Tag Archives: japan

Economic Martial Law: State court blocks NYC’s plan to force taxi companies to use Japanese cars!

09 October 2013 (01:22 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/17 Mehr 1391/05 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

New York City’s Bloomberg regime was trying to force taxi companies to use only cars made by Nissan!  Fortunately a New York state court blocked the economic martial law order.

The Bloomberg regime wants all taxi companies to use the Nissan NV200 minivan.  Can you say “Bloomberg is UnAmerican!”?

New York’s State Supreme Court ruled that local governments can set standards for the type of vehicles used, but cannot order companies or individuals to purchase a specific brand/model of vehicle.

The Bloomberg regime claimed that by making taxi companies use the same vehicle it would increase safety, somehow.  Taxi companies and taxi driver’s unions took the Bloomberg regime to court, and won this round.  The Bloomberg regime is appealing the state supreme court decision.


More Fukushima Fallout: Incompetent untrained workers spill 37 million becquerels of beta radiation!

09 October 2013 (01:13 UTC-07 Tango)/04 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/17 Mehr 1392/05 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company, and Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority, report that workers removing pipes, removed the wrong pipe and spilled hundreds of tons of water contaminated with 37-million becquerels per liter of beta radiation!

Six workers are contaminated and are under medical observation.

It was also discovered that gaps in the bolt together water storage tanks, that are leaking hundreds of tons of contaminated water, are the result of major corrosion caused by radiation.  Inspectors believe that contaminated water leaking around the bolts caused the corrosion.


Pale Horse: Measles scare used as False Flag to justify Bilderberg vaccination program? War on Terror is to blame! Money to be made!

06 October 2013 (18:14 UTC-07 Tango 05 October 2013)/01 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/14 Mehr 1391/02 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Australia: Health officials are freaking out because they’ve confirmed an 18th case of measles in Ipswich.  Adults are being pushed to get vaccinated.  In Toowoomba health officials are telling people to go ahead and get more vaccines, if they’re not sure they’ve already had the shots. Health officials say they’ve found that many people who thought they’ve been vaccinated, were not.  Members of parliament are now debating whether children who are not vaccinated should be banned from schools and childcare centers!  Hey, if the other kids are vaccinated then what’s the problem, or is there some doubt as to the effectiveness of the vaccine?

Canada: Government health officials are having a tizzy because people in Alberta are refusing to get vaccinated.  There are outbreaks of measles in British Columbia and Ontario.  I’d like to know the vaccination rates where the outbreaks are, versus in Alberta (so far there are no measles cases in Alberta).  Alberta Health Services says the outbreaks in BC and Ontario are directly related to people who traveled to Netherlands, where they got infected.

China: Pharmaceutical companies are making big money peddling their vaccines to the Asian giant.  According to Research Report on China Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Market, 2013-2017, in 2012 20-million MMR vaccines were issued.  However, the marketing report said the numbers were a decrease from previous years, but there’s still hope for increased sales, because the report said China has 16 million newborns every year.  The report pointed out that the numbers quoted were those vaccines issued by the government.  Most Chinese, who can afford the out of pocket expense, elected to pay for more expensive “imported” vaccines.

Democratic Republic of Congo:  Government officials are forcing six million children to get vaccinated.  The program is being run through the United Nations and the GAVI Alliance (aka Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).  Health officials claim 1120 children have died, so far this year, from measles.

Ghana: Over a nine day period 52-thousand children were vaccinated in Sunyani Municipality.  Health officials were upset because they fell short of their goal.

Japan: Rubella (German Measles) cases hit a record 13700+ cases, so far this year, despite the fact that the Japanese government has been pushing for citizens to get vaccinated (Japanese health officials have discovered that the measles vaccine is temporary, so even if you had it as a kid you probably need to get it again as an adult).  The U.S. CDC has issued a travel advisory for people going to Japan (never mind the radiation).

Nigeria: National Primary Health Care Development Agency pushing a vaccination program for 35 million children!  They used a 2011 outbreak as justification, saying more than 8-thousand people got sick.  Mmmm, 35 million versus 8-thousand.  However, Nigerian health officials claim that from January this year to the end of September 330 people have died from measles.  That’s 126 more than the same time last year.  Is there something more deadly about this new strain of measles?

Philippines: War in the southern islands is being blamed for an outbreak of measles.  Refugees are always caught in the middle, and several cases of measles now has government health officials demanding the sick refugees be isolated.  They have also begun forced vaccinations.

South Sudan: At least 44 children confirmed with measles in the past week.  All are six years of age, or younger.  United Nations wants to vaccinate 31-thousand children in the country.

Turkey: For the NATO member who is supporting the U.S. backed war in Syria, there is a 20 fold increase in measles cases!  In the first six months of 2012 Turkey had 349 cases, in the first six months of this year they had 6-thousand cases!  Interestingly many cases are showing up in refugees from Syria.  Turkish health officials say the war in Syria is resulting in an epidemic in that country: “There are 50,000 Aleppo boil cases in Syria according to official data, but 200,000 according to non-official figures.”-Mehmet Ali Torunoğlu, Public Health Institution

United Kingdom: Health officials pushing for vaccinations of children in Wales.  The Welsh land is reported to have just gotten over its biggest measles outbreak ever.  1200 people were infected, one child died.  In Greater Manchester, England, measles cases have skyrocketed.  In 2012 there were 15 cases from January to June.  This year there were 242 cases in the same time span.

United States: Measles was considered officially eradicated in 2000, but now state health departments around the country are pushing to get children vaccinated.  This is based on their fears that several U.S. residents had visited other countries experiencing measles outbreaks, and returned infected.  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the United States is heading for a record year in measles cases (since the eradication). To put things in perspective, there are at least 360-million people in the U.S., the CDC is getting hissy because they think more than 2-hundred people might get measles. The Gates Foundation has been pushing the Global Measles Initiative.  Bill Gates has attended several Bilderberg meetings (his name has been published on the guest list on the Bilderberg website).  Non-profit Global Virus Network (co-founded by Bliderberg supporter G. Steven Burrill) has also been sounding the vaccination call in the U.S.

In the U.S. state of Texas a recent measles outbreak was linked to the Eagle Mountain megachurch.  At least 21 people were infected. Texas health officials say prior to that August outbreak five people were sick with a strain of measles that was “imported” into the country.  Texas has not reported any new cases since August.  Going by local news reports at least 18 U.S. states reported measles cases, mainly among people who traveled out of the country or from tourists coming into the country: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, Virginia and Washington.

There are reports of U.S. families who are pro-vaccination are discriminating against children of families who are anti-vaccination.  Hey, if your kid is vaccinated then what’s the freakin’ problem?  They should be protected from measles then, right?  Or maybe the pro-vacciners really don’t trust the vaccines after all?

United Nations World Health Organization reports that more than 70-thousand children died in South East Asia from measles, in 2011.  That made up almost half of the entire World’s measles deaths for that year.

The GAVI Alliance is not only directly connected to the Bilderberger Bill Gates, but is funded with tax dollars from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States.

Ever hear of Infectious Disease Testing Market 2014 Opportunities?  It involves U.S., U.K., Italy and Japan.  It analyzes potential diseases and possible sales volume of vaccines over the next five years: “These comprehensive reports will assist diagnostics industry executives, as well as companies planning to diversify into the dynamic and rapidly expanding microbiology testing market, in evaluating emerging opportunities and developing effective business strategies.”PRWeb

It’s all about the money, man!


World War 3, East Asian Front: New U.S. & Japan military pact prepares for 20 more years of war! Japan joins martial law data collection war!

03 October 2013 (12:11 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1391/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

“Today we agreed to review our bilateral defense guidelines, and in the months ahead we will work together in order to shape the framework that will guide our alliance for the years to come.”-John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, has signed a new 20 year military alliance with Japan.  The deal involves Japan and United States joining forces on martial law data collection scheme that is part of the false flag op known as cybersecurity.

The deal also allows U.S. forces to increase military equipment and personnel in Japan.  Japan itself is being encouraged to alter its Constitution to allow for the use of Japanese forces in offensive operations, rather than strictly as a Self Defense Force (SDF).

Japanese and U.S. officials admit the reasons (i.e., targets) for their military build up are China and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Neo-imperialist Japanese Prime Minister, Abe Shinzo, is about to sign new martial laws that are based on U.S. National Security Council rules.  One would oversee foreign and security policies, the other involves domestic secrecy issues.

The Japan Federation of Bar Associations opposes those police state laws.  To prove they are police state laws, Abe is creating what some Japanese news media reports are calling a “ad hoc Diet” to bogusly debate the bills.  Abe wants the bills on his desk before the end of October.

More Fukushima Fallout: New 200-thousand becquerel leak blamed on continued comedy of errors by TEPCo! Local government taking matter into their own hands!

03 October 2013 (11:51 UTC-07 Tango)/28 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/11 Mehr 1392/29 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

On 02 October 2013 another contaminated water storage tank, at Fukushima Daiichi, overflowed water containing 200-thousand becquerels of beta radiation per liter!  TEPCo officials say the water got into the Pacific Ocean.  The Japanese government’s safe limit for radioactive water being released into the ocean is 30 becquerels per liter.

Continued incompetence on the part of Tokyo Electric Power Company, and its subcontractors, is being blamed for the most recent radiation leaks into the Pacific Ocean.

It turns out that the contaminated water storage tanks are not only built with bolt together panels that did not seal properly, and not only were they built on the hill upstream of the reactors, and not only do the majority of tanks lack gauges to measure water levels, but some of the tanks are tilted!

Yesterday’s 200-thousand bq leak occurred in one of five tanks that are connected by pipes.  The tanks are built on a slope.  One of the tanks is set lower than the others, and is tilted.  This is the tank that overflowed.

It is also becoming clear that the geniuses at TEPCo never took into account that they would have to deal with rain and groundwater (and snow) exacerbating the radiation contamination problem from the ongoing slow burn melt downs.  They’ve admitted that their contracted employees are spending a lot of unexpected time dealing with rain and groundwater issues.

Regarding the four metric ton water leak on 01 October; not only has TEPCo revised the radiation levels upward, but now they say it was closer to five metric tons spilled.  TEPCo officials are also blaming their contracted (and inadequately trained) employees.  They say the employees misunderstood their instructions and pumped the contaminated rainwater into storage tanks that were too small.

The prefectural government of Fukushima is so fed up with TEPCo’s lack of progress and honesty, as well as being fed up with the failed state national government, that they are taking radiation matter into their own hands.

Governor Sato Yuhei says they will conduct their own radiation monitoring of the Pacific Ocean.  The decision was made at an emergency meeting, and will start today.  They suspect that a large drainage pipe is flowing highly radioactive water into the ocean.

More Fukushima Fallout: TEPCo revises radiation levels, upward! TEPCo tries Red Herring trick?

02 October 2013 (12:01 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/10 Mehr 1392/28 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company has revised leaked radiation levels, reported just yesterday.  TEPCo reported that in September at least four metric tons of highly contaminated rainwater overflowed from a storage tank, into the ocean.  They initially reported the radiation levels at 160 becquerels per liter, which is five times the government limits for discharging radioactive water into the Pacific.

Turns out that was the level of radiation outside the storage tank immediately after the rain storms hit.  TEPCo is now reporting that the storage tank itself contains 390 becquerels per liter of radiation, mostly strontium!    TEPCo officials say they don’t understand what caused the drastic increase in radiation levels.

This revelation comes after TEPCo asked Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority to approve the restart of reactors at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa in Niigata Prefecture.  NRA officials responded by implying that TEPCo was trying a Red Herring tactic to distract from the ongoing disaster at Fukushima Daiichi.

TEPCo officials claimed they had “learned hard lessons” from Fukushima Daiichi, but government NRA officials think otherwise.  NRA Chairman Tanaka Shunichi said TEPCo demonstrated insufficient knowledge of radioactive materials, and was being irresponsible in asking for restart of its other nuke reactors.


World War 3, East Asian Front: Japan demands written promise from United States, for war with China!

02 October 2013 (11:36 UTC-07 Tango)/27 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/10 Mehr 1391/28 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

U.S Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, and Secretary of State John Kerry, will be in Japan on 03 October, for a war meeting regarding China (cloaked under the guise of maintaining “regional security”).

According to Japanese news media, the Japanese government will demand the U.S. give Japan a written guarantee of military support in case of war against China!  Japanese officials also want the guarantee to involve the Chinese, basically they want the U.S. to pressure China into promising it will back off of growing territorial disputes with Japan.

The Obama regime has repeatedly stated they support Japan’s claims to disputed islands.

More Fukushima Fallout: More radiation pours into the Pacific, decontamination begins more than two years later!

01 October 2013 (12:31 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/09 Mehr 1392/27 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

Government agencies have finally begun decontamination of areas around Fukushima Daiichi, more than two years after the melt downs began!

Japanese government officials said radiation levels were too high to begin decontamination efforts sooner!  Some areas of seven municipalities have been hit with so much radiation that nobody can live there.  Radiation levels are reported, by government agencies, to be at least 50 millisieverts per hour!

However, the decontamination efforts beginning now are considered a test, as officials don’t really know if decontamination of plants, soil and buildings will be successful.  A district leader in the city of Namie does not think decontamination will be successful.  He said radiation levels have remained unchanged in the no-go areas since April 2011.  He has been taking his own radiation readings every month since the melt downs began.

Tokyo Electric Power Company revealed that in September at least four metric tons of contaminated rainwater spilled into the ocean.  TEPCo says workers were pumping the contaminated rainwater into a storage tank when it overflowed.  It turns out the tank was already full.

The rainwater contained 160 becquerels per liter of radiation, which is five times the Japanese government safe limits for dumping contaminated water into the ocean!  Keep in mind there is no possible way for TEPCo to catch and store all the rain that hits the radioactive Fukushima Daiichi nuke facility, and it runs off into the Pacific Ocean.

World War 3, East Asian Front: Japan accuses U.S. contractors of stealing hundreds of millions in cash! Scheme similar to what’s going on in Afghanistan!

01 October 2013 (02:08 UTC-07 Tango)/26 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/09 Mehr 1391/27 Ren-Xu (8th month) 4711

Japan’s Board of Audit has discovered that U.S. military contractors have ripped off Japan’s Self Defense Forces (and thereby Japan’s taxpayers) to the tune of at least $520 million USD!

The investigation went all the way back to 1989 and involved the purchase of  aircraft, ships, missile equipment and required support from U.S. war mongering corporations.  At least 250 contracts are questionable because they have not been fulfilled even though the U.S. military contractors were paid in full in advance!

One official pointed out that some contracts were paid for ten years ago, with no oversight as to their completion.

By the way, U.S. contractors being paid in advance, and without oversight, is at the heart of the U.S. instigated corruption in Afghanistan, according to the U.S. Special Investigator General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)!

The same thing happened in Iraq, according to the U.S. Special Investigator General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR).  In the case of Iraq and Afghanistan, it’s the U.S. taxpayer who’s being ripped off.


More Fukushima Fallout: TEPCo admits radioactive silt barriers failed!

26 September 2013 (02:51 UTC-07 Tango)/21 Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 1434/04 Mehr 1392/22 Xin-You (8th month) 4711

Tokyo Electric Power Company has admitted that one reason radiation is getting into the Pacific Ocean, is that their silt fence barriers keep failing.  Today, the radioactive silt barrier failed near Fukushima Daiichi’s Reactors 5 and 6.

This is not the first time, TEPCo revealed another barrier failed five months ago.

What TEPCo calls silt fences are underwater barriers meant to contain silt contaminated with radiation from spreading into the Pacific Ocean.

TEPCo officials blame strong waves for repeatedly breaching the barriers.

Silt fences are typical of construction sites that need to protect areas of water, sometimes called filter fences.  However, experiences with silt barriers show they do not last long and fail for a variety of reasons.   One source even pointed out that silt fences do not work well in strong currents.