Tag Archives: martial law

World War 3, Martial Law False Flag U.S. Front: Questions arise about suspected shooter!

16 September 2013 (14:59 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/25 Shahrivar 1391/12 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

The 34 years old suspected, and now dead, shooter at the Washington DC Navy Sea Systems Command, was from New York.

He joined Naval Reserve and became full time member stationed at Fort Worth, Texas.  He received at least two military medals while in the Naval Reserve.  Discharged in 2011, a Petty Officer 3rd Class after four years of military service.

Law enforcement is now questioning earlier reports that he was a government contractor.   Naval police say they already engaged shooter before Washington DC police arrived, contradicting Washington DC police claims at mayor’s press conference.

Local Washington DC TV news reports say they talked to some of his former neighbors in Texas, who said the guy was peaceful and they can’t believe he would do this.

World War 3, Martial Law False Flag U.S. Front: Mayor’s press conference on Navy Sea Systems Command shooting

16 September 2013 (14:36 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/25 Shahrivar 1391/12 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

Washington DC mayor’s press conference stated still no motive for shooting, terrorism is not suspected.  Still unknown how gunman got into the Navy Sea Systems Command Building 197.  Police say they don’t have reason to believe there is a second gunman.  13 people dead, including suspected shooter.

One “person of interest” sought, said to be black man in military uniform.  Initial reports said he was seen leaving Navy base with “long gun”.

Federal Bureau of Investigation asking public for info on why the suspected 34 years old shooter came to Washington DC from Fort Worth, Texas.

Police chief, Cathy Lagnier, said various police personnel from different agencies engaged gunman in final battle.  She also said police personnel are still “actively engaged” but gave no details.

Congresswoman asks public to keep an open mind regarding the investigation of the shooting!


World War 3, Martial Law False Flag U.S. Front: Why Lone Gunman theory at Navy Sea Systems Command shooting has to be bogus!

16 September 2013 (14:01 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/25 Shahrivar 1391/12 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

Washington DC TV news reports say police are leaning towards Lone Gunman theory in the shootings at U.S. Navy Sea Systems Command, Building 197.

Initial police dispatch communications said shooter armed with shotgun, yet witnesses reported that victims were being shot sniper style with rifled ammo.

One witness reported that a shooter shot over her head, seemingly deliberately.  One local TV news reporter stated that the majority of witnesses said they could not see any shooter, or where the bullets were coming from.  They just heard multi-rounds being fired and hitting nearby.

TV news reports said people in Building 197 reported that rifled bullets went right through the walls.  Many Navy military and civilian personnel reported multi-shootings going on at different places at same time.

Reports say suspected shooter from Texas, now dead, approached security guard armed with shotgun and semi-auto rifle, and had a security clearance of former Sea Systems Command employee.  He killed security guard and took his handgun.  Local TV news reports say they had info that many victims were shot with bullets, or had wounds, that did not match the weapons found on the dead shooter.

Obama regime Vice President Joe Biden stated at press conference two shooters!

World War 3, Martial Law False Flag U.S. Front: Dead shooter from Texas! Police leaning towards Lone Gunman theory!

16 September 2013 (13:36 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/25 Shahrivar 1391/12 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

Local Washington DC TV news reporting that the dead shooter was a newly hired government contractor from Texas.

Reports questioning how a contractor from Texas got onto the Navy Sea Systems Command base, and into Building 197.  One report says the suspected shooter used a security clearance belonging to a former Sea Systems Command employee.

Washington DC police still say they have no motive for the shootings.  Press conferences by local police have been delayed.

Reports say the dead shooter was armed with a shotgun, rifle and he stole the handgun from a security guard.  Reports saying Washington DC police focusing on Lone Gunman theory, despite witnesses reporting other shots fired in different locations at same time!


World War 3, Martial Law False Flag U.S. Front: Senate building locked down! Shootings not a terrorist act!

16 September 2013 (13:20 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/25 Shahrivar 1391/12 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

The U.S. Senate is being locked down according to local Washington DC news reports.

Regime commander Barack Obama called Navy Sea System Command personnel “patriots”.  Washington DC mayor, Vincent Gray, said shootings were not a terrorist act!  One military personnel told local news media that these shootings are now considered common place!

Confusing reports on what type of weapons were used by shooters.  Some reports say shotguns were used, but that doesn’t explain head shots reported by witnesses.

Another report said witnesses say the fire alarm was activated before shootings started at Building 197, Navy Sea Systems Command.  Personnel have been locked down in the building for at least six hours, they are now being released in small groups.

The Nats and Braves baseball game has been canceled.

World War 3, Martial Law False Flag U.S. Front: Emergency phone numbers for families of Navy personnel

16 September 2013 (13:07 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/25 Shahrivar 1391/12 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

For families of U.S. Navy civilian and military personnel involved in the Building 197 shootings at Sea Systems Command, phone numbers have been established: 202-433-6151 or 202-433-9713

World War 3, Martial Law False Flag U.S. Front: Witnesses suggest shootings were targeted, shooters intentionally missed!

16 September 2013 (12:57 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/25 Shahrivar 1391/12 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

Washington DC police now say one of the shooting suspects, a white man, is no longer a suspect.  That leaves a black man as a suspect on the loose.

Bolling Air Force Base under lockdown.  Although schools have been locked down, school officials said children will be released at normal times.  Several offices on the U.S. Navy base are reported to still be locked down.

Several witnesses reporting that the shooters intentionally missed some people.  Terrie Durham, an executive assistant with Navy Sea Systems Command, said a suspect shot at her but “He aimed high and missed.”

Another witness, Navy Commander Tim Jirus, said he was talking to a man who was shot in the head.  Jirus did not see any shooter, which indicates a sniper.  He also said no other shots came his way.


World War 3, U.S. Martial Law False Flag Front: Washington DC elementary schools locked down!

16 September 2013 (12:42 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/25 Shahrivar 1391/12 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

At least eight elementary schools are under prison style lockdown by Washington DC police.

Two suspected shooters are on the loose.  Apparently three shooters, between 40 and 50 years of age, attacked the U.S. Navy’s Sea Systems Command.  One shooter killed, 12 U.S. Navy personnel killed.  The shooters are wearing military uniforms.

Witnesses reported shootings taking place at the same time at different locations.  This is why DC police think there are more suspects other than the one killed.

This is similar to other mass shootings at schools where witnesses reported multi-shootings taking place at the same time or within a very short time span.  Those claims of multi-shooters were dismissed by police and main stream news media.

World War 3, U.S. Front: Navy personnel turn guns on their own in Washington DC! Rebellion against Obama regime?

16 September 2013 (12:30 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/25 Shahrivar 1391/12 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

Washington DC police say there are still two shooting suspects on the loose, described as one white man and one black man, wearing military style clothing.

Another shooting suspect is dead.  At least 12 U.S. Navy personnel dead.  The shooting happened at the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington DC.

A live reporter earlier said that one of the shooters was a Navy employee who was upset about a change to their “job status”.  The Obama regime ordered the Department of Defense, last year, to begin cutting back on spending.  Last month Obama used executive privilege to cut the 2014 military pay raise to 1% (instead of the pathetic 1.4% approved by Congress).

Martial Law U.S.A.: Fluoride Wars, primary ingredient in Sarin Gas!

09 September 2013 (14:26 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/18 Shahrivar 1391/05 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

So you think fluoride is good for your teeth?  It’s also good for making toxic sarin gas!

Sarin was originally made in Germany as a organophosphate pesticide.  The original use of fluoride is in the production of pesticides!

Fluoride (aka Sodium Fluoride Powder, Reagent ACS; Sodium Fluoride Powder, USP, EP, BP; Sodium Hydrofluoride; Sodium Monofluoride) is “Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant, corrosive), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive). Severe over-exposure can result in death…….Poisonous solid. Stop leak if without risk. Do not get water inside container. Do not touch spilled material. Use water spray to reduce vapors. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Call for assistance……Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust.”-MSDS issued by manufacturer Sciencelab, in Houston, Texas.

Two days ago U.K. news media revealed that the British empire has been sending the Syrian government fluoride from 2004 to 2010, specifically for the production of sarin gas.

Fluoride is used to stabilize the chemical make up of sarin.  If mixed with water the fluoride bonds breakdown and the poison gas is created.  Sarin is still deadly even in dry form, if you get it into your system.

Why do doctors and dentists, in English speaking countries, continue to push the use of the CW (chemical weapon) fluoride in drinking water and toothpaste?