Category Archives: Business/Economics

“…a potential wipe out of an entire generation…”: Pandemic lockdowns prove to be worse than the Pandemic!

12 October 2020 / 10:27 (UTC-07 Tango 06)/ 21 Mehr 1399/24 Safar 1442/26 Bing-Xu 4718

Incomplete list of links to official reports from around the world:

David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for CoViD-19, warned in 08OCT2020 video interview, with the Spectator’s The Week in 60 Minutes, admits that nobody knows how to properly respond to CoViD and that lockdowns could be worse than the pandemic“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control…..  …..lockdowns have just one consequence….making poor people an awful lot poorer.”

This is from a UN WHO report about the economic realities of lockdowns and mass-testing, made public in July 2020: “In larger populations, however, such comprehensive surveillance may be impracticable or too costly and the test workload may rapidly outstrip capacity and resources….. long-term lockdowns may not be an option because economic necessity could preclude self-isolation.”

Despite what some leftist liberal environmentalists said about the pandemic lockdowns reducing pollution, the facts show the opposite happened! 


AUSTRALIA: Discriminatory lockdowns being imposed? 

JAPAN: Suicide Spike in Japan Shows Mental Health Toll of Covid-19

MALAWI: ‘Drastic rise’ in suicide rate linked to Covid economic downturn

UNITED KINGDOM: Local lockdowns dreamed up in London are causing nightmares for the rest of England

UNITED STATES: “You’re going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression. You’re going to lose people. You’re going to have suicides by the thousands.”-President Donald Trump, 24MAR2020, regarding a possible national lockdown



05OCT2020 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers video report, by Michael Glasch, revealing that responding to natural disasters is being made more complicated due to CoViD-19 restrictions:  

 The American Institute for Economic Research declares “COVID lockdowns unnecessary”

Arizona National Guard delivers a trailer full of food and supplies to the Navajo Nation, 06OCT2020.  Since the beginning of the outbreak the Arizona National Guard took over transportation of food throughout the state.

Arizona National Guard stock the shelves of a food pantry in Sun City, 09OCT2020.  Since the beginning of the outbreak in the U.S., the Arizona National Guard took over civilian food operations across the state.

  California university doctors say lockdowns are worse than the pandemic! 

A sign your system has failed; 08OCT2020 video report by Staff Sergeant Eddie Siguenza, California National Guard delivers record 100-million meals to people due to CoViD lockdown:

Pop-up food pantries a new tactic to fight CoViD lockdown food insecurity in Illinois.

  The Covid-19 pandemic will be outlasted by the grief pandemic — and no one is preparing for it

My 3-year-old was handling the pandemic well. Then his mom was diagnosed with cancer.

05OCT2020, Texas National Guard taking part in food growing operations in San Antonio, as part of Joint Task Force Longhorn.  Texas mobilized its Guard units in April 2020, for CoViD-19 response.
                                                                                                                                      Wisconsin reports 40 years of gender progress in employment erased by pandemic restrictions:“What we’re really facing is a potential wipe out of an entire generation of mothers’ careers…”-Joan Williams, University of California-Hastings Law, Center for WorkLife Law

Wisconsin blames CoViD-19 restrictions for more job layoffs and increased food insecurity.

Cybercriminals steal 8-billion tax dollars worth of Covid relief funds

U.S. airline industry already got 50-billion in taxpayer funded CoViD-19 support, now it demands another $25-billion, or else!



U.S. Army warns of new pandemic: CHIKrisk 2021

CoViD-19 Shenanigans

03 October 2020 / 03:48 (UTC-07 Tango 06)/ 12 Mehr 1399/15 Safar 1442/17 Bing-Xu 4718

Incomplete list of links to news reports from around the world:

United Nations World Health Organization now admits that harsh pandemic lockdowns cause more harm than the pandemic and “must be avoided at all costs.” 

Countries without CoViD infections are still being killed-off by CoViD restrictions in pandemic countries:

CHINA:  Hong Kong’s massive USD$68.4-million mass testing during its Third Wave now considered a waste of time and money!

GERMANY: Neanderthal gene increases risk of severe coronavirus illness


 INDIA: Experimental vaccine maker is somehow already producing millions of doses

Scientific contact tracing study discovers that children are the CoViD-19 super-spreaders!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CoViD-19 restrictions force migrant workers to flee                                                                                                                                                                                                Coronavirus Shatters India’s Economy

City of Mumbai discovers possible second CoViD-19 antibody

JAPAN: Fourth suicide by a Japanese star during COVID-19 highlights country’s crisis

Suicides among young women increasing sharply, government response to coronavirus blamed

Coronavirus government subsidy fraud on the rise

Retail store sales continue to crash and burn due to CoViD restrictions

National Center for Global Health and Medicine confirms that pre-existing medical problems are the main reason people are dying after getting infected with CoViD-19

PAKISTAN: Begins Phase-3 Trial of Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine

Is Covid-19 ‘herd immunity’ really working in Pakistan?                                                                                                                                                                                         Schizophrenic government response as on one hand all education facilities are re-opened, yet on the other hand restaurants are being forced to shutdown                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       RUSSIA: ‘Mushrooms Have Kidnapped You’; Pandemic Obsession With Forest Fungi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Recovery of tourism industry will take at least two years once the pandemic is finished                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SWEDEN:

UNITED KINGDOM:  Study says loss of smell is best indicator that you are infected                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         UNTIED STATES: 50 Most Popular U.S. Restaurants That Won’t Reopen After the Pandemic
                                                                                                                                                           Idaho;     After 18 years the Golden Corral restaurant in Pocatello gave up the ghost, blaming CoVid-19,  adding another nail in the slow-death-economic-coffin for Pocatello.

Photo by AAron Hutchins, October 2020.

CoViD-19 fearmongering restrictions kill-off more restaurants in Eastern Idaho (some of those fearmongering restrictions are the fault of the restaurant owners themselves, one Asian style buffet in Pocatello is now open only four days per week and requires you to wear a mask, except when you are actually shoveling food into your mouth, and if you don’t have a mask they force you to buy one of theirs)

                                                                                                                                                          Pub owner in Western Idaho tries to be responsible in the age of CoViD, resulting in the permanent shutdown of the popular Irish gathering spot after 18 years “of fun”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Coronavirus Cases Rise In What Is Called Idaho’s Third Spike (Wave)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    State officials already developing CoViD vaccine distribution operation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Even god can’t stop the mormon owned BYU-Idaho from possible shutdown due to an invisible virus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Arrests made at church’s ‘psalm sing’ in Moscow, Idaho, over coronavirus violations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Man shutdown Idaho high school football game by refusing to wear a mask, yet in the photo you can see that even the responding cops, as well as other people, refused to wear masks!                                                                                                                                                                                                          Leftist group warns of new anti-pandemic lockdown organization based in Idaho                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Washington DC; President Trump gets experimental antibody cocktail to treat COVID-19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      President Trump is correct about suicides versus CoViD-19: “Every 1% hike in the unemployment rate will likely produce a 3.3% increase in drug overdose deaths and a 0.99% increase in suicides according to data provided by the National Bureau of Economic Research and the medical journal Lancet. These are facts based on experience, not models. If unemployment hits 32%, some 77,000 Americans are likely to die from suicide and drug overdoses as a result of layoffs. Scientists call these fatalities ‘deaths of despair’.Betsy McCaughey                                                                                                                                                                                                            VENEZUELA: Thanks Russia for 2-thousand experimental CoViD-19 vaccines
CoViD-19, April 2020:  ‘EXPERTS’ ADMITTING TO WHAT I ALREADY WARNED ABOUT, MASKS CAN’T PROTECT YOU!                                                                                                                                                                          March 2020: CoViD-19 fearmongering shuts down WINCO’s 24 hours grocery operations in Pocatello, Idaho

CoViD-19 = economic & social Deaths of Despair!

18 September 2020 / 07:46 (UTC-07 Tango 06)/ 28 Shahrivar 1399/30 Muharram 1442/02 Yi-You(8th month) 4718

“You’re going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression. You’re going to lose people. You’re going to have suicides by the thousands.”-President Donald Trump, 24MAR2020, regarding a possible national lockdown

Below is an incomplete list of links to some of the many real news media reports about the suicidal impact of coronavirus 2019 lockdowns.

“Every 1% hike in the unemployment rate will likely produce a 3.3% increase in drug overdose deaths and a 0.99% increase in suicides according to data provided by the National Bureau of Economic Research and the medical journal Lancet. These are facts based on experience, not models. If unemployment hits 32%, some 77,000 Americans are likely to die from suicide and drug overdoses as a result of layoffs. Scientists call these fatalities ‘deaths of despair’.-Betsy McCaughey

CANADA:  Suicide rates expected to rise as COVID-19 grinds on

CHINA: Children in China Experienced an Increase in Depression and Suicidal Attempts During COVID School Closures

INDIA:  Covid-19 patient commits suicide

KOREA: Suicide rates among young Korean women on the rise

German news media reports that South Korea’s suicide/self-harm rate is up due to CoViD-19

THAILAND: 22% increase in suicide blamed on CoViD-19


Arizona Army National Guard works to assemble and distribute PPE, 02SEP2020.


Colorado: 40% decrease in suicides, yet 48% increase in suicide hotline calls, during CoViD-19 lockdowns

Denver Regional Transportation District revises budget projections downward (again) due to crashing revenues, could eliminate 500 jobs!  Fails to mention CoViD-19 lockdowns which prevent people from getting out-and-about and using public transportation.

Florida:  A major financial company eliminating more than 500 jobs, and blames it on CoViD-19! 

Georgia: Atlanta Braves have layoffs ahead of playoffs

Hawaii: Hawaiian Airlines expands CoViD-19 layoffs to 2-thousand-501 jobs! 

National Guard conduct ‘surge’ testing in the Tetsuo Harano Tunnel, 03SEP2020.

U.S. Army video revealing that even army training is being severely impacted by CoViD-19 fearmongering on Wheeler Army Base:

Idaho:  Despite boasting that year on year suicide rate is down, The Gem State still has the highest self-kill rate in the U.S., but now they blame CoViD-19.

Also, and despite boasting that year on year suicide rate being down, self-kill rate for youths using guns is actually up. 

Illinois: Concerns rise over teen suicide rate during pandemic

Indiana: Layoffs coming to LaPorte’s Howmet Aerospace

Iowa: Des Moines based publishing/news media empire Meredith Corporation eliminating at least 180 jobs due to crashing advertising revenues caused by CoViD-19 fearmongering by (ironically) the news media and state governments!

Kansas: Another round of layoffs at Spirit Aerosystems 

Kentucky: Operations and Planning officer Joel Tiotuico claims that he worked on a 2007 flu pandemic war game/table-top scenario, at Fort Knox, which is eerily similar to what is happening with CoViD-19.  The original article about the 2007 flu pandemic wargame was published in the now defunct Turret newspaper.

Massachusetts: Waltham based Raytheon Technologies eliminating 15-thousand jobs due to the crashing airline industry, which in turn is blamed on the CoViD-19 fearmongering by governments and news media worldwide! 


Michigan National Guard’s now permanent COVID-19 Joint Task Force continues to distribute food to the public, 03SEP2020.

Minnesota: Hotel to eliminate 126 jobs due to CoViD-19 lockdowns restricting travel

Nevada:  Several Las Vegas companies report layoffs

New Jersey: State administrators claims suicides went down, yet also report skyrocketing ‘helpline’ calls

New Mexico: Farmington reports spike in suicides

New York: More proof hospitals are not full of CoViD-19 patients; Buffalo based Delaware North eliminates 517 food service jobs at its hospital operations, on top of the 100 jobs eliminated two months ago, ostensibly due to CoViD-19!  

The City of New York says it could still eliminate 22-thousand jobs due to crashing tax/fee revenues caused by the city’s own CoViD-19 lockdown!

NYC based debt financier Citi to continue with CoViD-19 layoffs

Adelphi University eliminating 62 jobs and blaming CoViD-19.

The Schenectady school board approved dozens of additional CoViD-19 layoffs.

North Carolina: Duke University study says suicide rates might increase as result of financial strain from COVID-19

North Dakota:  Microsoft confirmed to local news media that layoffs will impact its Fargo campus, but refused to give any details.

PennsylvaniaCOVID-19 school closings linked to increase in depression

Texas: Texas psychologists worry the suicide rate will rise 

Round Rock based tech giant Dell plans to layoff an unspecified number of employees this week, blaming declining sales on the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. 

Washington: Puget Sound suicide hotline reports 65% spike in calls for help during pandemic

West Virginia:  Video update on state National Guard CoViD-19 response, as of 09SEP2020;


Wisconsin: Suicide Rate In Wisconsin Increased 40 Percent

More economic decline for Eastern Idaho: COVID-19 SHUTDOWN 24HRS WINCO?

Sears-Kmart death spiral, June 2019: “WE ARE THROWING IN THE TOWEL”

U.S. economic collapse, December 2018: “WE WERE HIT SO HARD…WE CAN’T RECOVER”

More economic decline for eastern Idaho: CoViD-19 shutdown 24hrs WinCo?

14 March 2020 / 05:15 (UTC-07 Tango 06) 24 Esfand 1398/19 Rajab 1441/21 Ji-Mao 4718

CoViD-19=CoronaVirus Disease 2019

No more “24 Hours of Savings WinCo Foods”, at least for a week.

After yesterday’s declaration of State of Emergency by Idaho’s Governor Brad Little, then followed by President Donald Trump’s declaration of National Emergency, the store I prefer to do my grocery shopping at, and the only remaining 24 hours operation in the Pocatello/Chubbuck area, halted their 24 Hours of Savings!

I’ve always shopped there after midnight because I don’t like crowded grocery stores.  I and several dozen people arrived after midnight, 14 March, to find the doors closed for the first time.  No signage was posted to explain it.

I drove back home and checked Boise based WinCo’s website and sure enough there is a message saying they’re halting 24hr operations at selected stores due to CoViD-19.

March 13, 2020

Dear WinCo Customers,

As we all deal with the Coronavirus fallout in these unprecedented times, WinCo Foods remains committed to taking care of our customers, our communities and our employee owners.

As we experience higher than normal demand on a variety of products, we are working around the clock to not only keep our stores open, but also clean and as stocked as possible. We are also ever-mindful of keeping our employee owners, our customers and our communities as safe as possible. To that end we are working with the CDC and local Health Agencies to make sure we follow all Coronavirus protocol, as well as our own internal hygiene and food safety protocols.

We at WinCo Foods understand that you are relying on us in these difficult days to continue providing you with quality food at the lowest possible prices. On behalf of our 19,000+ employee owners, we have no intention of closing our stores and every intention of keeping our shelves as stocked as we possibly can. To help this, we will be temporarily closing various locations between the hours of 12am and 5am for the next week, so the stores can clean and re-stock. We will re-evaluate this policy after this week has passed.

We appreciate your patience while we do this. WinCo remains committed to all of you, and to providing you with foods for your hungry families.


Thank you,

The employee owners of WinCo Foods”

I guess the ’employees of WinCo’ don’t realize that most people are not going to think of checking WinCo’s website before heading out to the store.

This was WinCo’s toilet paper isle several days prior to their overnight lockdown.

The only difference between a State of Emergency and martial law is that under martial law the military is in total control: “States of emergency can also be used as a rationale or pretext for suspending rights and freedoms guaranteed under a country’s constitution or basic law.” 

Going Viral, 11-12 March 2020: “STOP SAYING IT’S A BAD FLU!”



“we are throwing in the towel”: Sears Kmart death spiral, June 2019

Just-Style: Sears inks sourcing pact with Li & Fung and Triburg

Chicago Tribune: Judge backs 29-thousand retirees who lost their Sears life insurance

KLAS: Sears to close another 72 stores 

Seeking Alpha: Investors And Employees Are Disappointed

Yahoo News: Sears Unveils New “Home and Life” Stores

Law360: Judge orders creation of committee to oversee the cancellation of Sears employee’s retirement plan

Kmart Cuts StarKist Loose From lawsuit

Retail Dive: Lands’ End sales take a $17.9M hit as it closes Sears shops

Star Tribune: Sears-Kmart new ‘parent’ Transform Holdco plans to merge hometown and outlet stores

New York Post: Sears bankruptcy has burned thousands of vendors worldwide

ALABAMA: Sears Hometown Store in Cullman shutting down in July

Moundville Sears Hometown also made the latest shutdown list.

ARKANSAS: Conway Sears Hometown and Searcy Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

CALIFORNIA: U-Haul buys Santa Maria Kmart for $6.5 million

Ramona Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

GEORGIA: Canton Sears Hometown and Monroe Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

IDAHO:Taxpayer funded charter school moving into Chubbuck Sears department store

ILLINOIS: Once again, Eddie Lampert wins over city government support, this time for the redevelopment of the Chicago-Galewood Sears store

MAINE: Houlton Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

MASSACHUSETTS: Dartmouth Mall Sears store shutting down in August.

MICHIGAN: Sears Hometown Store in Coldwater shutting down in July.

After six years the Bad Axe Sears Appliance & Hardware shutting down in July, the store started liquidating in May but only now is local news media aware of it.

MINNESOTA: International Falls Sears Hometown Store shutting down: “… we are throwing in the towel at Sears and going to be going a different way. The doors will close.”-Tony Olson, owner

NEW MEXICO: Las Vegas Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

NEW YORK: Transform Holdco announced Sears store in Yonkers at Cross Country Shopping Center did not meet our go-forward criteria” and will be shutdown.

OHIO: Owner of Sears appliance store in Bryan is dropping the Sears brand (on the official Sears Hometown website it’s listed as shutting down)

Greenville Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

According to a news report updating the massive remodel of the Ohio Valley Mall “Sears will most likely close by mid-July.” 

OKLAHOMA: Broken Arrow Sears Hometown and Stillwater Sears  Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

TEXAS: Granbury Sears Hometown made the latest shutdown list.

WISCONSIN: Marshfield’s Sears Hometown will be closing in July.

Sears Kmart death spiral, May 2019: “WE’RE NOT IN THEIR LONG-TERM PLANS”

“we were hit so hard…we can’t recover”: U.S. retail/banking/service sector collapse, December 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss WARNings and store shutdowns made or announced in December 2018:

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ALABAMA: After 20 years Hobby Town of Auburn shutting down: “I know it’s the sign of the times, but the internet has not helped us much. I can’t blame it all on that. The economy for a while wasn’t good; cellphones, Amazon, mail order. It wasn’t helping us much.”-Steve Ziegler, owner

ARIZONA: Taxpayer owned Glen Lakes Golf Course shutting down as the city leaders need to sell the land

God’s own YMCA to close downtown Mesa location amid The Rapture, I mean declining membership

ARKANSAS: Lane’s Gifts and Collectibles shutting down due to the health problems of the owners

CALIFORNIA: Interviewing Service of America issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Lancaster, 58 jobs gone by February 2019.  BARD Associates issued a layoff WARN, 76 jobs in Torrance gone by February 2019.  Renovate America issued a layoff WARN, 71 jobs in San Diego gone by February 2019.  Tahoe Club Employee Company issued a shutdown WARN, 277 jobs in Truckee gone by February 2019 (local news reports say the owner has pumped $14-million of his own money into trying to keep the money pit open, but is now broke)!  Bridgeview Bank Mortgage revealed it eliminated 43 jobs in November.  Gas station Aisle 1 issued layoff WARNs for six locations, at least 74 jobs gone by February 2019.  Abercrombie & Fitch issued a shutdown WARN for its Rolling Hills store.  Debt collector Account Control Technology issued a layoff WARN for its Bakerfield ops, 88 jobs gone by the end of February 2019.

San Francisco’s oldest department store, Gump’s, is closing its doors after 157 years in business

San Francisco based Gymboree shutting down all its Crazy 8 childrens’ clothing stores

The Gap is closing its store in downtown SLO

Marshalls Jewelers is closing after 129 years in SLO 

Petco closing at the Santa Barbara Plaza

Plato’s Closet shutdown in Bakersfield

Randolph Jewelers closing after 166 years

Oklahoma based Gateway Mortgage Group is closing eight retail outlets in California and laying off 25 employees “due to the complexities and uniqueness of the California market” 

CONNECTICUT: After 14 years in Cheshire, Pier 1 Imports shutting down

FLORIDA: HotelBeds issued a WARN, 16 jobs gone by February 2019. H.D. Smith issued a WARN, 20 jobs gone by February 2019.

Habitat ReStore is closing 2 Orlando locations

Payless ShoeSource shutdown its Destin location one day before xmas

GEORGIA: Historic Marietta Trolley Company shutting down, the final straw was “Our insurance went up significantly”

Parsons gifts announces closing after 142 years

IDAHO: Shopko closing Boise store not on official shutdown list

Plastic bag ban coming to a store near you?

ILLINOIS: Marshalls issued shutdown WARNs for two Chicago stores, more than 1-hundred jobs gone by February 2019! Bridgeview Bank Mortgage suddenly eliminated 116 jobs due to selling-out to the competition!

After 30 years Little Shop of Papers shutting down, blamed on the internet

Hartley’s Cycle Shoppe will close after 60-plus years, the owner bemoaned “The expenses are greater than the revenue.”

After 30-plus years, Mole Hole closing at Eastland Mall

INDIANA: Debt collector PMAB issued a shutdown WARN, 82 people in Greensburg unable to pay their debts because they’ll be unemployed by March 2019.

Eagle Valley Golf Course being replaced by a school

First Merchants Bank closing 2 Branches

The Dress Barn in the Honey Creek Mall shutting down

USA Gymnastics files for bankruptcy after hefty lawsuits

Interior Objects closing its doors indefinitely.

KENTUCKY: Camping World-Gander Outdoors shutdown its Paducah location without warning or explanation

MARYLAND: Marshalls shutting down its Mondawmin Mall store, no reason given

Ann Marie’s Hallmark, in the Perry Hall Square shopping center, shutting down when the inventory is gone

After 30 years Fast Break Sports shutdown

MASSACHUSETTSBig Lots shutting down its Greendale Mall store

Berkshire Blanket shutting down an outlet store

Payless Shoes closing at Swansea Mall

After 70 years upscale Shack’s Fine Clothing shutting down

MICHIGAN: Alutiiq Professional Services’ new state taxpayer funded contract will result in 25 people losing their jobs (according to the WARN).

The Hobbit Place lawn and garden business shutting down after 40 years

Upscale clothing store The Broadway shutting down when its high-end $1-million worth of merchandise is sold, or whenever the new property owner demands it

McFarland Foss funeral home closing after 87 years

MINNESOTA: Cherrydale Fundraising eliminating 20 jobs in January 2019. Shopko issued layoff WARNs for three locations, at least 45 jobs gone between now and March 2019.

Traditions Classic Home Furnishings is closing after 31 years

The Goodwill store that has served the Cloquet area for 30 years shutdown three days before xmas

Plymouth based womens’ clothing store Christopher & Banks closing up to 40 stores

MISSISSIPPI: Tupelo Automobile Museum plans to sell all 178 vehicles

MISSOURI: Kansas City based Beauty Brands shutting down 25 stores: “This year has proven to be a tough year for our business despite our efforts…”

NEBRASKA: Beauty Brands closing Lincoln location

NEW YORK: Bankrupt Clarus Linen System issued shutdown WARNs for several locations, 340 jobs gone by March 2019! Fitness company Iowa Consultants-Manhattan Plaza eliminating 146 jobs by March 2019! 

British empire United Kingdom based Barclays issued a ‘second wave’ layoff WARN, 367 jobs gone by the end of March 2019, as part of the Too Big to Jail bank’s plans to Escape from New York (once Barclays finally clears out to New Jersey, New York City will have lost several thousands of jobs as a direct result, apparently Barclays employs more than 5-thousand people at its NYC locations)!

After 42 years Gee’s Auto Repair shutdown due to the owner’s health problems: “We are still trying to get someone to buy the business. It is up for sale at this time and we’re ready to negotiate.”

After 15 years Comic Depot shutdown due to not being able to find a new owner

After 68 years Costa’s gift shop shutdown due to the death of the owner

An eight years old Party City store shutting down

Bong’s Jewelers closing its doors after 126 years

dance music club Output shutdown with a complicated explanation essentially blaming everything for negatively affecting the economy: “A confluence of factors contributed to the club’s misfortune; rapidly shifting social trends, unfavorable market conditions, and weakening financial outlooks coincided with the simultaneous emergence of multiple existential challenges…” 

After 62 years iconic used car dealership John C. Miller shutdown, the owner saying saying “The competition’s heavy”

Musical instrument String Shoppe closing after 52 years

California based clothing store GAP shutdown in Colonie Center

Stage Stores shutting down four Peebles stores in New York

NORTH CAROLINA: Chapel Hill based Performance Bicycle closing 102 stores

Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo closing a Cameron Village branch

OHIO: Bridgeview Bank Mortgage suddenly laid off 97 people.

After 29 years Blue Manatee Children’s Bookstore could be forced to shutdown

God’s own thrift store Disciple Shop shutdown, saying “we do not have the financial capacity to continue” 

OREGON: Ollie Damon tackle shop shutdown after 73 years

PENNSYLVANIA: After 37 years Dallas Centre Hardware shutdown, the past couple of years of ‘recovered economy’ were the worst they experienced: “Financially we were hit so hard that we can’t recover from it.”-Michele Geise

Burlington Coat Factory to close at Uniontown Mall

After 69 years Moyer Jewelers suddenly shutdown

Carpenters Corner Antiques shutdown after 14 years

God powerless to stop three churches from shutting down

SOUTH CAROLINA: Sexist female only bike seller Pedal Chic halting brick-n-mortar ops and selling online only

Iconic Stroman Appliance closing after 47 years: “We are closing because of retirement and dwindling economy…” 

SOUTH DAKOTA: Gustaf’s Greenery shutdown, the owner blamed health problems and the internet, adding that “42 years slips by real fast”

TEXAS: Bankrupt Samuel’s Diamonds shutting down

VIRGINIA: Janitor contractor Southeast Services Corporation issued a shutdown WARN, 134 jobs gone in Richmond, by the end of January 2019!

Co-founded by husband and wife international dance team American True Value Hardware Store, in Chesapeake, shutdown after 45 years

Family Dollar in Lynchburg is closing.

Petco to close in Danville

WISCONSIN: Ashwaubenon based Shopko to shutdown 39 stores

Blick Art Supplies East Side shop forced to shutdown by property re-development

Laacke & Joys sporting goods store closing after 170 years in business

Abercrombie & Fitch suddenly shutdown its massive store in the center of the Fox River Mall


Sears-Kmart death spiral, December 2018: “NOW THEY NEED A JOB.” “EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!”




Drugs, the American way, December 2018: “THE WHOLE THING IS CUCKOO NUTS….WHAT COUNTRY ARE WE LIVING IN?”


Dumbing Down the U.S.A., December 2018: “ONE DAY WE’RE ALL GOOD…THE NEXT DAY IT’S JUST OVER.”


“The younger generation…they don’t understand”: U.S. INDUSTRIAL/LOGISTICS/MINING LAYOFFS, December 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. Mining/Industrial/Logistics job loss/shutdown announcements made in December 2018.

WARN=Worker Adjustment Retraining Notification

ARKANSAS: Kimberly-Clark to close plant in Conway, affects around 350 jobs!

CALIFORNIA: Lippert Components issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Los Angeles, 56 jobs gone by February 2019.  WWL Vehicle Services Americas issued a layoff WARN, 136 jobs gone by the end of January 2019!  Ambulance maker Halcore Group-Leader Emergency issued a shutdown WARN, 95 South El Monte jobs gone by March 2019. Solaris Paper issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Santa Fe, 32 jobs gone by February 2019. Alamillo Rebar issued a shutdown WARN for its Benicia operations, 74 jobs gone by the end of February 2019.

After 74 years metal fabricator Vic Myers shutting down

Montelli Construction is liquidating its remaining assets after 72 years

CONNECTICUT: Covia Holding Corporation-Unimin Corporation issued a shutdown WARN, 60 jobs gone sometime in 2019.

FLORIDA: First Transit issued a WARN, 85 Miami International Airport jobs gone by the end of February 2019.

PVC manufacturer Cantex will lay off 48 people

ILLINOIS:  DuPont issued a layoff WARN, 33 people in El Paso jobless by February 2019.

IOWA: Contracted manufacturer Buffalo Weaver issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Waterloo.

DuPont Pioneer will lay off 35 workers as parent company DuPont continues work on its merger with Dow Chemical

KANSAS: Jamvold Truck & Tractor Repair shutting down to make room for a warehouse

KENTUCKY: Glass and lamp maker LEDVANCE shutting down, 260 jobs gone because the company can’t afford to switch to making L-E-D!

MICHIGAN: Auto industry supplier CNI Plastics (aka Adient, aka Futuris) issued a shutdown WARN, 212 jobs gone between March and April 2019!

Auto industry supplier, Bosal Industries Georgia, to layoff 58 at Ypsilanti Township facility

General Motors  will cut 50 jobs at its Brownstown battery factory, and 620 jobs at its Detroit-Hamtramck Impala and Cadillac factory! (746 in total according to official WARNs!)

Ford warning of 25-thousand job cuts!

MINNESOTA: Recycler Envirolastech reported to state employment officials it had eliminated 20 jobsWilbrecht Ledco also reported eliminating 18 jobs.

MISSISSIPPI: Serta Mattress Plant shutting down, more than 120 jobs gone!

NEW YORK: Cortland Pump and Equipment issued a shutdown WARN for two locations, 21 jobs gone by April 2019.

Globe Specialty Metals (aka Globe Metallurgical) shutdown its silicon factory in Niagara Falls, 1-hundred jobs gone

Barchella Landscape & Masonry Corporation files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Hat maker New Era Cap gives official plant-closing notice, 219 jobs gone!

NORTH CAROLINA: Maker of automotive and office seating Leggett & Platt to lay off 172 employees!

Buyouts, layoffs at Brunswick nuclear plant

Performance Bicycle to eliminate 2-hundred jobs at its corporate office!

OHIO: General Motors issued a shutdown WARN for its factory in Lordstown, 1-thousand-607 jobs gone in March 2019!

Lordstown Seating Systems will cease production, 120 automotive jobs gone by March  2019!

Contracted e-commerce ‘fulfillment’ warehouse operator Radial eliminating 2-hundred jobs in 2019!

PENNSYLVANIA: Serta Simmons Bedding issued a shutdown WARN for its ops in Lancaster, 86 jobs gone by February 2019.  Arrow International Incorporated/ Teleflex eliminating five jobs in Reading.

After 92 years Easton Upholstery & Furniture Manufacturing shutdown, blamed on the stupid leftist liberal millennials: “The younger generation wants to think green, but when I tell them that re-upholstery is the way to go that’s green, they don’t understand it.”-Edward Adams

24-70 layoffs expected at Amthor Steel

Valmont Industries shutting down, 180 jobs gone!

RHODE ISLAND: Partly taxpayer funded Textron eliminating 4-hundred jobs from its Specialized Vehicle ops across the U.S.!

TEXAS: petrochemical (oil industry) manufacturer Trecora Resources will lay off 20% of its workforce

Brazil oil company Petrobras eliminating 50 jobs in Houston

Parker Drilling files for chapter 11 bankruptcy 

German engineering firm Siemens plans to kill 2-hundred jobs in Houston!

VERMONT: Industrial cleaning company Accuworx suddenly shutdown, saying “business does not appear to be able to become viable within the reasonably foreseeable future”

VIRGINIA: Despite boasting that it is hiring, taxpayer funded builder of nuclear powered warships Newport News Shipbuilding wants to bribe more than 2-thousand-5-hundred employees to quit!

REO Logistics eliminating 70 jobs due to losing a contract

Ikea Industry Danville is laying off about 90 employees due to high inventory and low sales

WASHINGTON: Maker of beauty products sold on the internet, Julep, suddenly shutdown, 102 jobs gone!

WISCONSIN: Prinsco issued a WARN, 33 jobs gone due to consolidation of warehousing/yard operations.

Milwaukee Moulding & Frame closing after 100 years


“We’re not in their long-term plans”: Sears Kmart death spiral, May 2019

More sacrificial shenanigans involving Sears-Kmart, raping starving taxpayers to feed the greedy property developers.

WJLA: Is Lowe’s honoring Sears’ Craftsman Lifetime Warranty?

Bloomberg: Sears Retirees Fight Life Insurance Termination as Heirs get Zip

Transport Topics: Lampert’s newly created Transform Holdco sues bankrupt Sears for $130-million+!

Fortune: Lampert reneges on promise to provide severance to laid-off employees

Seven Decades of Self-Destruction

Roll Call: Leftist liberal politicians all up in the U.S. Treasury secretary’s business over Sears bankruptcy

Reuters: Kmart, and others, accused of copying UGG boot design

KBUL: Woman defrauds Kmart and Taxpayers of nearly $220,000, using SNAP

Law360: Sears Estate Looks To Avoid $194M Canadian Court Fight

Wall Street Journal:Sears Fights With Foreign Suppliers 

CNBC: Sears wanted its new logo to make people think of home and heart, instead some are thinking about Airbnb

Chicago Tribune: Lands’ End severing its links with Sears: “We’re not in their long-term plans, and they’re not in ours”

ALABAMA: The taxpayers of Albertville forced to buy the vacant Kmart building almost a year ago, and still no one knows what it’s going to become.

CALIFORNIA:  Once in a hundred years redevelopment opportunity of massive vacant Sears property in Santa Barbara being held-up by multiple property owners and the city council.

CONNECTICUT: police arrested two men in “Sears Scam”

FLORIDA: Sears warehouse in North Jacksonville now available for lease.  Sears Holdings sold it in 2018, but only recently vacated.

Taxpayers of Flagler County just spent $1.1-millionUSD buying a vacant Sears, and now they’re going to have to pay even more to clean up the damage found inside!

Judge rules in favor of Neptune Beach residents, who are opposed to plan for redevelopment of the vacant Kmart.  

Woman regrets buying ‘squirrel-y’ clothes dryer from Sears Hometown: “It sounds just like a hamster wheel and it is driving me mad!  How many times do I have to call for them to come fix my machine?”

A controversial redevelopment plan for a vacant Kmart (which taxpaying residents of Neptune Beach are against) has been approved. 

GEORGIA: Specific taxpayers in the city of Rome about to be hit with extra taxes (tax allocation district) to pay for the redevelopment of the vacant Kmart property.

ILLINOIS: Home Depot (and other big box stores) accused of conspiracy to avoid paying ‘retailers’ occupation tax’ on Sears Branded home appliances, by treating the direct sale and installation of Sears branded appliances as a contracted job!

IOWA: The Sears Hometown in Clinton is shutting down in June, because the owner is moving the retail operation to a different city.

KANSAS: The Lexena Sears Outlet is now a children’s play park. Back in February local news media were leaked shutdown info, but the Sears Outlet staff swore they knew nothing about any shutdown.

MASSACHUSETTS: Eddie Lampert spent at least $11-million USD buying  property which holds two active Kmarts, an active Sears Outlet, and a vacant Sears store and Auto Center.

NEW YORK: Even though Eddie Lampert claims he doesn’t have money to pay laid-off employees severance, it was revealed that Lampert’s newly created Transform Saleco (aka Transform Holdco) bought the ShoppingTown Mall Sears store for $3.9-million. 

All is not well in Wellsville, or in Allegany County, the economic situation is so bad that a coalition of christian organizations holding a prayer service in the recently shutdown Wellsville Kmart

Taxpayers in Suffolk County dodged a bullet when the owner of the vacant Kmart property rejected the county’s $1.8-million offer (reports claim taxpayers want to use the property as baseball parks).  Apparently county and state governments have been trying to buy the property since 2017.

OKLAHOMA: The Enid Sears Hometown store shutting down as soon as the inventory is gone.

The Enid store manager says it’s bullshit: “I’ve only been manager here for a couple months, and they’ve already laid me off…. …We’re a premier store. I actually won an award in April for sales, and then they told us they were closing. This store was doing great.”-Jeremiah Alcorn

PENNSYLVANIA: Sears Appliance & Hardware in Lower Nazareth Township shutting down in mid-June, local news media report that it is one of only 11 such stores remaining in the U.S.

TENNESSEE: Taxpayers could soon to be the happy new tenants of the vacated Oakdale Mall Sears, if a resolution is approved turning the former retail space into the new HQ for the Broome County Department of Social Services.

VIRGINIA: Washington County taxpayers could be forced to become the new owners of a vacant Kmart, spending at least $25-million to turn it into a new county court house.

The vacant Sears Tire America sold to the owners of Regency Square mall for $2.1-million, much more than the county’s assessed value of $1.8-million.

WASHINGTON: Surprise!  After months of claiming the store wasn’t shutting down, the Walla Walla Kmart is shutting down, in July.

WISCONSIN: Happy taxpayers being forced to ‘loan’ a property developer $4-million to turn a vacant Sears building into a ’boutique’ hotel. The $4-million “investment” is just part of a larger iceberg of covert-debt (loans appear as assets on the books, but you’re screwed if the debtor goes bankrupt) the exalted leaders of Milwaukee have hit local taxpayers with.

The partially taxpayer funded redevelopment of the vacant Stevens Point Kmart just got more expensive.

Sears Kmart death spiral, April 2019: ‘Spooked’

“You don’t really make a lot of money”: U.S. banking/service sector/retail apocalypse, November 2018

Incomplete list of U.S. retail/banking/service sector job loss WARNings and store shutdowns made or announced in November 2018:

Ireland based helicopter rental company (whose main clients are oil companies, and is directly connected with George Soros), Waypoint Leasing Holdings, is now bankrupt busted in the United States

WARN=Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification

ARIZONA: Bed Bath & Beyond closing in Bullhead City

Tucson clothier shutting down its last store after 61 years

Easley’s Fun Shop closing after 71 years of fun

CALIFORNIA:  Lowe’s issued shutdown WARNs for three stores, more than 4-hundred jobs in Irvine, San Jose and South San Francisco gone by January 2019!  Bank of the West issued a layoff WARN, 50 people in San Ramon jobless by the end of the year.  Property management company Associa-Professional Community issued a layoff WARN for its ops in Banning, 99 jobs gone in January 2019.  Nationstar Mortgage-Mr. Cooper Home Loans issued a mass-layoff WARN, 109 people in Santa Ana jobless in January 2019!  Entertainment lighting supplier Production Resource Group issued a mass-layoff WARN, 339 people in Glendale unemployed in January 2019!  ‘Site manager’ Randstad Inhouse Services issued a mass-layoff WARN, 170 people in San Jose jobless in January 2019!  The Murrieta YMCA issued a shutdown WARN, 49 jobs gone by the end of January 2019.

Leucadia Cyclery closing doors after three decades

San Francisco based clothing chain-store Gymboree warning that it could shutdown half of its 9-hundred stores!

San Francisco based Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo announced 1-thousand additional layoffs!

San Francisco based clothing chain store GAP published yet another list of store shutdowns

San Francisco based Crowdfunding startup RealtyShares to cease investing, faces mass layoffs

San Francisco music venue Mezzanine shutting down because of the evil corporate property owners: “…the owners of the building didn’t give me an opportunity to renegotiate a new lease….  …Mezzanine, like so many other cultural institutions, has fallen victim to corporate greed and commercial development.”

Who said there was an automotive industry recover?  Momentum Auto Group (one of the largest in the U.S.) shutdown at least seven dealerships in the San Francisco bay area, without warning or explanation!  I checked the state’s WARN system and no WARN has been issued, the shutdowns affect hundreds of jobs, I did find a report that said the auto dealer chain is under investigation by the SEC.

CONNECTICUT: After 45 years New Haven Head Shop/Futon Store Closing

An L.L. Bean store to close in January 2019, due to the fact company officials now realize they have too many stores within ten miles of each other

People’s United Bank closing 15 Hartford area offices due to taking over a competitor

100 years old jewelry store Closing 

FLORIDA: ABM Aviation issued a WARN for its ops at Orlando International Airport, 133 jobs gone by mid-January 2019!

Service America canceling contracts, laying off 161 workers as it prepares to close!

After 94 years, Palmetto’s Growers Hardware is closing

Meadows’ Jewelers closing after 44 years

HAWAII:budget airline Scoot to end service to Hawaii

ILLINOIS:  Engineering services company AECOM issued a layoff WARN, 48 jobs in Olmsted gone by March 2019.

Dick’s Sporting Goods Closing in Yorkville

Willow Haven Home Furnishings and Decor shutdown

Iconic Wilson’s Floral & Gifts shutdown

INDIANA: Richmond Casket Facility Closing, 2-hundred jobs gone in 2019!

Stonehenge Golf Club in Winona Lake suddenly shutdown without explanation

IOWA: Equifax issued a WARN, 52 jobs in West Des Moines gone by January 2019. Too Big to Jail Wells Fargo issued a mass-WARN, 418 jobs in West Des Moines gone by mid-January 2019!

The Varsity Theatre near Drake campus is closing after 80 years of business

Nationwide insurance will lay off about 80 workers at its downtown Des Moines location and reduce its national workforce by about 1-thousand-1-hundred positions!

KENTUCKY: Tax exempt event organizer MainStrasse Village Association now chapter 7 bankrupt, blaming climate change for killing-off its events

MARYLAND: Lowe’s owned Maintenance Supply Headquarters eliminates 51 jobs at Laurel office

Saks Fifth Avenue shutting down distribution center, 150 jobs gone starting March 2019!

After 41 years Record and Tape Traders shutting down by the end of the year

MASSACHUSETTS: The Horace Mann Plaza Bob’s Store shutting down, no reason given 

In Fitchburg, Gallery Sitka suddenly shutdown for financial reasons, and after 70 years Shack’s Clothes forced to shutdown due to the building being sold.

Langham hotel to close for yearlong renovation, lay off 251!

MICHIGAN:  Lowe’s issued shutdown WARNs for stores in Flint and Burton, 235 jobs gone by January 2019!

Ace Diamond Jewelers, Dearborn staple for 40 years, closing in 2019

MINNESOTA: Embassy Suites Saint Paul issued a mass-layoff WARN, 116 jobs gone by January 2019.

Bibelot shutting down all four gift shops

MONTANA: Jewelry store closing after a 110 years in Kalispell

After eight years craft shop Creative Addiction shutting down because it became an “expensive hobby” that got too big for a small town

MISSISSIPPI: Tunica Roadhouse Casino closing, 4-hundred jobs gone in January!

MISSOURI: Meek’s The Builders Choice shutting down six stores

After 58 years Bob Jones Shoes officially closes

NEBRASKA: One of Omaha’s few remaining record shops is closing

NEW JERSEY: Bed Bath & Beyond in Vineland to close due to not being able to renew the lease

After 19 years Roberta’s Jewelry shutting down because “the cost of retail space has gotten too expensive.”

After 41 years Lake Hiawatha QuickChek Closing

Moorestown based Destination Maternity shutting down 67 stores

After 70 years Castle Bootery Closing Shop

NEW MEXICO: Carlsbad’s drive-in theater closing permanently due to declining business

NEW YORK: Equifax issued a shutdown WARN for its Garden City operations, at least 33 jobs gone in February 2019. Target issued a shutdown WARN for its store in Commack, 182 jobs gone in February 2019!

Texas based Peebles shutting down its five years old department store in Troy

NORTH CAROLINA: Bicycle maker Advanced Sports Enterprises is now chapter 11 bankrupt busted and shutting down its Performance Bicycle and Bike Nashbar retail stores, but not because of low sales, it’s blamed on the now two years old merger with a competitor (which created redundancies) and the skyrocketing costs of using brick-n-mortar stores to sell its bikes, hundreds of jobs will be lost.

Childrens’ clothing store Everafter Kids now chapter 7 bankrupt dead

Tobacco company Alliance One losing 565 seasonal jobs!

Mooresville based Lowes closing 31 Canada Stores and 20 Stores in U.S.

OHIO: Citizens Bank issued a WARN, 55 jobs gone in January 2019.  Motel 6 Contact Center issued a WARN, 150 jobs gone in January 2019!

Stagecoach Antiques closing brick-n-mortar store, shifting to online shopping only

Nationwide insuranceclosing Canton office – 175 Jobs Lost!

PENNSYLVANIA: Holiday Inn issued a shutdown WARN for its hotel in Grantville, 130 jobs gone next month!  Advanced Sports Enterprises issued a shutdown WARN for its store in Philadelphia, 60 jobs gone in January 2019.

After 73 years in Plains Township, Jay Dee Sneaker King shutting down by the end of the year

Mr. Mike’s Record Store closing in December

$400-million USD of debt forced wedding dress retailer David’s Bridal to go chapter 11 bankrupt busted

RHODE ISLAND: Nordstrom sends 181 termination notices to Providence Place workers!

SOUTH CAROLINA: Skatell’s Jewelers closing after three decades

SOUTH DAKOTA: after 28 years Raymond’s Jewellers Closing

Madison retail store is closing after 72 years

TENNESSEE: Jack Yacoubian Jewelers Closing: “…we’re moving to Texas!”

Bed Bath & Beyond shutting down Spring Hills location

Goodwill shutting down its 99 cents store in Clarksville, if there’s nobody willing to take it over

TEXAS: Earl’s Men Shop closing after 50 years 

UTAH: National Register of Historic Places Edwards Furniture in downtown Logan closing, which  follows the closure of Edward Furniture’s Providence branch this past summer

WASHINGTON: Spokane’s oldest store closing after 131 years

WEST VIRGINIA: After 20 years Small World Childcare suddenly shutdown, blaming it on what can be called a local population death spiral caused by the not-so-recovered economy

WISCONSIN: Hotel/casino operator Intercontinental Milwaukee issued a shutdown WARN, 115 jobs gone in January 2019!

After 14 years of parenting supplies Happy Bambino shutting down due to the changing “availability of parenting resources and retail environment”

The Knitting Tree: “13 years in retail is a long time and plenty for me. It was really fun and it was a great ride but I’m pretty burned out on the whole deal. You don’t really make a lot of money at a brick-and-mortar store….”-Jackie Shanahan, co-owner





Drugs, the American way, November 2018: ‘WAR ZONE’

ObamaCare-ACA death spiral, November 2018: ‘BERMUDA TRIANGLE’

Dumbing Down the U.S.A., November 2018: “ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE”


‘Spooked’: Sears, Kmart death spiral, April 2019

In British empire Canada leftist liberals turn abandoned Sears store into art gallery

Milwaukee Business Journal: Lawsuit calls 2014 spinoff of Lands’ End from Sears ‘fraudulent’

The Nation: Hedge-Fund Ownership Cost Sears Workers Their Jobs.

Reuters: Sears Holdings sues Lampert, ESL, and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, claiming conspiracy to destroy the retailer

USA Today: Lampert disclosed in a public filing that Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores was set to vote Monday afternoon “to determine to liquidate the Hometown segment of the business.”

Bloomberg: Eddie Lampert’s ESL Moves to Block Sears Hometown Liquidation

Seeking Alpha:Sears Bankruptcy Is In Chaos Sears Warranty Wars

Chicago Tribune: Sears offering to buy-back full control of Hometown and Outlet stores, for $21-million

Sears going back to the future to win shoppers back 

Forbes: Benefits Cut, Empty Shelves And Spooked Employees

Law360: Lampert Defends Hold Of $15M In Credit Card Reserves

Sears Outlet Says 3 Ex-Employees Stole Trade Secrets and confidential employee information

Crypto Briefing: Sears To Integrate Bitcoin Payments Lawsuit to Proceed Against Sears Over Alleged Faulty Jack that Killed

ARIZONA: Glendale’s Sears store and Auto Center being shutdown by Lampert’s new Transform Holdco, in May, the lease was not renewed because the store is “unprofitable”.

ARKANSAS: Surprise, the Hot Springs Mall Sears store is being shutdown at a so far unknown future date, mall management said “We knew it would be coming, but we didn’t know when. We thought they would be here for one or two more years.” 

FLORIDA: Eddie Lampert’s new Transform Holdco shutdown the Volusia Mall Sears last month and it turns out the Sears property was already sold for $5.9-million USD, and guess who bought it?  Eddie Lampert’s ESL Investments, but that’s not all, newly released documents show Eddie Lampert’s ESL bought the doomed property one month before it shutdown!!!

The ongoing fight between Neptune Beach taxpayers and a property developer who wants to turn a vacant Kmart into a retail/residential ‘amusement park’, goes to court.

Real World TV show property owning millionaire buys $8-million USD property, then gets caught stealing $300 worth of kitchen appliances from Key West Kmart!

Rodents still being found in the food being sold at a Kmart in Palm Beach County!

GEORGIA:  The ‘lucky’ residents in Rome get to pay extra taxes in a new Tax Allocation District to rebuild the old Kmart property!

HAWAII: Eddie Lampert’s new Transform Holdco decided against continuing the lease for the Kaneohe Sears store and Auto Center, the store will shutdown by the end of the month.  The store was part of Lampert’s recent Sears Holdings bankruptcy purchase.  Essentially, Lampert’s new Transform Holdco replaces Sears Holdings.

ILLINOIS: Just six months after the grand re-opening, Transform Holdco suddenly shutting down it’s Oak Brook Village Sears store, on Sunday, April 28th.    Oak Brook Village President Gopal Lamalani said there was no warning from the new Transform Holdco: “We didn’t have any heads-up. We actually heard it from the media first. We didn’t know anything about the fact that this was coming.”

The city of Champaign wants to force taxpayers to bribe Costco into moving onto a property that once was home to a Sears Store, by creating a tax incentive plan!

MASSACHUSETTS: Acton Town Big Kmart shutting down in April 2021, due to the property owner deciding against renewing the lease with Kmart-Sears Holdings.  It was revealed after the town council was approached with the idea of burdening town taxpayers with the idea of spending at least 7-million tax dollars buying the property from the current owner!

NEW MEXICO: Property developer and residents going head-to-head over what to do with the abandoned Albuquerque Kmart, but ultimate blame for nothing being done is going to the city’s faulty zoning laws.

NORTH CAROLINA: 87-year-old Sears customer went the whole winter without heat, Sears repairman said the furnace uses parts made in Canada that are no longer available! So much for the warranty!

OHIO: Sears at the Ohio Valley Mall shutting down during Summer, local news reports say the mall operator was originally told the store would NOT be shutting down, but at the same time admitted “Our real estate people saw this coming 10 years ago”.

OKLAHOMA: The taxpayers of Oregon City about to become the owners of the vacant Kmart. Taxpayers were already forced by their exalted leaders to pay $200-thousand to clean up asbestos, now they’re going to shell out $3-million over the next ten years to lease the property, and then an additional $3-million if the city leaders decide to buy the property!!!

OREGON: The owners of two franchised Sears Hometown Stores have cut ties with corporate and dropped the Sears brand name.  

PENNSYLVANIA: Locally owned Sears in Flemington shutting down, no explanation from the owner (a former Sears employee) but ignorant local news media blame it on competition from big-box and internet.

In October 2018, the Lawrenceville property which is home to a Sears Outlet store was purchased for $10-million USD, now those new owners have given up on their plans for the property and are selling it.

TENNESSEE: The owners of the Sears Hometown in Covington are blaming corporate for their sudden shutdown. The owners claim they were a profit making store until corporate changed the ‘bonus program’ in November last year: “We lost almost 80% of our profits because of this ‘reform’!”-Angie Richardson, co-owner 

TEXAS:  Incompetent Sears repairman creates a $1,834 ‘mess’ and makes disabled veteran pay for it!

Sear Kmart death spiral, March 2019:“IMPROPERLY RETAINED”