Category Archives: Technology

United Police States of America: Utah National Guard base to become site of largest personal data center in the U.S. You are the target!

Photo via National Security Agency, 28DEC2011.

This is a 2011 photo of the  National Security Agency’s $340-million Gordon Regional Security Operations Center at Fort Gordon, Georgia, and it wasn’t big enough so they’re building a bigger one in Utah.

this is more than just a data center….Everybody’s a target; everybody with communication is a target.”-unnamed intelligence official

Camp Williams is expanding by 240 acres to become Utah Data Complex, run by the National Security Agency. It will be the biggest ever, and should be completed by 2013.

The center will not only spy on, and collect, domestic emails and phone calls, but even what you buy!

The domestic spy center is costing taxpayers $2 billion to build.

Whistleblower & Wikileaks founder Julian Assange running for Australian Senate, hosts Russian TV show

Despite being under house arrest in United Kingdom, Assange is getting a new TV show, and running for political office in Australia.

Assange is scheduled to host The World of Tomorrow for RT (Russia Today): “Assange to record TV series for RT while under house arrest – I am sure it will be an amazing show!” -Margarita Simonyan, RT editor in chief

Assange is also running for a seat in Australia’s Upper House.  Wikileaks is also sponsoring a candidate to challenge Prime Minister Julia Gillard.



Government Lies: U.S. allows farm Corporations to contiue business with Iran, oil contractors as well. Proof the U.S. sanctions against Iran are bogus, and possibly illegal under current U.S. law created by Republicans!

“If they need something really quick and reliable, the U.S. is there to do it.”-unnamed U.S. wheat trader

It’s been revealed that despite U.S. economic sanctions against Iran, U.S. agricultural giants Cargill and Bunge will sell about 220,000 tons of U.S. wheat to Iran, by April.

Not only that, but Iran is paying more than the going Market rate for wheat, as much as $30 per metric ton more!

So what happened to the U.S. economic sanctions against Iran?  Turns out money does talk, and U.S. officials are willing to turn a blind eye to big Iranian money being spent on U.S. industries: “They seem to be taking hundreds of thousands of tonnes a week. If that’s the case and we repeat 2008, if they buy seven million tonnes of wheat, this is going to be a huge deal for the [U.S.] market.-another unnamed U.S. wheat trader

This could also be proof that there is no economic recovery taking place inside the United States, forcing officials to go back on threats against Iran.

It’s not just the agriculture industry, even U.S. medical industries and oil contractors, and even Mars candy bar corporation, are allowed to continue business with Iran.  Guess why?  A U.S. law created by Republicans, under the influence of Corporate America, in 2000, allows dozens of U.S. industries to be exempt from any future sanctions against Iran!!!

According to a December 2010 New York Times article, the U.S. government, under Republican President George Bush Jr, enacted a law in the year 2000 that allowed U.S. companies to not only do business with “terrorist” “rogue” states such as Iran and North Korea,  but to be exempt from future sanctions!

Even Democrats complained about the Republican created law: “It’s not a bad thing to grant exceptions if it represents a conscious policy decision to give countries an incentive. But when you create loopholes like this that you can drive a Mack truck through, you are giving countries something for nothing, and they just laugh in their teeth. I think there have been abuses.”-Stuart Eizenstat, former Bill Clinton administration

Government Paranoia & Lies: U.S. & Japan freaking out about North Korean satellite launch, U.S. threatening to back out of food aid deal

North Korea has submitted all required documents to the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization as part of its preparation for an April communications satellite launch.  This is in keeping with international regulations.

Yet officials with the United States and Japan are literally freaking out!  U.S. officials are deliberately misleading the media by calling the satellite a “missile”!

“Such a missile [what missile?] launch would pose a threat to regional security and would also be inconsistent with North Korea’s recent undertaking to refrain from long range missile launches.”-says ignoramus Victoria Nuland, U.S. State Department

Here’s the thing, North Korea agreed to halt testing of missile weapons.  They did not agree to stop communications satellite launching.

Here’s what an ignorant professor said: “Why did they make a deal if two weeks later they’re going to scuttle it, without even getting anything out of it?  This doesn’t make sense in the standard North Korean playbook.”-John Delury, Yonsei University

Because, moron, North Korean officials didn’t see anything wrong with a communications satellite launch, as it is not a weaponized “missile”!

Even the Japanese are freaking out, they plan to move Patriot missiles into position to shoot down the communication satellite!

By the way, North Korea launched satellites in 1998 and 2009.  Why the uproar now?  Is this just a convenient way for the U.S. to back out of it’s promise?  Remember what the Taliban said about the U.S.: “…they turned their backs on their promises and started initiating baseless propaganda…” -Taliban statement, March 14, 2012

Proof that Gas-Electric Hybrid cars are a sham! Honda settles California lawsuit for as much as $461 million

“It didn’t work. My mileage actually went down.”-Jack Shrader Jr, owner of 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid

I always knew those electric and gas-electric cars were a rip off.

In California thousands of owners of hybrid Honda Civics sued Honda because the cars got no better, or even worse, fuel mileage than a regular gas powered Civic!  The batteries also had to be recharged far sooner than advertised!

On March16, 2012, a San Diego Superior Court judge approved a settlement that’s estimated to range between $87.5 million and $461.3 million.

One hybrid owner said that her car was fine until Honda did a mandatory software update: “Now my car is so sluggish. It just doesn’t want to go sometimes and you never know when. I’m livid. It’s not really a reliable car. It should be, I paid a fortune for it!”-Kathy Wood, owner 2007 Honda Civic Hybrid

But wait there’s more!  This settlement is in regards to a class action lawsuit.  There are hundreds more individual cases against Honda!

Oil & Gas Prices: Iran cuts oil shipment to 4 more European countries! SWIFT retaliation? U.S. to sanction India

March 16, 2012, Iran’s Oil Ministry announced it will stop oil shipments to four more European Union members.

Back in February Iran stopped oil shipments to France and United Kingdom.  Iran had also named four other EU countries that could lose their Iranian oil shipments.

Iranian media reporting that Iran will now stop oil shipments to those other countries.  Those countries are Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.

I’ve heard that claim before, but this time it might be for real, and in retaliation for Iran’s exclusion from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT).

“It is a direct result of international and multilateral action to intensify financial sanctions against Iran.”-Lazaro Campos, CEO SWIFT

The SWIFT move will affect about 30 Iranian banks.

Washington DC insiders say it’s likely the United States will sanction India, for refusing to take part in the U.S. led oil sanctions against Iran: “Given the level of trade, and in particular oil, between Iran and India, targeting an Indian entity that facilitates Iran’s access to the international financial market should be top of mind for the U.S. Treasury.”-Avi Jorisch, former Treasury Department official

According to the International Energy Agency, India and South Korea have greatly increased the amount of oil they’re buying from Iran.  Japan and South Korea are demanding exemptions from the U.S. oil sanctions, because British Petroleum was able to be exempted. (I told you Obama does not have the support of the International Community, as he claims)



Toyota & Subaru begin production of new sports car. For sale in the United States?

A few weeks ago Subaru announced they were ending decades of minicar production in Japan. They said they just weren’t profitable.

Now that minicar factory is being used to produce a sports car jointly designed by Toyota and Fuji Heavy Industries (owner of Subaru).

It’s called the Toyota 86, or Subaru BRZ.  It’s reported to have an engine designed for lots of power and fuel economy.

The car is supposed to go on sale in Australia in June. There the car is being marketed to potential buyers with incomes of at least Australian$150,000 per year.

The car will be powered by a water cooled 2.0-litre Boxer (horizontally opposed 4 cylinder, like the old air cooled VWs)  D-4S gas (petrol) engine.   147kW (199.8 hp) and 205Nm (151 foot pounds) of torque.  Base model comes with automatic transmission, but buyers could get a six-speed manual transmission. Limited slip differential will be available, except on the base model with automatic transmission.

The cars are also planned for sale in Europe.

Will the car be sold in the United States?  Reports say Toyota will sell the car under their Scion brand, as the Scion FR-S.  Subaru will sell it as a Subaru BRZ, at a rumored starting price of U.S.$25,000.  They hope to sell at least 7,000 per year.

One Year Later: Cell Phones proved useless in Tsunami hit areas, news media critical for getting information out

An international telecommunication symposium was held in the quake/tsunami hit Japanese city of Sendai. The goal was to discover which form of telecommunications works best in a tsunami disaster.

Cells phones proved to be useless, as there was no way to charge the batteries.  Use of pay phones was limited because of tsunami damage.

It turns out that the best way to communicate with disaster victims is still the tried and true Radio!  A study found that most survivors, who knew what was going on, were listening to portable radios.

The boss of Japan’s NHK broadcaster (NHK actually won awards for their reporting on the disaster), said in the next disaster they will focus even more on getting useful information out for those survivors who might be listening on portable radios.


Oil & Gas Prices: Incompetent Chevron creates new spill in Brazil, unknown oil spill near Seattle, U.S. fisherman still waiting for money from 2010 BP oil spill

Only a few days after Chevron announced it was hopeful in restating oil production in Brazil, ooops, there goes another one!

March 15, 2012, Chevron reported another oil spill, just 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) from last November’s spill.  The spill was actually noticed on March 4, but Chevron didn’t report it until now because they didn’t know where it was coming from!

In the U.S. state of Washington, the Department of Ecology is trying to figure out what kind of oil is spilling from two sunken barges.  The oil spill is forming near Lummi Island.

Salvage companies were in the process of cutting up the sunken barges when the oil spilled out. Some officials say the oil could be coming from under the barges. The spill is affecting 200 feet of shoreline.

In U.S. states along the Gulf of Mexico, fisherman still haven’t been paid by British Petroleum.  In 2010 an estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil were spilled by BP operations, shutting down the fishing industry.

The Commercial Fishermen of America say at least $2.5 billion in damages were done to the Louisiana fishing industry alone!  The numbers of fish are still below pre-spill levels!

Recently a settlement was made, but it could take years for all the money to be issued.  Another problem is that attorneys are about to unleash a campaign to convince people they can get their money fast, if they only go through their law firm.

Because it will take so long for the money to be issued, the Gulf states could still lose 2,650 to 3,975 jobs, with earnings losses of $68 million to $103 million!



What Economic Recovery? NEC lays off thousands, cuts executive incentives 40%, 1st Japanese company to do so

One of Japan’s oldest electronics appliance makers, NEC, is the first Japanese company to announce huge cuts for Union workers AND executives!

Union labor is asked to take a 4% pay cut, on top of 10,000 workers being laid off!  But, wait there’s more!  Managers will also get hit with a 4% cut in pay.  And executives were told their bonuses will be 40% less!

NEC officials say the company has lost about $1.2 billion, for their business end of year (which is in March)!  They blame natural disasters and the increasing value of the Japanese yen (which is actually caused by the declining value of the U.S. dollar).