Tag Archives: oil

More Proof we’re NOT protecting civilians, not even the REBELS, in Libya. Obama either a Fool or a bold faced lier

UN Security Council Resolution 1973, supposedly is about protecting Libyan civilians, yet there are many claims that civilians have been attacked by the UN mandated NATO led coalition forces. Even the Christian Vatican says civilians are being bombed.

Now the Libyan rebels say coalition aircraft have bombed them!

Rebels are reporting several different attacks on their forces, by NATO. In one attack a convoy of vehicles were bombed, in another rebel positions in an oil town was bombed. At least 13 rebels were killed.

NATO says they’re investigating, and implied that the rebels shot at their aircraft first.

This is so messed up. President Barack Obama insists this is about protecting civilians, which has proven false, or impossible to do. Obama has stated, even before the UN resolution, that he wanted Gaddafi out, so far that’s a failure. Obama said the U.S. would be out in a mater of “…days, not weeks!”, it took at least a week and a half to “officially” turn Operation Odyssey Dawn over to NATO (by the way the U.S. still controls NATO, so did we really give up control?).

I have presented many examples, in other postings, that this is all about oil for Europe, not promoting democracy. It’s so clear that the UN mandated coalition forces have no clear goal.  How could the Commander in Chief of U.S. forces (that’s Obama for those who don’t know) rush into such a tar pit?  Obama is either a fool, or a bold faced lier. (Given his INEXPERIENCE, I think he just a fool)



Sweden joins fight for Libya’s Oil, ooops, I mean fight to protect Civilians

Sweden announced they will be sending aircraft to enforce a no fly zone over Libya. The Swedish parliament voted 240-18 in favor of the plan.

They will send up to eight warplanes, including their JAS 39 Gripen, and a transport plane to join the NATO-led coalition.

This is almost getting to be like World War One, where countries jump in on the fight one after another, until the whole world is at war.

China to build bigger Navy, it’s the New Cold War baby!

In a report issued by the Chinese Navy, it is clear they expect some kind of military confrontation in the future, with the United States.

The report was released March 31.  It calls for increasing China’s ability to present a strategic deterrent and launch counterattacks at sea.  The report is also clear about who they think they might have to launch counterattacks against: The United States.

Their reasoning is that the United States is reinforcing its regional military alliances, and increasing its involvement in Asian security affairs.

Chinese military officials are hoping their government will increase spending on more high tech weaponry. Welcome to the New Cold War.

More proof Libya war is about oil, ‘Peaceful’ Rebels targeting oil towns

President Obama, Prime Minister Cameron, President Sarkozy all say the military action against Libya is about protecting peaceful civilians. It interesting that those peaceful civilians are attacking OIL towns.

That’s right, those peaceful rebels are not trying to implement regime change, they’re trying to take over all the oil towns.

Here’s a list of the cities ‘peaceful’ rebels have taken, or are attacking: Ajdabiya, Ras Lanuf, As Sidra, Benghazi, Brega and Misratah.  All these cities are connected to the oil industry in some way.

In Egypt, and Tunis, truly peaceful protesters focused their efforts in their country’s capitols. They wanted to be in the face of their unresponsive governments. Yet, almost from the start, what is happening in Libya is armed rebels attacking oil fields and oil cities. This is an all out military action, NOT peaceful protest!

In the last week of February China began evacuating their oil field workers from Libya, because they were being attacked by armed “gangs”.  These gangs deliberately destroyed all the Chinese equipment. These are not ‘peaceful’ protesters.

Rebel leaders, and Libyan arms dealers working in Egypt, have admitted that from early on they were being armed by the West.  President Obama, where are the peaceful Libyan protesters?

Printer Ink Shortage

Japan’s disasters just keep hitting everywhere, now printer ink.

Manufactures of printer ink have asked Japanese publishing companies to cut back on printing production because of ink shortage.

Last year there were concerns of ink/toner shortages, now it looks like Japan’s disaster has made that situation worse.

Ink/toner recyclers will probably benefit from this new shortage.


Iran sells refined gas to Afghanistan for the first time, nice to see other countries making money off our wars

“We have exported a 1,000-ton cargo of gasoline to Afghanistan this (Iranian year), and we are amidst negotiations to export the second and third cargoes to the country,”-Iranian Deputy Oil Minister Alireza Zeiqami

Ironically, Iran’s refined gas industry has gotten a boost from U.S. and European economic sanctions. So much so that Iran is negotiating new contracts with surrounding countries.

The latest sanctions against Iran forbids companies from selling refined gas to Iran.  As a result Iran increased its own fuel refining, and found out that its neighbors, like Afghanistan, wanted to buy it.

Iranian Oil Minister Massoud Mir-Kazzemi said their fuel refining has increased so much that that Iran no longer needs foreign imports.  So much for sanctions.

By the way, does anyone like the idea that were throwing billions of U.S. dollars down the drain in Afghanistan, while other countries make money off Afghanistan?  Where did Afghanistan get the money to buy the Iranian gas?