suck, in September only 429 cars were sold.  So far for the year 2011 only 4,612 cars have been sold.  In 2003 SAAB sales in the U.S. were ten times that (40,000 cars)!



German police NAZIs work with Skype, Yahoo, Firefox, MSN to spy on you, the United States is involved

“We got our hands on it and found it is doing much more than it is legally allowed to do.”– Frank Rieger, Chaos Computer Club

The German government allows cell phone conversations to be spied on, but hackers discovered that the software used actually violates the government’s own legal limits.

It’s called Bundestrojan. Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court said it was legal as long as it screened only internet telephone calls. But, Bavarian police, and several other German states, are logging keystrokes, activating cameras, monitoring internet users’ activities and sending data to government officials.  All illegal.

Hackers also found out the United States is involved: “To avoid revealing the location of the command and control server, all data are redirected through a rented dedicated server in a data center in the U.S.”Chaos Computer Club

A Finnish tech company, in Helsinki, also found that the Bundestrojan is intercepting data entered into web browser Firefox, as well as the instant messaging programs MSN and ICQ.

Antivirus vendor, Kaspersky Lab in Germany, investigated Bundestrojan’s capabilities:  “Amongst the new things we found in there are two rather interesting ones: Firstly, this version is not only capable of running on 32 bit systems; it also includes support for 64 bit versions of Windows.  Secondly, the list of target processes to monitor is longer than the one mentioned in the CCC report.  The number of applications infected by the various components is 15 in total.”– Tillmann Werner, Kaspersky Lab

Targeted applications includes Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera, programs with VoIP and data encryption functionality, including ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, Low-Rate VoIP, CounterPath X-Lite and Paltalk.

German officials are calling for an investigation.  Hackers say this is a result of society putting security ahead of freedom: “Unfortunately, for too long the (government) has been guided by demands for technical surveillance, not by values like freedom or the question of how to protect our values in a digital world.”Chaos Computer Club


What Economic Recovery? Whirlpool announces big layoffs, will close factories around the world

“…recessionary demand levels in developed countries, a slowdown in emerging markets and high levels of inflation in material costs.”, that’s what Whirlpool Chief Executive Jeff Fettig says about the economy, basically it stinks!

As a result Whirlpool sales are down, and they have to layoff 5,000 employees, and shut down their Arkansas refrigerator factory!

Whirlpool joins the growing number of big businesses that say: “During the quarter, we experienced weaker than expected global industry demand and elevated material costs.”

No sh*t Sherlock, Corporate America keeps laying people off.  Ironically even Whirlpool CEO Fettig blames Corporate America’s job cuts!

Whirlpool will also close a dishwasher factory in Germany, moving production to Poland (Poland is a member of the European Union, but does not use the Euro, they use their own money).

The result is not only lost jobs, but if you need a new home appliance in the near future it’s gonna cost you more; Whirlpool is jacking up their prices (hello inflation).





United Police States of America: Idaho Republicans give away contract to Private Prison Tech company, who then double bills Idaho taxpayers

According to Idaho media reports, the executive director for the Idaho Republican Party, Jonathan Parker, is accused of helping AnalyzeSoft (a tech company that makes tracking devices for prisoners) get a big contract from Idaho Governor Butch Otter.

AnalyzeSoft is now barred from doing business with Idaho for at least one year, after it was discovered that they double billed for their services.  Idaho taxpayers were charged $2 million for an incomplete prisoner tracking system!

On top of that, five of AnalyzeSoft’s employees are barred from doing any work for the state, ever!

Under Idaho rules, contractors must bid for contracts with the state.  Not only did they double bill taxpayers, but apparently AnalyzeSoft was handed the contract without bidding.