Tag Archives: martial law

British Empire Owns the United States: Church of England owns stake in baby killer General Electric!

08 September 2013 (15:08 UTC-07 Tango)/03 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/17 Shahrivar 1391/04 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

“We’re going to end up with problems. This means we have a stake in wanting there to be war.”-Keith Hebden, Anglican priest who snuck onto a RAF base where assassination drones are being remote controlled

The Christian God is behind the deaths of thousands of innocent adults, children and babies (despite the Obama regime officially labeling anybody killed by a drone as a “militant”), because the “Supreme Governor” Queen of England controlled Church of England owns $15-million USD worth of assassination drone (UAV) maker General Electric!

GE makes other weapons and subsystems as well (like the F101 turbine engine used on the USAF B-1B bomber).



World War 3, Economic Front: G20 admits economic recovery failure! Wants new global tax! NSA spying just part of new global government personal data mining!

06 September 2013 (13:12 UTC-07 Tango)/01 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/15 Shahrivar 1391/02 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

“Global growth prospects for 2013 have been marked down repeatedly over the last year, global rebalancing is incomplete, regional growth disparities remain wide, and unemployment, particularly among youth, remains unacceptably high. Despite our actions, the recovery is too weak, and risks remain tilted to the downside. In the last months financial market volatility has increased.”

“We welcome the establishment of the G20/OECD BEPS project and we encourage all interested countries to participate. Profits should be taxed where economic activities deriving the profits are performed and where value is created. In order to minimize BEPS, we call on member countries to examine how our own domestic laws contribute to BEPS and to ensure that international and our own tax rules do not allow or encourage multinational enterprises to reduce overall taxes paid by artificially shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions. We acknowledge that effective taxation of mobile income is one of the key challenges. We look forward to regular reporting on the development of proposals and recommendations to tackle the 15 issues identified in the Action Plan and commit to take the necessary individual and collective action with the paradigm of sovereignty taken into consideration.”

“We commend the progress recently achieved in the area of tax transparency and we fully endorse the OECD proposal for a truly global model for multilateral and bilateral automatic exchange of information. Calling on all other jurisdictions to join us by the earliest possible date, we are committed to automatic exchange of information as the new global standard, which must ensure confidentiality and the proper use of information exchanged, and we fully support the OECD work with G20 countries aimed at presenting such a new single global standard for automatic exchange of information by February 2014 and to finalizing technical modalities of effective automatic exchange by mid-2014. In parallel, we expect to begin to exchange information automatically on tax matters among G20 members by the end of 2015. We call on all countries to join the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters without further delay. We look forward to the practical and full implementation of the new standard on a global scale.

“We recognize the importance of all countries benefitting from greater tax information exchange. We are committed to make automatic exchange of information attainable by all countries, including LICs, and will seek to provide capacity building support to them. We call on the Development Working Group in conjunction with the Finance Track, to work with the OECD, the Global Forum and other IOs to develop a roadmap showing how developing countries can overcome obstacles to participation in the emerging new standard in automatic exchange of information, and to assist them in meeting the standard in accordance with the action envisaged in the St Petersburg Development Outlook.”

“We welcome the progress achieved in developing policy recommendations for the oversight and regulation of the shadow banking system.”  Shadow banking can include those individuals who do not use banks and live off barter or cash only.  We will ensure that this information is available in a timely fashion to law enforcement, tax collection agencies and other relevant authorities in accordance with the confidentiality legal requirements, for example through central registries or other appropriate mechanisms.”

“We support the ongoing efforts in the UN for the elaboration of the post-2015 development agenda.”



Martial Law Lebanon: You must now publicly ID your car if you want to park on the street!

28 August 2013 (17:24 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Shawwal 1434/06 Shahrivar 1391/22 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

“We urge citizens who leave their cars in infrequent parking locations to put cards that identify the owners of these vehicles.  The card should include the full name of the driver, as well as the place of residence and the phone number that he or she can be reached on…….We call on citizens not to make a scene in the case of a suspicious car and to avoid damaging the vehicle.”-Lebanese Internal Security Forces

Lebanon’s ISF is using recent car bombings as an excuse to require people to ID their cars when parking on the street.  Apparently with the escalating U.S./Israeli  instigated war in Syria, Lebanese officials expect things to get really bad in Lebanon.

Martial Law BS: Strict anti-gun laws fail to stop mass shooting in Germany!

21 August 2013 (23:45 UTC-07 Tango 20 August 2013)/14 Shawwal 1434/30 Mordad 1391/15 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

According to German news sources, a man shot several people in a restaurant in Dossenheim.  At least three people dead including the shooter.  Five people wounded.

Police say it might have something to do with an argument involving a meeting of local property owners.

To own a gun in Germany you must become licensed by proving you have a need to own a gun, such as hunting, target shooting or collection. Believe it or not, needing a gun for personal protection is only accepted in exceptional circumstances!

You must go through criminal and mental background checks to get licensed.  A gun training course is required.

All personally owned guns must be registered with the government, your gun will be stamped with a government ID mark.  You must have a dealers license to sell your gun.  How you store your gun is dictated by federal and state rules.

Open carry of a gun requires a permit.  Fully automatic guns are illegal for personal possession. Ownership of semi-automatic assault type guns, and handguns, requires special government approval.  Armor-piercing, incendiary and expanding ammunition is illegal for personal use.  Breaking a gun law will get you 10 years in prison.

However, European Union rules also apply, so in reality Germans must deal with state, federal and EU anti-gun laws.

Between 1990 and 2009 Germany destroyed more than 2-million personal guns.

It’s reported that a semi-auto version of the low velocity AK-47 assault rifle sells for $1300 USD in Germany, which is outrageous for a gun that’s not that accurate (it’s main attributes are that it is incredibly easy to maintain and use)!

Despite Germany’s anti-gun laws, officials admit there are an estimated 17-million illegally owned guns in Deutschland!




World War 3, North African Front: Egypt swears Iron Fist Martial Law policy! Church attacks blatant False Flag Op! Summary executions of civilians confirmed! Japan evacuates citizens!

19 August 2013 (02:30 UTC-07 Tango)/12 Shawwal 1434/28 Mordad 1391/13 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

“They want to make discord between us and they think we will fight each other because of what they’re doing. Let them come now to see how we stand united.  They do not belong to any religion because they come to burn and destroy the House of God!”-Egyptian Christian to an Egyptian Muslim who rushed to defend a church from a U.S. backed False Flag attack

“My brother, we all know this, but even if this was your own home we will all defend it!”-Egyptian Muslim responding to Egyptian Christian’s statement

Despite U.S. news media reporting attacks on churches as if they are retaliation by Muslims for the U.S. backed coup, the fact is that Muslims were wounded trying to protect the Christian Churches from what could be U.S. backed False Flag attacks.  Indications are that the False Flag attacks meant to divide Egyptians are backfiring.

I’ve even seen pics of Muslims encircling a Church, to protect it from False Flag attackers.   Some analysts have pointed out that it is not in the Muslim Brotherhood’s favor to attack Christians, yet the western news media continues to blame Muslims.  What about the fact that Mosques are being attacked, are the Muslim Brotherhood to blame for that?!   Or how about U.S. backed junta forces storming Mosques?

The U.S. backed Egyptian junta has declared war on the 85 years old political party Muslim Brotherhood!  General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said he has ordered iron fist martial law policies, specifically targeting the Muslim Brotherhood!

But the junta is facing a new threat from the Anti-Coup Alliance, which is made up of people who are not members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The U.S. backed junta has admitted they summarily executed at least 35 civilians, while they were detained inside a police van!  The martial law cops say the men were trying to escape the van.  However,  the Anti-Coup Alliance says the civilians were murdered by martial law cops who filled the police van with CS gas, then they shot into the van: “The murder of 35 detained anti-coup protestors affirms the intentional violence aimed at opponents of the coup, and the cold-blooded killing of which they are targets”

This comes as more reports say a third mass killing site has been located!  The killing fields are where U.S. backed Egyptian military forces killed unarmed Egyptians thought to be Muslim Brotherhood members.

To this date about 1000 Egyptian civilians have been killed by U.S. backed junta forces, since the junta launched its offensive on 14 August.

Peaceful protests by Muslim Brotherhood have been canceled or rerouted due to the fact the U.S. backed junta had turned the protest routes into killing zones by placing snipers on the roof tops, just as they did on 14 August.  If you remember the junta then tried to say the snipers were Muslim Brotherhood (classic False Flag Op).

There are also reports that Egyptians who do not support the U.S. backed junta are having their lives threatened by junta supporters.

Venezuela has evacuated its ambassador, and blames the chaos on the United States and Israel.

The Japanese government is asking all Japanese citizens in Egypt to leave.  Several Japanese companies are telling their Japanese employees to stay home.  At least one Japanese company, Unicharm Corporation, is evacuating Japanese employees to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The Cairo Japanese Club has evacuated its Japanese staff back to Japan.

The Japan International Cooperation Agency is evacuating all personnel back to Japan.  At least 600 Japanese citizens are still in Egypt.


World War 3, U.S. Economic Front: Job losses & store closings 18 June 2013. Jack in the Box clown turns Mexican! More school & health care cuts!

In Brooklyn, New York, the 153 years old state run SUNY Downstate Medical Center/Long Island College Hospital shut down!  1714 people out-o-work!!!  At least 420 employees were laid off in 2012!  Hospital officials blamed crashing revenues. The Brooklyn Supreme Court has ordered hospital officials to account for every “stick” of hospital assets.  Also, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, the five star Dressler restaurant closed suddenly.  The owners blamed the greedy property owner: “With much regret, an agreement could not be reached for a lease renewal.”-Dressler Family

The Christian God can’t stop Saint Mary’s Hospital from laying off 83 people in Michigan.  Currently open positions will not be filled.  “As our fiscal year 2013 comes to a close, we are facing declining volumes due to fewer people seeking inpatient care services, as well as sequestration shortfalls and lower reimbursement from Medicaid and Medicare and other payers.” 

Video gamer maker EA continues to layoff employees.  This time 20 positions were cut.  In April 900 positions were cut as EA officials said they had to reorganize their company!

In Louisiana, Caddo Parish School Board axed another 105 jobs.  The positions include special education teachers, administrators, aides, reading specialist and secretaries.  The new budget also eliminated teaching supplies and reduced substitute teachers.

In Indiana, the Fremont School board laid off at least five teachers.  It’s blamed on budget cuts.

In North Carolina, military contractor DRS laying off 150 to 230 employees in Elizabeth City, despite winning a five year Coast Guard contract to maintain C-130 aircraft!  It’s blamed on federal sequestration budget cuts.  In Raleigh, Hewlett Packard laid off 147 people!  HP officials blamed it on the loss of a contract.

In Arizona, military contractor General Dynamics laid off 22 employees indirectly connected to the NSA domestic spying scandal.  It involves the company’s C4 project, which “….develops and integrates communication and information systems and technology for U.S. government programs, allied nations and select commercial customers.”  Company officials cryptically said the layoffs were caused by changes in business conditions.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development shutting down 16 offices around the country.  According to some reports most of the closures will take place in regions hardest hit by the mortgage scandal.  The closures will affect 900 employees!

In Virginia, Smithfield Foods laid off 120 people!  This is the latest round of layoffs regarding the closure of their hot dog and deli meats factory.  In toto at least 400 people will be unemployed!

In Illinois, Spree thrift store (aka resale shop) closed.  35 employees affected.  No specific reason given for the closure.

Pennsylvania based maker of slipcovers, Sure Fit, taken over by Illinois based Focus Products Group.  The Lower Macungie Township distribution center being closed down, positions being moved to Illinois and California.  75 jobs affected.

In California, Nordstrom closing their Long Beach Rack store.  Company officials said they did not want to renew the lease.  Jack in the Box closing 67 fast food stores!  Company officials say they are switching to Qdoba Mexican Grill restaurants.

In New Mexico, Navajo blanket seller Packard’s on the Plaza closing down after 69 years in business.  19 employees will be unemployed in September.  The business is located in the 400 years old Santa Fe Plaza.  The current owners, who live in California, said they had to focus on family issues.  Another Plaza business, ACC Fine Furnishings, also closing down.  The company is consolidating operations, which is blamed on the bad economy.

In Colorado, Brueggers Bagels shut down.  The franchise owner did not want to renew the lease.

In Tennessee, the Nashville Symphony halts in house food service, laying off at least 37 employees. The Symphony is facing foreclosure of their Schermerhorn Symphony Center.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) doesn’t count the hundreds of layoffs involving less than 50 people each, in its mass layoff reports. It also doesn’t count all the little ‘mom & pop’ businesses that shut down.

Breaking Martial Law News: Egyptian police allowed to imprison people for any reason!

14 August 2013 (14:20 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Shawwal 1434/23 Mordad 1391/08 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

The U.S. backed military junta has extended a curfew, anyone found breaking the curfew will go to jail.  Police can detain anyone for any reason.

235 civilians killed, 43 cops killed for a total of 278 killed.   Junta says civilians started shooting first, however, military and police units began assaulting crowds before gunshots were heard.  Reporters covering the now civil war say snipers on rooftops started the shooting.  It’s not known who the snipers were, the government claims they were protestors, however the overwhelming majority of killed and wounded are protestors.

At least 2001 protestors wounded.  Reporters showed that Mosques were turned into hospitals and morgues by protestors. No help from the government.

Junta officials claims protestors are getting weapons from the failed state of Libya (remember, that’s the country the U.S. and EU helped to destroy, and helped to bring in al Qaeda).

Breaking Martial Law News: Egyptians turn out in tens of thousands in mass protest in Port Said!

14 August 2013 (14:08 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Shawwal 1434/23 Mordad 1391/08 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

Egypt’s Interim Vice President, Mohamed ElBaradei, has resigned in protest of the U.S. backed junta’s crackdown on protestors.  ElBaradei said the junta’s crackdown will actually give extremist groups the excuse they need to go on the warpath.

Live video from Port Said shows tens of thousands of protestors on the streets.  Apparently Port Said is exempt from State of Emergency declaration.

The United States Congress has not halted billions in taxpayer funded military aid for Egypt, so far.

Breaking Martial Law News: Egyptian U.S. backed military government kills or wounds more than 2200 Egyptians in one day!!!

14 August 2013 (13:58 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Shawwal 1434/23 Mordad 1391/08 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

Egyptian government declares month long state of emergency/martial law!

Egyptian Health Ministry announces 235 people killed, more than 2000 wounded in U.S. backed Egyptian junta crackdown!

Breaking Martial Law News: Egyptian U.S. backed military government launching mass arrests nationwide! 149 civilians killed!

14 August 2013 (13:11 UTC-07 Tango)/07 Shawwal 1434/23 Mordad 1391/08 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

U.S. backed puppet government says no more protests will be allowed, will be met with military force “no matter the cost”!

Live press conference from bogus military coup interim Interior Minister, Mohamed Ibrahim, in Egypt.  They say they are launching mass arrests of Muslim Brotherhood political party members, all across Egypt!   All Muslim Brotherhood members arrested will be tortured!

Members of Palestinian Hamas being arrested!  Puppet military junta official says reports of civilian casualties are exaggerated.   Orders news media not to call civilians killed by U.S. backed government forces “martyrs”!