Tag Archives: korea

World War 3: North Korea says threats of war are for real, they are able to launch nuclear strikes now! Launch new short range missiles as proof!

I’ve seen several war ‘experts’ interviewed on U.S. and U.K. main streamer TV news programs.  Basically they believe the DPRK threats of war are rhetoric, as in the past, and that the East Asian country is years away from having enough nukes to back up those threats.

The officials of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea must be watching those Western news programs because this is how they responded on 14 March 2013/02 Jumada l-Ula 1434/24 Esfand 1391/3 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711.

“….the army and people of the DPRK have taken positions for a final attack for national reunification and all sophisticated strike means including nuclear strike means are waiting for an order to hit the targets.”

“All legal mechanisms for preventing military conflicts have become defunct in this land due to the unprecedented moves of the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces to stifle the DPRK and their endless provocations, pushing the grave situation beyond control.”

“They are sadly mistaken if they misinterpret the present grave situation as a verbal confrontation just as they did in the past.”

Also, on 15 March 2013/03 Jumada l-Ula 1434/25 Esfand 1391/04 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711, DPRK forces launched new versions of a Soviet era short range ballistic missile. They landed in the Sea of Japan.  The KN-02 missile has an estimated range of 120 kilometers (74.5 miles).  It can be used as a tactical nuke missile.

DPRK officials also say they’ve detected large scale cyber attacks from the United States and Republic of Korea (ROK), and warned they will respond in kind.

World War 3: Proof that China will not enforce sanctions against North Korea.

14 March 2013/02 Jumada l-Ula 1434/24 Esfand 1391/3 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Chinese media revealing that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has dozens of Chinese bank accounts under false names.

However, it’s highly unlikely the Chinese government will take action because it still supports North Korea: “Beijing would be reluctant to take action if the bank accounts were personal accounts of Kim Jong-un. Beijing is worried that it could damage personal ties with the North Korean leader.”-Du Jifeng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

World War 3: Chinese media blames the United States for North Korea’s nukes! MacArthur’s legacy of elitism lives on.

13 March 2013/01 Jumada l-Ula 1434/23 Esfand 1391/2 Yi-Mao (2nd month) 4711

Finian Cunningham, writing for the China’s The 4th Media, pointed out that the push by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to develop nuclear weapons is the fault of the United States.

The editors of The 4th Media backed up Cunningham’s statements by referring to a 2010 Associated Press article, which was written after secret U.S. documents were released on the 60th anniversary of what could now be the First Korean War:  “From the 1950s’ Pentagon to today’s Obama administration, the United States has repeatedly pondered, planned and threatened use of nuclear weapons against North Korea, according to declassified and other U.S. government documents released in this 60th-anniversary year of the Korean War.”-Associated Press

Anyone who knows the history of First Korean War should know that ‘heroic’ U.S. Army General Douglas MacArthur was going to use nukes on the advancing Chinese, who were kicking ass all over the U.S. forces (the longest retreat in U.S. military history, caused because the arrogant MacArthur refusing to believe his own intelligence reports that said the Chinese were about to invade!). President Truman finally fired MacArthur, for continually disobeying the Commander in Chief’s orders.

By the way, America’s hero MacArthur (along with fellow American heroes, General George Patton and Major Dwight Eisenhower) once slaughtered  homeless/unemployed World War One veterans, and their wives and children,  in Washington DC. (officially; four dead, more than 1000 wounded)

Keep in mind the homeless/unemployed veterans were supported by retired USMC Major General Smedley Butler.

MacArthur, Patton and Eisenhower attacked unsuspecting veterans (who thought they were coming to support them), and their families, with bayonets and poison gas.  President Hoover ordered a halt to the attacks, but, in a portent of future behavior for MacArthur he ignored the President’s order.

After the fact MacArthur claims that he thought the homeless veterans were actually an invading communist army!  Later, as President, Eisenhower used the same commie threat excuse for ordering the overthrow of Iran’s first Democratically elected government in 1953!  Do the research, these guys are not heroes, they are arrogant elitists, and are part of the reasons countries like North Korea and Iran do what they do!


World War 3: U.S. & South Korea responds to war threats by increasing sanctions against North!

11 March 2013/28 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/21 Esfand 1391/30 Yi-Mao 4711

Both the United States and Republic of Korea (ROK) have imposed new economic sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).  The United Nations is already working on more sanctions.

President Barack Obama has added the Foreign Trade Bank of North Korea to sanctions.  This means the bank can not continue transactions with U.S. banks. It also includes four individuals and the Korean Workers’ Party.

Earlier in the day there were reports that South Korea imposed their own new financial sanctions against the North.


World War 3: North Korea mobilizing population for war! “All people are soldiers, the entire nation is the frontline!”

11 March 2013/28 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/21 Esfand 1391/30 Yi-Mao 4711

The official news source for the the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is reporting that the entire population is being mobilized for war.

Rodong Sinmun reporting that farm and labor unions have been deployed as militia units. Retired soldiers have been recalled.

Billboards have been posted in cities with slogans like Toward Becoming a Nuclear Power, and Time for a War to Unify the Fatherland.

World War 3: South Korea accuses Idaho’s Micron of international price fixing!

11 March 2013/28 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/21 Esfand 1391/30 Yi-Mao 4711

As war drums are beating, unnamed officials in Republic of Korea (ROK) are blaming Idaho based Micron Technology of fixing prices for computer memory chips: “It’s quite strange that the global memory chip market is seeing unexpected price rises amid less demand for conventional personal computers. It’s highly possible that the chipmakers are engaged in price-fixing. Among other firms, Micron Technology is apparently using its commanding position to manipulate computer chip prices. We are watching it closely.”

Micron apparently controls half the World’s chip market! ROK’s SK Hynix controls 30%, and Samsung 15%.  Those three companies are the only major memory chip makers left in the World, several years ago there were more than ten!

Officials from ROK base their claim on decreasing computer demand on information recently released by International Data Corporation.

This isn’t the first time Idaho’s Micron has been accused of price fixing.

Breaking news: South Korean media says North Korea has officially announced the end of the 1953 Armistice!

11 March 2013/28 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/21 Esfand 1391/30 Yi-Mao 4711

The Yonhap news agency, in Republic of Korea (ROK), says they’ve listened in on a Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) radio broadcast.  The announcement was made by the Rodong Sinmun, the official news source for the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK).

The broadcast said the 1953 ceasefire agreement is now officially void, and it is time for the “showdown war”.

Breaking news: North Korea severs hot line to South, as promised!

11 March 2013/28 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/21 Esfand 1391/30 Yi-Mao 4711

Chinese media reporting that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has cut the hot line from Pyongyang to Seoul.  They cite Republic of Korean (ROK) officials as saying the emergency phone line is no longer working.

Last week the DPRK said they would cut the phone line and consider the 1953 armistice void, if the United States and ROK went ahead with the Key Resolve war games, which officially started on 11 March 2013.

In several official announcements the DPRK basically said the latest UN sanctions, and the continued uninvited presence of the U.S. military in ROK, were the final straws, and threaten nuclear first strikes.


World War 3: Is China’s vote for sanctions against Korea a trick?

10 March 2013/27 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/20 Esfand 1391

After defending it’s vote for the latest UN sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Chinese officials now say they will support the North.

Analysts think China voted for the sanctions for purely political reasons and will not do their part to enforce those sanctions.

An editorial in Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun pointed out that the latest UN sanctions will not work if China does not enforce them. Apparently China is the lynch pin of the latest sanctions against DPRK.

Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, believes China is not sincere in their claim of support for the latest sanctions: “There’s no reason to think they’re going to do anything different than they’ve done before. I call this a marginal increase in sanctions.”


World War 3: China calls for calm after North Korea declares War!

08 March 2013/25 Raby’ ath-Thani 1434/18 Esfand 1391

China voted for the latest UN sanctions against Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which led to Pyongyang’s declaration of war.

Now China is calling for calm: “China calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restraint, and avoid actions that might further escalate tensions.”-Hua Chunying, spokeswoman Chinese Foreign Ministry

Chinese officials defended their vote against Democratic People’s Republic of Korea by saying it was “…objective and fair…”