31 March 2016 /19:16 UTC-07 Tango 01 (13 Farvardin 1395/22 Jumada t-Tania 1437/24 Xin Mao 4714)
Idaho: The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) recently revealed their onsite radiation detectors don’t work! They discovered this a month after an ‘incident’ contaminated several employees!

INL glove box
Local eastern Idaho newspapers got copy of a 43 page internal document detailing what happened. The INL report was actually completed in December 2015, and concerns an accident that happened in August 2014. In the Fuel Manufacturing Facility (under management of contractor Battelle Energy Alliance) the seal on a ‘glove box’ failed causing radiation to leak out, however, the radiation detectors never sounded the alarm. The leak was accidentally discovered a month later during a routine test of the detectors. Nine of 15 employees in the room suffered internal radiation contamination. It should be noted that it wasn’t until January this year that the specific room where the incident took place was deemed OK to resume work! The internal report suggested better safety procedures must be undertaken by contractor Battelle Energy Alliance.
Newspaper Post Register suggested the incident would never have been made public if it weren’t for their first reporting the incident back in September 2015, a year after the incident. The U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) only alluded to the INL incident in random postings on its website starting in October 2014, but failed to mention that employees had been exposed!
New Mexico: It’s been revealed that work at the failed Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP, with direct connections to INL) was halted for a month when detection devices picked up carbon monoxide and ‘volatile organic compounds’ in the underground air.
Work is ongoing to install new ventilation systems as a result of the 2014 explosion of a mixed waste drum from Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Despite the ongoing problems at WIPP, the U.S. DoE has decided to ship six tonnes of ‘surplus’ nuclear bomb making plutonium to WIPP, under the guise of reducing any chance that terrorists might get their hands on it. All that weapons grade plutonium is supposedly coming from South Carolina’s Savannah River Site.
Japan: The prefecture of Fukushima concluded testing on the 72 rivers flowing through the area and was shocked at the results.
After five years of supposed effort to contain and clean up the ongoing meltdowns at the GE designed Fukushima Daiichi, radiation contamination levels have skyrocketed!
The worst offenders are: Maeda River in Futaba Town (location of Fukushima Daiichi)=54-thousand 5-hundred becquerels per kilogram of radioactive substances
Hiru River in Fukushima City=39-thousand 6-hundred becquerels
Five other rivers=more than 10-thousand bq
When prefectural administrators approached the national government about the situation the Ministry of Environment said under current Japanese nuclear regulations “decontamination is not required for areas outside of residential zones”!
It should be noted that Japan recently shipped several tonnes worth of weapons grade plutonium to the United States and United Kingdom, under the guise of reducing any chance that terrorists might get their hands on it. Here’s the thing; according to signed agreements Japan is not supposed to have weapons grade plutonium to begin with. These shipments back up claims by China that Japan is hoarding plutonium for the secret purpose of making nuclear weapons. What was that about Donald Trump wanting Japan to make it’s own nukes?
False Flag: Belgian nuke plant security guard assassinated, ID stolen!
Five Years Later: Myth busted, nuke plants shutting down, they cost too much to operate!
INL admits “nobody really knows what’s going on.”