All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

Breaking News, World War 3, False Flag? Bomb disposal team arrives, main streamer media focusing on importance of local holidays!

15 April 2013 (13:54 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

NBC Brian Williams says “it’s become one of those days since 9/11”, suggesting this is now normal for life in the U.S.!

Live video shows bomb disposal team approaching area of blasts. Sidewalk looks to have large blood stains.

Main streamer media have suddenly began focusing on local holidays, such as Patriots Day, and even the income tax deadline.  They seem to be pushing a possible connection.  One anchor was even asking about private militia being behind it.

Breaking News, World War 3, False Flag? Streets have been totally cleared, cops say possible more explosions to come! Explosions were package bombs!

15 April 2013 (13:43 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Live reporter saying Boylston Street has already been cleared of runners and spectators.  Several streets closed to public access. Reporter says police gave the excuse for banning media access saying there is a possibility more explosions could happen.

Cops say explosions were from two package bombs outside building behind grand stands.  First explosion was small, attracted people who went to help any victims then second more powerful bomb exploded.

Breaking News, World War 3, False Flag? Media being blocked from explosion area?

15 April 2013 (13:35 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Live reporter says almost immediately emergency personnel began blocking access to media.

Video of first explosion makes it clear the explosions took place in the building directly behind the grand stands.  Could be gas explosion, but media speculating terrorist attack.

A nearby bridge has been closed.  Bus service suspended in area.

Breaking News, World War 3, False Flag? Boston Marathon explosions!

15 April 2013 (13:30 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

I’m watching live report,the street is swarming with cops and emergency personnel.

Video of one explosion shows scaffolding/grand stand being blow apart, spectators blown into the street.  Boston news sources say several dozens of people wounded, many with severe head injuries.

Reports say it happened at 14:50 UTC-5 Romeo.  The first explosion at Lenox Hotel, the second happened about 15 seconds later.  Other reports said both explosions were in the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel.

Witness says first explosion happened right at the finish line of the marathon.  She said it sounded like a cannon.

Breaking News, World War 3, False Flag? Two explosions hit finish line at Boston Marathon!

15 April 2013 (13:15 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Reports out of Massachusetts that two explosions took place near the finish line of the Boston Marathon!

Specifically there were two loud thunder like booms heard inside the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel.  The hotel is locked down.  Some reports say dozens of people injured.

If it’s not a gas leak explosion, and the ‘authorities’ are able to pin point the cause and who did it, realistically quickly, then that’s clear evidence ‘authorities’ at least knew it was going to happen.

H7N9 update: Now 63 cases, 14 deaths!

15 April 2013 (11:26 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

It’s now becoming routine that every 24 hours you can expect more human infections and deaths from H7N9.

Jiangsu Province reports another death, as well as a new infection.

Anhui and Zhejiang provinces reporting one new case each.



World War 3: NATO statements concerning Japan, and the New Global NATO!

15 April 2013 (00:40 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

“…..You might ask why the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation should come to the Pacific region.  The answer is very simple.
 Today’s NATO is a new NATO.  It’s a NATO with a global perspective.  It’s a NATO with global partners.  And Japan is our longest-standing global partner…..NATO and Japan are like-minded……we can help the United Nations and the international community to reinforce the rules-based international system……we need common approaches and responses…….To confront global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks, and proliferation…..And I am delighted that later today, Prime Minister Abe and I will sign a Joint Political Declaration to guide our future work.”-Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO Secretary General, from statement made on the morning of 15 April 2013, Japan National Press Club

H7N9 update: China identifies human carrier, a four years old boy!

15 April 2013 (21:27 UTC-07 Tango 14 April 2013)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention say they’ve identified a human carrier of the deadly H7N9 virus; a four years old boy!

The boy tested positive for the virus, but is not sick.  The boy is the neighbor of the seven years old girl that became Beijing’s first human case of H7N9.  She is sick in the hospital. The boy is now under quarantine in a hospital.

The four years old carrier was discovered after health officials tested 24 people who were in contact with the girl.  Apparently he was the only one who tested positive for the virus. The families all raise poultry.

Up until this discovery Chinese health officials said they had no proof of human to human transmission.


World War 3: Trilateral military union complete; Japan joins NATO!!!

15 April 2013 (21:02 UTC-07 Tango 14 April 2013)/04 Jumada t-Tania 1434/26 Farvardin 1391/06 Bing-Chen (3rd month) 4711

The militarization of the Trilateral Commission members (Europe, North America, Japan) is complete, Japan now a member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (even though Japan is in the Pacific).

The official announcement will be made in Tokyo on 15 April 2013.  NATO’s Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, will meet with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to officially sign and accept Japan’s political declaration of co-operation with NATO.

It’s expected that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will state that the possibility of a major war in Asia, soon, is the excuse for Japan joining with NATO. (Japan has been a NATO ‘partner’ since the 1990s)

This means that not only could Japan take a more active role in NATO activity around the world, but will legally allow NATO to operate in Asia/Pacific in the name of defending the new member Japan.  (Russia is now literally surrounded)

This follows a meeting between Japanese officials and U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, in which Japan agreed to help the U.S. and China “…take concrete steps to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.”

Back in January, it was reported that Japan wanted a stronger commitment from NATO, in order to back up Japan against China.