Tag Archives: pakistan

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 05 – 08 December 2012. U.S. detains teenagers, Israeli style! Mujahideen offensive in Khost! Pakistan predicts increased attacks! Sweden says U.S. attacking hospitals, violation of international law! U.S. military official admits to intentionally targeting children, another violation of international law!

08 December 2012

In Khost Province, in the Sahra Bagh area, Mujahideen claim they attacked a military convoy killing nine U.S./NATO troops.  However, local government sources say three U.S./NATO troops were killed, no comment by ISAF.  Also, in the Bak district, Mujahideen beheaded a man for being a spy.  Also in Bak, provincial security chief, Mohammad Yaqoob Mandozai, said Mujahideen exploded a remote detonated landmine killing two civilians and wounding five civilians as well as four Afghan National Army (ANA) personnel.

The American Civil Liberties Union says U.S. forces are detaining at least 200 Afghan teenaged boys at anyone time, simply to prevent them “from returning to the battlefield”.  U.S. forces would hold the teenagers for about a year at a time, in the infamous prison at Bagram airbase.  Then, they would be released or turned over to Afghan police.

The International Justice Network says their own count shows that U.S. forces are detaining much more than 200 teenagers per year, at more than one prison: “I’ve represented children as young as 11 or 12 who have been at Bagram. I question the number of 200, because there are thousands of detainees at Parwan.”-Tina Foster, International Justice Network

In an interview with the Military Times (not the Marine Corps Times as some reports said), U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Marion Carrington admitted that not only does U.S. and U.K. forces intentionally go after “military aged males” (which includes teenagers) but they also kill “…children with potential hostile intent.”  There have been numerous cases where children as young as eight were killed by U.S. or U.K. Red Coat forces.  In most of those cases, the children were collecting firewood or tending sheep, but the U.S. led forces claim the children were planting landmines.  Intentionally targeting children is a violation of international laws, and justifying it based on the fact that belong to a people who you’re subjugating is simply a form of ‘racism’, even a former Israeli Defense Force member says so: “The decision about who you consider a legitimate target is less defined by your conduct than the conduct of the people or category of people which you are assigned to belong to…That is beyond troubling. It is also illegal and immoral.”-Amos Guiora, now a law professor at the University of Utah

Outside of Afghanistan, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has documented more than 200 children intentionally killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen between 2002 and 2012!

Want more proof that the United States does not respect the rule of law?  Read on.

In Maidan Wardak Province, the Swedish Aid Committee for Afghanistan said that ANA troops, being directed by U.S./NATO personnel, attacked a health clinic in Sebak village at Chak district, a clear violation of Geneva Conventions.  The joint ANA/U.S./NATO troops kidnapped several medical personnel and destroyed the medical equipment.  Apparently the clinic was then used as a FOB (forward operating base) for three days.  ISAF Brigadier General, Gunter Katz, tried to downplay the whole thing by saying NATO troops didn’t know it was a medical facility until after they entered the compound, and that they stayed at the compound for the three days “…due to the cold weather.”   The heliborne assault took place back on 23 October.

In Herat Province, a woman and her son were shot and killed.  Local officials say it was over charges of adultery, however, the police do not think the shooter is a relative. They have arrested three people.

Pakistani intelligence officials say an expected change in Pakistani Taliban leadership will result in fewer attacks inside Pakistan, and increased attacks in Afghanistan: “We are awaiting to witness the change in the current Taliban leader which is commanded by a violent leader and the replacement will hopefully lead to reconciliation of the Taliban group with the government of Pakistan.”-unnamed Pakistani military official

07 December 2012

In Nangarhar Province, the governor said U.S. led forces conducted an illegal night raid in the southern district of Khogyani. Seven people were kidnapped and one wounded when he resisted.  Also, in Sherzad district, locals say the U.S./NATO night raided homes in the Stara Tarma area, killing three people before fleeing in helicopters.

In Logar Province, locals say U.S. led forces night raided homes in the Dado Khel village.  Two people were kidnapped and the residents say their valuables (jewelry and cash) were stolen.

In Kunar Province, locals say U.S./NATO forces night raided an Imam’s home in the Underser area.  The Imam and his brother were kidnapped.  Their cash was stolen (obviously the U.S./NATO troops are being trained by Israeli personnel, standard tactic of IDF personnel is to take the jewelry and cash of the families they destroy).

A man using an underwear bomb tried to assassinate the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) Chief.  The bomb went off, the intelligence boss was wounded.  President Karzai blames it on Pakistan.

In Ghazni Province, local government officials revealed that weapons and ammo have been stolen from government arms depot.  A man is being tried for the thefts, local prosecutors say the man worked in the depot and was selling the weapons to Mujahideen.

In Parwan Province, Mujahideen say they launched a rocket attack on a Korean base, near the provincial capital of Charikar.

06 December 2012

In Nuristan Province,  cops are being sniped by the dozens.  Local government officials say the Mujahideen are using brand new high velocity Dragunov sniper rifles.  They say the local police do not have access to that type of weapon.

In Kunar Province, Mujahideen claim to have hit a U.S. base with six mortar rounds. The base is in Khas Kunar district.

In Ghazni Province, a U.S. led night raid on Ali Khel village, in Deh Yak district, resulted in the gates of three homes being destroyed and one man being kidnapped.

A group of lawyers in United Kingdom are demanding an investigation into accounts of British Red Coats intentionally targeting/killing Afghan children, some as young as 12 years old.

President Karzai again stated that the continued occupation of Afghanistan by U.S. led forces is the main cause for violence in the Central Asian country.

NATO, USMC General John Allen and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, made contradictory statements and blatant lies.  Clinton demanded that the taxpayers of NATO members continue to make huge payments to the government of Afghanistan  (money laundering by government? see previous Afghan reports on Blind Bat News), while the NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said that corruption in Afghanistan is only getting worse (Transparency International says Afghanistan is in the top three most corrupt countries in the world)!  Many countries have pledged to give Afghanistan huge sums of their taxpayers’ money, according to a Reuters report as much as $4.1 billion USD per year after 2014 (and you wonder why they want to raise taxes on you?)!  Outgoing John Allen stated there was a “significant decrease” in violence, hmmm, guess he’s not reading my Afghan reports?

05 December 2012

In Nimroz Province, in Khashrod district, U.S. led forces conducted an early morning raid. Locals say five people were kidnapped and a woman was shot and wounded.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen claim a Red Coat British AFV (armored fighting vehicle) ran over a landmine, which exploded and killed the entire crew.  Witnesses say two more Red Coat AFVs rushed to the scene, but ran into each other causing one of the AFVs to flip!

In Kandahar Province, Mujahideen say they assassinated a key spy working for U.S. forces.  They say U.S. forces have turned a former residence into a spy headquarters in Kandahar city.

In Nuristan Province, a U.S. led airstrike has killed at least five civilians.  Local government officials say the five people were from one family and were not known to have any political opinions, officials are demanding an investigation.

U.S. led NATO and Russia agreed to increase their Afghan operations in 2013!  Russia and U.S. led NATO will expand the training of the Afghan air force and anti-drug police units.

The Democratic controlled U.S. Senate approved a $631 billion military spending bill, in a 98 to zero vote!  The bill allows 88 billion taxpayer dollars to continue the war in Afghanistan, as well as billions for new nuclear weapons.  It will now be reconciled with the Republican controlled House military spending bill.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 27 – 30 November 2012. Britain refuses to hand over prisoners! New U.S. general in Afghanistan? Unknown disease kills fast, chemical warfare? Georgia sending more troops! More evidence of international tax money laundering!

30 November 2012

In Ghazni Province, at least four people killed, one wounded, after they drove over a landmine.

United Kingdom is refusing to hand over prisoners to Afghan control.  British say it’s because they suspect the Afghan security officials will torture the prisoners (kettle calling the pot black).  This comes after President Hamid Karzai ordered the execution of dozens of suspected Mujahideen held in Afghan controlled prisons.

The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee is backing the appointment of USMC General Joseph Dunford Junior, to take over command of ISAF in Afghanistan.

U.S. Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, confirmed that U.S. personnel will stay in Afghanistan past the official 2014 pull out, but refused to say how many: “The fundamental mission in Afghanistan is to establish an Afghanistan that can secure and govern itself and ensure that al Qaeda never again finds a safe haven within Afghanistan from which to conduct attacks on the United States or any other country.”

In Faryab Province, fighting going on in Almar district.  At least two Mujahideen killed by airstrikes, and one U.S./NATO armored vehicle destroyed by landmine.

29 November 2012

In Baghlan Province, two people have died and at least five people are sick with an unknown disease in Uruzngan village in Deh-Salah district.  Locals say those who died did so within ten minutes of showing symptoms: “One of my relative died after receiving a short shiver and another neighbor died within 10 minutes from the same disease.” (nerve agent?)

In Uruzgan Province, ten people killed and eight wounded after a bus ran over a landmine.

In Helmand Province, U.S./NATO launched heliborne operations in Kajaki district’s Loe Manda area.  The battles lasted from the morning until midnight.  U.S./NATO forces retreated. Mujahideen at first said one of their own was killed, but later said they suffered no casualties. Also, in Nawzad district Mujahideen claim they destroyed a Georgian tank with multiple rocket propelled grenades (RPG).

28 November 2012

More scandal for the Kabul Bank.  After it was revealed that international customers have withdrawn billions in cash from the Afghan bank, a new report shows that bank employees helped 19 individuals and companies take as much as $861 million USD in fraudulent loans (92% of all loans issued), in what the International Monetary Fund called a Ponzi scheme.

In Kandahar Province, at least seven people wounded after a suicide bomber exploded his motorcycle.  The bomber was killed.

In Helmand Province, four people killed after they drove over a landmine.

In Badghis Province, three Afghan National Army personnel killed, four wounded, after they drove over a landmine.

U.S. Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Marc Grossman, has resigned.  The reason given was that he wanted to “…return to private life”.

The country of Georgia revealed they have increased the number of troops in Afghanistan. They currently have 1,570 personnel in country, which is about double what they originally offered to send. According to Georgian Minister of Defense, Irakli Alasania, they are willing to send more if the U.S. requires, and they will remain past the official 2014 pull out.

27 November 2012

In Herat Province, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) reports one of their drones crashed while on recon mission in Mujahideen territory.   Mujahideen say they did not shoot it down, that it crashed because of technical problems.

ISAF reports that 250 U.S./NATO bases have been turned over to Afghan government forces.

In Baghlan Province, local elections resulted in cop on cop firefights.  Police loyal to outgoing district security chief attacked police loyal to the newly elected district police boss. Local officials say at least two people killed, several wounded.

In Uruzgan Province, officials from Char Chino district report that U.S./NATO forces raided local homes in the Kakarki, Gohergeen and Nojoi areas. One man was killed, another wounded.

The government of Germany says Afghanistan is not ready for U.S./NATO pull out in 2014.  In the Afghanistan Report, Germany says too many Mujahideen remain operational, and there has been no efforts at reconciliation (blame the U.S. and even U.S. based NGOs for that).    Germany is planning on giving the Afghan government the equivalent of $558 million taxpayer dollars every year until the year 2016  (not counting the taxpayer funds going directly to Afghan security forces).



World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 23 – 26 November 2012. U.S. peace NGO wants more war! U.S. will stay! Afghan rockets hit Pakistan! University students thrown out of 4th story windows because they are Shia Muslims!

26 November 2012

Yet again, religious leaders have condemned suicide bombing.  The Clerics Council of Afghanistan said such attacks are prohibited in Islam.  Those behind tricking people into committing such acts are not eligible to enter paradise. Those who carryout the suicide bombing are committing an unforgivable sin.

So who’s really behind such acts?  There is plenty of evidence that the United States created al Qaeda (including that presented in a banned BBC documentary).  According to regional journalists the Taliban kicked out the last vestiges of al Qaeda in 1999 (at the insistence of  U.S. President Bill Clinton), so there was no al Qaeda in Afghanistan when the U.S. invaded (remember, even President Bushy Jr hosted a first ever visit to the U.S. by Taliban officials).  Then the U.S. invades Iraq, with one of the reasons being that Saddam Hussein supports al Qaeda, which was never true, because Hussein was the main reason why al Qaeda never gained a foothold in Iraq. Guess who shows up after the U.S. occupies Iraq?  Why al Qaeda!  Then there’s the U.S./EU led false revolution in Libya.  Almost immediately after the U.S. and EU declares support for the “rebels” guess who shows up in great numbers? Al Qaeda!  Now we have Syria, where the reports and documentations of al Qaeda operations are bigger than ever, and those al Qaeda operatives that talk to the media even boast how they’re getting money and weapons from the U.S. (there is video of them getting paid with brand new U.S. $100 bills, and being equipped with the latest M16/M4 assault rifles)!

New York City based Human Rights Watch says they don’t want peace with the Mujahideen: “Providing immunity from prosecution for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other serious human rights abuses violates international law. Future government talks with the Taliban should not hinge upon denying justice to victims of war crimes and other abuses.”-Brad Adams, HRW

Ok Brad Adams, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, no peace without justice against the United States for all it’s war crimes!  Are you sure non-governmental agency HRW hasn’t been subverted by the U.S. government?

ISAF said: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan today.”

In Nimroz province, Mujahideen claim they ambushed a U.S./NATO convoy, destroying one armored vehicle and a fueler. Later that night they say a landmine destroyed a U.S./NATO tank.  Both happened in the Lakhshakaan area of Delaram district.

In Khost Province, two people were killed and 18 wounded when a bicycle bomb exploded in a local market.

In Nangarhar Province, hundreds of people in Jalalabad city protested President Karzai’s orders to execute Mujahideen.

25 November 2012

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Obama administration wants to keep 6,000 to 15,000 U.S. personnel in Afghanistan after the 2014 withdrawal date.

The Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan closed all state universities because of attacks against Shia Muslims.

24 November 2012

ISAF said: “A U.S. Forces-Afghanistan service member died today following an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan.”

Wardak Province, local government officials say a U.S. airstrike, in Baghak area of Syedabad district, killed at least six people.

People living in Pakistan, near the Afghan border, say nine rockets were fired from Afghanistan’s Paktia Province.  Also, a Pakistani TV report said 20 mortar rounds were fired into Pakistan from Afghanistan.  People living near the border say it all started after U.S./NATO forces abandoned a base in Paktia Province.

In Nimroz Province, the residents of Khwaja Sarda say U.S. led forces carried out an illegal night raid, and kidnapped three people.

A girl made famous by the Girl in Green photo returned to where her relatives were killed or wounded in last years Ashura suicide bombing against Muslims.  It is one of thousands of suicide terror attacks against Muslims since the War on Terror started (where are the massive terror attacks against christians and jews?).  While U.S. puppet officials blame Muslim Mujahideen for attacking Muslim civilians in Afghanistan, it’s most likely U.S. created al Qaeda.  Al Qaeda has declared war on all Muslims who’re not Salafi/Wahhabi Musilm.  Al Qaeda has been especially ruthless against Shia Muslims.

In Kabul Province, Shia Muslim students at Kabul University were attacked by dozens of people, some being thrown out 3rd and 4th floor windows.  Reports vary, saying as many as two people killed and 10 wounded.   Local police say they arrested as many as 40 people.

23 November 2012

In Maidan Wardak Province, a major car bomb attack took place at a security training center in Maidan Shar.  Six U.S. personnel were wounded, 90 Afghans wounded and three killed.  Local Mujahideen say the attack was in response to Karzai’s order to execute imprisoned Mujahideen.

In Nangarhar Province, a suicide bomber exploded at a U.S./NATO base. At least five security guards wounded.


World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 20 – 22 November 2012. CIA targeted! Afghanistan to seize disputed land by force after 2014? Karzai orders action against U.S. controled Bagram Prison, then executes fellow Afghans! 2012 was another big year for opium! U.S. & EU taxpayers’ aid money part of giant money laundering scam by their own leaders!

22 November 2012

Red Coat British officials issued a statement concerning their creation of the disputed Durand Line. The British took land away from Afghanistan in order to create a buffer zone between Afghanistan and British controlled India in 1893.  Latter the British kept that area as part of the new Pakistan in 1947.  Afghan officials have refused to recognize the Durand Line, and it is the reason for the growing tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan.  The U.S. Obama administration recently stated they support the British created Durand Line.   Britain and the U.S. hope the dispute between the Afghans and the artificially (British) created Pakistan can be resolved without war.  Apparently there is concern that after the 2014 U.S./NATO pullout that Afghanistan will try to take their land back by force.  To give you an idea of how sensitive the issue is to Afghans, the British embassy officials did not hold a public press conference, but issued their statement by video conference.  But, when asked specifically about the Durand Line this is what they said: “Both Islamabad and Kabul understand Britain’s stance on Durand Line but I believe that it is not an appropriate time to disclose it in media considering the current situation.”-Adam Thomson, British envoy to Pakistan

21 November 2012

It looks like President Karzai is getting serious about his threats against the U.S. control of Bagram Prison: “The report presented to the President concluded that the MoU signed on the transfer of the Bagram prison to Afghan sovereignty has not been fully implemented by the Americans with instances of serious breach of the agreement noticed.”-report made to President Karzai by Afghan Attorney General and Ministry of Defense

Karzai then issued two orders: “Urgent actions must be taken to set free all the inmates that need to be released as per Afghanistan applicable laws……All those who have been imprisoned by the Americans after the signing of the MoU and which stands contrary to its provisions, must be transferred to Afghan side without any delay!”

Despite Karzai’s concerns over Afghans being held by the United States, he didn’t hesitate in signing rare execution orders for dozens of prisoners.  Unnamed Afghan officials say the executions involve people who are believed to be Mujahideen.  Mujahideen stated they will retaliate for the execution of any fellow freedom fighter.  The retaliation warning was specific about who would be targeted: “…heavy repercussions for lawmakers, courts and other related circles of the Kabul administration.”

In Kabul Province, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was attacked with: “…light and heavy weapons attacked an important office of the CIA in the center of Kabul and the fighting is continuing. The enemy has suffered heavy losses but a precise number can’t be determined at this time.”-Mujahideen statement

Kabul city officials confirmed the attack, saying two people were killed, one wounded.  A spokesperson for International Security Assistance Force said one ISAF vehicle was damaged.  The attack involved a suicide bomber, and took place near the U.S. embassy and the residence of an official with the Afghan Supreme Court.  Mujahideen say the target was the CIA.

For some reason, news of what’s happening in Afghanistan began drying up after 20 November.  And that even includes information from Mujahideen sources.

20 November 2012

In Ghazni Province, a local government supported militia, known as Arbakiyan, have been kidnapping and murdering people. In the most recent case, in Shulgar district, they assassinated a religious scholar and two other people.

In Kandahar Province, local government officials in Shahwalikot district report that  U.S./NATO personnel began a heliborne operation at 07:00 hours.  They say the ISAF raiders hit the villages of Faryaan, Shalizara, Gombat, Musa Karez and Haji Khel.  They destroyed homes and killed five civilians. The U.S. led operation lasted until the sun began to set.

The 2012 Afghanistan Opium Survey showed a another big year for opium farming in Afghanistan.  Despite a drop in actual opium production, and a 154% increase in government eradication, there was an increase in poppy cultivation. Overall poppy cultivation when up 18%, with some provinces seeing a huge jump in poppy fields.  Kunar Province had a 121% increase! The Survey estimates that some farmers are getting $196 USD per kilogram (2.2 pounds) for their opium!  Keep in mind it takes a lot of poppies to make 2.2 pounds of opium, so that doesn’t mean the individual farmers are getting rich.

In Kapisa Province, French troops began leaving.  The last of 400 troops left the province (they might be needed to retake the French mandate of Syria), but there are still about 2,000 French personnel in Afghanistan.

The Afghan Central Bank has revealed that billions in cash have been transferred out of Afghanistan.  For 2012 at least $3 billion USD has been illegally transfered to other countries.  Bank officials specifically named China and Korea, south, but said other countries were involved.  In 2011 $4.6 billion was stolen from Afghanistan’s banks by other countries.  To me this looks like Afghanistan is being used as a giant money laundering operation for crooked government officials around the world, and it’s the taxpayers of those countries that’re paying the price!





World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 13 – 15 November 2012. Germany says it wants out? Intense battle in Uruzgan! More illegal night raids!

15 November 2012

The United States began discussion with Afghan and Pakistani officials, regarding the planned pullout in 2014.  It turns out that U.S. officials want to make it possible to stay longer!  The talks also concern the ability of Afghan courts to put U.S. personnel on trial.

In Samangan Province, at least two U.S./NATO fueler trucks exploded.  Local police say they don’t know why.  Other reports say the trucks were destroyed by remotely detonated landmines.

14 November 2012

German Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle, and Defense Minister, Thomas de Maizière, suggested they could begin pulling out 1,000 German troops in 2013, ahead of the 2014 U.S./NATO withdrawal date. However, they pointed out that there will still be 3,300 German troops in Afghanistan at the end of 2014.

In Logar Province, Mujahideen assassinated two interpreters working for U.S./NATO.  The interpreters worked at Camp Shank.

In Uruzgan Province, an intense battle in the Char Chino district has been raging for two days. Mujahideen report that U.S./NATO/Afghan National Army (ANA) personnel are attempting to break a defensive line, that the Mujahideen have held for the past four years. Mujahideen report destroying one pick up truck, two armored vehicles, and killing dozens of ANA troops.  U.S./NATO aircraft have been conducting airstrikes.  One Mujahideen killed, four wounded.

In Helmand Province, people living in the Bawrhyo area, Marjah district, say U.S./NATO personnel conducted a night raid on a village. Mujahideen said they attacked the occupiers. The battle left left several people dead including two Mujahideen. Eight people were kidnapped by the U.S. led forces.

In Kandahar Province, Mujahideen attacked a U.S./NATO base near the Panjwai district.  Reports say an ammo dump caught fire after a rocket attack.  The fire burned for hours.  One U.S./NATO personnel was killed, ISAF stated: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died as a result of an explosion on an ISAF camp in southern Afghanistan today.” 

13 November 2012

In Kandahar Province, Panjwai district, a local cop joined the Mujahideen.

In Herat Province, the people of Guzara district say U.S. led NATO forces began raids on their homes. They retaliated by attacking the U.S. led troops. The result was one villager killed and one wounded.

In Kabul Province, three artillery rockets hit the city of Kabul. One person was killed, two wounded.

In Uruzgan Province, Char Chino district, a U.S./NATO minesweeper vehicle was destroyed, ironically, by a landmine. It might have been part of the U.S. led assault on a major Mujahideen defensive line.  The crew were medivaced (medical evacuation) out by two helicopters.  Also, in Khas Uruzgan district two local cops joined the Mujahideen.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned the KabulBank that no more loans would be forthcoming, if the bank didn’t make more progress towards adopting ‘western’ banking policies.

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 06 – 08 November 2012. Pakistan restores fuel deliveries to U.S./NATO. Aussie Diggers blown up! Proof the ICG is a government puppet! More U.S. airstrikes! U.S. backed policies encourage corruption. Obama will now focus U.S. attacks on Pakistan!

08 November 2012

Afghan government officials say now that Barack Obama is re-elected, you will see a shift from U.S. combat in Afghanistan to Pakistan: “Our demand from the U.S. President Barack Obama is to pay more attention on militants sanctuaries in Pakistan in a bid to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan and reduce the tension of the international community in Afghanistan.”-Ahmad Zia Seyamak Herawi, spokesman for President Hamid Karzai

Also: “The Democrat Party had four years of experience in Afghanistan and they are aware of the main issues of Afghanistan and specifically Pakistan which has a direct role in the situation of Afghanistan. The election Barack Obama as U.S. president will definitely help for a long term cooperation of Washington with Afghanistan.”-Abdullah Abdullah, National Coalition of Afghanistan

U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, James Cunningham, said: “President Obama remains committed for a long term strategic cooperation with the Afghan people.”

Interestingly, Pakistan announced it has re-started fuel supply for U.S./NATO forces, through the Kyber Pass.

Mujahideen leaders responded to Obama’s re-election: “Obama should use the opportunity provided by the American people in a better way. Washington should prevent from playing an international police role and should rather concentrate on its domestic issues.”-Zabiullah Mujahid

In Uruzgan Province, at least three Australian Diggers were wounded after the Bushmaster armored vehicle they were in ran over a landmine: “They got first aid at the scene before being evacuated by helicopter….Two have been discharged while the third has been transferred to Kandahar Air Field for further treatment.”-Captain Michael Spruce

In Laghman Province, five Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were killed after the vehicle they were in ran over a landmine.

In Paktia Province, local government officials are reporting that a U.S. airstrike killed 15 people.

In Helmand Province, five men, four women and one child were killed, and seven others wounded, when the bus they were in ran over a landmine.

In Nangarhar Province, just three nights after supposedly handing over night time raid operations to the ANA, U.S. forces conducted another illegal night time home invasion. According to locals a 12 years old boy was killed, and three people kidnapped.

In Kandahar Province, a suicide bomber using a motorcycle bomb, blew himself up at a police checkpoint killing three cops, wounding four.

In Herat Province, Afghan Water and Energy Minister, Mohammad Ismail Khan (who is also head of the new Mujahideen Council), has begun re-distributing confiscated weapons to the people of Herat Province.  This comes six days after Khan announced that the newly formed Mujahideen Council (in Herat) will take over military operations after U.S./NATO leaves in 2014.

07 November 2012

In Ghazni Province, an eight years old boy stabbed a cop to death then stole his assault rifle!  Also, Mujahideen remotely exploded a landmine, in an attempt to assassinate an ANA commander (they’re not sure if they were successful).

According to reports by Afghanistan’s National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) and the Ministry of Public Health, and the United Nations, increased vehicle traffic has caused an increase in lead poisoning cases in the city of Kabul.  In one study 80% of blood samples had lead.  Is it that gasoline fuel in Afghanistan must not be unleaded?

President Karzai left for Indonesia: “Five pacts will be signed during president Hamid Karzai’s visit to Indonesia which will include friendship pact, agreement on removal of visa requirements for political and service passports, agreement on mutual consultancy and agreement on cultural views exchange between Afghanistan and Indonesia.”

In Paktia Province, an ANA soldier joined the Mujahideen.

In Kandahar Province, a man talking on a phone was targeted and killed by U.S./NATO helicopters.  Also, two local cops joined the Mujahideen.

In Nuristan Province, local officials say U.S./NATO forces abandoned a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) base.

In Badghis Province, 15 local cops joined the Mujahideen. They also brought government supplied weapons with them, including 13 assault rifles, one machine gun and one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launcher.

In Zabul Province, Mujahideen say they ambushed a U.S. infantry patrol.  They admit they had to retreat when helicopters were called in.

06 November 2012

In Uruzgan Province, a U.S./NATO drone crashed near Kash mountain.  Mujahideen have launched a 12 day offensive operation in Chora district.

In Farah Province, one cop surrendered to Mujahideen.

In Herat Province, locals say Mujahideen have issued a warning, that no one should attend the funerals of police or Afghan government soldiers, as they will be targeted for militant attacks.  Another Mujahideen statement, in response to a recent statement by President Karzai, said they consider U.S. puppet Afghan government cops or soldiers to be traitors to Islam and therefore will target them even in a Mosque.

Also in Herat Province, a 25 years old woman was killed by her brother.  The family said they had her killed because the unmarried woman repeatedly left home without permission, apparently to meet with an uncle.  In a twist, local police are connected to the case, because they forcefully returned her to her family’s home the day before her family killed her.

In the United States, military prosecutors are asking for the death penalty against U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales.  Bales, married with two children, is accused of the “methodical” murder of several Afghan families.   Bales wife says he has no memory of the incident.  An Afghan investigation concluded that there was no way Bales could have done the murders by himself, as the locations were spread out over a large area and several bodies had been set on fire using fuel carried in heavy 5 gallon jerry cans.  The time line of the murders does not seem to allow Bales to kill all those people and then return to base to hand carry the fuel to set the bodies on fire.  U.S. Department of Defense, and several Republicans, believe Bales is a rogue soldier who somehow did all on his own.

The murders took place in the Panjwayi district of Kandahar.  The result is extreme hatred of U.S. forces in that area.  On 06 November 2012, Mujahideen reported that they routed a major offensive by U.S. forces.  They say the U.S. used armored and heliborne forces to assault Mujahideen positions in Panjwayi. U.S. forces retreated after two days of heavy fighting.

The Afghan government is threatening to throw out the International Crisis Group (ICG), after it issued a report saying the Afghan government couldn’t handle things after the U.S./NATO pullout in 2014.  Afghan officials also say the ICG report is clearly politically motivated.   ICG is suppossedly …an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation…”, yet, in response to the threats by Afghan officials, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen made a counter threat, warning the Afghan government not to interfere with the ICG!   So much for the ICG being “independent”!

On top of that, Rasmussen stated that U.S. led NATO could stay past the 2014 withdrawal date, regardless of what the United Nations says: “We can have activities in Afghanistan after 2014 if it was required by the Afghan government and this is completely in accordance with the international law. Besides, it would be very good if we have a designated mission by United Nation, but still, we can operate in Afghanistan upon the request of the Afghan government.”

In Logar Province, local officials say a U.S. drone strike targeted an apartment building, killing at least four people.

For awhile now, U.S./NATO/ISAF have stated that “Taliban” forces have decreased in number and strength.  Yet it’s obvious that is not true going by the number of attacks by Mujahideen against the occupiers.  Japanese NHK (Nippon Housou Kyoukai/Japan Broadcasting Corporation) recently aired a report which showed that U.S./NATO/ISAF officials are basing their claims on a program that pays Mujahideen, with cash and jobs, to stop fighting. However, NHK interviewed a Afghan religious leader who said: “Many farmers and unemployed people pretend to be Taliban to the government so they can get cash and work. The government is giving the wrong impression by saying the group [Taliban/Mujahideen] is weakening.”-Mullah Maruf, Islamic scholar

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 02 – 05 November 2012. Mujahideen to officially take over after U.S./NATO leaves! Afghanistan takes over nighttime home invasions! Military pact with Germany approved. More U.S. airstrikes against civilians! Afghan officials disappear in the United States! Pakistan & India pleads with the U.S. to stay in Afghanistan!

05 November 2012

ISAF said: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died as a result of a non-battle related injury in southern Afghanistan today.”

In Kabul Province, the body guards of a government official got into a firefight with Afghan National Police.  There is no official explanation, however a local police official says there might have been confusion as police were also battling bank robbers at the same time.

The Afghan Special Forces have officially taken over the dubious job of night time raids, from the U.S.: “We are conducting night time operations in a way where Afghan special forces are knocking the doors where suspected insurgents are hiding and call on the house residents to come out of the house and female Afghan special are taking in part in operations where required to inspect the women. The operations have become totally under the control of the Afghan  forces and there has been no civilians casualties so far.”-General Syed Abdul Karim, Afghan Special Forces

In Farah Province, Afghan Special Forces claim to have killed seven Mujahideen, and captured 30.  Mujahideen claim two local police/militia members joined the Mujahideen.

In Helmand Province, a local policeman joined the Mujahideen.

President Hamid Karzai is meeting with his Indian counterpart, on the prowl for more money for Afghan military and mining industries.  India is already one of the biggest international donors to Afghanistan, having already donated $2.3 billion USD.  China has already stated that they will help fund and train the Afghan military after the U.S./NATO leaves in 2014.

In Ghazni Province, local officials say local Mujahideen fought Pakistani Mujahideen. Four people were killed.  Local government officials say the fight was the result of arguments.

In Parwan Province, a fueler on its way to Bagram airbase blew up.  No indication that it was the result of an attack.

In Wardak Province, local government officials claim that another U.S. airstrike has killed five civilians.

In Kandahar Province, Afghan intelligence (National Directorate of Security) arrested the boss of a local religious reform council. They claim he was about to join the Mujahideen.  However, a local provincial official said the whole thing was a misunderstanding and they are working to get the religious leader released.

04 November 2012

The Afghan Senate approved a long term strategic pact with Germany.  Germany will give Afghanistan $193 million, every year, to support police and military forces after U.S./NATO leaves in 2014.

In Daykundi Province, two local cops surrendered to Mujahideen.  (Mujahideen have also been making the names of those who surrender, or join them, public)

In Badghis Province, two cops joined the Mujahideen.

In Helmand Province, Mujahideen say U.S./NATO personnel abandoned their outpost near Haji Abdul Ali Aka village.  Mujahideen also claim they attacked an ISAF contingent from the country of Georgia. They claim to have destroyed four armored vehicles, killed eight Georgians and wounded four others.

In Herat Province, Mujahideen claim an Italian/NATO tank ran over a land mine, wounded all four crewman.

Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, made a surprise visit to Afghanistan. He assured Afghan leaders that Italy will continue to support them even after the 2014 U.S./NATO pullout date.

Afghan intelligence (National Directorate of Security) officials say they are launching an investigation as to what happened to two Afghan NDS agents who disappeared while in the United States: “Based on the report two senior Afghan intelligence officials have disappeared in U.S. They are junior officials and are not among the decision makers.”-Shahfiqullah Tahiri, NDS

According to U.S. media, the two Afghan agents were supposed to meet up with U.S. official in Washington DC, but never showed up.  They were supposedly going to take part in an elite executive training program called the George C. Marshall Center Advanced Security Studies program.

03 November 2012

On the Baghlan-Kunduz highway, a convoy of U.S./NATO armored vehicles struck a car, injuring at least four people (one reported in critical condition).

In Laghman Province, a Muslim cleric was assassinated when he was hit with machine gun fire.  Recently, President Karzai said such attacks are not being carried out by Muslims.

In Ghor Province, local government officials confirmed that two policemen left their posts and joined the Mujahideen.

In Farah Province, a U.S./NATO/Afghan National Army convoy was ambushed.  Mujahideen claim they captured two cars and a Toyota truck.

In Kandahar Province, a local security boss was assassinated by explosion, and several cops were wounded.  They were conducting security checkpoint inspections.

In Zabul Province, a local cop joined the Mujahideen.

United Kingdom’s Foreign Minister, William Hague, claims proper steps have been taken to reduce Green on Blue attacks.  They include cultural awareness education for Red Coat British forces, and increased surveillance of Afghan government forces.

Pakistan’s former ambassador to United States, Hussain Haqqani, said: “Instead of signalling eagerness to exit Afghanistan, Washington should be demonstrating that the United States is willing to stay for as long as necessary.”

Haqqani says if the U.S./NATO leaves then surely there will be another 9/11 attack.

02 November 2012

In Helmand Province, at least four Afghan National Police cops were killed by fellow cops. Mujahideen claim five cops were killed, and they were killed by six cops who then joined the Mujahideen.

In Saripul Province, four local cops join the Mujahideen.

In Balkh Province, reports say four Norwegian/NATO troops were wounded after they drove over a landmine.

Former Indian Foreign Secretary, Krishnan Srinivasan, begged the U.S. to stay in Afghanistan because “The Taliban are likely to return to power fairly quickly and easily.”

Isn’t amazing how many countries are afraid of a group that was once considered backward and weak?

According to the Afghan Water and Energy Ministry, an official Mujahideen group is being formed to take over military operations in Herat Province.  It will consist of “thousands” of local Mujahideen, and replace U.S./NATO personnel when they leave (the very same Mujahideen that the U.S./NATO forces are fighting!): “We will support our National Police and National Army service members and the Mujahideen fighters will be ready to assist the Afghan security forces if any security issue threatens Afghanistan.”-Mohammad Ismail Khan, Chief of the Mujahideen Council, and Afghan Water and Energy Minister

The Asian Development Bank says Afghanistan’s explosive economic growth will slow down, to only 6.5% in 2013!  Remember when the U.S. used to have that kind of economic growth?

U.K. High Court considers U.S. rendition and detaining of “enemy combatants” a War Crime!

“The, presumably forcible, transfer of Mr Rahmatullah from Iraq to Afghanistan is, at least prima facie, a breach of article 49. On that account alone, his continued detention post-transfer is unlawful…….Instead he has been imprisoned by the U.S.A., which takes a different view of the requirements of international law, and accepts no limitations on its right to detain in these circumstances….”-written statement from Supreme Court judges, Lord Carnwath and Lady Hale.

“The U.K. government has nowhere left to turn. The highest court in the country has expressed serious concerns that grave war crimes may have been committed as a result of which a police investigation must be initiated without delay.”-Kat Craig, a legal director of activist organization Reprieve

“The government’s attempts to row back on centuries of constitutional development and restrict the reach of habeas corpus has been rejected by the highest court in the land!”-Jamie Beagent, attorney representing a man who was renditioned out of Iraq in 2004, and is still under U.S. control at Bagram Prison, Afghanistan

On 31 October 2012, the United Kingdom’s Supreme Court ruled that the ongoing rendition of so called enemy combatants by the United States, is a war crime!

The court opinion came after a group trying to get a man freed from eight years of secret imprisonment failed.  The group called Reprieve, petitioned the British high court to force the United States to make the man available so they can challenge the legality of his imprisonment in court.

The man, from Pakistan, was detained by British troops in Iraq in 2004.  The Red Coats handed him over to U.S. forces, who then secretly sent him to Bagram Prison in Afghanistan.

Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states that no enemy combatant can be taken to another country while detained.  The group Reprieve wants the U.S. to explain why they violated the Geneva Convention, if the man was considered an enemy combatant.

If the man was not considered an enemy then they want to know on what grounds the U.S. continues to detain him (if he’s even still alive).

The U.K. court refused Reprieve’s request to force the British government to demand the United States explain itself, but did agree that the policy of rendition, carried out under a Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. and U.K., is illegal under international law: “This powerful [U.K.] Supreme Court decision has huge ramifications. Clearly there will now have to be a full criminal investigation. But if the U.S. has ‘dishonored’ its commitment to the U.K. in this case for the first time in 150 years, and continues to violate law as basic as the Geneva Conventions, this also throws other extradition agreements with the U.K. into doubt.”-Clive Stafford Smith, director & founder of Reprieve

World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 26 – 29 October 2012. Mujahideen continue steady attacks across the country! ISAF says they will not protect Afghan borders! Bin Laden & Taliban supporters to mediate peace talks! U.S. agents detain Pakistani official in Canada!

29 October 2012

In Wardak Province, Mujahideen ambushed U.S. and Afghan National Army troops.  The U.S. and ANA personnel were conducting assessments of local police checkpoints.  They were attacked with assault rifles and RPGs.  U.S. officials claim they killed three Mujahideen.

In Helmand Province, at least two ANA soldiers were killed (some reports say four) when the vehicle they were in ran over a landmine.

Despite the fact that U.S. officials continue to claim we are there to provide security to Afghanistan, ISAF officials said they are not there to protect Afghanistan’s borders: “In the first Bonn conference in December 2001 there was a proposal of the Afghan delegation to include the protection of the border of Afghanistan in one of the annexes. Actually this annex was part of the Bonn proposal however, this annex never made it into our mandate that we received from the United Nations.”-Brigadier General Günter Katz, International Security Assistance Force

The Afghan High Peace Council revealed that Saudi Arabia will mediate peace talks between Mujahideen and the Afghan government.  It must be remembered that it was Saudi Arabia that supported Osama bin Laden and, along with Pakistan, eventually supported the creation of the Taliban (“Students”) political party.  Saudi Arabia also officially recognized the Taliban government.  Analysts say this time the Saudi’s are concerned about blowback: “Saudi Arabia is in a situation to support the Afghan peace talks not only because of the moral stance of Saudi in this regard but also they should consider the post 2014 situation in Afghanistan which will threaten the national security of Saudi Arabia if necessary steps have not been taken to eliminate insurgency in South Asia.”-Nasrullah Stanekzai

Saudi Arabia is also spending $100 million USD to build a huge Mosque/madrasa in Afghanistan.  They claim it will house 5,000 university aged students.

In Ghazni Province, five people were killed and four detained by U.S./ANA forces.  Officials claim they were all Mujahideen, but locals say at least one civilian man and one civilian woman were killed.  Officials say the U.S./ANA operation started Sunday night and continued until Monday morning.

Afghan elected official, Ramazan Bashar Doost, said that while the U.S. is offering a $25 million reward for the arrest of Mullah Omar, the U.S. has been in contact with Mulla Omar the whole time!   Doost also says the U.S. is actually funding not only Pakistan’s ISI, but Afghan Mujahideen groups as well.

28 October 2012

In Canada, Pakistani elected official, Imran Khan, was detained by U.S. agents: “I was taken off from plane and interrogated by U.S. Immigration in Canada on my views on drones. My stance is known. Drone attacks must stop!”-Imran Khan

Imran Khan is also the Pakistani official who said war in Afghanistan was justified Jihad.  Khan was on his way to New York anyway, so why couldn’t the U.S. wait until he arrived there?

Afghan intelligence, aka National Directorate of Security (NDS), told Pakistani officials that the man they claim is behind the shooting of a teenaged Pakistani girl is not in Afghanistan.

27 October 2012

In Ghor Province, local government officials say 13 people were kidnapped.  However, police say they do not know who did the kidnapping, and they don’t know the identities of those kidnapped!

The British Red Coat Ministry of Defence said the deaths of one Royal Marine and one Royal Army medic was not the result of fratricide (Blue on Blue).  However, the two Red Coats died (as well as a Afghan National Policeman performing Muslim prayers) after two British patrols fired on each other.  The MoD stated: “…the deaths of Corporal O’Connor and Corporal Day were caused by a third party or parties whose identities have yet to be established but who are not U.K. personnel.”

An investigative reporter says Green on Blue attacks are not caused by insurgents, but by the way U.S./NATO personnel treat Afghans: “These attacks are motivated by grudges, by people who are unhappy with the people they are coming in contact with in the U.S. and NATO military forces, but also by the broader context of what they hear and see these forces are doing in Afghanistan specifically for example breaking into people’s homes and taking away the males in these homes and detaining them.”-Gareth Porter

26 October 2012

In Ghazni Province, the bodies of six people were found on the Kabul-Kandahar highway. They had been shot. Police believe the victims were traveling to see relatives for the Eid holiday.

The Wall Street Journal said Afghan sources claim Iran has infiltrated Afghanistan through charity organizations.  Sources claim Iran can now muster up to 20,000 Afghans at one time for militant activities, making Iran a greater threat than Pakistan.

In Farah Province, an NDS agent was attacked by Mujahideen. Several people were wounded and the a gunman was arrested. No info on what happened to the  NDS agent.

ISAF said:  “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an insurgent attack in western Afghanistan today.”

In Faryab Province, a suicide bombing killed at least 40 people, and wounded 50.  It appears the Provincial governor and local police chief were the targets. It happened at a Mosque.  President Hamid Karzai said the attacks made against Muslims while they are praying in Mosques are not being made by Muslims, suggesting the attacks are really being instigated by non-Muslims (like non-Muslims from the United States or Europe).

Recently the grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia declared that suicide attacks by Muslims against Muslims was unforgivable.



World War 3: U.S. occupation of Afghanistan; 22 – 25 October 2012. Cops kill U.S. troops! Australian & Italian soldiers killed! Wives killing husbands! Red Coats killing Red Coats! U.S. supports British created Pakistani border!

25 October 2012

In Faryab Province, a major battle broke out. Afghan government officials claim they killed 25 Mujahideen, and five Afghan National Police troops were killed.

In Farah Province, one Italian soldier was killed, three wounded, after someone open fired on them.  No one knows who did it.

In Uruzgan Province, two U.S. personnel were killed by an Afghan National Policeman:“Two U.S. Forces -Afghanistan service members died after an individual wearing an Afghan National Police uniform turned his weapon against them in Khas Uruzgan, Uruzgan.”-ISAF statement

Also, in the same province, there are reports that an Afghan National Army soldier killed one Australian Digger, and wounded another.  The shooting took place inside a military compound, the ANA soldier got away.

In Helmand Province, two British Royal Marines Red Coats died.  They had been wounded in a firefight in Nahr-e Saraj district the day before.

In Baghlan Province, reports say various police units attacked each other.  Three cops were killed.  Local government officials say the fight broke out after national police ignored warnings from local police.

In Herat Province, a local cop was killed by his wife, and his daughter.  His wife confessed and said he was forcing her and her daughter to commit illicit acts.  The cop just happened to be the boss of the local girls’ hostel.

24 October 2012

In Helmand Province, a confused battle resulted in British Red Coats killing Afghan government forces, and themselves!  According to local government officials two joint Afghan-British patrols, in the Greshk district, mistook each other as Mujahideen: “A group of British troops opened fire on an Afghan national police [who was about to perform Muslim prayers] and killed him. [those] British troops were then attacked by a group of other British soldiers who were also patrolling in the area, killing two service members.”-Farid Ahmad Farhang, Helmand security official

In Farah Province, a district official and a cop were assassinated by explosion.  Two bodyguards were wounded. The official was performing night inspections of security check points.

Spanish officials announced that they will pull their troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2013.

23 October 2012

ISAF said: “A U.S. Forces-Afghanistan service member died following an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan today.”

U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, James Cunningham, confirmed statements that said the United States supports the British empire created border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.  Known as the Durand Line, the British took land away from Afghanistan in order to create a buffer zone between Afghanistan and British controlled India in 1893.  Latter the British kept that area as part of the new Pakistan in 1947.  Afghan officials have refused to recognize the Durand Line: “The status of the Durand Line is a matter of historic importance for the Afghan people. The Afghan government therefore rejects and considers irrelevant any statement by anyone about the legal status of this line.”-recent Afghan government statement

USMC General John R. Allen admits U.S. forces are killing children, and tried to make up for it by apologizing: “ISAF has completed its initial assessment of the circumstances of the October 20 operation against known insurgents in Baraki Barak district, Logar province. In addition to the insurgents killed during the operation, ISAF may be responsible for the unintended, but nonetheless tragic, death of three Afghan civilians.  I offer my sincerest condolences to the families of the civilians that were killed. Additionally, I am committed to ensuring we do the right thing for the families of those harmed and we will meet with them personally to offer a condolence payment and express our deep regrets. Protecting Afghan civilians is the cornerstone of our mission. We maintain our commitment to take all appropriate actions to minimize the likelihood of similar occurrences in the future as we assist the Afghan people in their battle against the enemies of peace and stability.”

Allen mentions 20 October, but there were also U.S. killings of innocents on 14 & 16 October.

In Zabul Province, Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, claims U.S./NATO forces kidnapped three civilians.  Karzai ordered the provincial governor to investigate U.S./NATO forces, he also condemned the 20 October U.S. attack that killed children.

In Nuristan Province, local government officials say a battle is taking place with Afghan government forces and Mujahideen.  Several people have been killed including one child.

In Herat Province, local government officials say a large battle resulted in the deaths of as many as 10 cops and soldiers. Several more cops are missing.  Their joint patrol was ambushed by Mujahideen.   The police/army patrol was out trying to rescue aid workers who had also been ambushed.

In Laghman Province, a U.S./NATO patrol was ambushed. The ambush took place as the vehicle patrol passed through Basram village.  Mujahideen claim they hit one armored vehicle with RPGs, killing all on board.

British Red Coat Ministry of Defence announced they are doubling the number of their assassination drones in Afghanistan.  They will bring in five more Reaper drones, specifically for use in Helmand Province.

22 October 2012

In Ghazni Province, Mujahideen claim to have killed five U.S./NATO personnel.

In Wardak and Kandahar provinces, at least eight people were killed by U.S./NATO airstrikes.

In Khost Province, two cops were killed, four wounded, by explosion.

Pakistan claims Afghanistan is hiding the mastermind behind the attempted assassination of a 14 years old Pakistani girl activist.

Protestors blocked the Kandahar-Kabul highway in the city of Qalat.  They are protesting the fact that Afghans killed while in the custody of U.S./NATO forces are rarely being returned to their families.  In one recent case, three people killed by U.S./NATO forces, and then buried by their families, had their graves blown up by U.S./NATO forces.

ISAF announced: “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan October 21.”