Tag Archives: oil

Two faced Obama wants Gaddafi out, but says we’re not trying to bomb him, after we try to bomb him

Almost from day one of the so called revolution in Libya, President Obama said “It’s time for Gaddafi to go.”   He didn’t say that about Mubarak, not for several weeks of the Egyptian Revolution anyway.

Obama has said many times he wanted Gaddafi out.  Then Gaddafi’s compound is bombed by coalition forces, and the official statement from coalition leaders is that they were not trying to bomb Gaddafi. That’s one dumb smart bomb then.

Here is what Obama said today: “Now, I also have stated that it is U.S. policy that Gadhafi needs to go.” President Obama has basically admitted that trying to get rid of Gaddafi IS what he’s trying to do.   Obama then goes on to admit that UNSCR 1973 does not allow him to do that: “But when it comes to the military action, we are doing so in support of U.N. Resolution 1973 that specifically talks about humanitarian efforts, and we are going to make sure we stick to that mandate.”

Obama also says he’s hoping that other “tools” will be used to allow the Libyan people to kick Gaddafi out.  Remember, UNSCR 1973 is supposed to be about protecting peaceful civilians, not regime change.   Lies. lies and more lies!

Rebels declare themselves the new Government & Oil Company of Libya

What happened to democracy?  The Libyan rebels declared themselves as the new government, with no democratic anything before hand, and several European governments have already recognized the rebels as the true government of Libya.

To top that the rebels, calling themselves The Transitional National Council, have now declared themselves as the new oil officials of Libya.  Already several European countries announced that they will be making oil deals with this “government” of Libya.

Not only that but the rebels have already set up their own central bank to handle oil transaction deals, sure sounds like this “revolution of the people for democracy” is all about oil.

Canada joins fight against Libya

Canadian aircraft are helping to enforce the bogus no fly zone over Libya, as well as Canadian naval vessels, 380 Canadian troops, including pilots and ground crews, are in the Mediterranean Sea.

“This morning, four CF-18 fighter aircraft and two CC-150 Polaris strategic air refuelers departed Italy and conducted patrols off the northern coast of Libya. “They did not fire upon any targets.” -Defense Minister Peter MacKay

European leaders Lie, this is about controling Libya’s oil, begining of WW3

Recently the European Union’s ambassador to the U.S. said Europe’s infatuation with the crisis in Libya was not about the oil. Lier!

Some European countries, like Austria, Ireland and Italy, get most of their oil from Libya.  Oil companies from France, Italy and Spain are involved in oil field operations in Libya.

The flow of oil to Europe was greatly reduced thanks to the violence involving so called peaceful protesters in Libya.  After all, why would Gaddafi destroy his main source of income?

Gaddafi has long suspected that the militant, yet somehow, peacefull protesters were supplied by Europe (that has been proven to be correct, Libyan rebels and arms dealers admitted to it).  Feeling betrayed by Europe Gaddafi announced, on March 14, that he was making new oil deals with China, India and Russia (and possibly Germany). Notice that those are the countries that abstained from voting on UNSCR 1973.

Then, just three days later, on March 17, the UN passes UNSCR 1973.  Wow, that was fast!

China and India have evacuated thousand of workers from Libya.

The Europeans have been losing out to the Chinese for several years now. In 2007 Libya hired Chinese companies to build an oil pipeline.  In 2009 the Europeans scared off the Chinese from making a huge oil deal with Libya.  Then in 2010 Libya announced a deal that would see 6 million barrels per month going to China.  In February 2011, China began evacuating some 20,000-30,000 oil field workers after they were attacked by peaceful protesters!  A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said that some Chinese companies “…had their local camp sites raided by gangsters….”

There is eveidence that many people in eastern Libya resented the Chinese oil workers, and actually viewed it as an invasion. Is it possible that European interests took advantage of the growing anti-asian sentiments?

It is clear by statements from Chinese oil workers that they were specifically targeted.  “Chinese companies in Libya are in a state of emergency, our projects are being raided and communications are down.” -online posting

When you look at the who’s who of those involved in Libyan oil production, and who wants Libya’s oil, it starts to look like this is a battle between East and West; Europe vs China.  Could this be the shot that starts World War 3?

Get ready for Oil prices to Jump, Economist say it could destroy Economy

Already, oil trading in Europe has seen oil prices jump $2.00 per barrel since Friday.

It is due to the attacks on Libya.

In a CNNMoney survey  16 out 23 leading economists say rising oil prices are the number one threat to any economic recovery.

Interestingly The Federal Reserve showed little concern over rising oil/fuel prices during its March 15 meeting.

General Motors continues to get hit by Japan disaster

As a result of the ongoing disaster in Japan, General Motors suspended all nonessential spending and global travel, a GM spokesman announced.

In addition, GM will suspend production in Spain, and cancel two shifts in Germany.

Even a small supplier of products that are fed to a bigger supplier that feeds the automaker’s assembly plants can delay or halt vehicle production.

Think of the “always a bigger fish” example, but in reverse.  If there are no little fish to eat, what can the bigger fish do?

Oil Speculators are War Mongers. Was UN Resolution pushed because of crashing oil prices?

When Japan got hit by the massive quake/tsunami, and then the nuclear power plant disaster, world oil prices dropped.  By a lot.

Prior to the Japan event, on March 10th, Brent crude oil closed at $115.60 per barrel. U.S. light sweet crude closed at $104.25.  Oil prices had been going up, and the “Libyan crisis” was blamed. “…mainly fueled by regime-toppling instability in the Middle East and North Africa.” -CNN/Money

March 11th, the Japan event and immediately oil prices began falling.  Brent crude fell to $113.67, U.S. crude $101.16.  By March 15th Brent crude had fallen to $108.52, U.S. crude $97.18.

From March 10th to March 15th Brent crude prices dropped by $7.10,  U.S. crude dropped by $7.07.

Then, suddenly, the United Nations announced it had passed a resolution authorizing any military action necessary to get rid of Gaddafi (an historic resolution by the way, it’s NOT a no fly zone).  This seemed to come out of no where.  What happened to oil prices?  Immediately oil price shot up: March 16th Brent crude closed at $110.62, U.S. crude $97.98.  March 17th: Brent crude $114.90, U.S. crude $101.42.    “The Middle East unrest outweighed concerns about radiation from a Japanese nuclear plant…” -Bloomberg

Another evidence of war mongering by speculators is that oil prices fell when Gaddafi announced a ceasefire.  March 18th (ceasefire announced) Brent crude closed $113.90, U.S. crude $101.07.

I speculate that British Brent crude prices are more sensitive because the British, along with the French, have a big stake in gaining control of Libya’s eastern oil fields.  After all, who got the biggest oil contract in Iraq? BP (British Petroleum).

Libya warned about ceasefire AND attacked by France at the same time

War monger Sarkozy said “If there is not an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal of the forces that have been attacking civilian populations in the last few weeks, our countries will have recourse to military means.”

French President Sarkozy made the statement around 17:30 (5:30pm) Libyan time, yet, while he was demanding a ceasefire French aircraft were already in Libyan airspace attacking Libyan aircraft.  Shortly after Sarkozy made the statement regarding ceasefire he admitted they were already attacking Libya:  “As of now, our aircraft are preventing planes from attacking the town. Our French aircraft are ready to intervene against tanks.”

Earlier in the day rebels apparently shot down a Libyan Su-24 (might have been a single engined MiG-23) attack aircraft.  The Sukhoi Su-24 is made in Russia (as is the MiG-23).  Also, there is video of rebels armed with the latest brand new short range anti aircraft missiles, it is not possible they “captured” them from Gaddafi’s forces.  Some rebels are wearing brand new U.S. BDU (Battle Dress Uniform, no longer used by U.S. forces) style desert camo uniforms.  To me it is clear that this “revolution” in Libya was planned by outside, non-Libyan parties.

President Obama told the U.S. Congress that the military operations against Libya would days, not weeks or months. He better be right. Don’t forget, his predecessor (Bush Jr) made similar comments about Iraq.

Russia says attacking Libya will validate WMDs for extremists

Alexei Arbatov, the head of the International Security Center of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said attacking Libya will prove that obtaining WMDs is necessary to keep from being attacked by the West.

“An attack against Libya would be a gift for all violators of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. If Libya becomes an object of a military operation, it will lead some countries to believe that no one would think of threatening Gaddhafi with a military operation now if he had not voluntarily given up his nuclear program several years ago.”

In order to receive financing from western countries, and gain favor from western governments,  Gaddafi revealed his WMD program and allowed international inspection and dismantlement of that program.  That’s why President Bush Jr removed Gaddafi from the terrorist list.  Now the West is about to attack him.

Arbatov says “This will lead Iran, Syria, and some other countries violating the non-proliferation regime to make a new powerful step towards obtaining nuclear weapons.”