Tag Archives: safety

Paranoid Canadian Police State: Father arrested after daughter draws picture of Gun in School! Violation of Public Safety Laws!!!

A 26 year old father of several children, was arrested when he picked up three of his kids from a Canadian school in Waterloo, Ontario.  It’s wasn’t because of anything he did.  It was because his four year old daughter drew a picture of a gun!

Specifically, she said it was a picture of her dad shooting bad guys. Her teachers back that up: “…he uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters.”-statement from teachers

The father was stripped searched.  It was only after he was stripped searched that he was told why he was arrested!

“We had every concern, based on this information [ie an innocent drawing!], that children were in danger.”Kevin Thaler, freaked out Paranoid Waterloo Regional Police Inspector

Paranoid Canadian police also searched the family’s home, where they freaked out when they found a toy clear plastic gun! They actually tested the clear plastic gun to make sure it was not a real gun!  When they were satisfied the gun was not real, they let the father go, and no charges were filed!

The children were also detained and interviewed by Family and Children’s Services.

Apparently, in Canada drawing pictures of guns is a violation of “Public Safety” laws!!!!

“From a public safety point of view, any child drawing a picture of guns and saying there’s guns in a home would warrant some further conversation with the parents and child.”Alison Scott, freaked out paranoid executive director of Family and Children’s Services




Dumb Americans! Study says people think new unproven drugs are safer than tried & true older drugs!

Fact: New prescription drugs have a really bad track record regarding safety and effectiveness.

Fact:  Most U.S. citizens think new prescription drugs are safer, and more effective than proven older drugs.

Researchers at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, and the Veterans Administration Outcomes Group, asked people about the difference between benefits and risks of new medications, and old medications.

In one study people were asked about taking a heart disease drug.  41% of those that were not told about side effects picked the newer but less effective drug.  Yet when they were told about the side effects, 71% picked the older more effective drug with less side effects.

In the other study people had to choose between an old heartburn drug, and a new heartburn drug.  The older drug had the better track record, yet only 34% picked the older safer drug when not told about the track records of both drugs.  When told about the safety record of both drugs 53% picked the older drug.

The conclusion of the U.S. studies is that if people don’t know the track record, or side effects of a drug, they automatically assume the newer drug is safer and better!

Also, the studies show that four out of ten U.S. citizens think an FDA approval means the drug is “extremely effective”!  One in four think the FDA would never approve a drug that has bad side effects!  Fact: The FDA constantly approves drugs that have not been fully proven, and have extremely bad side effects!  Look how many approved drugs being advertised today have stated “may cause death” as a side effect!