Tag Archives: palestine

World War 3: Israel shoots down Syrian fighter! Israeli drones down in Lebanon and Iraq!

23 September 2014 (02:30 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/01 Mehr 1393/30 Gui-You 4712

The Israel Defense Force claims they’ve shot down a Syrian fighter using a U.S. Patriot missile.  The IDF claims the Syrian plane crossed over Golan Heights, territory Israel took from Syria.   Earlier reports said it was a MiG 21, but later reports changed it to a Su 24 (those two planes don’t look anything like each other, so why the mix up?).

Reports that Syrian officials say the IDF shoot down of their plane took place after the United States began bombing the crap out of Syria.  It crashed near the abandoned Syrian city of Quneitra (destroyed during the 1973 war with Israel).

Just hours before the Obama regime began their bombardment of Syria, Israel shutdown the border crossing at Quneitra.  The IDF also pulled back their troops from the area, days after United Nations troops pulled back.  Suspicious.

Syrian officials say the new U.S. led war on Syria is being conducted under the False Flag excuse of fighting the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL).

The U.S. led attacks on Syria come after a weekend that saw IDF drones go down in Lebanon and Iraq.

Obama regime leads attack against Syria!

World War 3: Obama regime leads attack against Syria! Turkey accuses Syria of backing the U.S. created Islamic State False Flag operatives! U.S. Congress pushes for ground invasion of Syria!

23 September 2014 (00:24 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/01 Mehr 1393/30 Gui-You 4712

“I don’t see how, ultimately, we can avoid putting combat troops on the ground in some capacity.”-Peter King, U.S. Congressman from the police state of New York, 21 September 2014 Fox News interview

The Obama regime has begun massive airstrikes against Syria, about 20 at this point (including Tomahawk cruise missile strikes).  Rear Admiral John Kirby said the attack on Syria was ordered by Barack Obama, and include airstrikes by Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

Note that all these countries are responsible for starting the civil war in Syria, and for creating and supporting insurgents fighting to topple the government of Syria.  Don’t forget that it was the Obama regime that ordered the release of the leader of what would become the group known as Islamic State, from a U.S. Army prison in Iraq.

Apparently the Obama regime doesn’t care that Islamic State recently gassed to death 300 Iraqi army personnel in Fallujah, Anbar Province.

It’s interesting that the Obama regime’s all out air offensive against Syria began the same night that New World Order lackey Charlie Rose aired his latest interview with Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

In that interview Erdoğan straight up accused the government of Syria for creating Islamic State!

From the beginning of this IS, ISIS, ISIL, whatever the hell Obama wants to call them, I’ve suspected they were just a False Flag op to justify war on Syria.

There are reports that Syria’s envoy to the United Nations was given short notice by the Obama regime of the U.S. led attacks on his country (kind of like what the Japanese did when they bombed Pearl Harbor).  Both the Syrian government and Russia have warned against U.S. led attacks on Syria.

U.S. Congressman Peter King told the British empire news sources, Fox News and The Sunday Times, that the U.S. will prep for a ground invasion of Syria.  King also revealed back in August that there were already plans in place for airstrikes against Syria: “It was a year ago this all started….about the importance of air attacks in Syria, and we had allies lined up and then the president pulled the rug out.”

Whistleblower reveals NATO….plan to start False Flag war with Syria 

World War 3: South West Pacific Australia now “enhanced” partner of North Atlantic! All you happy taxpayers are the real targets!

05 September 2014 (17:24 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/14 Shahrivar 1393/12 Gui-You 4712

“NATO need to step up and start to communicate that this is a dangerous world. There is a purpose to this alliance. It is not just a hangover from the Cold War, just a club. This alliance has a purpose for a more dangerous world.”-Robin Niblett, British empire’s Royal Institute of International Affairs

There was a time when we were all told that NATO was for countries that bordered the northern area of the Atlantic Ocean, hence North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  But now there are many countries on the other side of the World who are special members.  Today the South West Pacific country of Australia just had its special membership upgraded to “enhanced”.

This is because United States led NATO officials are pissing themselves over their loss of control of their covert insurgant group now known as Islamic State,  and the never ending Tar Baby known as Afghanistan, as well as realizing they’ve pissed-off Mother Russia by trying to abscond with Ukraine!

Australia is not the only NATO wannabe having its pseudo-membership (officially called “NATO partners”) upgraded; Finland, Georgia, Jordan and Sweden are getting upgraded as well.

Australia’s first job as an “enhanced” partner is leading a NATO conference on what to do with Afghanistan (at the current NATO summit in police state Wales, British empire).

What it sounds like to me is that NATO has got so big it is going to split into at least three regions; one to handle Europe/Russia, one to handle Afghanistan/Asia and one to handle their renegade insurgent groups in the Middle East/North Africa.

Of course, the real issue being discussed at the current NATO summit in Wales, is how to get all you happy taxpayers to pay for this new ‘enhanced’ NATO?

World War 3: Statements from Iran reveal they’re at war with both the West & East

27 August 2014 (15:37 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/05 Shahrivar 1393/03 Ren-Shen (8th month) 4712

“Our response to this aggression will not be diplomatic. We will retaliate in the battlefield, but will not necessarily announce it. The enemy will see and understand it.”-Brigadier General Hossein Salami, Islamic Revolution Guards Corps

“The message of the Palestinian nation’s great victory in the Gaza war is a call on all Islamic governments and nations to practice full-scale resistance against the hegemonic and arrogant powers….the forefront is now arming the West Bank in the campaign against the usurper Zionist regime.”-statement from The Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

“We believe the West Bank, too, should be armed just like Gaza and those who are interested in the fate of the Palestinians must work in this respect so that the pains and miseries of the Palestinian people will be decreased due to their mighty hands and the weakness of the Zionist enemy.”-Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei

“Reinforcement of counter-terrorism teams and bomb defusing experts in Sistan and Balouchestan province is on our agenda……We will witness major changes and developments in these provinces by sealing the borders….A new [U.S. backed] terrorist group has started operation….and it has committed murders in the Southern parts of the country and they attack people under the cover of defending the Sunnis….”-Brigadier General Esmayeel Ahmadi Moqaddam, national police chief

“…different European and western countries and famous world industries….have collaborated with the Zionist regime and the U.S. efforts to sabotage Iran’s nuclear industry…..The Islamic Republic of Iran inevitably purchases certain parts from certain developing countries in the ‘East’, but unfortunately they are also sabotaging Iran’s nuclear industry.  We might not be surprised by the ‘West’s’ sabotage operations against Iran…..but we are certainly stunned when such moves are made by the eastern countries…”-Ali Akbar Salehi, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran

World War 3: Iraq shoots down Israeli drone? U.S. admits to massive use of Israeli drones!

27 August 2014 (14:49 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/05 Shahrivar 1393/03 Ren-Shen (8th month) 4712

“…..all Hermes missions will be halted in skies over Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestinian territories and Lebanon.”-unnamed former U.S. military official in statement to Fars News Agency

Breaking news reports out of Iraq say Iraqi forces might have shot down an IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) drone over Baghdad.  At the moment, Iraqi military officials are refusing to comment.

What seems to be sure is that an IDF drone has crashed near the Baghdad Airport.  Reports say U.S. embassy security personnel are on scene, to prevent the drone from falling into ‘enemy’ hands.

News reports say it is the same type shot down by Iran on the 24th, which might also be the same type shot down by Palestinian Mujahideen in Gaza City.



World War 3: Iran shoots down Israeli drone, claims it will now attack IDF troops occupying Palestine! Mujahideen shoot down Israeli drone! U.S. shoots up Iranian boat!

27 August 2014 (14:33 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/05 Shahrivar 1393/03 Ren-Shen (8th month) 4712

“Arming the West Bank has started and weapons will be supplied to the people…The Zionists should know that the next war won’t be confined to the present borders and the Mujahedeen will push them back.”-Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, Iranian Sazmane Basij-e Mostaz’afin (volunteer militia) commander

“We will accelerate the arming of the West Bank and we reserve the right to give any response.”-General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, IRCG

Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) announced they shot down an Israeli drone on 24 August 2014.  They say the drone was heading for the Iranian Natanz uranium enrichment site.

Also, Israeli news sources reported that Palestinian Mujahideen shot down an Israeli drone (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV) over Gaza City.  Palestinian Mujahideen posted video to the internet showing what they say are remains of the drone.

Today Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, stated that Iran will now strike at Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) occupying Palestine.

Iranian intelligence also says the IDF drone was actually launched from a Central Asian country friendly to Israel.  There is an implication that Iran will retaliate against that country as well.

A South East Asian news source is reporting that Iran will now “accelerate” efforts to arm Palestinian Mujahideen.

Also today, the U.S. Coast Guard reports they shot at an Iranian boat in the Persian Gulf.  The wimpy Coast Guard claims they were being attacked, but here’s what really happened: For some reason the Coast Guard ship dispatched a small armed boat towards an armed Iranian merchant ship.  As the U.S. boat approached the merchant ship the Iranian crew naturally trained their machine guns on the U.S. boat.  That’s when the U.S. crew fired.

The U.S. Coast Guard claims they were in radio contact with the merchant ship when it suddenly stopped communicating.  That’s why they dispatched a boat, to investigate why the radio communication was cutoff.  (sure)


World War 3, more proof God is evil: Red Cross & former Army officers say Christian United States loves to torture! U.S. forces violate their own Customs & Laws of War!

09 August 2014 (21:24 UTC-07 Tango 08 August 2014)/12 Shawwal 1435/18 Mordad 1393/14 Ren-Shen 4712

“The definition of torture is any technique that causes severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, inflicted for a purpose, such as obtaining information or a confession, exerting pressure, intimidation or humiliation.  Waterboarding fits into this category and therefore qualifies as torture.”-Anna Nelson, International Committee of the Red Cross

“There is no way any competent and knowledgeable attorney can say that waterboarding is legal under the Geneva Conventions, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or the Convention Against Torture.”-Thomas Romig, retired U.S. Army Major General

Abu Ghraib and GITMO are proof the United States military violate its own laws.  Many U.S. civilian police/prison forces violate the military laws as well, in their actions against U.S. citizens.

The following is from the U.S. Army’s Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Level 1, October 1994 edition:

Conduct Combat Operations According to the Law of War



You are a soldier in a deployed unit who has a mission that requires you and your subordinates to be actively involved in operations governed by the Law of War.


Conducted operations in accordance with the Law of War and employed actions to prevent violations of the Law of War.

 1. Fight only enemy combatants

2. Safeguard enemies who surrender.

3. Do not kill or torture enemy prisoners.

4. Care for the wounded, whether friend or foe.

5. Do not attack medical personnel, facilities, or equipment.

6. Destroy no more than the mission requires.

7. Treat all civilians humanely.

8. Respect private property and possessions.  Do not steal.

9. Identify the rights and duties of prisoners of war (PW).

10. Report all violations of the law of war.


Training Information outline

1.  Fight only enemy combatants.  Do not attack: a. Civilians.  b. Enemy soldiers who surrender.   c. Enemy soldiers who are sick or wounded, and who are out of combat.  d. Medical personnel.  e. Aircrew members exiting an aircraft in distress.

2.  Safeguard enemies who surrender.  a. Allow enemy to surrender.  b.  Treat all captives as PWs.  c. Protect all captives from the dangers of combat.  d.  Evacuate all movable captives to the rear as soon after capture as possible.

3.   Do not kill or torture enemy prisoners.  a. Treat all prisoners humanely.  (1) Provide prisoners food, water, shelter, and medical treatment.  (2) Do not take money, personal property, or protective equipment from prisoners unless ordered to do so.  b. Protect prisoners from physical or mental abuse.  (1) Protect prisoners from acts of violence and intimidation.  (2) Do not use prisoners as shields or screens, to clear or plant mines or booby traps, or as hostages.  c. Do not use force or coercion in questioning or interrogating prisoners.

4.  Care for the wounded, whether friend or foe.  a. Collect all wounded personnel.  b. Treat all wounded, friend or foe, in accordance with  medical priorities.  c.  Follow the Golden Rule: Treat enemy wounded as you would want friendly wounded to be treated by the enemy.

5.  Do not attack medical personnel, facilities, or equipment.  a. Do not fire at medical personnel, medical facilities, or medical transport vehicles.  b.  Respect medical service symbols (Red Cross, Red Crescent, the Red Lion and Sun, and the Red Shield of David).  (1) Use medical service symbols only for medical activities.  (2) Do not hide behind medical service symbols.

6.  Destroy no more than the mission requires.   a. Follow the Rules of Engagement.  b.  Attack only combat troops.  c. Do not attack protected property such as hospitals, churches, shrines, museums, or undefended places.  d. Do not destroy property unless required by the necessity of war.

7.  Treat all civilians humanely.  a. Move or detain civilians only for proper cause.  b. Protect civilians from collective punishment, reprisals, and hostage taking.  c. Protecting women from forced prostitution, rape, and sexual assault.

8.  Respect private property and possessions.  Do not: a. Steal civilian property.  b.  Take war trophies.  c. Sieze property unless ordered to do so.

9.  Identify the rights and duties of PWs.  a. PWs have the right to: (1) Receive housing and clothing.  (2) Receive enough food to stay in good health.  (3) Receive adequate medical care.  (4) Maintain proper hygiene.  (5) Practice their religious faith.  (6) Send and receive mail.  (7) Keep personal property except for weapons, military equipment, and military documents.  (8) Receive packages containing foodstuffs, clothing, and education, religious, or recreational material.  (9) Have a prisoners’ representative to the PW camp commander.  (10) Receive humane treatment from their captors.  b. PWs have a duty to (1) Tell their captors only their name, rank, service number, and date of birth.  (2) Obey all lawful camp rules.  (3) Obey the lawful orders of senior prisoners.  (4) Perform nonmilitary labor which is not humiliating, dangerous, or unhealthy.  Officers and NCOs can be required to perform only supervisory work.

10.  Report all violations of the law of war.  a. Do your utmost to prevent criminal acts.  b. Request clarification of unclear orders.  c. Refuse to obey an order that is clearly illegal.  d. Report violations of the law of war to one of the following: (1) Chain of command.  (2) Military police. (3) Inspector General.  (4) A judge advocate.  (5) A chaplain.

I’ve noticed that newer versions of the U.S. Army’s Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Level 1, no longer cover 181-906-1505. Is this intentional?

The United States and its overlord Israel continually violate these rules, which were agreed to by the United States and the ‘western’ international community at Geneva, Switzerland.

The very first Geneva Convention ‘law’ was created in 1884.

Israel agreed to Geneva Conventions 1 through 4 in 1951 (four years before the United States).  Israel and the U.S. agreed to Geneva Convention Protocol 3 in 2007.

Since Palestine is still not an officially recognized political entity (not considered a ‘country’) it is not bound by any Geneva Convention, or any international laws.   However, in 1982 the now ineffective Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) agreed to Geneva Conventions 1 through 4 and Protocol 1.   Hamas (not affiliated with PLO) came into being in 1987 and has not publicly agreed to any Law of War.

more proof God is evil: Jews angry as Scotland raises Palestinian flag! 

World War 3, more proof God is evil: Jews angry as Scotland raises Palestinian flag!

09 August 2014 (18:57 UTC-07 Tango 08 August 2014)/12 Shawwal 1435/18 Mordad 1393/14 Ren-Shen 4712

“Glasgow is home to many friends of Palestine and this is a deeply distressing time for them.  They represent a variety of ethnicities, political persuasions, faiths and none. However, they are united by a common desire to support the Palestinian people.”-Sadie Docherty, Lord Provost of Glasgow, in letter to mayor of Bethlehem

The Glasgow Jewish Representative Council is protesting Glasgow city officials’ decision to raise the flag of Palestine over the city.

Glasgow is not the first Scottish city to show solidarity with Palestine.  Last week West Dunbartonshire flew the green, red, black and white flag, and soon the city of Fife will also.

In the latest news regarding the drive for Scottish independence from the evil British empire, there are concerns over the use of a new form of cash, and what kind of investment environment will be created.

Apparently an independent Scotland will create a government run postal system (the current Royal Mail system has been privatized for years now).  There are also concerns about the university system,  regarding any membership in the European Union.

Here’s some advise; look at all the countries who became successfully independent, did they let such trivialities stop them?   Don’t forget Scotland holds all the petroleum cards, and the European Union, as well as England needs that oil and natural gas (especially since they could lose their Russian source over the fiasco in Ukraine).  I think Scotland is currently holding the most important cards in this game.

more proof God is evil: Israeli soldiers & Christian Red Cross execute hundreds of civilians!

World War 3: Israel halts military cooperation with Russia, over Ukraine! Or, is it in exchange for all that extra money U.S. taxpayers just gave Israel?

04 August 2014 (14:37 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Shawwal 1435/13 Mordad 1393/09 Ren-Shen 4712

A report out of Tel Aviv (in Flightglobal) says Israel has ordered a halt to all new drone (UAV) contracts with Russia.  The report also said the Obama regime was upset that Israel is still doing business with Russian military contractors, despite U.S. and EU sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine fiasco.

Isn’t it interesting that the Monday after the Friday in which the U.S. Senate approved $225-million USD in extra money for the Israeli warmachine, that Israeli officials decide to sanction Russia?

World War 3: Israel caught spying on Obama regime, and you! I warned you! The U.S. is nothing but a prison punk for the Israeli’s pleasure!

04 August 2014 (14:15 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Shawwal 1435/13 Mordad 1393/09 Ren-Shen 4712

Back in June I wrote how the technology to use your cell phone to spy on you comes from Israel.  In fact, Israel is the first step in producing the guts of your cell phone.  Not only that, but Israeli companies recycle old phone guts to make that spy tech, then you suckers end up paying outrageous amounts of cash for a ‘new’ phone that spies on you!

German news media reporting that not only did German spymasters  catch the Obama regime spying on Angela Merkel, but they’ve caught Israeli officials spying on the Obama regime!

“The U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been intercepted by the Israeli secret service during the peace negotiations in the Middle East……

…..Kerry had spoken regularly with senior counterparts……not only encrypted lines but also ordinary phones……were listened to. The government in Jerusalem has used the information in negotiating a diplomatic solution to the Middle East.”-Der Spiegel

Despite the fact that Israel regularly spies on the U.S., the U.S. Congress just approved spending even more taxpayer dollars on the Israeli warmachine.  Sounds like your ‘elected’ U.S. officials are nothing but prison punks for the Israelis!