Tag Archives: oil

Iran may act to stop Sunni Arab invasion of Shia Bahrain

“The Saudi’s should know for a fact that Tehran will use all the power and potentials at its disposal to halt the oppression of the people of Bahrain.”said Iranian lawmaker Hossein Naqavi.

Majority Sunni Arab countries invaded majority Shia Arab Bahrain, in order to protect the Sunni rulers there from the Shia revolution.  Iran and Bahrain are majority Shia Muslim countries.

Iran has asked the UN to take action.  The United Nations, pushed by France, U.K. & U.S.,  has authorized military force against Libya, supposedly to protect the revolutionaries there.

A Bahraini women, who is Sunni, is supporting the Shia rebels; “The government is making this a sectarian issue. I see the way my [Shia] friends are treated and I came here to show solidarity.”

The headquarters of the U.S. 5th Fleet is in Bahrain.

Libya agrees to ceasefire, U.K. & France preping for military action

Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa announced that Libya will accept a ceasefire with rebels.

Libyan officials believe the UN Security Council resolution allows the Libyan government to use force in order to protect civilians.

France and United Kingdom say they are preparing for military action. Spain and Norway announced they are prepared to join the enforcement of a no fly zone.

President Obama will make an announcement this afternoon.  It is expect that two Arab nations will be named as taking part in the no fly zone operation, Qatar is expected to be one of those countries.

The United States, United  Kingdom, France are members of the UN Security Council, and voted for the no fly zone.  China, Russia, Germany, India and Brazil are also members, but abstained, they will not help with the no fly zone.

Japan Disaster start of Global Great Depression

For a third day, the DOW fell big, along with other U.S. stock markets.  Stock markets around the world being affected. This is because Japan has become the “parts” supplier to the global economy.  Auto parts to electronic chips are made in Japan.  This production has come to a virtual stand still.  One analyst said that if this situation lasts a few weeks (best case) consumers can expect noticeable increases in prices.

It must be remembered that the Great Depression, that hit the United States in the 1930s, was not solely caused by the investment/finance crash of ’29.  What put the U.S. into a Great Depression was the loss of its main industry at the time; agriculture. Because of the quake, tsunami, and now nuclear disaster, Japan has essentially lost its main industries.

Until the Second World War, agriculture was the biggest industry in the U.S.  Most Americans worked in farming, or agriculture related jobs.  The industry was hit by a disaster that was a combination of Mother Earth, and man made.  The plain states, and mid west, had been dealing with a major drought, and,   farming techniques destroyed the top soil.  This is where the term “Dust Bowl” came from.

The result was that hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their jobs and their homes, just from the collapse of the agriculture industry. Combined with the losses of the finance/investment industries (which affected manufacturing) this created the Great Depression.

The World is already in a major financial crisis, bigger than what hit the world prior to the Great Depression in the U.S. (other countries, like Germany had already experience a depression). Now we have the natural/man made disasters that could push the World into a Great Depression.

Never before have the economies of the World been so tied together.  We have a dominoes situation. Japan, being a major parts supplier, could be the dominoe that starts the fall.

French Government Cracks Down, Because they want to go on Holiday

On the day the French Senate is to vote on a controversial retirement plan, French police have been ordered to crack down on protesters.  The first plan of attack for the police; get the oil refineries running again.

French gendarmes stand next to the entrance of the Grandpuits oil refinery southeast of Paris October 22, 2010 as striking workers continue to block the refinery. Police took over the Total installation, the CGT union said on Friday, in an attempt to end a blockade by workers striking over a planned reform of the pensions system. Police were expected to bring in workers who are not on strike later in the day. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier (FRANCE - Tags: POLITICS ENERGY EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST)

The French government issued a ‘requisition’ order, which means they believe the strikes threaten public order.  A recent poll shows that 69% of the French support the strikes, but, when asked specifically about the shut down of the oil refineries the support drops to 52%.   It looks like the French government’s crackdown is actually motivated by upcoming November holidays.  Prime Minister Francois Fillon’s office issued this statement; “At a time when many French people wish to travel for the November 1 holiday weekend, it is in everyone’s interest to make all necessary efforts to return the situation to normal, which will take several more days.”

ATTENTION EDITORS : FRENCH LAW REQUIRES THAT THE FACES OF MINORS ARE MASKED IN PUBLICATIONS WITHIN FRANCE A high school student holds a sign as students French police during a demonstration over pension reform at Place Bellecour in Lyon October 21, 2010. France faced another day of strikes and confrontation on its streets on Thursday as the government grappled to restore fuel supply with senators just a few days away from voting on pension reform. The sign reads, Police everywhere, justice nowhere .  REUTERS/Robert Pratta (FRANCE - Tags: POLITICS EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST EDUCATION)

French high school and university students continued to protest.  Trash collectors joined the strikes as well.

The delay on the Senate vote is because 250 amendments, to the retirement bill, are being argued over.

Venezuela & Iran Working to Create New, New World Order

On Wednesday, October 20th, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, announced they had signed several energy deals, and, that they are working towards a new world order of their own.   Ahmadinejad stated; “We are united and determined to end the current injustice which dominates the world and replace it with a new world order based on justice.”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad embraces Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez during a welcoming ceremony for Chavez in Tehran, Iran on October 19, 2010.   UPI/Maryam Rahmanian Photo via Newscom

Ahmadinejad also said; “If one day, my brother Mr Chavez and I and a few other people were once alone in the world, today we have a long line of revolutionary officials and people standing alongside each other. The enemies of our nations will go one day. This is the promise of God and the promise of God will definitely be fulfilled.”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez during a welcoming ceremony for Chavez in Tehran, Iran on October 19, 2010.   UPI/Maryam Rahmanian Photo via Newscom

An example of how ignorant our government, and U.S. political advisers, have gotten, foreign policy analyst, Rick Casper said this deal between Iran and Venezuela was proof that U.S. sanctions are working.  What an idiot!  He also said; “There is no other country willing to do business with Iran except Venezuela.” Idiot!  Who do you think is building Iran’s nuclear power plant?  Russia!  Iran also has deals with China, and many Central Asian countries, as well as European countries.  This is the level of intelligence of U.S. foreign policy analysts?

French Strikers Kickin’ Ass, viva Nouvelle Révolution Française!

French strikes continue, should we dare call it Nouvelle Révolution Française?  Even French high school students are going head to head with riot police!  Today, the students have blockaded schools and set fire to cars.  Strikes actually started more than a month ago, and have only gotten bigger, viva les Français!

ATTENTION EDITORS - FRENCH LAW REQUIRES THAT THE FACES OF MINORS ARE MASKED IN PUBLICATIONS WITHIN FRANCE.  High school students shout slogans as they block the entrance of the Thiers high school to demonstrate over pension reform in Marseille October 18, 2010. The banner reads High school students on strike .  REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier (FRANCE - Tags: EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS EDUCATION CIVIL UNREST)

According to the French news agency, AFP, around 1500 gas stations have run out of fuel.  Workers at 11 of France’s 12 oil refineries have joined the country wide strike, protesting a two year raise in retirement.

French striking workers block the entrance of the oil refinery of Grandpuits, east of Paris, October 18 , 2010. France started to tap its industry strategic reserves as a growing number of pumps in French petrol stations were drying up on Monday at the start of a second week of action by refinery and port strikers to block fuel supplies over an unpopular pension reform bill.  REUTERS/Benoit Tessier (FRANCE - Tags: CIVIL UNREST EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS ENERGY)

On Sunday French truck drivers joined the strike, blocking the country’s major highways.  Half of all airline flights in and out of France have been canceled.

French striking truck drivers demonstrate over pension reform on a motorway near Fresnes-les-Montauban, northern France, October 18, 2010. French truck drivers staged go-slow operations on highways, rail strikes intensified and petrol stations ran out of fuel on Monday as protests gathered pace ahead of a Senate vote on an unpopular pension overhaul. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol (FRANCE - Tags: CIVIL UNREST EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS TRANSPORT)

This is a major event taking place in Europe, with implications for the United States, yet, the U.S. Media is barely covering it.  Why?  Maybe it’s because the Corporate Controlled U.S. Media, and our Government, doesn’t want us getting any ideas?

The amazing thing is that the French are striking over a proposed two year increase to their retirement age, it hasn’t even become law.  Actually the retirement age issue is the final straw for most French.  They’re tired of constantly getting screwed over by their leaders.  Which brings me to my point, again, what’s up America?  We’ve endured so much more hyperbole here in the United States, yet where is the public outrage?

Maybe Americans are waiting for November elections to see change.  Idiots!  How many generations of Americans have played that losing game?  History shows that we the People have only gotten screwed over and over by our so called leaders!

Thomas Jefferson, a founder of the United States, and our 3rd President, warned:  “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing [a people] to slavery.” —Thomas Jefferson: Rights of British America, 1774. (*) ME 1:193, Papers 1:125

Wake Up America!

Plastic Grocery Bags, Recycle Them!

Ok, I was watching a local East Idaho TV news program. They ran a national story about getting sick from reusable grocery bags. What got me was in their intro to the story they said that plastic grocery bags just ended up in the landfill. Well not if you recycle them!

When plastic grocery bags first went into use one of the main selling points is that they are recyclable, and therefore will not fill up landfills. The reason they end up in your local dump is because shoppers are not bringing them back to the stores to be recycled.

The Walmart in Chubbuck has bins for dropping off your old plastic grocery bags. So does the Fred Meyer in Pocatello. I believe you can recycle them at your local WINCO. If you’re not sure go ask someone at the Customer Service counter at your favorite store. Just make sure your bags aren’t covered in schmutz.

Why spend money on reusable grocery bags, that they now say may be germ factories, when you can use free plastic grocery bags THAT ARE 100% RECYCLABLE? Please don’t throw them in the trash!

And guess what, it’s not just plastic grocery bags you can recycle. Bread bags, cereal box liner bags & more. Here’s a website for more info on plastic bag recycling: www.plasticbagrecycling.org

No Glass or Styrofoam Recycling in SE Idaho?

Today I was dropping off my recyclables at the dumpsters next to Pocatello City Hall, when a city employee told me I was wasting my time dropping off the glass and styrofoam. He said the glass and styrofoam dumpster went straight to the landfill.

This is not the first time I’ve heard this. Many years ago the folks at the local Pacific Steel & Recycling told me the same thing. Well, I’ve had lots of arguments over the years with residents (and even my kids argued with some of their grade school teachers) who believe that you can recycle glass and styrofoam locally. After the City of Pocatello labeled a small dumpster for glass and styrofoam I thought, maybe I was wrong. Nope, the city employee confirmed that the glass and styrofoam is not recycled. His reason was the same reason Pacific Steel & Recycling gave me years ago; no local south eastern Idaho glass or styrofoam recyclers/manufacturers, and it is too expensive to ship out of the area. It’s just thrown in the local landfill.

I decided to double check this, and sure enough, looking at the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality website (www.deq.idaho.gov), there are no glass or styrofoam recyclers in south eastern Idaho. The nearest Eastern Idaho recycler taking glass is in the City of Driggs, in Teton County, which is about 125 miles northwest of where I live. There are glass recyclers in North Central Idaho, Central Idaho, Western Idaho, Southern Idaho and Northern Idaho, but not in the south eastern part of Eastern Idaho (and only the one in all of Eastern Idaho). Most recycled glass, in the areas of Idaho that do recycle it, end up being used in road projects.

The DEQ website lists Adams County (on the west side of Idaho) as a styrofoam recycler, but, when I checked their web site I couldn’t find any mention of styrofoam recycling (www.co.adams.id.us). It looks like there’s no styrofoam recycling anywhere in Idaho.

So why did the City of Pocatello label a recycling dumpster for glass and styrofoam? The city employee said they got tired of people throwing glass and styrofoam into the dumpsters labeled for cardboard, plastic or aluminum & tin (even though there’s numerous signage asking people not to). So they simply grabbed a small dumpster and labeled it for glass and styrofoam, and haul it to the dump when it’s full.