Tag Archives: japan

Pacific Ring of Fire getting hammered? Why is FEMA running emergency preparedness PSA specifically about the 1989 Loma Prieta quake?

Recently I saw a emergency preparedness public service announcement (PSA) on TV, it was specifically warning about a major earthquake, using the 1989 Loma Prieta (San Francisco bay area) earthquake as an example.

The latest Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) PSA is part of a new series called The Day Before.  Past PSAs were more general in their warnings, why would FEMA now issue a PSA so specific?

Several reports have come out this year, from federal Department of Homeland Security agencies, as well as state agencies, which discuss major earthquakes and tsunamis, including the 1989 Loma Prieta quake.  They also reveal a concern about how such things are predicted. As a result many state and local governments (from Virginia to California) have been asked to better prepare for another similar quake.

A July 2012 report by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, called Spectral Damping Scaling Factors for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Active Tectonic Regions, basically says that current ground motion measurement formulas used to predict earthquakes are not accurate, specifically when it comes to shallow quakes (California has a lot of those, on a weekly basis).  Of course they’ve recommended a new formula.

In June 2012, a TsuInfo Alert (Tsunami Information Alert) was presented by Washington State Department of Natural Resources.  It concerns the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which affects the North American west coast from northern California up to British Columbia.

The report quotes one scientist who has concerns about how PSAs should be used to prepare the public: “There is no one flyer, no one commercial that’s
going to reach all of these audiences. They all have to be engaged individually, and they have to be approached with something that shows what’s in it for them.”-John Schelling, Washington State Emergency Management Division

The June TsuInfo Alert was packed with warnings about the underestimated effects that earthquakes have in generating tsunamis, not just on the west coast of North America, but including Hawaii and the Gulf of Mexico.  The overriding advice for the public is, as one official from New Zealand was quoted: “….don’t wait around, head for higher ground!”-Fred Mecoy, Emergency Preparedness
Manager, Wellington

Officials from the U.S. state of Oregon suggested three basic rules for surviving after a major earthquake/tsunami: “…one can survive three minutes without oxygen, three hours without shelter, three days without water, and three weeks without food.” 

Don’t forget hypothermia (part of the “shelter” rule), especially if your dragged out to sea.  Many of the tsunami deaths in the March 2011 disasters in Japan were the result of hypothermia, not drowning!

In February I predicted 2012 would be a busy year for earthquakes, specifically around the Pacific Ring of Fire.   I count the number of 6.5 magnitude+ quakes, reported by the U.S. Geological Survey as Significant Earthquakes, and so far for 2012 there’ve been plenty.

I count at least 31 6.5+ quakes from 01 January 2012 to 05 September 2012, all  of them around the Pacific Ring of Fire!

I counted 13 Significant Earthquakes between 5 and 6.4 magnitude, all around the Pacific Ring of Fire (including some tectonic plates directly in contact with Pacific Ring plates).

When compared to 2011, 31 6.5+ quakes doesn’t seem out of the norm. I counted about 34 such quakes for 2011 (on the USGS Significant list). But remember, 2011 was the year of the great disasters in Japan. Seven of those are quakes and/or aftershocks of the 11 March 2011 Great East Japan disasters (and I only counted up till 05 September).

For Significant quakes between 5 and 6.4 magnitude, I counted only four.

For 2011 there was a total of 38 Significant Earthquakes, from 01 January to 05 September.  For 2012 there have been a total of 44 Significant Earthquakes, six more than 2011 during the same time period.

So, while the number of 6.5+ quakes for 2012 are slightly lower than 2011, the number of quakes between 5 and 6.4 are higher (USGS does state that their lists are to be considered “incomplete”).  The Gregorian/Western/Christian calender year of 2012 isn’t over, yet.

Fluoride Update, 24 September 2012: Portland officials ignore what the voters want! EPA and HHS admit too much fluoride is bad! Argentina says it causes diabetes! Japan says it causes cancer! China (and Harvard) says it reduces intelligence!

“Even if fluoridation reduced cavities, is tooth health more important than brain health? It’s time to put politics aside and stop artificial fluoridation everywhere!”-Paul Beeber, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation

By the year 2014, Portland, Oregon, will cease being the last major U.S. city without fluoridated water. On 12 September 2012, and in a unanimous decision that seemed to go against voter sentiment, the Portland city council approved fluoridation of the water supply.

Supporters of the plan claim that residents of Portland has a higher number of dental problems than other parts of Oregon.  However, a state study proved the reverse!

Most all of Oregon’s water supply already has naturally occurring fluoride.

To top that, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), have come out and admitted that too much fluoride can be bad for you!  Not only that, past fluoridation levels in the United States were too high!!!

But guess what? Those admissions came out at the beginning of 2011!  Where was the main stream media coverage?

HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, said fluoride levels should be no more than 0.7 parts per million (ppm) per liter of water (this is the level the city of Portland, Oregon, says it will use).  Up ’till 2011 municipalities were being told to use as much as 1.2 ppm per liter!

“The new EPA assessments of fluoride were undertaken in response to findings of the National Academies of Science (NAS).  At EPA’s request, in 2006 NAS reviewed new data on fluoride and issued a report recommending that EPA update its health and exposure assessments to take into account bone and dental effects and to consider all sources of fluoride.”-joint EPA/HHS statement, 07 January 2011

Fluoride is claimed to protect your teeth, but according to HHS, too much fluoride actually does the reverse, causing tooth decay, as well as bone fractures,  and skeletal fluorosis.  Is this why the state study in Oregon showed higher dental problems in areas with fluoridated water?

But wait, there’s more!  The EPA actually said stop using sulfuryl fluoride. Sulfuryl fluoride is used as an insecticide (’cause it’s a fumigant neurotoxin), and cities have been using it to fluoridate their water!

Portland, Oregon, isn’t the only U.S. state obviously in the pockets of the fluoride industry.  Right now in Pinellas County, Florida, the issue of fluoridation has got a local dentist threatening to run for public office, to force fluoridation of the water.  One of his campaign billboards reads: “Want Fluoride…..?”

A in the pockets of the fluoride industry Florida newspaper (The Daytona Beach Journal) published an opinion piece on 20 September, applauding cities that add fluoride to their water.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is even giving out awards to cities, it’s called Water Fluoridation Quality Award.

But wait, there’s more!

A study in Argentina (done at the Rosario National University in Santa Fe, Rosario) concluded that ‘artificial’ fluoride use causes insulin resistance, leading to type 2 diabetes!  Gee, isn’t the United States suffering from a high rate of diabetes?

What’s really significant, relating to the new fluoride levels issued by HHS, is that the Argentine study shows that the onset of type 2 diabetes occurrs regardless of the amount of fluoride. Even at a fraction of a ppm, after 60 days insulin resistance is the result!

A study out of Japan (by the University of Tokyo) shows that fluoride use increases the rate of cancers of the “….oral cavity and pharynx, colon and rectum, hepato-biliary and urinary organs.”  Gee, doesn’t the United States have a problem with increased cancers?

The Japanese researchers looked at cancer rates in the United States in comparison with fluoridated water supplies, from 1978 to 1992.  They found that two thirds of the people with cancer lived in areas with lots of fluoridated water.  In the majority of the sites studied, they concluded that 64% of them had a direct connection between cancer and fluoride!

Another study from the Zhejiang Normal University in Jinhua, China, backs up a Harvard study released earlier this year.  Fluoride makes ‘mericans dumber than a stump!  Gee, isn’t the United States suffering from too much of that!!!

The Chinese study found that the higher the dose rate of fluoride, the dumber you get.  Back in July, 2012, Harvard University published the results of their study, it not good: “Fluoride readily crosses the placenta. Fluoride exposure to the developing brain, which is much more susceptible to injury caused by toxicants than is the mature brain, may possibly lead to damage of a permanent nature.”

But this info was known before these latest studies.  I’ve posted how a study in India blamed idiocy on fluoride, and that was based on naturally occurring fluoride.  But here’s what the National Research Council (NRC) stated in 2006, about ‘artificial’ fluoride: “It’s apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain.”




Government Hypocrisy: United States renews Iran sanctions exemptions for 11 countries! Sign that the U.S. isn’t ready for war with Iran, yet.

14 September 2102, U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, revealed that eleven countries are being exempted from U.S. sanctions against Iran.

They are: Japan, Belgium, Britain, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.

As in the first round of exemptions, these latest exemptions are good for 180 days.  This smacks of a government trying to buy time; time to prepare for war, and time to allow allies to stock pile oil.

Hillary Clinton made a statement that sounded like a broken record: “We have brought significant pressure to bear on the Iranian regime, and we will continue to work with our partners to ratchet up the pressure on Iran to meet its international obligations.”

What Economic Recovery? Sharp makes deeper cuts than originally planned, blame the Too Big to Fail banks!

11 September 2012, Japan’s Sharp Corporation revealed that the economic situation is worse than they first thought.  They are now cutting wages, salaries and bonuses even more than they first planned.

Sharp will now layoff 5,000 employees by March 2013, the first time since the 1950s!

Workers will get a 5% cut in pay, up from the planned 3% cut.  Managers will get a 10% cut in salaries, on top of the 5% cut back in April!  In June bonuses were cut by 30%, and will be cut again under Sharp’s new plans.

The reason for the new and increased cuts is to hopefully make banks happy, as Sharp needs new huge loans to continue operations!

What Economic Recovery? Central government cancels payments to local governments! Too Big to Fail bank panics!

04 September 2012, the central bank is injecting massive amounts of cash into the markets, trying to preemptively hold off a market crash!  This after the central government said it can no longer make tax grant payments to local governments!

The government of Japan announced early this morning that it can not make scheduled tax grant payments to local governments.  The payments amount to $52 billion USD.

The Bank of Japan responded by injecting $23 billion USD of cash into Japanese financial institutions.  This is to try and offset the loss of the central government’s tax grants.

Local governments normally transfer the tax grants into those financial institutions, but officials with the central government of Japan said that until a bill is passed to allow the issuing of more government bonds, they can not make the tax grant payments to local governments.

The bond bill is needed to raise at least 2/5-ths of the money required to run the central government for the next year.



Eating in Japan: Beware disease & radiation. International standards don’t exist! Are you worse off in the United States?

For the past few years Japan has been struggling with food problems, from diseases to radiation contamination.

The latest problem is an outbreak of E Coli in imported Chinese pickled cabbage. At least six people have died, 100 people are sick. The outbreak seams to be contained to northern Japan.

Since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster rice from northern Honshu has been found to be contaminated with radiation.  However, 28 August 2012, Fukushima Prefecture has cleared this year’s rice crop for sale.  The rice was harvested last week.  The Prefecture claims it will check all 360,000 tons of harvested rice for radiation contamination.

However, news is not good for fish.  Just in the past 24 hours the Japanese government banned the sale of Pacific cod.  The fish were caught 300 kilometers (186 miles) from the GE designed reactors in Fukushima.  When the fish were tested in port, they were found to be contaminated with twice the Japanese government’s current safe levels for cesium.

A week ago Tokyo Electric Power Company said they found fish near the nuclear plant that had a record 258 times the safe levels for cesium!

An even bigger concern is fresh water fish.  It’s been discovered that on average Japanese fresh water fish, caught in northern Honshu, are far more radioactive than salt water fish.

Recently, and sneakily, the central government of Japan changed the radiation safe limits for food, so that foods that were considered unsafe, are now safe.  Prior to the change the maximum safe limit was 370 becquerels per kilogram of cesium, now the maximum safe limit is 600 becquerels!  So even if you’re told the food is officially safe…..

Many other Asian countries, that rely on food from Japan, are crying foul.

Just two weeks ago Hong Kong’s Center for Food Safety (CFS) discovered that oatmeal from Japan was contaminated with cesium 137.  CFS officials stated the amount of cesium was less than that of a chest x-ray, but made the announcement as part of their daily Food Surveillance Program of food coming from Japan.

But get this, Japan’s new radiation safety standards are still more strict than the Codex Alimentarius.

Codex Alimentarius is the United Nations’ World Health Organization’s, and Food & Agricultural Organization’s, international food safety standards.  According to reports in the Hong Kong media, the Codex Alimentarius allows up to 1,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium in your food!   (I’ve tried to read the PDF’s from Codex Alimentarius, it’s as if it was written for extraterrestrials, no average human could understand the info!)

By the way, Codex Alimentarius just changed their international food safety rules at the beginning of August 2012.  One suggestion, by participating countries, is that the Codex Alimentarius logo will be displayed on food considered safe.

Vietnam’s Department of Food Hygiene and Safety announced they will start testing baby formula from Japan.  This is because Hong Kong officials reported finding radioactive iodine in Japanese baby formulas.  Hong Kong officials said the amounts were below the Codex Alimentarius limits.

Another interesting development is that six months after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster began, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) approved a new International Basic Safety Standards (aka BSS).  Most of what I found on the internet is the old 1996 version.  It is a complicated publication that seems to say a lot without really saying much (see my comment about Codex Alimentarius above)!  Basically the IAEA tells governments to set their own standards!

Oh, and don’t try using a Geiger Counter on your food, it doesn’t work.

So when it comes to radiation contamination in the food we eat, it’s a crap shoot, whether we’re in the United States or Japan.

For cattle raised in southern Japan it seems everything is OK. Radiation hasn’t affected the cows that far south, and, last week U.S. and Japanese officials declared the two year foot & mouth disease of no more concern. Japan is set to resume exporting their beef to the U.S.

Interesting that Japan is resuming beef exports to the U.S., while Australia is now beating out the U.S. as the main supplier of beef to Japan.  In 2003 Japan banned U.S. beef because of Mad Cow (bovine spongiform encephalopathy/BSE).  Since 2006 only U.S. beef from cows younger than 20 months are allowed into Japan.

This year the Japanese government is considering further relaxing the restrictions on U.S. beef imports.

Australia has some of the strictest health standards for their meat industries, and is one reason they’ve escaped problems with Mad Cow.  It’s also why their beef exports are booming.  From July 2011 to July 2012, Australian beef exports to Japan increased 4%, Japanese are now the number one consumers of Australian beef.  But here’s really interesting news, Australian beef exports to the United States, for the same time period, went up 40.2%!

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. overall beef exports to the world have dropped by 15.4% from last year.  Mmm, wonder what’s wrong with the U.S. beef?

Foodborne illness, in Japan, is a more immediate threat (than radiation), according to a memo published on the U.S. Embassy (Tokyo) website.  The memo says the top two reasons for foodborne illness in Japan are improper handling, and improper storing of food.  The third reason is improper cooking of food.

A 2010 study that compared Korea (south) to Japan, showed that Japan had a high rate of foodborne disease (FBD).  The causes are basically the same as stated by the U.S. Embassy memo.

To put it in perspective, how high is the FBD rate in the United States?   According to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) numbers, about one in every six people (or 48 million!) get sick with FBD every year in the U.S.

Don’t rely on the central government of Japan for help in determining where to eat.  The discoveries of radiation contaminated food, last year, was made by prefectural and local governments, as well as by businesses, and individuals who paid for the tests out of their own pockets. Most Prefectures, local governments, and even local Japanese businesses, have taken matters into their own hands, providing information on radiation contamination and other health issues regarding food.  So check with the locals when seeking safe food in Japan. It’s a clear example of how a central government is useless.

For U.S. citizens traveling to Japan, who are concerned about being able to get safe food, and who think U.S. food products exported to Japan are safer, the USDA provides information about U.S. food suppliers doing business in other countries, so you might check that out.  But just because it’s from the United States doesn’t mean it’s safe.  Remember the drop in U.S. beef exports?

You can also check out the website Where Food Comes From.


One Year Later: Evidence Fukushima Daiichi damaged by earthquake, BEFORE tsunami hit. Radioactive water never ending!

27 August 2012, Tokyo Electric power Company (TEPCo) officials announced they need more storage tanks for contaminated water coming from the nuclear reactors.

Since the 11 March 2011 disaster began almost 220,000 tons of contaminated water has been stored, and the GE designed disaster reactors are putting out 400 tons per day!  TEPCo says it’ll run out of storage tanks in three months.

A new order for more tanks will provide TEPCo with storage only until November 2013.  The problem now is no space for more storage tanks, unless nearby forests are felled.

So where is all the water coming from?  Ever since the 11 March 2011 disaster began it was noticed that more water is coming out compared to water being pumped in.

TEPCo officials now say it is groundwater flooding into the basements of the reactors through cracks in the basement walls.  Cracks probably caused by the 9.0 earthquake, not the tsunami.


One Year Later: Workers at Fukushima Daiichi exceed 5 year radiation limit, in just one year!

24 August 2012, the Japanese Labor Ministry is sounding a warning; Japan is running out of qualified employees for the ongoing nuclear disaster at the GE designed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Since 11 March 2011, at least 3,000 people have been working (unsuccessfully) to bring Fukushima Daiichi under control.  As of March 2012, 167 workers were dismissed because they had exceeded radiation exposure limits equal to five years of contamination!!!

In Japan a nuclear industry worker can not exceed 50 millisieverts of radiation per year and 100 millisieverts in 5 years.  The 167 employees dismissed in March of this year, were exposed to more than 100 millisieverts in one year!

But wait, there’s more!  For the three months following April 2012, 79 workers were exposed to more than 20 millisieverts!

The numerous contractors working for Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCo) say they can not find enough new workers to replace the volume of workers leaving due to contamination.

But some contractors have set their own stricter radiation exposure standards, they are concerned with their employees health and maintaining their employability.