Once again, the U.S. Coast Guard captured illegal drugs in the Gulf of Oman, on 31MAY2022 (not reported until 02JUN2022). This time 310 kilograms of heroin.
FLORIDA: On 17JUN2022, the USCG off-loaded 5-thousand-237 pounds of illegal drugs, onto Coast Guard Base Miami Beach. Video by Petty Officer Third Class Vincent Moreno:
Nearing the end of a 55 day patrol. USCG photo by Seaman Brad O’Brien, 30MAY2022.
On 24JUN2022, the USCG Cutter Steadfast (WMEC 623) returned to homeport in Astoria. While out patrolling the Eastern Pacific for the past 55 days, the crew of Steadfast helped Mexican law enforcement, on two occasions, to interdict drug smuggling boats, resulting in the seizure of 2-thousand-747 kilograms of cocaine.
Welcome to borderland hell under the U.S. President, highly incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and links to news/government agency reports for June 2022:
Between 01-07JUN2022, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) called Operation Cross Check. More than 1-hundred illegals were captured (which is nothing compared to the thousands captured during previous year’s Cross Check operations), most have convictions for crimes including, but not limited to, aggravated assault with a gun, robbery, burglary, kidnapping, hit and run, drug trafficking, and child molestation. Operation Cross Check has been conducted yearly since 2011. ICE video by Charles Reed:
The U.S. Coast Guard District 7 PADET captured 23 illegals from Cuba, they were handed over to the Bahamas on 03JUN2022:
USCG District 7 (Air Station Clearwater) video of a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, approximately 16 miles from Great Inagua, Bahamas, 12JUN2022:
USCG District 8 photo by Petty Officer Third Class Seth Rentz, 24JUN2022.
Somewhere in The Caribbean Sea (for an unknown reason the USCG did not want to give an exact location), the USCG surrounds a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, 24JUN2022.
25JUN2022, immigrant posts video of passage into Canada via the United States:
Illegals boarding the Navy of the Dominican Republic patrol boat Aldebarán. USCG District 7 PADET photo, 26JUN2022.
On 26JUN2022, the USCG handed over 11 illegals to the Navy of the Dominican Republic, near Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
On 28JUN2022, for some reason the President of Mexico felt he had to issue an apology regarding the mass-murder of illegals, by Mexican human smugglers, in a truck in Texas:
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol photo by Jerry Glaser, 07JUN2022.
U.S. taxpayers are now being raped to fund heat stress ‘Go-Bag’ kits being handed out to illegals in Arizona’s Tucson Sector! It is part of a 90 days study to make Border Patrol’s mission more ‘humanitarian’, eventually the Go-Bags will be issued across the U.S. southern land border.
Tucson Sector Border Patrol reports 2-thousand-1-hundred-and-92 ‘rescues’ in the month of May! On 09JUN2022, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP, aka Border Patrol) issued a warning to illegals. The warning was about Mother Nature, and a 90 day ‘scale-up’ of border patrol operations, also, new taxpayer funded heat survival kits will be used to ‘rescue’ illegals. Video was edited for time reasons:
On 10JUN2022, citizens (what the USCG calls ‘good Samaritans’) reported a homemade boat (what the USCG calls a “rustic vessel”) about 7 miles south of Key West. The USCG says the illegals onboard are from Cuba, and claims they were returned on 14JUN2022.
Between 01JUN2022 and 12JUN2022, the USCG District 7 reported capturing at least 52 illegals from Cuba, who were using various forms of rustic vessels. The USCG claims they were returned on 14JUN2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 12JUN2022.
On 12JUN2022, ‘good Samaritans’ reported an obvious illegal’s boat, 13 miles south of Marquesas Key. The USCG says the illegals are from Cuba, and claims they were returned on 17JUN2022.
USCG District 7 photo, 17JUN2022.
A good Samaritan reported a rustic vessel filled with people, on 17JUN2022. The USCG captured the boat about 22 miles south of Big Pine Key. The illegals from Cuba were sent back home on 19JUN2022, along with other captured Cubans totaling 45.
USCG District 7 PADET Jacksonville photo, 23JUN2022.
On 20JUN2022, the USCG captured yet more illegals from Cuba, about 68 miles south of Key West. The USCG photo purports to show the return of 89 illegals to Cuba, on 23JUN2022.
Photo by crew of Coast Guard Cutter Joshua Applebly, 25JUN2022.
On 25JUN2022, the USCG captured this rustic vessel about five miles south of Marquesas Key. The illegals were returned to Cuba, on 27JUN2022, as part of a larger group of 106!
Coast Guard Station Islamorada video of USCG and CBP interception of a boat overloaded with illegals from Haiti, about 40 miles southeast of Islamorada, 25JUN2022. The USCG claims 98 illegals were returned to Haiti on 29JUN2022:
MICHIGAN: 29JUN2022, Fox 2
Detroit shows you the problems of patrolling the border with Canada; weapons & human smuggling, CBP operations along Mexican border distracts from problems along Canadian border. CBP says “It’s not just a mom and a pop….trying to come across….it’s organized.”:
USCG District 7 PADET photo, 17JUN2022.
The USCG says this boat was filled with 56 illegals from Dominican Republic, they were captured near Mona Island, 17JUN2022, and handed over to the Navy of the Dominican Republic the next day.
Photo by the crew of Coast Guard Cutter Joseph Doyle, 27JUN2022.
58 illegals from Dominican Republic and Haiti were captured near Desecheo Island, 27JUN2022. They were returned to the Dominican Republic the next day.
USCG District 8 photo, courtesy Tim Oberle, 07JUN2022.
In Houston, on 07JUN2022, Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston, Homeland Security Investigations Houston (HSI), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Houston and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Houston established a new Joint Intelligence and Operations Coordination Center to support Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana.
On 09JUN2022, USCG-Air Station Corpus Christi videoed Mexicans illegally fishing in U.S. water. A total of two illegal fishing boats, and six people, from Mexico were captured:
On 15JUN2022, El Paso Sector Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent in Charge Gloria Chavez joined with Mexican Consul General in El Paso Mauricio Ibarra Ponce de Leon, to issue a warning to anybody trying to cross from Mexico into the United States. Video by Greg L. Davis:
“If and when Cascadia happens, the whole West Coast is going to experience upset conditions. Things are going to be upside down.”-Erik Petersen, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Portland District-Willamette Valley Operations
Blue River Dam, Oregon. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by Chris Gaylord, 15JUN2022.
During FEMA’s (Federal Emergency Management Agency) 14-16JUN2022 Cascadia Rising training days, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers inspected those 30 dams, saying “It’s the Super Bowl of disasters for emergencies, and you’ve got to have a team, you’ve got to practice, you’ve got to have some scrimmages, you’ve got to play some games, and you’ve got to go the playoffs before you get to the Super Bowl.”-Mark McKay, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Portland District Catastrophic Disaster Response Program
After Japan’s 11MAR2011 quake and tsunami, geologists and seismologist working for the U.S. government ‘got woke’ to the fact that old stories about an even bigger event hitting the Pacific Northwest of North America might be true, and a review of historical data, and new research, showed there really is a Super Bowl of disasters waiting to strike. The last estimated magnitude 9.0 quake and tsunami to hit the Pacific Northwest coastline was on 26JAN1700. The geologic data shows the Cascadia Event is relatively cyclic, meaning you can somewhat expect such a disaster every so many hundreds of years, and some Earth science ‘experts’ say it is overdue.
Blue River Dam, Oregon. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by Chris Gaylord, 15JUN2022.
The inspection of the dams a week ago is not the first time, Army Corps of Engineers have spent several year now prepping the dam sites they are responsible for. One of those preparations is regular seismic studies and risk assessments of the dams. Another is to install briefcase sized battery powered satellite communications systems on at least a dozen remote dam sites. The age of electronic communications/social media has an Achilles Heel; electric power and communication links. The megathrust quake is expected to destroy any old fashioned communication transmission lines (both buried and telephone poles), as well electrical power transmission, cell phone service will also go down. People will need battery operated radios and/or phones that directly connect to satellites (Amateur Radio Emergency Services-Cascadia June 2022).
Blue River Dam, Oregon. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by Chris Gaylord, 15JUN2022.
During this year’s Cascadia Rising event, the Corps of Engineers also realized they needed to stockpile food and water for the personnel who would be working on the remote dams after such a disaster.
The Corps of Engineers revealed another problem; all the dam reservoirs are the fullest they’ve been in the past few years, due to heavy late Spring rains. If the megathrust was to pop now, then all that extra water will exacerbate efforts to prevent rivers from flooding downstream.
Cougar Dam, Oregon. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by Chris Gaylord, 15JUN2022.
Yet another problem, pointed out during this year’s exercise, is that there might not be anywhere for helicopters to land: “If the earthquake hits, this parking lot might not even be here.”-Helicopter pilot who flew Local Damage Assessment Team (LDAT) to the top of Cougar Dam, in Oregon, during Cascadia Rising 2022
Parking lot ‘landing zone’ at Cougar Dam, Oregon. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo by Chris Gaylord, 15JUN2022.
FEMA’s worst case scenario is a tsunami up to 80 feet high, more than a million buildings damaged, thousands of people dead, even more injured and homeless, and that is if the epicenter was near the city of Florence, Oregon. The epicenter could actually be anywhere along the 7-hundred mile Cascadia Subduction Zone, which stretches from Northern California to British Columbia.
King County, Washington, tries to show you what the Cascadia Megathrust Event will look like:
Only NATO Germany’s PanzerHaubite (PzH) 2000, and NATO France’s CAESAR (CAmion Equipé d’un Système d’ARtillerie), are the only artillery systems delivered to Ukraine, so far, that can outrange the Russian systems. However, the numbers of PzH 2000 and CAESARs promised are just a piddly fraction of what Ukraine needs, and have yet to be delivered.
Video posted 22JUN2022, showing Russian ‘V’ (?, maybe Z) forces using an old-skool Cold War era towed rocket launcher against Ukrainian forces in Ugledar area:
Some NATO countries are sending more artillery systems, but they are the old Soviet era systems, like the 2S1 and 2S3, which do not give Ukraine a tactical advantage.
Music video, posted 09JUN2022, of Cold War era BM-27 220mm Uragan rocket launcher being used by Russian ‘Z’ forces against Ukraine:
Russian ground forces are so not worried about the U.S./NATO artillery ‘support’, that they themselves are using outdated artillery systems against Ukraine. This video was posted on 23JUN2022, showing Russians using Cold War era 152mm towed guns and BM-21 rocket launchers:
Another major problem for the U.S./NATO is that many of the delivered weapon systems (like the Javelin) were captured by Russian forces and are now being used by them against Ukraine!
The Österreichs Bundesheer (Austrian Federal-army) Theresian Military Academy critiques the U.S./NATO weapon systems being sent to Ukraine, pointing out that the amount are far below what Ukraine actually needs, and Ukrainians are not being properly trained on these weapons, resulting in “no significant effect on the battlefield” for Ukraine:
Incomplete list of the latest news media links and scientific information regarding the continuing spread of rabies, as of 21JUN2022.
Rabies is caused by a type of Lyssavirus and is spread through scratches, bites and even exposure to saliva. Infected animals, including humans, can spread rabies even before symptoms occur.
TURKEY: On Incirlik Air Base, U.S. Army Veterinarian Captain Alicia Bailey explains the different symptoms of rabies. This is a result of increased cases of (“possible”) rabies during The Pandemic in 2020-21. U.S. Air Force video by Staff Sergeant Pedro Tenorio, 01DEC2021:
70% of human rabies originated from bats in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (aka CDC). But even horses can get rabies.
Minnesota Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Mahsima Alkamooneh, 08MAY2022.
In May 2022, Minnesota Army National Guard medics administered rabies shots to people’s pets in Alaska, during operation Arctic Care 2022.
In October 2021, the Vermont Air National Guard announced they will work with the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Rabies Management Program, by dropping vaccine laced food (“bait”) from aircraft in wildlife areas: “This research aims to improve Oral Rabies Vaccination strategies in urban areas to be more effective in reaching the NRMP’s goals of preventing the spread of and eliminating the raccoon rabies variant.”-Fred Pogmore, USDA’s Wildlife Service
U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Matt Kuzara, 05JUN2022.
On 05JUN2022, groundbreaking ceremony for U.S. taxpayer funded water treatment operation on Erbil Air Base, Kurdistan, Iraq.
Photo via Iraqi Ministry of Defence.
On 02JUN2022, Iraqi officials attended a weapons trade fair in NATO Bulgaria, at the invitation of the Bulgarian government.
Brand new U.S. M4s, M16s and Russian AKs are being openly sold in Iraqi Kurdistan gun shops, video report posted 02JUN2022:
U.S. Army (USA) video, by Specialist Kevin Butler, of U.S. funded ‘Law of Combat’ class as part of the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service, 02JUN2022:
Photo via Iraqi Ministry of Defence.
On 30MAY2022, the Brazilian Minister of Strategic Affairs met with the Iraqi Minister of Defence, to specifically discuss weapon sales.
U.S. Army photo by Corporal Tommy Spitzer, 30MAY2022.
USA personnel conducted a Memorial Day service on Erbil Air Base, 30MAY2022.
Voice of American report, 23MAY2022, NATO Turkey admits its goal is to destroy the U.S. supported Iraqi Kurdish PKK group, analysts warn that Iran is willing to help the PKK:
NATO Turkey claims that Iraqi Kurds are being supplied with weapons from Sweden:
USA photo by Private First Class Joshua Linfoot, 19MAY2022.
NATO Romania hosted a weapons trade fair and Iraq was invited. In the photo, a USA Chief Warrant Officer-2 is trying to sell the latest Black Hawk helicopter to an Iraqi Major General. Mmmm, I wonder where the funding for such a sale will actually come from?
U.S. Army photo by Major Alexa Carlo-Hickman, 12MAY2022.
U.S. Army promotional video, by Corporal Tommy L. Spitzer, showing U.S. funded logistical operations:
Decades long fight for liberation of Kurdistan from Iran, Iraq, Syria and NATO Turkey, and how Israel, Russia and United States have worked against the Kurds:
“Families, employers, and citizens of Idaho, Montana and Oregon should be extremely proud and reassured that their Soldiers are motivated, well trained, and ready to represent their communities and the United States in a combat zone.”-Major Sam McDowell, commander of 2nd of the 116th Combined Arms Battalion, 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team
Sniper training. Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 10MAY2022.
‘Shoot house’ training. Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 13MAY2022.
In May 2022, National Guard personnel from Idaho, Montana, Ohio, Oregon and South Carolina continued their ‘extended training’ (since March) for deployment to Camp Buehring, Kuwait, in just a few months, for the ongoing Operation Spartan Shield.
Idaho’s M1064 (M113 mortar carrier). Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 17MAY2022.
Launching 120mm mortar rounds. Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 17MAY2022.
They have been assigned the official moniker of Task Force Rattler. They will be relieving Task Force Griz, another National Guard unit consisting of personnel from Florida, Idaho, Montana, Nevada and Oregon (which deployed at the end of 2021). It looks very much like the Idaho based 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team is stuck in a deployment loop.
So-called final Task Force Griz video report, by Sergeant Nicholas Ramshaw, 22MAY2022. Notice the Snake River Brigade patches:
Swedish made AT4 rocket launcher. Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 12MAY2022.
“Back-blast area clear!” Idaho Army National Guard photo by Thomas Alvarez, 12MAY2022.
The 12 months deployment of Task Force Rattler (2nd of the 116th Combined Arms Battalion) will start with a short stop on Fort Bliss, Texas, for final deployment training, then on to Kuwait.
Utah Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant William Cowley, 11JUN2022.
At the beginning of June2022, and while many Idaho National Guard personnel are still deployed/deploying overseas, as well as to other locations within the United States, about 2-thousand National Guard artillery personnel from California, Iowa, North Carolina, Utah, and an Army Reserve unit from Texas (2-364 Training Support Battalion ), as well as Active Army ‘gods’ (Observer, Coach, Trainers aka OCTs from 189th Infantry Brigade) from Washington, invaded Southwestern Idaho!
Pulling the lanyard of an M109A6. Utah Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant William Cowley, 11JUN2022.
Utah National Guard’s 65th Field Artillery Brigade led the charge, blasting Idaho’s Orchard Combat Training Center (formerly Orchard Training Area) with its artillery guns. Orchard Combat Training Center is 18 miles south of Boise.
Utah suffered some casualties. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Scott Evans, 07JUN2022.
Utah Army National Guard’s 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion, 211 Aviation Regiment, provided air transport. Video by Sergeant Alejandro Lucero, 05JUN2022:
A ‘flat’ of 155mm ammo is off-loaded. Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant James Bunn, 10JUN2022.
California’s 340th Brigade Support Battalion helped supply the 155mm ammo for the guns of Utah’s M109A6 Paladins.
Moment of launch. Utah Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant William Cowley, 11JUN2022.
Video of some M109A6 Paladin action, by Sergeant Alejandro Lucero:
North Carolina Army National Guard sent in their 13F FiST-ers (Fire Support Team, artillery forward observers) to help guide Utah’s artillery fire: “Our motto is ‘the eyes of the battlefield,’ we observe everything including mortars, artillery, fixed and rotary winged aircraft, and even naval gunfire.”-Corporal Joshua Morris, 1st Battalion, 113th Field Artillery Regiment, North Carolina Army National Guard
‘My’ M981 FiSTV (artillery forward observer M113), on Idaho’s Orchard Training Area (now called Orchard Combat Training Center), Summer 1997.
Been there done that, in the late 1990s.
FiST-ers board UH-60 Black Hawks, Utah Army National Guard video by Sergeant Alejandro Lucero, 09JUN2022:
But the North Carolina Army National Guard’s 5th Battalion, 113th Field Artillery Regiment also brought their artillery rocket system called HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System).
HIMARS launcher tubes get sling-loaded by UH-60 Black Hawk. Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Rebecca Call, 13JUN2022.
An M142 HIMARS moves into launching position. Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Rebecca Call, 13JUN2022.
HIMARS launch. Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Alejandro Lucero, 06JUN2022.
Utah Army National Guard video by Sergeant Alejandro Lucero, showing North Carolina’s HIMARS in action, 06JUN2022:
Utah SF soldier launches a rocket out of the AT4. Utah Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Ariel J. Solomon, 13JUN2022.
Utah Army National Guard also sent in their Special Forces unit, the 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne). Here’s a dramatic music promo-video by Staff Sergeant Jordan Hack, 11JUN2022:
An 81mm round is launched out of the M252 mortar. Utah Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Ariel J. Solomon, 12JUN2022.
Iowa Army National Guard deployed their 734th Regional Support Group and 883rd Engineer Company. Here is video of some fun explosions brought to you by the 883rd Engineer Company, video by Sergeant Alejandro Lucero, 10JUN2022:
Iowa National Guard personnel also had fun with the M2HB, Utah Army National Guard video by Sergeant Ariel Solomon, 05JUN2022:
Emergency, emergency! Tactical Toilet system on it’s way, just hold it in a little longer! Utah Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Jordan Hack, 11JUN2022.
Western Strike 22 also included the successful deployment of tactical toilets (I assume).
You can’t camp on the OCTC without your Tactical Toilet. Utah Army National Guard photo by Sergeant Ariel Solomon, 05JUN2022.
Idaho’s OCTC actually sits on federal Bureau of Land Management (the real BLM) property, which strictly enforces rules about when, where and what you can or cannot do….doo.
Arty rounds impact Idaho’s OCTC. Utah Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Jordan Hack, 11JUN2022.
This year’s artillery wargame ended on 16JUN2022. Just short of 3-thousand rounds were fired during 14 days: “The Idaho National Guard and Orchard Combat Training Center have been great hosts, allowing us to take full advantage of the training facilities.”-Colonel Shawn Fuellenbach, brigade commander, 65th Field Artillery Brigade, Utah Army National Guard
Night shot…..out! Utah Army National Guard photo by Staff Sergeant Ariel J. Solomon, 10JUN2022.
Lowered to a flooded home as SaR ops continue, 16JUN2022. Montana Army National Guard photo.
Since 13JUN2022, Montana Army National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters have rescued more than 87 people trapped by record flooding, following a weekend downpour that dumped more rain than expected.
On 15Jun2022, additional militia personnel were sent to Caribou County, to assist local law enforcers by operating seven checkpoints in the Red Lodge area.
Red Lodge, Montana Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Edward Warner, 16JUN2022.
Montana Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Edward Warner, 16JUN2022.
The road checkpoints are expected to be operating at least until 22JUN2022. Montana National Guard video by First Lieutenant Bayard Lewis, 15JUN2022, personnel deploy for checkpoint duty:
Montana Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Edward Warner, 16JUN2022.
Fort Harrison command center. Montana National Guard photo by Master Sergeant Michael Touchette, 15JUN2022.
Beartooth Slingshot Rentals drone video of flooding, 13JUN2022:
16JUN2022, Montana Army National Guard photo.
KTVQ report, 13JUN2022:
Red Lodge, Montana Army National Guard photo by Sergeant First Class Edward Warner, 16JUN2022.
More proof the global food crisis was long underway before Russia/Ukraine, caused mainly by a capitalist for-profit globalization market/logistics system.
Video posted 08JUN2022, Malaysian food crisis might be because local farms are forcefully being turned into housing projects:
The situation in Sri Lanka is so bad that enemies in the civil war have joined together to protest the government! This 07JUN2022 report explains that Sri Lank is the first to fall, and massive shortages of all things, including food, is not about actual shortages but about the for-profit capitalist globalist logistics/supply chain:
Jon Jandai points out that there is no justifiable reason for food shortages:
The NATO members started the whole thing by imposing food sanctions against Russia. On 06JUN2022, Wynken Blynken & Nod, I mean the U.S. Secretary of State, as well as the Secretary of Agriculture, continue the lie that Russia is causing the global food crisis. Secretary Blinken:
Pakistani food venders blame food crisis on inflation:
The Philippines Department of Agriculture warns there is not enough taxpayer funding to keep up with inflation! The Department of Agriculture is tasked with providing food security but says it does not have the funding to deal with natural disasters that have destroyed rice farms, or swine flu which began killing-off pigs in 2019:
Malaysia suffering a chicken shortage due to most of its flocks being exported, so exports of chickens are now banned in an attempt to prevent hunger in Malaysia! Singapore is now suffering a chicken shortage, and price inflation, as a result of Malaysia’s export ban: