Category Archives: Technology

Corporate Martial Law: Operant conditioning alive & well in the U.S. of A.!

10 June 2013 (14:12 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Sha’ban 1434/20 Khordad 1391/03 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

“Operant conditioning techniques will and are currently being used to program the behavior of susceptible Internet users….”-The Atlantic

An article on ‘Skinner Marketing’ in The Atlantic reveals how far down the rabbit hole unAmerican corporate America is going.  The scientific term for Skinner Marketing is Operant Conditioning.

The article points out that the latest version of Google Maps is designed to target people with corporate products based on their location.  Other internet applications are totally about collection of your data, mainly for marketing by corporations.

The most common form are free gaming applications.  While you play those games the software somehow is able to guesstimate what kind of person/consumer your are.

The Atlantic article has some warnings: “The beauty of the Internet is that by combining big data, behavioral targeting, wearable and mobile devices, and GPS, application developers can design more effective operant conditioning environments…..[sounds almost like the Matrix movies, don’t it?]……big data, behavioral targeting, Internet cookies, and GPS positioning can all be integrated with operant conditioning techniques to motivate us to lose weight and study harder. But as with any technology, they can be employed to less admirable ends.

Global Martial Law: Whistleblower Hero reveals himself!

10 June 2013 (21:53 UTC-07 Tango 09 June 2013)/01 Sha’ban 1434/20 Khordad 1391/03 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The following is from The Guardian interview with NSA contracted employee turned whistleblower, Edward Snowden, who fled the U.S. to live in communist controlled Hong Kong.

Q: Why did you decide to become a whistleblower?

A: “The NSA has built an infrastructure that allows it to intercept almost everything. With this capability, the vast majority of human communications are automatically ingested without targeting. If I wanted to see your emails or your wife’s phone, all I have to do is use intercepts. I can get your emails, passwords, phone records, credit cards.

“I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things … I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under.”

Q: But isn’t there a need for surveillance to try to reduce the chances of terrorist attacks such as Boston?

A: “We have to decide why terrorism is a new threat. There has always been terrorism. Boston was a criminal act. It was not about surveillance but good, old-fashioned police work. The police are very good at what they do.”

Q: Do you see yourself as another Bradley Manning?

A: “Manning was a classic whistleblower. He was inspired by the public good.”

Q: Do you think what you have done is a crime?

A: “We have seen enough criminality on the part of government. It is hypocritical to make this allegation against me. They have narrowed the public sphere of influence.”

Q: What do you think is going to happen to you?

A: “Nothing good.”

Q: Why Hong Kong?

A: “I think it is really tragic that an American has to move to a place that has a reputation for less freedom. Still, Hong Kong has a reputation for freedom in spite of the People’s Republic of China. It has a strong tradition of free speech.”

Q: What do the leaked documents reveal?

A: “That the NSA routinely lies in response to congressional inquiries about the scope of surveillance in America. I believe that when [senator Ron] Wyden and [senator Mark] Udall asked about the scale of this, they [the NSA] said it did not have the tools to provide an answer. We do have the tools and I have maps showing where people have been scrutinised most. We collect more digital communications from America than we do from the Russians.”

Q: What about the Obama administration’s protests about hacking by China?

A: “We hack everyone everywhere. We like to make a distinction between us and the others. But we are in almost every country in the world. We are not at war with these countries.”

Q: Is it possible to put security in place to protect against state surveillance?

A: “You are not even aware of what is possible. The extent of their capabilities is horrifying. We can plant bugs in machines. Once you go on the network, I can identify your machine. You will never be safe whatever protections you put in place.”

Q: Does your family know you are planning this?

A: “No. My family does not know what is happening … My primary fear is that they will come after my family, my friends, my partner. Anyone I have a relationship with …

I will have to live with that for the rest of my life. I am not going to be able to communicate with them. They [the authorities] will act aggressively against anyone who has known me. That keeps me up at night.”

Q: When did you decide to leak the documents?

A: “You see things that may be disturbing. When you see everything you realise that some of these things are abusive. The awareness of wrong-doing builds up. There was not one morning when I woke up [and decided this is it]. It was a natural process.

“A lot of people in 2008 voted for Obama. I did not vote for him. I voted for a third party. But I believed in Obama’s promises. I was going to disclose it [but waited because of his election]. He continued with the policies of his predecessor.”

Q: What is your reaction to Obama denouncing the leaks on Friday while welcoming a debate on the balance between security and openness?

A: “My immediate reaction was he was having difficulty in defending it himself. He was trying to defend the unjustifiable and he knew it.”

Q: What about the response in general to the disclosures?

A: “I have been surprised and pleased to see the public has reacted so strongly in defence of these rights that are being suppressed in the name of security. It is not like Occupy Wall Street but there is a grassroots movement to take to the streets on July 4 in defence of the Fourth Amendment called Restore The Fourth Amendment and it grew out of Reddit. The response over the internet has been huge and supportive.”

Q: Washington-based foreign affairs analyst Steve Clemons said he overheard at the capital’s Dulles airport four men discussing an intelligence conference they had just attended. Speaking about the leaks, one of them said, according to Clemons, that both the reporter and leaker should be “disappeared”. How do you feel about that?

A: “Someone responding to the story said ‘real spies do not speak like that’. Well, I am a spy and that is how they talk. Whenever we had a debate in the office on how to handle crimes, they do not defend due process – they defend decisive action. They say it is better to kick someone out of a plane than let these people have a day in court. It is an authoritarian mindset in general.”

Q: Do you have a plan in place?

A: “The only thing I can do is sit here and hope the Hong Kong government does not deport me … My predisposition is to seek asylum in a country with shared values. The nation that most encompasses this is Iceland. They stood up for people over internet freedom. I have no idea what my future is going to be.

“They could put out an Interpol note. But I don’t think I have committed a crime outside the domain of the US. I think it will be clearly shown to be political in nature.”

Q: Do you think you are probably going to end up in prison?

A: “I could not do this without accepting the risk of prison. You can’t come up against the world’s most powerful intelligence agencies and not accept the risk. If they want to get you, over time they will.”

Q: How to you feel now, almost a week after the first leak?

A: “I think the sense of outrage that has been expressed is justified. It has given me hope that, no matter what happens to me, the outcome will be positive for America. I do not expect to see home again, though that is what I want.”

Global Martial Law: NSA outright lies about capabilities! Meet the info beast ‘Boundless Informant’!

09 June 2013 (14:38 UTC-07 Tango)/30 Rajab 1434/19 Khordad 1391/02 Wu-Wu (5th month) 4711

The same United Kingdom news source that revealed massive phone, internet and credit card data stealing by your U.S. government, The Guardian, is now revealing that the U.S. National Security Agency has lied to your exalted ‘elected’ officials again.

In March 2013, NSA officials outright lied to a question from U.S. senators about collecting data on U.S. citizens:  “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”-Ron Wyden, U.S. Senator from Oregon

“No sir.”-James Clapper, NSA

To other questions, this nimrod answered: “…We do not have….the equipment in the United States to actually collect that kind of information.”-U.S. Army General Keith Alexander, NSA

NSA officials even lied to questions from The Guardian, about tracing the data they officially didn’t collect.  Here’s the NSA response: “….we do not have the ability to determine with certainty the identity or location of all communicants within a given communication. That remains the case.”-Judith Emmel, NSA

The Guardian was given masses of documents by an unnamed whistleblower, those documents revealed that not only is the U.S. government stealing your info, but they know exactly from who and from where it’s coming from.

Meet the info beast Boundless Informant, a computer system that can track individuals right down to the IP address their internet service is operating from.

From my own experience I know internet companies, like Google, already have this ability.  So it only makes sense that your big brother/sister government control freaks would as well.

Cell Phone Martial Law: Verizon ordered to hand over all customer records to NSA & FBI! Idaho’s Frank Church was right!

06 June 2013 (03:46 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Rajab 1434/16 Khordad 1391/28 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

“The NSA’s capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter.”-a prophetic warning in 1975 by Frank Church, U.S. Senator from Idaho

“We decline comment.”-Ed McFadden, Verizon

The news media in the United Kingdom has revealed a top secret order from the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.  It orders cell phone companies to hand over all customer records to the U.S. National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation.  It specifically names cell service provider Verizon.

The order states that the collection of customer data (called “tangible things”) will be “…on an ongoing daily basis…”  It encompasses “…all call detail records…” 

Not only that, but it ordered “…that no person shall disclose to any other person that the FBI or NSA has sought or obtained tangible things under this Order…”

However, the Guardian obtained a copy of the police stateist order, and you can read it by clicking here. 

Your glorified leaders in Washington DC are using legal games and referring to phone calls as “metadata”, because if they used the term ‘communications’ then they would have to get court orders on each and every customer!

“We’ve certainly seen the government increasingly strain the bounds of ‘relevance’ to collect large numbers of records at once, everyone at one or two degrees of separation from a target, but vacuuming all metadata up indiscriminately would be an extraordinary repudiation of any pretence of constraint or particularized suspicion.”-Julian Sanchez, Cato Institute

This is more proof that Obama is no different, perhaps even worse, than Bush Jr!

Internet Martial Law: Court orders Google to hand over all customer data to FBI!!!

01 June 2013 (08:37 UTC-07 Tango)/22 Rajab 1434/11 Khordad 1391/23 Wu-Wu (4th month) 4711

Late yesterday, when most U.S. main streamer news sources focused only on more tornadoes in Oklahoma, U.S. District Court Judge, Susan Illston, ordered Google to hand over customer data to the Federal Bureau of Investigation!

The San Francisco court judge made the ruling after reading classified letters from FBI bosses.  The FBI says it does not need a judge’s order to conduct warrantless data gathering, called National Security Letters (NSL).

The NSL affects internet companies and communications/cell phone companies.

By the way, Judge Illston is leaving her job in July.



False Flag op? Sears & Kmarts being closed down to be turned into data storage and domestic spy centers!!!

31 May 2013 (18:11 UTC-07 Tango 30 May 2013)/21 Rajab 1434/10 Khordad 1391/22 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“There are compelling reasons why this is a great model. The customer [law enforcement/spying agencies?] has evolved to the point where they want a sexier location, where they can have access to a Starbucks and other retail, because it’s possible they may be there for weeks or months…..There’s a desire to have multiple locations spread costs across multiple areas…….Having rooftop access to the cars and pedestrians around the malls is important. The Sears portfolio can capture that……I will put as many of the rooftops in play as I can.”-Sean Farney, of newly created Ubiquity Critical Environments

Several reports over the past week stating that many of the empty shut down Sears and Kmarts are being turned into data storage/wireless communication centers/disaster centers!

Since 2010 more than 333 Sears/Kmart stores have been vacated.  The plan to turn many of the empty stores into data centers is being headed by a newly created subsidiary of Sears Holdings, Ubiquity Critical Environments (UCE).

UCE is run by Sean Farney, a former boss of Microsoft’s Chicago data center.  UCE was revealed by trade publication Data Center Knowledge.

One of the first UCE multi-tenant data centers will be created out of the soon to be closed East 79th Street Chicago Sears store near the Chicago Skyway.  Once retrofitted into the new Chicago area social spying data center, it will use at least 5 megawatts of electricity!  (and they’ve already got an unnamed client signed up to operate it)

Most mall based vacated Sears stores will be used as “business continuity services”, to supposedly keep other businesses running in case of natural disasters or civil uprisings/unforeseen events.

Most vacated Kmarts will be used as data centers, because most Kmarts are not connected to malls or other stores, therefore (as Farney admits) it’s easier to hide just who is operating the data center.

Sears Holdings officials say the vacated Sears and Kmarts were chosen for such population monitoring/controlling operations because, according to UCE’s Sean Farney, 70% of the U.S. population live near a Sears or Kmart!

An retail analysts with Morningstar said this new move to offer Sears Holding’s property for use in social spying, shows how desperate the corporation is.   Or is it?  In the Data Center Knowledge interview, Farney stated that the new Sears Holdings subdivision, UCE, has the money to pay for the conversion to data centers, even to customize the centers to whatever requirements of the new tenants!

False Flag Bio-War? Corn syrup + GMO corn crops + Pesticides = Honey Bee Colony Collapse! Human collapse next!

26 May 2013 (19:54 UTC-07 Tango 25 May 2013)/16 Rajab 1434/05 Khordad 1391/17 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“This is the biggest general threat to our food supply!”-Kevin Hackett, USDA’s bee and pollination program

“There is no question that neonicotinoids put a huge stress on the survival of honey bees in the environment.  The evidence is clear that imidacloprid is likely the culprit for Colony Collapse Disorder via a very unique mechanism that has not been reported until our study.”-Chensheng Lu, HSPH

Several studies have revealed direct links between high fructose corn syrup, GMO (genetically modified organism) crops and increased pesticide use with the massive death and disappearance of honey bees.   On 24 May 2013 the European Union (EU) banned the use of three pesticides based on such studies.

The EU ban begins in December and will last two years, before being reviewed.

On 02 January 2013, Poland banned the use of Monsanto’s GMO MON 810 maize (corn) and BASF’s Amflora strain of potato, after Polish beekeepers claimed a direct link between the genetically enhanced pesticide laden seeds and the collapse of honey bees.

A report published in May 2013 concluded that GMO/pesticides are affecting other pollinators, not just bees.  The study indicated that the European Union was about to ban such pesticides based on their own studies.

In September 2012, another study says GMO/pesticides are destroying bees’ ability to navigate.

In April 2012, the Harvard School of Public Health proved that pesticide laced corn syrup is killing bees.  The unknowing culprits here are the beekeepers themselves.  Honey farmers want all the honey for sale, and feed the bees high fructose corn syrup in its place.  Here’s the rub; prior to 2004 the corn syrup did not contain pesticides.  How’d it get there?  In 2004-05 U.S. maize crops began being sprayed with a new pesticide. It turns out the pesticide stays in the corn even after harvest and is showing up in the corn syrup (this also means that we humans are eating it as well). The Harvard study concluded that it only takes 20 parts per billion of neonicotinoid pesticides to kill off a bee colony within six months!

A study published online in March 2012 revealed that the GMO crops use a neonicotinoid toxin that disables an insects homing abilities, which explains why so many bees never get back to their hives.

Another study showed that even low doses of neonicotinoid pesticides is harmful to bees.

In February 2012, a study said that even dust coming from the GMO seeds could kill bees.

There are dozens and dozens of studies around the World which say the GMO/pesticide corporations are responsible for declining crop production as well as killing off the insect pollinators necessary for food production, yet those very corporations continue to deny that such studies exist!

In 2007 USDA official, Kevin Hackett, said what those corporations are doing is the biggest threat to our survival that we face, but you won’t find those corporations on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s terrorist list!

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left.”-Albert Einstein

False Flag Bio-War? First GMO humans created! Clones next!!!

24 May 2013 (16:49 UTC-07 Tango)/14 Rajab 1434/03 Khordad 1391/15 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Ooplasmic transfer from fertile donor oocytes into potentially compromised recipient patient oocytes has led to the birth of nearly 30 babies worldwide.”-Mitochondria in human offspring derived from ooplasmic transplantation: Brief communication, journal of Human Reproduction

The journal Human Reproduction reporting that the first 30 humans created by Genetic Modification have been born around the World!  Genetic testing showed the infants have more than two parents!

At least 15 of those babies, over the past three years, were born at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of Saint Barnabas in New Jersey U.S.A.

Researchers say it was part of experiments to help women who could not conceive.  It involved using genes from another woman.  Testing shows the infants inherited genes from both women, meaning that technically they have two mothers and one father!

The professor in charge of the program boasted, last year, that he could use the same technique to clone humans: “It would be an afternoon’s work for one of my students.”-Jacques Cohen

Cohen claims he already gotten three requests for cloning.


World War 3, Gun Control Front: Elitist Techies admit they want to ban guns! No more mobile purchases of guns!

14 May 2013 (21:59 UTC-07 Tango 13 May 2013)/04 Rajab 1434/24 Ordibehest 1391/05 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“By creating a Square Account, you also confirm that you will not accept payments in connection with the following businesses or business activities:…..(23) sales of (i) firearms, firearm parts or hardware, and ammunition;  or (ii) weapons and other devices designed to cause physical injury….”-Square

Quietly, about a week ago a mobile payment service called Square decided to ban all gun/weapon purchases.

Previously their gun/weapon purchase ban was in regards to internet purchases, now it applies anywhere.

Jack Dorsey, a co-founder of Twitter, swears it has nothing to do with the anti-gun/anti-Constitution policies of President Obama and New York mayor Michael Bloomberg.

However, Dorsey admits he loves New York mayor Bloomberg and would like to follow in his anti-Constitutional footsteps: “I think that Mayor Bloomberg has done an amazing job, and I and a lot of Silicon Valley look to him as a guiding light because he’s completely rethought what it means to be mayor.”


Capitalist Commodity Markets to blame for Pocatello’s Hoku Polysilicon near abandonment!

08 May 2013 (09:49 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Jumada t-Tania 1434/18 Ordibehest 1391/29 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

The massive, and expensive (to local tax payers), Hoku Materials polysilicon factory sits idle and unfinished in Pocatello, Idaho.

Red Neck right wingers like to point the finger at President Obama, saying ‘I told you so’ concerning ‘clean energy’ projects, but the reason for the demise of many solar power companies is actually the capitalist commodity market system and government interference.

Polysilicon prices have crashed and burned since construction started on the 50 American football fields long factory.  It just isn’t worth it to produce the stuff used in solar power panels.  In 2008 polysilicon was worth $400 per kilogram, it’s now crashed to a paltry $20.50!

Hoku Materials ghost town factory, Pocatello, Idaho. 50 football fields long at a cost of at least $400 million.

Hoku Materials ghost town factory, Pocatello, Idaho. 50 football fields long at a cost of at least $400 million.

The ‘experts’ got everything wrong.  They thought the high petroleum prices would drive societies into the arms of clean energy companies, but the problem is that so many clean energy companies started production that soon there was a glut of polysilicon on the market, even before the construction of Pocatello Hoku plant was close to being finished.

Then add to that the trade wars between China, the U.S. and European Union.  Eventually, the Obama administration jacked up tariffs so high on Chinese polysilicon companies that it wasn’t worth it to do business in the U.S.  By then Hoku Corporation (the parent of Hoku Materials) had become Chinese owned, due to financial problems (including Hoku Materials not being able to pay its construction contractor, JH Kelly, or pay its Idaho utility bills, so many times that both threatened to seize the property).

By the middle of 2012 the unfinished $400 million USD Pocatello polysilicon factory was moth balled, staffing reduced to just 30 people, with rumors of liquidation in bankruptcy court.  By the end of 2012, the Chinese company that bought into Hoku (Tianwei) was getting blasted in the Chinese media for buying a pig in a poke.  According to former Hoku Corporation CEO, Scott Paul, Tianwei invested “….more than $129 million of its own capital in Hoku, and they have provided for another $244 million in debt financing from banks in China.”

Now back to the ‘experts’.  In February 2013, ‘experts’ predicted that polysilicon prices had bottomed out.  They were wrong!  Prices had hit $21 per kilogram, and polysilicon producers said there was no reason to produce anymore until the price went up over $25.

In March 2013, British media reported that prices had crashed 50% compared to the same time last year.

In April 2013, another report said that polysilicon prices could continue to crash because of the anti-free market tariffs imposed by the major players; China, South Korea, European Union and United States.  And, the ‘experts’ again said prices had bottomed out.  The average price at the end of April 2013 was $20.50.

So where does that leave Hoku Corporation’s Hoku Materials factory in Pocatello?  Optimistic officials with the Bannock Development Corporation (a County level organization that worked hard to bring Hoku to Pocatello, including huge local tax breaks) think that anytime now Hoku will start production: “It’s a wait and see thing, depending on the market……Basically, [Hoku Corp.] needs to fire up the plant when it’s ready to go.”-John Regetz, Bannock Development

Sounds like the local development folks aren’t communicating with Hoku.  The latest statement from the company indicates that bankruptcy and liquidation is the only option being considered: “….exploration of potential restructuring at Hoku Materials and Hoku Corporation is ongoing, with no formal update at this time.”-Hoku Corporation statement

“Restructuring” is code for bankruptcy/liquidation.  So no Mister Regetz, it sounds like Hoku is not planning to “fire up the plant”.

Green/clean energy just doesn’t make big enough profits for the crony capitalist system.  Another case in point is the recent announcement by BP (British Petroleum) that it will abandon it’s wind power operations near Idaho Falls, Idaho, as well as its wind and solar projects across the United States.

Also, don’t forget the artificial reduction in demand created by all those government tariffs.

The answer is that clean energy projects need to be run like a non-profit co-op, but the problem is that crony capitalists don’t like that and will do everything they can to prevent that from happening (’cause contrary to their propaganda, they do not like competition, especially if it’s from a non-profit).

More on the demise of Hoku Materials:

Hoku deregisters with SEC

Hoku downward spiral

Hoku restructuring

Hoku to be finished off

U.S. tariffs nail in the coffin for Hoku

Good & bad news for Hoku

Hoku better get its rear in gear

Hoku beggars China

Hoku going under

Hoku begs

More trouble for Hoku

Hoku starts operations(?)

Hoku ended before it starts

Investigation puts the brakes on Hoku

Hoku ongoing delays

Hoku turning to China