Category Archives: Technology

Corporate Incompetence: Hewlett Packard cancels TouchPad, turns out it’s the number two selling tablet in the U.S.!

“76% of consumers who purchased a non-Apple tablet didn’t even consider the iPad, an indication that a large group of consumers are looking for alternatives, and an opportunity for the rest of the market to grow their business.”-Stephen Baker, NPD Group

On August 18, HP announced it was stopping production of its TouchPad tablet, citing poor sales.   Yet a survey by NPD Group says the HP TouchPad was the number two selling tablet in the United States, in 2011!

HP’s decision to cancel their TouchPad came just seven weeks after it was released.  That’s not long enough to give a new product a chance.  However, part of the reason for the HP TouchPad grabbing the number two spot, is that the price was dropped from $499 to an incredible $99!

This just seems like Corporate Incompetence to me.



Global Economic War: Start calling it Amazon China

“The Chinese e-commerce market will have a lot of winners, and Amazon China will be one of them.”-Wang Hanhua, president of Amazon China

In 2004 U.S. based Amazon entered the Chinese market, by taking over, a Chinese online book store.  They now have a new name: Amazon China.

The new name is a result of explosive growth thanks to the domestic Chinese economy.  Amazon China just opened the largest operations center outside of the United States, in Kunshan, Jiangsu province.  According to Chinese media it covers 120,000 square meters (1,291,669 square feet)!

“We are fully aware of the potential of this business, but we need to be prepared in logistics, packing center and operation systems.”-Wang Hanhua, president of Amazon China

Amazon China accounts for one third of all of Amazon’s global sales!

Wang Hanhua says one of the secrets to Amazon’s success in China is continued investment into marketing innovations: “Amazon China’s strategy is to invest continuously and focus on the long term market; that’s the reason why Amazon didn’t question its investment into China when it didn’t produce high returns.”

Now why can’t more Corporate America companies do that here in the United States?

Global Economic War: Chinese owned Hoku about to start operations in Idaho. Will U.S. investigation into Chinese solar products put the brakes on Hoku’s operations?

“We believe the Department of Commence investigation will show that Chinese government and Chinese solar manufacturers are, and have been, engaged in illegal practices that threaten to decimate a vitally needed renewable energy industry.”-Gordon Brinser, SolarWorld Industries

After many problems affecting construction and causing long delays, on November 21, Hoku’s CEO, Scott Paul, announced they cleared a milestone in getting their Pocatello, Idaho, polysilicon factory up and running; connection to permanent electrical power supplied by Idaho Power.

Hoku also announced they will now be selling finished photovoltaic modules through a subsidiary called Tianwei Solar USA.  The finished products are made in China, by a company called Tianwei New Energy.  While Tianwei Solar USA is a subsidiary of Hoku Corporation, Hoku is actually a subsidiary of Tianwei New Energy, in China.

Now comes the U.S. Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission.  They are investigating claims by seven U.S. based photovoltaic manufacturers, that Chinese based companies (like Tianwei, which controls Hoku) are breaking trade laws.

The International Trade Commission will render a decision around December 5.

Now comes China’s Ministry of Commerce.  In retaliation for the U.S. investigation into Chinese companies dumping their finished photovoltaic products on the U.S. market, the China Photovoltaic Industry Alliance claims the U.S. is dumping polysilicon at below cost prices in China!

So, Hoku’s polysilicon production for Chinese customers, mainly their majority owner Tianwei, is being threatened by an investigation by the Chinese government, AND, Hoku’s selling of Tianwei’s photovoltaic products is being threatened by an investigation by the U.S. government!

Hoku is trapped between a rock and a hard place.


What Economic Recovery? Former HP employee, and MBA holder, finds new job by NOT talking about his college education

“Nobody ever thinks, ‘Hey, I’m having trouble getting a job now.  Let me go get this extra degree and I’m sure I’ll still have trouble.’”-Nathan Bussey

In 2008, Idahoan Nathan Bussey lost his coveted job with Hewlett-Packard.  He used the unexpected time off to get an MBA.

Forget the rhetoric coming out of Corporate America, that they can’t find “qualified” applicants, Bussey discovered that having a college degree actually hurt his chances of getting a job.   That’s because the only jobs available don’t really require college.

This year Bussey took a job with a dreaded call center.  He did not tell them about his MBA, because it would’ve hurt his chances for getting hired.  He’s getting paid much less than when he was working for HP, but he and his wife are desperate: “We have no savings anymore. If something happened, if one of us got hurt or sick, we certainly would be in a much worse situation now.  We’ve used our buffer.  That rainy day fund is now gone.”



Media Incompetence: Some media calling new flu outbreak H1N1 Swine Flu, FAIL! The new flu is an old version of H3N2

Recently several media outlets have reported that people in the midwestern U.S. have been infected with H1N1 swine flu.  They’ve even reported that instead of spreading from pigs to humans, it’s spreading human to human.

Well that’s because it isn’t H1N1!  According to the United Nations World Health Organization, and the U.S. Center for Disease Control, it’s an influenza A virus of the H3N2 subtype, a type of flu virus that circulates between humans.

Since July 2011, 10 people in the United States have been infected with it.  Why are some media outlets reporting it as H1N1?  If you read the USA Today, and ABC News articles, you’ll notice that H3N2 is only briefly mentioned.  For some reason the articles focus on the 2009 scare caused by H1N1.  More text is dedicated to talking about H1N1 than to this latest form of H3N2.  Call it a case of fear mongering by the U.S. media.

The problem is some international media outlets have picked up the story as an new outbreak of H1N1!

Government Incompetence: More than 80% of Japan’s nuclear reactors to be shut down, get ready for petroleum & coal prices to spike

Combine natural disasters, corporate and government incompetence, and regular inspections, and you end up with more than 80% of Japan’s nuclear power turned off.  That’s disastrous when you realize that Japan’s industries rely on nuclear power!  Can you say poor planning?

On November 25, another nuke plant will be shut down for regular inspection.  But that’s not all.  The remaining operating nuclear power plants will also be shut down going into spring 2012, because of the timing of scheduled inspections.  That means all 54 Japanese nuke plants will be off line!

This means there will be a huge demand coming from Japan for petroleum (oil, gasoline, diesel), natural gas and coal to run traditional electrical generators.  Now imagine what will happen to the price such commodities when an entire country suddenly starts sucking up millions of barrels of fuel per day!

Global Economic War: Apple now takes the Chinese Yuan, over the U.S. Dollar. Chinese buyers dominate the internet!

“The service has been there since last Friday. It’s really good news for our customers and local application developers.”-Apple China statement

California based Apple Incorporated decided to accept the Chinese yuan (aka Renminbi, or RMB) in an unannounced move last week. One reason is that China is now the world’s biggest internet market!!!

The App Store will now accept yuan credit and debit cards issued by more than 20 Chinese banks.  Another reason for the move is that many Chinese customers using credit and debit cards issued from outside China, were getting their info ripped off.

Apple’s fiscal 4th quarter revenues from China hit $4.5 billion. Their U.S. operations had more revenue, but revenue from China is growing so fast it will soon pass up the revenues made in the U.S.

What Economic Recovery? Netflix says 2012 will be so bad they will not make any profits. Looking to investors to float them. Blame competition & inflation

Netflix announced on November 21, that they do not expect to make a profit in 2012.  The on demand movie service went from having $366 million in cash, to almost nothing predicted for 2012.

Netflix officials blame it on several things; a huge subscriber loss, increased competition and a huge jump in licensing fees (inflation).

Like most of Corporate America, Netflix thought it could trick its customers into paying more for less. It backfired, company officials now estimate they will lose one million subscribers as a result.

Netflix says it’s seeing a jump in competition, not just from Hulu and Redbox, but from Amazon and Google.

Now comes the licensing fees.  In 2010 Netflix paid $180 million, now that’s jumped to $2 billion for 2012!!!  Company officials say they can not pay the fee upfront and will have to spread payments out over several years.

Under text book economic rules Netflix should pass on the increased licensing fees to its customers, but they already tried that and lost a huge amount of customers.  Netflix will try to ride out 2012 by issuing a crap load of stocks and bonds.  They hope they can get investors to buy at least $400 million worth of stocks and bonds, even though they admit they’re not going to make any profit for 2012.


It’s official, the people of the United States are Crazy! 1 in 5 on mental health drugs!!!

Medco Health Solutions Inc., says the use of drugs, in the U.S., for psychiatric and behavioral disorders rose 22% from 2001 to 2010!

But that’s an overall percentage, the numbers get worse, and more revealing, when you look at specific drugs, conditions, gender and age groups.

1 out of 4 U.S. women are using mental health drugs, the majority are women older than 45.  But there is a alarming trend of increased use among men and and young adults.

More than 20% of U.S. adults used drugs for conditions like anxiety and depression, in 2010.  The study saw a big increase in the use of drugs to control ADHD, especially in adults!

There was a 150% increase in the use of ADHD drugs among people aged 20 to 44 between 2001 and 2010, and a doubling among women in the 45-to-65 group!  I wounder if this has anything to do with the fact that many ADHD drugs are related to ‘speed’?

ADHD drug use in the over 65 age group increased about 30% for men and women between 2001 and 2010!  Are ADHD meds being used to treat memory problems typically associated with old people?  Can you say incompetent doctors grasping at straws?

The Medco study was based on the number of prescriptions issued between 2001 and 2010.

Cancer cells highly efficient at recycling

A report published by the Science Translational Medicine says at least 30 types of cancer cells are highly efficient protein recyclers.

The reason why cancerous tumors actually grow fast (contrary to outdated medical theories) is that they have an accelerated rate of recycling, also known as chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA).

Scientists hope to develop an anticancer drug by finding a chemical that would interfere with the recycling process.