30 July 2016 (16:47 UTC-07 Tango 01) 09 Mordad 1395/24 Shawwal 1437/27 Yi-Wei 4714
Video report by U.S. Army Garrison Japan
30 July 2016 (16:47 UTC-07 Tango 01) 09 Mordad 1395/24 Shawwal 1437/27 Yi-Wei 4714
Video report by U.S. Army Garrison Japan
11 July 2016 (07:24 UTC-07 Tango 01) 21 Tir 1395/05 Shawwal 1437/08 Yi-Wei 4714
Japan sending three C-130 transport aircraft to South Sudan to evacuate at least 70 Japanese working in the five years old oil rich country. 47 Japan International Cooperation Agency personnel are reported to be trapped by intense fighting in Juba City.
Since 2012 Japan has stationed about 350 military personnel in South Sudan (possibly in violation of their own constitution), as part of United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) ‘peacekeeping’ operations. Those peacekeeping ops fell apart over the weekend as full-on war between South Sudan’s president and South Sudan’s vice president began last Thursday (skirmishes have been ongoing since June), killing nearly 3-hundred people so far, including a Chinese soldier taking part in UNMISS ops.
UNMISS says the Chinese soldier was killed (independent news reports say two Chinese killed) when Jebel ‘House’ was attacked. Chinese government reports say the soldier was killed, and several wounded, when their vehicle was blown up. Several Rwandan soldiers were wounded at Tomping House, witnesses described a “massive explosion”. Unnamed UN workers at a refugee camp say South Sudan’s president ordered helicopters to bomb the refugee camp. Hundreds of civilians are being killed. The paranoid U.S. Obama regime backed president of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, has always accused refugees of being covert terrorists.
UNMISS officials report Protection of Civilian (PoC) sites are being overrun by people fleeing the fighting. The impotent UN Security Council is demanding the fighting between South Sudan’s president and vice president stop.
11 June 2016 / 23:30 UTC-07 Tango 01 (23 Khordad 1395/06 Ramadan 1437/08 Jia-Wu 4714)
Belgium: Yet more problems with troubled Tihanga 2 nuke plant (which was supposed to be shutdown in 2015): “An electrical motor that turns a steam turbine in a non-nuclear part of the site broke down.”-Serge Dauby
Canada: Reports say the Canadian government has reversed course on shutting down the Whiteshell/Pinawa nuclear site in Manatoba. Canadian Nuclear Laboratories has frozen the decommissioning and has apparently decided to leave underground reactors in place and simply pour concrete over everything: “Essentially, it has become too difficult and expensive to dismantle and dig up the radioactive waste at the Pinawa site, and the result is the province will wind up with a de facto nuclear waste facility.”
Finland: In 2020 the northern country will begin burying nuke waste for the first time. They plan to bury 5-thousand tons of nuke waste for at least 100-thousand years. The initial cost to taxpayers to build The Hollow is $4-billion USD! Imagine the cost to maintain it, they must expect their economy to boom in order to provide the tax revenues to support The Hollow.
India: The U.S. Obama regime is supporting India’s plan to join the international Nuclear Suppliers Group: “In practical terms, there is nothing extra that the NSG will give India other than a seat at the nuclear high table.”-Rakesh Sood
Italy: The prime minister of the the U.S. led NATO member revealed plans for Italy to abandon its anti-nuclear weapons policy, and will allow the U.S. Obama regime to maintaining a nuclear arsenal in the Latin country (despite Obama’s promise seven years ago that the U.S. would stop exporting nukes), all in the ironic name of nuclear security: “Thank you President Obama. Italy is fully determined to follow through with its commitment for nuclear security.”-Matteo Renzi, Italian prime minister commenting on the basing of new U.S. B-61-12 nuclear bombs in Italy
Japan: Five years later several people are breaking the news media silence on cancers caused by the ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster. A 21 years old woman with thyroid cancer is begging the rest of her neighbors to get screened for cancer. She’s one of 173 young people to reveal they have cancer that according to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation says can only be caused by a nuclear disaster. News reports say the 21 years old woman is hiding her identity because victims of Fukushima Daiichi who go public are actually attacked by supporters of the nuke industry! In the nuclear disaster areas skyrocketing cases of children with thyroid cancer are making local news, however, the neo-imperialist ‘hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil’ government of Japan blames the increased child cancer rates on increased cancer screenings, not radiation! Even the Fukushima Medical Association flat denies the increased cases of thyroid cancer in children could be caused by radiation contamination! News media revealed that the government is actually dragging its feet on cancer screenings, at least 38% of the victims of Fukushima Daiichi have yet to be tested for radiation contamination!
Micronesia: 70 years after the U.S. nuked the shit out of Bikini Atoll its still too radioactive for people to return: “People dream of going back to Bikini Island, but there’s an ugly history of people returning too early and getting sick. I couldn’t get clear answers, even in scientific literature, on whether these islands were, in fact, radioactive or not.”–Emlyn Hughes, Columbia University
Sweden: Government administrators have voted to build ten new nuclear power plants. At least four will be built to replace four of Sweden’s nine older nuke factories: “This is a traditional Swedish compromise.”-Ibrahim Baylan, Ministry of Energy
United States: A shipment of plutonium and weapons grade uranium from Japan was delivered to Savannah River Site in South Carolina and weapons lab Y-12 National Security Complex in Tennessee. So far nobody has explained why Japan had been storing massive quantities of weapons grade material in violation of its own laws and international laws. It was revealed that Japan was convinced to hand it over due to its lax security of nuclear facilities: “The removal of the material from Japan represents a significant accomplishment in our broader global nuclear security efforts to secure highly enriched uranium and plutonium worldwide.”-Lieutenant General Frank G. Klotz, U.S. Department of Energy
In California “There is 89 times the amount of radiation at San Onofre as was released at Chernobyl, [Southern California Edison] spends millions of dollars each year distorting the truth. It’s a smoke-and-mirrors show they put on for the public while they cut costs to increase their profits.”-Rita Conn of Secure Nuclear Waste commenting on spent nuclear fuel at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)
Reports out of The Aloha State reveal that only one week after Fukushima Daiichi blew up radiation was detected in the air over Hawaii. That same year the University of Hawaii at Manoa began collecting water samples to establish a baseline cesium level. Researchers say since then elevated cesium levels have been detected around Midway Island and the west coast of North America. But what’s more worrisome is that cesium is showing up in the milk of dairy cows on Hawaii: “The Department of Health monitored precipitation and the atmosphere and also milk. They found positive hits in all of these.”–Henrietta Dulai, University of Hawaii researcher who admitted her own cesium testing conflicts with the state Department of Health’s test results
The Idaho state Attorney General Lawrence Wasden claims he will defend the 1995 nuclear waste agreement between The Gem State and Washington DC, despite the fact that ‘elected’ state and federal lawmakers are pushing to bring more nuke waste into Idaho. The Idaho Statesman revealed that the federal government repeatedly violates the 1995 agreement. This comes as it’s been revealed that since November 2015 clean up crews from the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) have been investigating why a Snake River Plain Aquifer monitoring well, near Highway 20, is contaminated with tetrachloroethylene. Efforts are now underway to clean up the contamination. And of course that news arrived as news that between 2001 and 2005 Idaho had the most people die from skin cancer than any other U.S. state!
Idaho’s neighbor The Evergreen State had the highest rate of skin cancer in 2008! Both Idaho and Washington are home to huge nuclear laboratories.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission rates Massachusetts’ Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station as one of the three worst in the U.S. (all three are operated by the same company, Entergy). Pilgrim is supposed to be decommissioned starting in 2019, however local news media revealed “Entergy does not have enough money to decommission now. Entergy has about $900 million in Pilgrim’s Decommissioning Trust Fund (DTF). Entergy estimated that the total cost (if the work started in 2014) to clean-up Vermont Yankee, a smaller reactor than Pilgrim, would be about 1.243 billion dollars. Pilgrim’s DTF is about 350 million dollars short, even if work started today. By the time that the work is actually done, the shortfall likely will be in the billions.”
The fat-ass Christie regime in New Jersey is allowing the aged Artificial Island nuclear power plant to continue operations for another five years, and interestingly is not requiring the construction of cooling towers. It’s all about the politics of global warming and taxpayer funded (socialist) job creation: “Nuclear plays a key role today and also in the future in meeting New Jersey and America’s clean air goals. These goals can’t be achieved without carbon free nuclear power. Just as important is the economic impact of the 1,800 jobs we supply and the millions of dollars we spend each year on goods and services right here in New Jersey.”-Joe Delmar, PSEG Nuclear
The Department of Energy (DoE) gave the green light to restart ‘cold operations’ at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico, more than two years after the mixed-nuke waste explosion. The DoE is paying the Land of Enchantment $74-million USD compensation for the WIPP disaster.
In Washington DC “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) quietly issued proposals …to allow radioactive contamination in drinking water ….equivalent to 250 chest X-rays a year.” Yet another study saying cell phones cause brain cancer, this time it’s the federal government. After spending $25-million taxpayer dollars funding the study through the National Toxicology Program it was concluded that “radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at frequencies and modulations used in the US telecommunications industry” was connected to “…RFR exposure and the neoplastic lesions…”
07 April 2016 (15:31 UTC-07 Tango 01) 19 Farvardin 1395/28 Jumada t-Tania 1437/01 Ren-Chen 4714
Iran: The Ministry of Defense is now using octagen as a bomb. Octagen is also used as rocket fuel and, in countries that have nuclear weapons, it is used as the detonator for nukes.
The government revealed a new nuclear site called Pasman Gor. Government administrators claim they will reveal numerous nuclear industry developments that until now were “currently under the monopoly of a handful of nations.”
Japan: News reports that Tokyo Electric Power Company is concerned over a massive radiation spike coming from a near empty wastewater storage tank. At TEPCo’s Fukushima Daiichi a three years old wastewater tank is now emitting 8-thousand 1-hundred becquerels (bq) of radiation, last week it was only 87bq! TEPCo administrators are trying to find out why.
Japan’s Board of Audit says this year’s decontamination efforts around Fukushima Daiichi will cost at least $27-billion USD! Now extrapolate that to $27-billion every year for the next 40 years, that’s how long they think decontamination efforts are to last (right, tell that to the people of Chernobyl).
Switzerland: Researchers say they’ve come up with a product to greatly speed up wireless (WiFi) computer communications by blocking exposure to radiation that’s actually created by computer electronics. It’s called Graphene. Radiation created by WiFi electronics themselves is one reason microchips can’t currently be made to operate any faster. Graphene acts like polarized sunglasses for microchips, filtering out radiation.
United States: The U.S. is being turned into the world’s nuclear waste dumpsite. Last month Japan shipped off tonnes of weapons grade plutonium to the U.S., now it’s being revealed that United Kingdom is shipping 7-hundred kg (1,543 pounds) of uranium to the U.S.
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reminded people of a forgotten radiation contamination event that took place at Bethlehem Steel in New York. It happened in the 1940s and 50s. Workers were exposed to uranium while making fuel rods for nuclear plants. It wasn’t until the year 2000 that the U.S. Congress finally decided to pay for medical costs for those who were still alive!
North Carolina State University’s Afsaneh Rabiei claims to have created a bullet proof metallic foam that can also block radiation. Rabiei swears the secret for Composite Metal Foam’s ability to stop armor piercing bullets is the air bubbles, not the metal. However, when it comes to blocking radiation CMF must use exotic metals like tungsten and vanadium.
United Kingdom: Researchers at University of Manchester claim that the chemical that turns tomatoes red can block radiation contamination, under certain conditions. They hope that one day lycopene can be used to help people undergoing radiation treatment for cancer. Earlier studies suggested that lycopene can protect cigarette smokers from cancer causing nitrogen dioxide radical and peroxynitrite.
Five Years Later: Contamination of Japanese rivers skyrocket! INL admits its radiation detectors don’t work!
31 March 2016 /19:16 UTC-07 Tango 01 (13 Farvardin 1395/22 Jumada t-Tania 1437/24 Xin Mao 4714)
Idaho: The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) recently revealed their onsite radiation detectors don’t work! They discovered this a month after an ‘incident’ contaminated several employees!
INL glove box
Local eastern Idaho newspapers got copy of a 43 page internal document detailing what happened. The INL report was actually completed in December 2015, and concerns an accident that happened in August 2014. In the Fuel Manufacturing Facility (under management of contractor Battelle Energy Alliance) the seal on a ‘glove box’ failed causing radiation to leak out, however, the radiation detectors never sounded the alarm. The leak was accidentally discovered a month later during a routine test of the detectors. Nine of 15 employees in the room suffered internal radiation contamination. It should be noted that it wasn’t until January this year that the specific room where the incident took place was deemed OK to resume work! The internal report suggested better safety procedures must be undertaken by contractor Battelle Energy Alliance.
Newspaper Post Register suggested the incident would never have been made public if it weren’t for their first reporting the incident back in September 2015, a year after the incident. The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) only alluded to the INL incident in random postings on its website starting in October 2014, but failed to mention that employees had been exposed!
New Mexico: It’s been revealed that work at the failed Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP, with direct connections to INL) was halted for a month when detection devices picked up carbon monoxide and ‘volatile organic compounds’ in the underground air.
Work is ongoing to install new ventilation systems as a result of the 2014 explosion of a mixed waste drum from Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Despite the ongoing problems at WIPP, the U.S. DoE has decided to ship six tonnes of ‘surplus’ nuclear bomb making plutonium to WIPP, under the guise of reducing any chance that terrorists might get their hands on it. All that weapons grade plutonium is supposedly coming from South Carolina’s Savannah River Site.
Japan: The prefecture of Fukushima concluded testing on the 72 rivers flowing through the area and was shocked at the results.
After five years of supposed effort to contain and clean up the ongoing meltdowns at the GE designed Fukushima Daiichi, radiation contamination levels have skyrocketed!
The worst offenders are: Maeda River in Futaba Town (location of Fukushima Daiichi)=54-thousand 5-hundred becquerels per kilogram of radioactive substances
Hiru River in Fukushima City=39-thousand 6-hundred becquerels
Five other rivers=more than 10-thousand bq
When prefectural administrators approached the national government about the situation the Ministry of Environment said under current Japanese nuclear regulations “decontamination is not required for areas outside of residential zones”!
It should be noted that Japan recently shipped several tonnes worth of weapons grade plutonium to the United States and United Kingdom, under the guise of reducing any chance that terrorists might get their hands on it. Here’s the thing; according to signed agreements Japan is not supposed to have weapons grade plutonium to begin with. These shipments back up claims by China that Japan is hoarding plutonium for the secret purpose of making nuclear weapons. What was that about Donald Trump wanting Japan to make it’s own nukes?
False Flag: Belgian nuke plant security guard assassinated, ID stolen!
Five Years Later: Myth busted, nuke plants shutting down, they cost too much to operate!
INL admits “nobody really knows what’s going on.”
30 March 2016 /21:04 UTC-07 Tango 01 (12 Farvardin 1395/21 Jumada t-Tania 1437/23 Xin Mao 4714)
“The U.S. government has taken the opposite approach amid equally alarming cases of serious side effects. Not only does the Obama administration continue recommending the vaccine (Gardasil), it spends large sums of taxpayer dollars promoting it and works hard to keep details involving its dangers secret.“–Judicial Watch
Just over two years ago the Japanese government stopped promoting the cervical cancer vaccine for HPV, due to high rates of women becoming permanently ill (“Around 2,000 reported side effects after using Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine have determined Japanese government officials to withdraw Gardasil from the market in 2013”). The Ministry of Health confirms that at least 186 people are currently suffering from side effects of the vaccines.
Now a class action lawsuit is being brought against the government, GlaxoSmithKline and Gardasil-MSD (aka Merck). GlaxoSmithKline is refusing comment while Gardasil-MSD actually claims their vaccine is safe simply because governments around the world approved it. The majority of those sickened by the HPV vaccine are teen aged girls.
But here’s a paradox: According to Mercola.com HPV Vaccine Can Make You Susceptible to More Serious Strains of HPV!
Operation Jupiter: Government reveals who’s behind blackmarket vaccines!
Operation Jupiter: For past 40 years a major Vaccine maker lied about how they make vaccines!
30 March 2016 (12:28 UTC-07 Tango 01) 11 Farvardin 1395/20 Jumada t-Tania 1437/22 Xin Mao 4714
On the verge of a takeover deal from Republic of China’s (Taiwan) Hon Hai (Foxconn), Japan’s Sharp has admitted it’s been cooking its books to make itself look like a good buy.
Up ’til now Sharp claimed it was going to make a profit for 2015, but now it estimates a loss of $1.5-billion USD! Amazingly, Hon Hai says it will go through with the takeover, officially by this weekend. However, Hon Hai will pay $1-billion less than what it originally offered.
No more electronics maker Sharp! Foxconn beats out Samsung!
28 March 2016 /23:19 UTC-07 Tango 01 (10 Farvardin 1395/19 Jumada t-Tania 1437/21 Xin Mao 4714)
Last year I implicated the U.S. Department of Defense’s JUPITR ATD anthrax scandal as possibly including the terror group known as Aum Shinrikyo (the ones who launched a chemical weapons attack in a Tokyo subway in 1995)!
Since I wrote that article Aum Shinrikyo has grown even stronger with a fast spreading global membership. Last year Japan’s Public Security Examination Commission claimed they had Aum Shinrikyo sub-groups Aleph and Hikari no Wa under surveillance, however, that surveillance failed to show the rapid spread of the terror cult from Japan to Russia to eastern Europe.
Aum Shinrikyo is considered a terrorist group in Russia and therefore banned. Russian police have discovered numerous Aum Shinrikyo cells operating as spiritual-yoga self help centers (usually using just the word Aum [meaning Om, or divine sound of creation], there are such Aum meditation groups currently in the U.S.). Russia shutdown one such operation in Moscow last October. Then on 25 March 2016, police in Montenegro captured 59 cultists in the capital of Podgorica and the city of Danilovgrad.
They entered Montenegro illegally and most are from Russia, four are from Japan. They’re supposed to be deported to Russia and Japan tonight (Russia claims most already have self-deported after being released by the court).
The cultists rented the hotels all for themselves for ten days, and here’s the kicker; they demanded that all hotel employees leave! A Montenegrin newspaper says cult members swore that they are “tourists”. None of them had required documentation for cross-border travel. My research turned up information that revealed that those hotels have been used in the past for Aum mediation retreats, but apparently they’ve never before shutdown an entire hotel and ordered the employees to leave.
Court proceedings revealed the cult had already been in Montenegro for ten days before the police were notified (apparently by pissed off hotel employees). Police said they found the cultists “performing rituals”, and they confiscated their cell phones and laptops. Police also stated that the cultists have what appear to be wounds to their necks and other extremities that might be the result of the ‘rituals’.
Montenegro’s court ordered the deportation, instead of further prosecution, because there was no evidence that the arrested cultists were connected to the 1995 sarin gas attack in Tokyo, that left at least 12 dead and more than 50 permanently wounded.
Court acquits Kikuchi of 1995 Aum bombing
Council on Foreign Relations: Aum Shinrikyo “As early as five years before the March 1995 subway attack, the group attempted to carry out at least nine biological assaults…”
False Flag: Border Patrol reveals record numbers of children flooding into U.S., & it seems to be planned!
25 March 2016 (06:50 UTC-07 Tango 01) 06 Farvardin 1395/15 Jumada t-Tania 1437/17 Xin Mao 4714
For decades we’ve been told nuclear power plants were the cheapest way to generate a lot of electricity over the long run, but now Japan is shutting down reactors precisely because they cost too much to operate!
Shikoku Electric Power Company announced they’re shutting down and decommissioning reactor 1 at its Ikata nuke plant in Ehime Prefecture. SEPCo says the 39 years old reactor has become too expensive to operate, and it will cost to much money to upgrade it!
Japanese news media revealed that five other nuclear reactors across Japan have been shutdown for the same reasons!
Five Years Later: TEPCo shenanigans continue, now politicians are getting pissed!
23 March 2016 (07:49 UTC-07 Tango 01) 04 Farvardin 1395/13 Jumada t-Tania 1437/15 Xin Mao 4714
“For five years you continued to say there was no standard for determining when a meltdown occurs! How can we trust you?! How can we let your company restart the nuclear plant?!”-Tateishi Masaaki, Niigata Prefectural Councilman, to TEPCo administrator during public hearing (and yes, he was actually yelling at the TEPCo official)
On Tuesday, Tokyo Electric Power Company was finally attacked by government leaders! TEPCo was blasted for lying about its own policy regarding the determination of when a nuclear reactor was melting down, and their request to restart reactors 6 and 7 of the Kashiwazaki-kariwa nuke plant was denied!
For years TEPCo claimed there was no standard for officially identifying a nuclear meltdown (even though an idiot should know that when the rods start physically melting, that’s a meltdown), yet last month TEPCo administrators publicly released a manual that had specific meltdown SOP (standard operating procedures). TEPCo had used the excuse of ‘no meltdown standards’ as a reason why they failed to call the GE designed Fukushima Daiichi a meltdown, even weeks after several reactor buildings blew up! Yesterday, Managing Executive Officer Anegawa Takafumi publicly admitted to the Niigata Prefectural Council (during hearings to restart the Kashiwazaki-kariwa nuke plant) that TEPCo managers didn’t know about their own ‘meltdown’ manual at the time of the Fukushima meltdowns: “We should have known about…and reported the existence of the manuals sooner…”
Regarding the GE designed Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuke plant in Niigata Prefecture (the world’s largest, by the way); Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) stated that TEPCo has failed to provide required natural disaster survival data, and therefore the NRA halted ‘screenings for restart’ of the reactors. The nuke plant has supposedly survived several earthquakes over the past ten years. However, at the beginning of the month TEPCo reported “unexplained” fuel rod movement in reactor 5.
During 2011, Kashiwazaki-Kariwa experienced “unexplained” smoke pouring out of a control panel. Back in 2007 a transformer exploded and caught fire due to an earthquake, which also released cobalt-60 and chromium-51 into the air.
Five Years Later: McDonald’s so desperate for employees they turn to Anime!
Five Years Later: ‘Fukushima’ farmers caught hiding 3,100+ tonnes of contaminated produce!