Tag Archives: salt

Polar Ice Caps Paradox: Ice Caps melting, should raise ocean levels, NASA says the opposite is happening, launched Aquarius satellite to find out why

In June 2011, NASA and the Space Agency of Argentina (CONAE) launched a new Earth observatory, called Aquarius.  The mission: Find out why ocean levels are seemingly dropping, despite glacial melting and heavy rain.

Scientist think the ocean water levels are going down because the ocean salt levels are going up, a sign that the ocean water is evaporating faster than it can be replenished: “Based on decades of historical data gathered from ocean areas by ships and buoys, we know the salinity has changed over the last 40 years. This tells us there’s something fundamental going on in the water cycle.”-Gary Lagerloef, Aquarius Mission

Up ’till now scientists have made some assumptions about how the ocean will react to the so called “global warming”, but, they now admit they missed an important ingredient: “We’ve been missing a key element, salinity. A better understanding of ocean salinity will give us a clearer picture of how the sea is tied to the water cycle and help us improve the accuracy of models predicting future climate.”-Gary Lagerloef, Aquarius Mission

What’s amazing is that the United States and Argentina built a satellite that could measure sea salt levels from space: “One of our Argentine instruments is another microwave radiometer in a different frequency band that will measure sea surface winds, rainfall, sea ice, and any other ‘noise’ that could distort the Aquarius salinity measurement. We’ll subtract all of that out and retrieve the target signal.”-Sandra Torrusio, CONAE

On September 1, 2011, Aquarius finished successful tests of its equipment, and has started checking the Earth’s oceans for salt.  Canada, France and Italy also contributed to this global climate change mission.


Studies say cutting back on salt does not reduce death rates

“Cutting down on the amount of salt has no clear benefits in terms of likelihood of dying or experiencing cardiovascular disease.”-Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

No fewer than seven international studies have concluded that reducing salt in your diet does not reduce the chance of death.

A moderately low salt diet might reduce your blood pressure, but there is no evidence it will prolong your life.  However, there is evidence that people who have congestive heart failure might increase there chance of death with a low salt diet.

This makes sense to me, because salt, along with potassium, helps prevent your muscles from cramping.  Your heart is a muscle.

The studies looked at 6,000 people.  Researchers admit they need to do more detailed studies, like looking at cardiovascular morbidity in people with normal or high blood pressure.

Iodide Not Iodine

Once again the U.S. media has been getting it wrong; saying that people in Japan are being issued “Iodine” pills. No, it’s “Iodide” pills!

Iodine and Iodide are related, but are different. Both can be good for you, and bad for you. It depends on the form, dosage and how they are used.

Many people think Iodine is good for you, in extreme small doses, and, in fact Iodine deficency can cause health problems. But, some forms of Iodine, like Iodine 131 (used in nuclear reactors), are bad and can cause cancer.  Iodine is not used in table salt.

Some table salts are enriched with Potassium Iodide. It is called “Iodized Salt”.  The general public has mistakenly called it iodine salt.

Potassium Iodide is what is used in anti-radiation pills. This is what the people, near the crippled nuclear reactors in Honshu, are being given. 

The thyroid gland in animals (that’s us humans as well) uses trace amount of Iodide to create proteins and hormones that contains Iodine. Hyperthyroidism can occur with an increase in Iodine consumption.  In other words, this substance is finicky when it comes to the health of humans. It can prevent cancer, and, it can also cause cancer and glandular problems, it depends on how much the person is ingesting, or is exposed to.

The lesson here is: Use Iodine and Iodide only when necessary, like in the case of diagnosed Iodine deficiency, or as a disinfectant (Lugol’s Iodine), or to prevent radiation poisoning in a nuclear event (Potassium Iodide). Otherwise, do not eat or drink it on regular basis.

Do your research.