All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

World War 3, Asian Front: Afghan Pakistan Iran War continues to escalate! More proof no 2014 pullout! U.S. taxes stolen!

12 May 2013/02 Rajab 1434/22 Ordibehest 1391/03 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kandahar Province, Arghandab District, reports that two civilians killed by U.S. personnel in pre-dawn home invasion.  Four people kidnapped.

In Logar Province, four of eight Turkish engineers captured by Mujahideen last month, were released.

In Helmand Province, the district attorney for Marjah District was assassinated.  He drove over a landmine planted just for him.  Also Denmark’s Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, made an unannounced visit to Danish troops in Helmand.  She said Denmark will remain after the supposed 2014 pullout, spending taxpayer money: “Denmark will be involved in Afghanistan also after 2014, but we will focus on civilian and development efforts.”

The United States has once again thrown its support behind the artificial border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.  All Afghan leaders have stated they will not accept the British empire imposed Durand Line border.  Most of western Pakistan actually belongs to Afghanistan. The evil Red Coats arbitrarily drew the line in 1893, to separate India from Afghanistan.  It was later used, by the British, to create the new country of Pakistan.

In Kunar Province, Asadbad city, one child was killed and several people wounded by an artillery attack from Pakistan.

The Missouri U.S.A., Army National Guard’s 1138th Engineer Company returned home from Afghanistan.

11 May 2013/01 Rajab 1434/21 Ordibehest 1391/02 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Nuristan Province, a National Directorate of Security (NDS) agent was assassinated.  Local cops say a bomb exploded as he left his house to go to work.

In Kunar Province, 30 Pakistani artillery rounds reportedly hit Shegal District, wounding one child. Also, 35 Pakistani artillery rounds reportedly hit Sarkano District wounding four people.

In Kandahar province, the police chief of Panjwai District blames Pakistan for ongoing violence in his district: “The only enemies we have are from Pakistan. There are many groups that work under the ISI of Pakistan. And some of our Afghans are there, being trained by Pakistan, who sends them here……..the past 4 years Pakistan has been trying to bring Afghanistan under its control.”-Lieutenant Colonel Sultan Mohammad

The Afghan Senate is demanding that the United States military kick the Pakistani army out of Goshta district of eastern Nangarhar province.

In Faryab Province, seven Afghan National Police (ANP), including their boss, and one civilian were wounded after they drove past a motorcycle bomb that was remote detonated.

In Farah Province, 300 Afghan migrant workers were entering Iran illegally.  Iranian border guards open fired and allegedly killed ten people, according to Afghan sources: “As soon as they touched Iranian soil the Iranian border police opened fire.”-Abdul Rahman Zhwandai, governor of Farah Province

Currently there are 1 million Afghans living in Iran, legally.  There is an estimated 1.4 million Afghans illegally in Iran, and Iranians are getting tired of the seeming daily flood of Afghans fleeing the supposedly U.S. liberated and stabilized country of Afghanistan.  In 2012 Iranian border cops allegedly killed 23 Afghans trying to enter Iran illegally.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is pledging more of Germany’s tax money to Afghanistan.  It’s part of a post-2014 military pact, however Merkel claims the tax money will be issued only if certain ‘democratic’ goals are met.

The World Bank gives Afghanistan even more money.  A $55 million USD grant for vocational education.

According to industry group Professional Overseas Contractors, the 2014 pullout might see U.S. military personnel leave, but they will be replaced with thousands of contracted security forces (mercenaries).  The effective result will be continued U.S. military presence: “It’s a de facto army, a de facto military presence there. They are a de facto logistic and supply chain. We’re going to be relying on contractors across the board. They will be doing all of the things that go into nation building.”-Malou Innocent, Cato Institute

It was also revealed that U.S. taxpayers are spending hundreds of billions of dollars every year on government contractors.

10 May 2013/29 Jumada t-Tania 1434/20 Ordibehest 1391/01 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Kapisa Province, Tagab District, a suicide car bomber killed three people and wounded four others when he blew up his vehicle near a police checkpoint.

In Laghman Province, reports of a major battle between Afghan government forces and Mujahideen, that raged for three hours.  Dozens killed and wounded on both sides.

In Nangarhar Province, Achin District, at least 11 de-miners (people who remove landmines) and their purpose built armored vehicles were captured by Mujahideen.

In Kunduz Province, Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel made an unannounced visit to German troops.  She hinted at the deployment of more German troops: “…we have achieved a great deal. But there are still places, where there is no security at all. We need to deploy German soldiers…”

A Mujahideen group says the U.S. does not plan on leaving Afghanistan.  The group says Afghans will never compromise on their independence, and will not recognize any agreement made by the puppet government and the United States: “Afghans want an independent Afghanistan. We will never make any deal on our independence.”-Zabiullah Mujahed

About four dozen U.S. Air Force Reserve airmen, from the 459th Air Refueling Wing, deployed to Afghanistan.  One Reservist said it was his 6th deployment!

The director of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) says the Obama administration is trying to silence SIGAR’s investigations into U.S. corruption in Afghanistan: “Over the last 10 months, I have been criticized by some bureaucrats for not pre-clearing my press releases with them, for not letting them edit the titles of my audits, for talking too much to Congress, for talking too much to the press.…basically, for not being a ‘team player’ and undermining ‘our country’s mission in Afghanistan.’”-John Sopko

09 May 2013/28 Jumada t-Tania 1434/19 Ordibehest 1391/30 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

Afghan President Hamid Karzai revealed that the United States will maintain at least nine military bases in Afghanistan, for at least ten years after the supposed 2014 pullout!

U.S. government investigators have discovered that $50 million tax dollars have been stolen!  The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) says the money was put in Afghan banks.  SIGAR officials blame both the U.S. and Afghan governments.

Norovirus / Tummy Bug update, 12 May 2013: Baby diaper changing stations spreading the disease!

In Oregon U.S.A., health investigators are blaming a 2012 outbreak on a baby diaper changing station in a car dealership.  It happened during an employee meeting, where catered sandwiches were served.  State health officials immediately suspected the restaurant that provided the sandwiches, because of their poor health inspection record. However, inspectors got a surprise.  It turns out that one woman/customer at the dealership brought her child, who was sick.  Employees said she took the toddler to the restroom and then left immediately after.  One employee inspected the restroom and found diaper changing station a “mess” and tried to clean it up with a paper towels.  She did not wear gloves and did not use bleach.  She then opened the door for employees bringing in the sandwiches, and she was the first employee to take a sandwich from the tray.  Bingo, bamo, 16 employees sick and wishing they’d never attended the meeting.

But wait, there’s more.  The owner of the car dealership had the restroom professionally cleaned, twice, after the incident, yet Oregon health inspectors found that the diaper changing station still had baby crap on it!!!  Officials said think twice about using that diaper changing station: “I’d really think twice about using them unprotected.”-Kimberly Repp, Washington County epidemiologist

In Washington U.S.A., Grant County Health District quarantining the Longview Elementary school, after at least 100 students were out sick.  The school in the Moses Lake School District is being scrubbed top to bottom.

In sparsely populated Montana U.S.A., record number of cases continue.  Flat Head County reporting spikes in cases in schools and assisted living facilities.

Another cruise ship hit. According to the U.S. CDC, a Crystal Cruises’ ship out of Los Angeles, California U.S.A., got hit causing 125 passengers and 22 crew to get sick.

It was revealed that the Children’s Hospital in Aurora, Colorado U.S.A., is cleaning up after an outbreak.  The outbreak shut down one entire building, after patients and employees got sick.

In Worchester, Massachusetts U.S.A., many people reported getting sick after eating at Ziti’s Restaurant.  However, health inspectors said they could not find any evidence of infection in the restaurant.   It turns out that many food items in the restaurant are actually provided by outside sources.

In Victor, New York U.S.A., several Victor Senior High School students became sick.  The Ontario County Health Department is investigating, but is trying to correct the public’s conception that norovirus and ‘food poisoning’ are the same thing.  Many people have been reporting food poisoning, when in fact what health officials are finding is infections of norovirus.

In Canada, it turns out that norovirus is common in the York area.  A report says many restaurants are sites of outbreaks, due to improper handling and cooking of food, however the outbreaks are not made public.  Before you eat out, call the York Region Health Connection at 1-800-361-5653 or TTY 1-866-252-9933 or visit the YorkSafe site.

In Barnstaple,  England U.K., the North Devon District hospital on visitor restrictions due to an outbreak.

The Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, Scotland U.K., closes ward 3C to visitors due to an outbreak.  Also, the Gilbert Bain Hospital’s ward 1 in Shetland, on visitor restriction.

A report says United Kingdom‘s health care Accident & Emergency services “…performance has deteriorated significantly over the last six months.”  By the end of 2012 one third of hospitals failed to meet standards for A&E services. National Health Services England wants to form special boards to figure out how to fix the problem.  One media source said “…many patients were left lying in their own urine and excrement for days, forced to drink water from vases or given the wrong medication.”  The U.K. Health Minister, Anna Soubry, blamed it on the tax paying public: “If you look at the number of people presenting at A&E it’s grown by one million in just the last year.”

Reports saying a deadly superbug (created by overuse of antibiotics), C.Diff, is now the fastest growing hospital borne disease.  Another report says being depressed makes you more susceptible to infection.  A study published in BMC Medicine says depression directly affects your tummy, making it easier for bugs like Clostridium difficile to take over: “Our finding of a link between depression and C.diff should help us better identify those at risk of infection and perhaps encourage exploration of the underlying brain-gut mechanisms involved.”-Mary Rogers, University of Michigan

But wait, there’s more.  It turns out that treatment for depression, specifically taking anti-depressants, actually makes you even more susceptible to being taken out by the deadly C.Diff!


Dogs being taken down by mystery World War 2 disease!

12 May 2013 (23:11 UTC-07 Tango 11 May 2013)/02 Rajab 1434/22 Ordibehest 1391/03 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In the United Kingdom dogs are dying from a mystery illness.  At least 12 dogs have died after being walked in the New Forest National Park.

In Worcestershire, two more dogs have just died.  They got sick after the Worcestershire Gun Dog Society sporting event.

All the dogs died from kidney failure (renal failure).

Samples were set to labs in Texas U.S.A., where tests suggested a type of E.Coli bacteria known as Alabama Rot.  (results were not conclusive)

According to British reports, almost all the dogs were walked in an area of the New Forest, an area known as Latchmore Brook.  That area was used as a testing range for experimental weapons during the Second World War.  The area is also near a factory used to make weapons during the war.

However, there are reports of similar dog cases in other parts of U.K.

So far only one dog who became sick, survived.

H7N9 update: More cases & deaths! Possible spread to Texas? More proof you can’t blame the birds!

12 May 2013 (22:46 UTC-07 Tango 11 May 2013)/02 Rajab 1434/22 Ordibehest 1392/03 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

A Texas U.S.A. TV station reporting two unexplained deaths.  KHOU reporting that two teenagers, from different counties, died from unknown causes.  They had symptoms similar to H7N9: Fever, cough, respiratory failure, pneumonia.  At least 30 tests were conducted, all testing came back negative.

The first Texas teen to die actually got sick in February, and he died in March.  A teen girl died at the end of April.  The parents of the deceased teenagers are demanding answers.

At the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, a 17 years old boy is in critical condition with the above symptoms, plus his liver and spleen have enlarged.

In Shanghai, China, an 83 years old woman died from H7N9, just one day after city health officials downgraded the city’s health alert status.  She had been sick for one month.

Malaysia’s Veterinary Services has reported no H7N9 in the 41882 live market poultry tested.  Also, 41 shipping containers of processed chicken were tested, and were negative.  However, Malaysia is imposing a ban on chicken products from other Asian countries, Mexico and South Africa.

A recent report says any H7N9 vaccine will likely not work. That’s according to three doctors commenting in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).   The concern is that even if an effective vaccine was created, it would be too late if a pandemic happened now, because it would take to long to mass produce.

A study by U.S. and Chinese researchers found that there is little evidence of ‘mild’ H7N9 infections.  It suggests that when H7N9 compromises a persons immune system, it hits them hard. Results published in Emerging Infectious Diseases.

So far, 131 confirmed human cases, 33 deaths.

Coronavirus MERS update: More cases in France & Saudi Arabia! Proof of airborne transmission!

12 May 2013 (22:03 UTC-07 Tango 11 May 2013)/02 Rajab 1434/22 Ordibehest 1391/03 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

On 11 May 2013, France reported that three people tested for the new MERS were negative. What many reports didn’t tell you is that there are at least two more possible cases.

Beside the man who came back from United Arab Emirates (UAE) sick, two people connected to him are also sick.  Testing has confirmed one to be positive for MERS, medical personnel are waiting for the test results on the other person.

The second French man who is infected with MERS, got infected while in the same hospital room as the first MERS infected man.  Benoit Guery, the head of the Lille hospital’s infectious diseases service, says it proves The airborne transmission of the virus was possible.”

Health officials in Thailand have issued a warning.  Anyone returning from trips to West Asia (Middle East) should report to a doctor for examination, especially if they have symptoms of the flu or colds.

The UN World Health Organization issued a warning, they want all health officials to be on the lookout for people with SARS like symptoms as well as pneumonia.  The UNWHO is also sending a two man team to Saudi Arabia, where at least two more cases have been confirmed.  The new two man team is independent of the UNWHO team that was invited by the government of Saudi Arabia.

The latest cases in Saudi Arabia are people who got sick last month, but no doctor recognized their infections as MERS until now. There are now 33 confirmed cases, and 18 deaths.

World War 3, Asian Front: U.S. led NATO investigates itself! Russia blames U.S. for opium! Afghan Pakistan War escalates! School poisonings False Flag?

08 May 2013/27 Jumada t-Tania 1434/18 Ordibehest 1391/29 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

U.S. led ISAF/NATO investigates its own personnel for misconduct during operations in Zabul Province at the end of April.  U.S. officials gave no further details. Apparently it’s the result of an internal ISAF/NATO complaint.

In Farah Province, Karwangah area at Bala Bolok District, Mujahideen ambushed Afghan National Army (ANA) and Police forces (ANP). Five government personnel killed, four wounded, and three vehicles damaged.

In Kandahar Province, Maiwand District, Afghans protested night time home invasions.  Fighting broke out between civilians and police.  At least eight people killed, 18 wounded, several arrested.

In Helmand Province, Baghranian area in Nahr-e-Saraj District, three civilians were killed and five wounded when they drove over a landmine.

In Kabul City, Human Rights Watch is accusing the government of arbitrarily detaining and torturing peaceful protestors: “The arrest and brutal beating of peaceful protesters seems aimed at sending a message to all Afghans not to publicly criticize the government.”-Brad Adams, HRW

Russian President Vladimir Putin slammed the U.S. led ISAF/NATO mission in Afghanistan: “There are all grounds to believe that we may face an escalation of the situation in Afghanistan in the short term. The foreign military contingent, whose backbone is American forces, has not achieved a breakthrough in the fight against terrorist and radical groups as yet. On the contrary, their [Mujahideen] activity has been particularly increasing lately…”

Putin also said it’s suspicious that illegal drug production is gaining momentum under the eye’s of the United States: “….a drastic increase in drug production in the territory of Afghanistan and the creation of stable drug trafficking routes to other countries….”

Reports that New Zealand has completed shipping metric tons of military supplies back to Kiwi Land.  It took 35 C-130 Hercules 16 flights to fly home 100 truck loads worth of NZDF equipment.  But not everything was brought home, Kiwi taxpayers unknowingly made a big donation to Afghanistan:  “When we arrived in Bamiyan we had to account for ten years’ worth of equipment and supplies. We identified what needed to be brought back to New Zealand, and items that could be gifted to the local community such as some vehicles, furniture, medical consumables and cleaning stores.”-Lieutenant Colonel Richard Weston, Royal New Zealand Air Force

The U.S. state of Georgia Army National Guard (GNG) announced they will bring livestock and seeds on their deployment to Afghanistan. It’s part of the GNG’s mission to help farmers in Afghanistan.  It will be the third time the GNG has deployed their Agribusiness Development Team, with the help of the University of Georgia.

07 May 2013/26 Jumada t-Tania 1434/17 Ordibehest 1391/28 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

Summer offensive Operation Khalid bin Waleed continues with Mujahideen attacking bases, ambushing convoys, several dozens killed and wounded, in the provinces of Farah, Laghman, Kapisa, Badakhshan, Jowzjan, Helmand, Kandahar, Maiden Wardak, Herat, Uruzgan, Zabul, Nimroz, Logar, Baghlan, Parwan, Kunar, Kunduz, Ghazni and Paktia.

Reports of school girls being poisoned are turning out to be false.  The overwhelming number of recent cases have resulted in no evidence of poisoning, but seem to be mass hysteria. The Afghan Education Minister, Ghulam Farooq Wardak, is threatening legal action if the games continue: “From now on, if I find anyone saying ‘I’m poisoned’ and the poisoning is not proved by the hospital, I will punish the student, I will punish the teacher, I will punish the head teacher and I will punish the school director!”

The World Bank gives Afghanistan more money! $100 million USD grant for the Afghanistan System Enhancement for Health Action in Transition (SEHAT) Program.

The U.S. Department of Defense has confirmed that 2,201 U.S. personnel have died in Afghanistan, so far.

06 May 2013/25 Jumada t-Tania 1434/16 Ordibehest 1391/27 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

In Nangarhar Province, Goshta District, Pakistani and Afghan personnel attacked each other, again.  Afghan officials say the Pakistani troops started the fight, using artillery and tanks.

In Ghor Province, Mujahideen captured or destroyed as many as 13 government checkpoints, killing dozens and capturing weapons and ammo.

In Paktika Province, Barmal District, reports that U.S./NATO personnel abandoned a base.

In Helmand Province, Khanishan  District, reports that U.S./NATO personnel abandoned a base.

Mujahideen report major offensive as part of their Summer Operation Khalid bin Waleed.  Bases attacked, convoys ambushed, several dozens killed and wounded, in the provinces of Helmand, Kandahar, Maiden Wardak, Herat, Uruzgan, Zabul, Nimroz, Logar, Baghlan, Parwan, Kunar, Ghazni, Paktia, Khost and Ghor.

The U.S. Marine Corps is blaming a manufacturing defect in the driver seat of a LAV (Light Armored Vehicle) for the death of a Marine back in September 2011.  The investigation revealed that the hydraulically controlled seat suddenly rose during an after operation inspection, causing the seat back to crush the Marine’s throat.  For some odd reason the USMC didn’t release the results of the investigation until today, even though the investigation was concluded just one month after the incident.

05 May 2013/24 Jumada t-Tania 1434/15 Ordibehest 1391/26 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

In Farah Province, Korghan village in Khak-e-Safid District, four civilians killed and five wounded when they drove over a landmine.

President Hamid Karzai says the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) must continue its undocumented payments to the Afghan government: “I discussed the issue with head of the CIA in my office this morning and urged him not to cut the funds due to recent media reports since we need the funds to continue, and head of the CIA has assured that the funds will not be halted.”

H7N9 update: Shanghai downgrades, Canada holds back!

10 May 2013 (11:51 UTC-07 Tango)/29 Jumada t-Tania 1434/20 Ordibehest 1392/01 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

Health officials in the city of Shanghai have terminated the Influenza Pandemic Contingency Plan (Level III).  They claim there have been no new human cases of H7N9 in the past 20 days.

While there are newer cases in Shanghai hospitals, they actually got infected in neighboring provinces.  Shanghai health officials have also stopped monitoring the 458 people connected to those Shanghaians who were infected.

At this point 33 Shanghai residents got sick, 13 died and 15 have recovered.  The live poultry markets will remain closed.

Canada has decided not to take part in H7N9 vaccine studies. Officially the Public Health Agency (PHA) of Canada has decided to just sit back and watch what happens with the H7N9 trials in the United States. However, one official slipped up and revealed they already have a vaccine: “So this step of doing some early clinical trials looking at immunogenicity is really going to be critical for the U.S. go-forward process. Whereas here in Canada, we’ve already made a decision on what kind of vaccine we’re going to use.”-John Spika, PHA

According to a report in Clinical Chemistry, a new test has been developed to detect H7 viruses early on.  This would be a good thing, as recent studies showed the H7N9 is a killer because it somehow remains undetected, even by your own body’s immune system, until it overwhelms you.  Also, by that point anti-viral treatments don’t work well, so the key is early detection and treatment.



More reasons to avoid vaccines: Vietnam bans vaccine after children die!

09 May 2013 (13:14 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada t-Tania 1434/19 Ordibehest 1391/30 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

The Vietnamese Ministry of Health has temporarily banned the vaccine Quinvaxem.   Since Novmeber 2012 nine infants have died from the vaccine.

The vaccine is made by a capitalist South Korean company, and is marketed as a preventative for diphtheria (D), tetanus (T), pertussis (P, whooping cough), hepatitis B (HepB) and Type B flu (Hib).

The UN World Health Organization is investigating.  According to Vietnamese news media, all the babies that died were healthy before getting the vaccine. They died violently less than 24 hours after getting the shot: “…they began wailing loudly, convulsed, and had serious trouble breathing, before passing away…”-Tuoitrenews

Of interest, the Hanoi Preventive Health Center stopped using Quinvaxem early in 2012, because they were concerned about the high death rate of children getting the shot.  The only investigation done, back then, was to make sure the vaccine ingredients were not compromised and that it was being stored properly, not if the vaccine itself was the cause of death.  So far, there has not been evidence established of allergic reaction to the vaccine.

In March 2013 health officials in Lam Dong Province stopped the use of Quinvaxem, after a four months old boy died.  He developed fever, then was found dead the next morning.

While Quinvaxem is made in South Korea, it was pushed into use by the Netherlands based pharmaceutical company Crucell, in 2006.

Since 2010, Quinvaxem has been distributed in Vietnam for free by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, through UNICEF.  It’s starting to look like the people of Vietnam are being used as guinea pigs for new vaccines.


H7N9 update: 131 cases, 32 deaths! Spreads to Indonesia?

09 May 2013 (12:44 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada t-Tania 1434/19 Ordibehest 1392/30 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

The UN World Heath Organization reporting 131 cases, and 32 deaths.

A 79 years old woman in Jiangxi Province is the latest case, and a 56 years old man died in China’s Henan Province, three weeks after symptoms began.  He claimed not to have had any contact with birds, but health officials said there were empty bird cages in the hallway of the apartment he was living in.

In Fujian Province, another bird from a poultry market tested positive for the new H7N9.  That makes 52 birds testing positive compared to the 131 humans who’ve tested positive.

The Indonesian province of North Kalimantan has banned the importation of ducks.  That’s because local health officials claim the new bird flu has been found in neighboring provinces: “We reject ducks that come from East Java, both frozen and live. This is because there have been indications of the new bird flu variant in Surabaya.”– Elang Buana, Tarakan Husbandry and Crops Agency

The result of the duck ban in North Kalimantan is a 70% drop in supplies of ducks, forcing markets and restaurants to make drastic changes.  I have not found any reports to specify which “new” bird flu the official is talking about.  Last year Indonesia’s duck markets were hit hard by a new H5N1 bird flu.

If Jews are God’s chosen people, then God is pure Evil!!!

09 May 2013 (03:50 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Jumada t-Tania 1434/19 Ordibehest 1392/30 Ding-Si (3rd month) 4711

According to Defence for Children International, more than 7500 Palestinian children have been imprisoned and tortured by Israel, in the past 11 years.

According to the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) Israel systematically (try the word ‘ritually’) abuses Palestinian children: “Ill-treatment of Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized.”

Many boys were kidnapped by IDF personnel during night time home invasions.

You can go to YouTube and watch numerous videos of IDF personnel using Palestinian children as human shields, and if that’s not enough for you even Israeli courts have convicted IDF personnel for such acts!

Then what about the revelations that Israelis were deliberately killing Palestinians to harvest their organs?!

How about Israelis declaring Arab protests to be anti-Semitic, when Arabs are Semitic?  Are the Jews saying Arabs are not Semitic?

IDF personnel routinely shoot at and even kill Palestinian farmers.  IDF personnel routinely help illegal Jewish settlers steal Palestinian land.  One way the IDF does that is to declare the area a military zone.

The Tel Aviv regime has just approved another illegal settlement, this time 296 illegal (under international law) homes in the West Bank.

Black Jews and Christians, who migrate to Israel are routinely imprisoned by the white Jews, and then labeled “infiltrators”, not even illegal immigrants.  They are sometimes used as indentured servants or deported back to their country of origin.

It was recently revealed that Israel is forcibly taking DNA samples from “infiltrators” from African countries, as many as 1000 samples since 2012!   Why for?  This revelation was made by Israeli cops to the Israeli Knesset, and then published in the Israeli media.  Officially, Israeli cops are using Black Africans as scapegoats to explain crime in Israel.  The DNA samples were supposedly used to solve crimes, yet not one DNA sample has so far been linked to any crime in Israel.  Basically Israelis believe they can do what they want with Blacks from Africa, because they’re “infiltrators”, not refugees or migrants: “We are aware that those entering Israel have had unpleasant experiences, to say the least, but still, we’re aware of the fact that they broke the law. The law defines them as infiltrators.”-Commander Eran Kamin, Investigations Division

The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) says Israel has systematically pushed Palestinians living in Al Quds (Jerusalem) into abject poverty, in fact the report calls it systematic “disintegration” caused by intentional isolation by Israel.

Palestinian Jews, long in residence before the white European Israelis arrived, are treated just as badly as the Palestinian Muslims.  They’ve been forced from their homes and driven into the refugee areas.

U.S. Christians support Israel, despite the fact that Israel treats Palestinian Christians just as badly as Palestinian Muslims.

It is now common knowledge that Israeli officials bribe and threaten U.S. officials.  It has also become common knowledge throughout the World that U.S. leaders are nothing but Tools in the hands of Israelis.

Then there’s the fact that the Iran-Iraq War,  Desert Storm and now the War on Terror were all False Flag events concocted, instigated by, or taken advantage of by Israeli leaders.  It’s all there in black & white, in a policy paper published in 1982, written by zionist Oded Yinon.   Read A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties, and you should recognize almost all the military/social events that have, and are taking place in West Asia (Middle East).

Key points from Yinon’s policy paper: “….Breaking Egypt down territorially into distinct geographical regions is the political aim of Israel…..Libya, Sudanwill join the downfall and dissolution of Egypt.The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on….Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run….Iraq….is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us….The entire Arabian peninsula is a natural candidate for dissolution….Jordan constitutes an immediate strategic targetDispersal of the [Palestinian] population is therefore a domestic strategic aim of the highest order…”

Basically the zionists decided that the only way Israel could be secure is if all surrounding countries were plunged into chaos, and they don’t even care if achieving such a goal destroys their allies (like their Tool the United States).  A classic control through chaos/divide and conquer strategy.

The only conclusion I can make is that the God of the Jews is pure evil, and anyone in the United States, or any other country, that continues to support Israel must be a closet Satan worshiper (since most claim to be Christians)!