All posts by Hutchins AAron

Born in Deutschland 1965, hometown was Bütthart, parents were not U.S. government employees. However, when father was tricked into joining the U.S. Air Force Civil Service, in 1969, with the promise that we could remain in Germany, we were promptly shipped off to Iran. Due to one of my Iranian educators being disappeared, along with her husband, by the U.S. ally Shah of Iran's Israeli & U.S. created Savak (for the then official terrorist act of promoting the idea that women can vote), and due to my U.S. citizen mother being placed on Savak's Terrorist Arrest List (for supporting the idea that women should vote, at that time the U.S. ally Shah of Iran did not allow women to vote, now they can) we left Iran for the United States in 1973, literally in the middle of the night. At the U.S. Embassy airbase the CIA operated Gooney Bird (C-47) was so packed with other U.S. citizens fleeing our ally Iran (because the Shah gave the OK to arrest any U.S. citizen for such terrorist acts as promoting the concept of voting) that we were turned away by the Loadmaster and had to take a chance on a civilian flight out of Tehran's airport. My father told me he and my mother had three culture shocks; first when they arrived in Germany as civilians, then after being shipped off to Iran as U.S. government employees, then again returning to the United States as unemployed civilians (because so much had changed in the U.S. while they were gone, their only news source was the U.S. Armed Forces Radio & Television Service which heavily censored information about the home front). Since I graduated high school in 1982 I've worked for U.S. government contractors and state & local government agencies (in California), convenience store manager in California, retail/property management in Georgia, California and Idaho. Spent the 1990s in the TV news business producing number one rated local news programs in California, Arizona and Idaho. 14+ years with California and Idaho Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. Obtained a BA degree in International Studies from Idaho State University at the age of 42. Unemployed since 2015, so don't tell me the economy has recovered.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Hamas and Fatah form new Palestinian government!

16 May 2013 (17:33 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1434/26 Ordibehest 1391/07 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

We must take immediate steps to agree on the Palestinian National Council’s electoral law and set a date for elections. We have said these measures must be carried out within three months.”-Azzam al-Ahmed, Fatah spokesman

Hamas and Fatah have agreed to form a single Palestinian government.  It’s hoped the new government will be implemented by July.

The two political groups first announced their intentions back in 2011.  The new government will be led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.  New elections are still in the works.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Israel takes over Al Aqsa Mosque! UN to investigate!

16 May 2013 (17:20 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1434/26 Ordibehest 1391/07 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

Israeli police have seized Al Aqsa Mosque in Al Quds (Jerusalem), all non-Muslims are banned from entry.  This is after zionists attacked the Mosque on 15 May, resulting in fights between Muslims and zionists.

The King of Jordan has lodged an official complaint with Israel.   Jordan is the official protector of Al Quds.  Apparently the Israeli closing of Al Aqsa to non-Muslims is in response to that complaint.

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization announced a team of investigators will arrive in Al Quds on 20 May, to investigate claims that Israel is trying to destroy the Mosque, and Christian sites as well.  Al Aqsa is a UN World Heritage Site.

World War 3, West Asian Front: Palestinians attack Golan Heights!

16 May 2013 (17:06 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1434/26 Ordibehest 1391/07 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“We are avenging all our martyrs that we lost in our war with the Zionist enemy!”-Abdul Qader al-Husseini brigades

The Palestinian Abdul Qader al-Husseini brigades (of the Free Palestine Movement) took credit for a rocket attack on the Israeli (illegally) occupied Golan Heights, on 15 May.

The group says they were acting in conjunction with the Syrian government.  Technically, Syria and Israel have been at war with each other since 1967.

World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: U.S. stops selling Bonds, will rape federal retirement funds!!!

16 May 2013 (14:48 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1434/26 Ordibehest 1391/07 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

The U.S. Department of Treasury has ordered the halt to sales of federal government bonds to state and local governments.  This is an attempt to keep the federal government from hitting debt limits, despite the fact that on Sunday the limit is supposedly to be raised.  Bonds are a form of debt.

The Treasury is also ending the investment of funds for federal employees’ retirement programs, as well as considering raping the federal retirement system for needed cash!

Treasury officials blame the U.S. Congress for not fixing the debt problem.


World War 3, Asian Front: More U.S. personnel killed in Afghanistan! More money missing!

16 May 2013 (14:27 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1434/26 Ordibehest 1391/07 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Two International Security Assistance Force service members and four ISAF contracted civilians died following an improvised explosive device attack in Kabul, Afghanistan May 16.”-ISAF

A suicide bomber rammed a U.S./NATO convoy in Kabul city.  Two U.S. military personnel were killed along with at least four U.S. contractors (working for covert U.S. terrorist organization DynCorp) and eight Afghans.  Several dozen Afghans were wounded.  The Mujahideen group, Islamic Party, took credit for the attack.

In Ghazni Province, Qarabagh District, Mujahideen say they witnessed a U.S./NATO/ISAF tank drive over a landmine, which killed the four crewmen.  Mujahideen say U.S./NATO/ISAF attack helicopters arrived and began arbitrarily firing on the area around the tank.  No Mujahid or civilian was hurt.  Later, wheeled ambulances arrived to take away the tank crewmen.  In Shulgar District a U.S./NATO/ISAF supply convoy was ambushed.  Two security Guards and one driver killed.  Dozens wounded.  Five fuelers destroyed.

In Kandahar Province, ISAF officials admitted that four, not three, U.S. personnel were killed on 14 May.  ISAF was adamantly denying local news reports that four U.S. personnel were killed, saying three were killed one wounded.  Today ISAF admitted the wounded man died.

The mining organization, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), claims that several hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars in revenue has gone missing.  The claim is based on comparing tax records with mining company accounting books.  It includes companies mining copper and iron, and oil companies.  EITI has hired an independent investigator for further auditing.

Covert terrorist organization, USAID, is hosting the second annual jobs fair at Kardan University.   USAID is using money unwillingly paid by underemployed U.S. taxpayers to fund the job fair.

2nd Lieutenant Niloofar Rahmani, is the first female to become a pilot in the Afghan Air Force in more than 30 years.  She was trained at U.S. taxpayer expense by USAF personnel.

H7N9 / Bird Flu update: Another death! Tibet child killed!

16 May 2013 (13:46 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Rajab 1434/26 Ordibehest 1392/07 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

A 64 years old woman in Hunan Province died.  The death toll is now 36.  It appears the spread of H7N9 is slowing, as no new cases have been reported.

Zhejiang Province has ended its Level 4 Emergency status.  Health officials say they’ve had no new cases.

Singapore reporting that 11 people were tested for H7N9, they all tested negative.

Nick Honhold, a doctor in Scotland, is concerned about the fact that only birds in live poultry markets are testing positive for H7N9.  He’s posted on the ProMED Mail that investigations should focus on why that is.  He suspects the origin of H7N9 is the live markets (as I’ve suggested in past postings).

In Tibet, Guangxi autonomous region, another ‘bird’ flu is spreading and killing.  H5N1 has infected 65 children, and killed one of them.  Chinese health officials think the kids got sick by eating infected chickens bought in a live poultry market.  Other villages are reporting cases, and elementary schools have been closed.



World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 08 March 2013. God lays off employees!

Google/Motorola Mobility to lay off 1200 employees around the World, including employees in the United States!  Last year Google/Motorola laid off 4000 people!

In Missouri, more than 50 people laid off at Sabreliner.  The aircraft parts maker laid off people in 2012 as well.  Company officials are blaming government spending cuts.

In Washington, the Grant County Fire District 5 laid off three firefighters.  The district is short $200000 USD.

Inrad Optics lays off  eight employees, and cuts hours at factories in New Jersey and Florida.  Company officials say they must cut expenses.

Presbyterian Church laid off 15 people in United States.  Church officials said the layoffs are preps for “where we’re going”.

In Pennsylvania, Gabby’s Jar novelty store shutdown in Wayne.  The Allentown School District said they have to consider laying off 161 people!  They’re short $22 million!  Willingboro School District wants to layoff nine teachers and raise property taxes.

In California, the Benicia Unified School District wants to layoff at least seven people.    Laguna Beach Auto Supply & Hardware shut down.  Owners said they no longer had the time or enough money to hire enough staffing to keep the business going.  After more than 20 years in business, the Bike Empire in Poway closed down: “I’ve been losing money the last four years. The economy hit us heavy. It’s like someone unplugged the business.”-Tim Gill, co-owner

In Georgia, after 41 years Everybody’s pizza in Atlanta closed down.  The owner blamed the bad economy for making him realize it was time to retire.

What was that about a recovery for the automobile industry?  In Alabama, Shiloh Industries closing its Anniston car parts factory.  Company officials say it just cost them too much to keep the factory open.  66 jobs lost.  In Auburn, a Winn Dixie grocery store closed down.

Grama’s Goodies bakery closes in Virginia.  The owners failed to pay their rent due to lack of sales.

In North Carolina, the Academy of Cosmetology closed down.  The owners said they ran out of money, and the management company they hired to run the academy quit without notice.  The Crab Tree Tavern closed after at least 70 years in business.  The owner, Sharon Kloucek, said “We’re seeing fewer customers and the overhead’s high.” 

In Kansas, Miller’s Five Diner shut down after 49 years in business.

The Higgins Armory Museum, in Massachusetts, closing down in December.  The nearly 80 years old museum couldn’t raise enough money to stay open.

In Illinois, after 88 years of operation Erday’s men’s clothing store shut down.


World War 3, West Asian Front: UN says U.S. backed insurgents are War Criminals!

15 May 2013 (12:23 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Rajab 1434/25 Ordibehest 1391/06 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

“Mutilating or desecrating corpses during a conflict is a war crime.”-Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

The United Nations has reacted to the video posted by U.S. backed insurgents in Syria, which shows one U.S. backed insurgent eating the heart of a Syrian soldier.

The insurgent is a leader of the Al Farouq Brigade, which is part of the U.S. funded and trained Free Syrian Army.  Hey people of the United States, is this what your government has planned for you?

World War 3, Asian Front: U.S. building Afghan base to invade Iran? More U.S. deaths! More waste of U.S. taxes!


15 May 2013/05 Rajab 1434/25 Ordibehest 1391/06 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Farah Province, there are reports that the United States is building a military base just 3 kilometers (slightly more than 1 mile) from the border with Iran.  Witnesses say a communications tower has been completed and other work has started on the ground.

In Herat Province, local police say a U.S. drone strike killed three people in Zirkouh village.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad city, an explosion wounds three civilians and six cops.  Government officials say the bomb was targeted against local police.

In Logar Province, Mujahideen released the last of the Turkish engineers captured a week ago.  There has been no reports about the one Afghan engineer and two Russian/Kyrgyz helicopter crewmen that were captured.

In Badghis Province, 78 contracted security personnel (mercenaries) joined the Mujahideen.

In Kandahar Province, eight contracted security personnel (mercenaries) joined the Mujahideen.

The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) discovered that Afghanistan has taxed 43 U.S. contractors to the tune of $921 million USD.  SIGAR says the tax is “illegitimate” under current agreements, and is just the tip of the iceberg.

Oklahoma U.S.A. Army National Guard’s 120th Engineer Battalion returned from deployment to Afghanistan.

14 May 2013/04 Rajab 1434/24 Ordibehest 1391/05 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Maidan Wardak Province, Syed Abad District, locals say U.S. led troops conducted home invasions.  Four people kidnapped.

In Kandahar Province, Zherai District, a U.S. convoy ran over a landmine, killing three U.S. personnel.

In Helmand Province, Garmser District, a motorcycle bomb exploded in a market.  Three people killed, nine wounded.  In Marja District, three people killed, one wounded, after they drove over a landmine.   Also, the United Kingdom (red coats) Defense Minister, Philip Hammond, said they’ve decided to keep red coats in country past the supposed 2014 pullout date.  Red coats serve primarily in Helmand.

In Kabul city, two Turkish businessmen were kidnapped.  No comment from Afghan cops.  One of the men had been living in Afghanistan for the past ten years.

In Zabul Province, Shajoy District, 40 schools have been closed. School officials say it is because of repeated threats.

13 May 2013/03 Rajab 1434/23 Ordibehest 1391/04 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In Helmand Province, three Georgian ISAF personnel were killed after the Mujahideen attacked their base.  ISAF said: “Three International Security Assistance Force service members were killed today when insurgents attacked their position in southern Afghanistan with a vehicle borne improvised explosive device.”

In Kapisa Province, Nejrab District, a suicide bomber attacked a U.S. convoy, wounding at least two U.S. personnel and one Afghan, and killing one Afghan.  Mujahideen claim they killed 14 people and destroyed two armored vehicles.

In Nangarhar Province, Jalalabad city, Mujahideen say they assassinated a French spy.

In Kandahar Province, a bus packed with people drove over a landmine.  Ten people killed, 12 wounded.

A new Afghan government investigation says U.S. special operations forces tortured to death at least 15 people in Maidan Wardak Province back in February.  The investigators say they have evidence, including a video tape, proving a U.S. special ops A Team was involved.  Government officials also are demanding the U.S. handover an Afghan born U.S. citizen involved in the crimes.

And Justice for All, Bull Shit!: Investigation reveals massive Sentencing screwup in U.S. prisons!

15 May 2013 (01:08 UTC-07 Tango)/05 Rajab 1434/25 Ordibehest 1391/06 Ding-Si (4th month) 4711

In the U.S. state of Colorado, it’s been revealed that hundreds, if not thousands, of prisoners have had their sentences screwed up for years, supposedly because of a lack of communication between the courts and the prisons!

Some prisoners got out early, while others are still languishing in prison for minor offenses.

According to the Denver Post, the sentencing errors were revealed when a prisoners who should not have been released was so, and then allegedly committed murder.

Governor John Hickenlooper ordered an audit (investigation).  Already massive amounts of improper sentencing has been found in 349 cases, another 8415 cases identified as needing review!

Judges are now scrambling to make corrections to the corrections facilities foul ups.  Court clerks are being blamed for not properly communicating the court sentences to the prison officials (how can you screw that up?).

For decades, in past jobs I’ve had, I had co-workers who were ex-convicts and they all talked about this kind of bullshit.  Most claiming to being treated as if they were murders when they committed minor crimes, like burglary.  They would claim that prison officials ignored their pleas to check their court sentences, most could not afford an attorney.  At first I though ‘yeah, typical ex-con’, but I’ve heard the same stories from California, to Arizona, to Idaho, and started to wounder why so many across several states had similar stories?

(when I was a local TV news producer in Arizona I would get calls from prisoners all the time asking for help because they were still in prison when they should have been released. But guess what folks, it’s an unwritten rule in U.S. TV journalism not to cover prisoner issues, that’s what my news director told me when I asked about investigating the prisoners’ claims!!!)

Now the state of Colorado admits to screwing up prisoners’ sentences.  What was that about the U.S. justice system being the fairest in the World?  Bull shit!

If you can’t trust the current justice system, how the hell can you trust Obama and the U.S. Congress (republicans & democrats) with their War on Terror, Gitmo, NDAA 2013, and virtual martial law?!