According to a May 3, 2012, Associated Press report, Microsoft is moving 30 to 40 jobs from Boise, Idaho, to Washington state.
Microsoft officials say it’s part of their efforts to cut costs by consolidating similar positions.
According to a May 3, 2012, Associated Press report, Microsoft is moving 30 to 40 jobs from Boise, Idaho, to Washington state.
Microsoft officials say it’s part of their efforts to cut costs by consolidating similar positions.
Despite U.S. oil sanctions against Iran, Iran experienced a 100% increase in refined petrol (gasoline) exports in 2011!
Iranian officials say their gasoline sales in 2011 hit a record $134 million USD! Some of the countries buying Iranian petrol are Armenia, Afghanistan, the UAE, Iraq and Oman (some are U.S. puppet states).
By the end of 2010 Iran became self supporting in petrol production, ending years of dependance on foreign suppliers of refined gasoline. Iran is now a major exporter of refined fuels.
Officials in Nigeria announced plans to increase oil production to 4 million bpd by the year 2020. They are also close to increasing liquefied natural gas production by an additional 20 million metric tons a year, from the current level of 26 million tons. Nigeria is the largest oil producer in Africa.
Texas oil and gas surplus equipment supplier, Jhump & Associates, is reporting a 117% increase in sales in 2011! But that’s nothing compared to the 300% increase they had in 2010!!!
The Texas based company started in human resource solutions, but has seen a huge boost after they moved into surplus oil equipment sales. They now plan to move into off shore drilling technology. They say their increased sales is due to a huge increase in oil and gas exploration and drilling in the United States. What was that about Obama not doing enough to increase oil production?
In the panhandle of Idaho, and eastern Washington, people are leaving for oil jobs in North Dakota: “I’ve had guys come running through the door, saying, ‘I need my CDL [commercial drivers license] now! I’ve got a job lined up in North Dakota!’ .”-Tina Sykes, Sage Truck Driving Schools
Sage Truck Driving Schools now offers a shortened course for those Idahoans and Washingtonians heading for North Dakota.
North Idaho College is experiencing a jump in enrollment for electrical and plumbing programs that end with apprenticeships in North Dakota.
While educators are warning job seekers to do their homework before heading for North Dakota, there seems to be more than enough jobs available: “We’ve had both types of people, those who jumped in the car and left, and others who did prior research on companies. We’ve never had anyone who didn’t get employment.”-Tina Sykes, Sage Truck Driving Schools
In contrast, Ohio is seeing a seeming rejection of local people for consideration of employment in the oil and gas industry there.
One union member claimed that not a single contractor in Coshocton County, Ohio, has been hired by the shale oil and gas industry: “…I have been a local construction laborer for more than 30 years. I have talked with other construction laborers living in the Carroll, Harrison and Jefferson county areas. They are totally discouraged on the lack of, or in other words zero percent, work they are getting from this construction based shale gas industry.”-Timothy Mulford, Business Manager Laborers Local 134
Chevron reported a $6.5 billion USD profit for the first quarter of 2012. High oil prices driven by speculators was one of many reasons for the huge profits.
According to Visiongain, all oil refineries around the world are now worth a combined total of $46.64 billion USD. Visiongain expects huge investments and developments will be made in refineries until 2022.
“It’s a hard cut off, there is no phase out. Nobody gets squat after December 31!”-Bob Fick, U.S. Department of Labor
The U.S. government is ending long term unemployment help (stop calling it “benefits” main stream U.S. media!!!). Emergency unemployment compensation is being reduced from 53 weeks, to just 13. Another program known as extended benefits is being ended altogether.
As a result, in the state of Idaho overall maximum unemployment help will drop from 99 weeks to 39!
The official U.S. unemployment rate is at 8.2%, Idaho’s official unemployment rate is around 8%. But that doesn’t mean companies are hiring enough people.
April 9, 2012, U.S. stock markets dropped because of news that hiring is not what everyone thought it was. The U.S. Department of Labor announced that 120,000 jobs were created in March. That’s 80,000 less than expected!
Many “experts” were sure it would be more than 200,000! In fact many of those “experts” now think the job gains of the previous three months were temporary, and more losses are to come: “We’re thinking that the economic data is going to lose some momentum from here going forward.”-Bob Baur, Principal Global Investors
Even Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said the recent drop in official unemployment numbers was “out of sync”.
Teenagers continue to get hit hard with lack of jobs. The official rate of unemployment for them is 25%! The highest rate since last year, and getting close to the all time record of 25.5% in 2009 (the highest since 1948)!
Here’s a fact: There are 5.1 million less U.S. jobs now, than in December 2007! The U.S. economy needed to create at least 4.7 million new jobs since then, in order to “recover”, and it has not!
Here’s another interesting fact about the official unemployment numbers game: New York City is considered to have made a faster “recovery” than the rest of the country, yet their unemployment numbers have gone up! They’re now around 9.6% unemployment, close to the 10% they hit in 2009.
This is just an example of how you can’t trust the “official” numbers. Remember, the official unemployment rate does not count people who have been unemployed for so long they no longer qualify for unemployment assistance. Also, the Department of Labor issues at least six different “unemployment numbers”.
U-3 is the one the main stream U.S. media runs with. It’s the one giving us the 8.2% rate for March. The Department of Labor calls it the “official unemployment rate”.
But there is also U-6, and it says the unemployment rate is 14.5%! It’s also known as the “under-employed”, which means people who are working part time but want full time work. The Department of Labor said there were 7.7 million under-employed people in March 2012.
U-1 is also the “employment to population rate”, which looks at how many people have jobs, and it says 58.5% of the people have jobs.
Then there’s U-4 and U-5 (aka “long term unemployment” or “discouraged workers”) numbers which tries to count people who’ve been out of work for more than six months. It’s now at 5.3 million long term unemployed.
There’s also U-2 which tries to count people who just lost their jobs.
It’s confusing, especially when you get to the “discouraged” calculations. Examples: U-4 is U-3 + “discouraged workers”. U-5 is U-4 + “marginally attached workers”. U-6 is U-5 + “part time workers who want full time work”.
The bottom line is that there are millions of people in the United States still without jobs, or without good paying jobs, and that is a sign that there is no economic recovery.
U.S. department of Energy reported on April 6, 2012, that radioactive particles of cesium and cobalt are being found on construction materials.
A contractor discovered the contamination. Officials think it could be from the demolition of old buildings in that area of the INL site, which would imply that the buildings were contaminated before being torn down.
A local east Idaho DOE spokesman said there was no concern “…unless you get it onto your skin…” and you had “…prolonged exposure…”
Employees and vehicles are now being checked for contamination as they enter and leave the site.
Photos by AAron B. Hutchins, clicking on them will make them bigger:
A 1st District Judge in Idaho, has refused to accept terms of a plea agreement.
The case involves a former executive assistant at Coldwater Creek. She pled guilty in exchange for paying $251,943 in restitution, a suspended three to 10 year prison sentence, and 90 days in county jail.
She is accused of racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars in fraudulent personal expenses at Coldwater Creek, and taking money from a non-profit group involved in education.
The judge said he didn’t like the 90 day county jail time deal, because there are other cases of fraud, in Idaho, in which the defendants took much less money, and spent much more time in county jail, after making a plea deal.
Also, has hired away Coldwater Creek’s vice president of marketing.
Timothy Dilworth worked for Coldwater Creek since 2000. But is getting a good executive? After all, hasn’t Coldwater Creek been losing sales for the past several years?
According to Internet Retailer, out of the top 500 U.S. retail companies Coldwater Creek ranks 93rd (not to bad, if that’s 93rd from the top).
Towards the end of March, Coldwater Creek stocks led a small rally in the retail sector. This was due to a smaller net loss than expected. However, their sales were less than expected as well. Coldwater Creek stock is now trading for just over one dollar per share.
A Florida based group called Turnaround Management Association, listed Coldwater Creek as one of dozens of troubled U.S. retailers to watch for store closings, right along with Sears.
Turnaround Management Association specializes in distressed debt, liquidations and bankruptcy proceedings concerning retail companies.
On March 22, 2012, Hoku Solar (a subsidiary of Hoku Corporation, in turn majority owned by China’s Tianwei New Energy) was selected to build a 7.2 megawatt solar farm in Kaua’i, Hawaii.
In December 2011, Hoku Solar actually delivered a 1.18 megawatt solar energy facility, the largest solar power plant in O’ahu, Hawaii.
After the announcement of the 7.2 megawatt solar farm contract, Hoku Corp stock went up 11%.
Now the bad news, another subsidiary of Hoku Corporation, Hoku Materials, is getting hit again by the construction contractor in charge of completing the southeastern Idaho polysilicon factory.
There are reports that once again Hoku has not fully paid its contractor JH Kelly. This has happened before, and is part of the main cause for many construction delays in the past. JH Kelly officials say they are taking “action” against Hoku.
Hoku Materials has also played the same game with electricity supplier Idaho Power. Their latest battle was settled by an Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) decision.
According to an 15 March 2012 IPUC statement, Hoku got a new electricity contract which: “… reduces Hoku’s monthly minimum payment to about $800,000 for up to 18 months through June 2013. To protect customers and the company from the lost revenue from the lower minimum payment, Hoku will reimburse the difference between the current and the revised minimum charge in payments spread through November 2014, plus 6 percent interest. Hoku will also make an initial payment of $3.8 million, with $2 million of that coming from a $4 million deposit already provided by Hoku. The remaining $1.8 million will be paid over the next 18 months at $100,000 per month. Hoku must give Idaho Power 30 days’ notice when it plans to exceed 10 MW and six-months’ notice when it plans to exceed 20 MW.”
In an independent investigation into public school federal test scores, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution found the Southeastern Idaho School District 25 had suspicious test scores three years in a row.
The Pocatello/Chubbuck/Bannock County school district was “flagged” because it had test results that varied from year to year “outside the norm”.
A normal variance is considered 5% from year to year.
In 2008 there was a 13.1% variance. In 2009 it was 8.54% variance. In 2010 it jumped to 14.29% variance in test scores from the previous year!
Compare School District 25’s test score variance to Eastern Idaho’s School District 91 (aka Idaho Falls district): 2008; 1.28%. 2009; 6.41%. 2010; 6.41%. Much closer to the 5% “normal” variance.
Researchers say if education is consistent, and the children taking the tests are answering the questions from their own knowledge, then there shouldn’t be such high shifts in Idaho School District 25’s test scores from year to year.
Provinces across Canada have been increasing the cost of college, just as their neighbors to the south (U.S.A.) are doing.
Currently the cheapest place for Canadians to go to college/university is Quebec. As of March 2012, the average yearly cost for attending college in Quebec is $2,519 CAD ($2,539.91 USD). But provincial officials want a 75% increase over the next five years!
One student pointed out that college students in Quebec have less debt than other Canadians, and implied that forcing young Canadians into debt was the intent: “Tuition fees are lower in Quebec than the rest of Canada, but so is the student debt, which is a good impact of low tuition fees.”-Hugo Bonin, attending Concordia
Many people are torn over whether college should be made more expensive, or free. Many with an elitist attitude say it is a “privilege” not a “right”. Well in actuality it’s neither! If our business leaders, and government leaders, are constantly harping about the lack of “skilled” employees, and they are constantly pushing grade school students to “Go On” (higher education campaign slogan used by the state government of Idaho, U.S.A.) so that we can be more competitive in the global economy, then it is not a privilege or a right, it is a requirement!
Why should we pay for college (more like getting into massive debt for life) for the benefit of industry and government? Unless our leaders are lying to us (would they?) it is obvious that higher education is now a requirement, which means if they want qualified workers then they need to pay for the education to create the qualified workers, goddam it!
So how much is the average price of a “privileged” higher education in the rest of Canada? $5,366 CAD ($5,410.55 USD)!
“We didn’t make the investments we should have during the past few years to stay ahead of customer expectations and market trends. As a result, we see eroding revenue and profits today.”-Meg Whitman, CEO of HP, February interview
There’s rumors that Hewlett Packard is considering merging its computer production, with its printer production. Boise, Idaho, is home to a huge HP compound that includes printer manufacturing.
Analysts say they don’t know what good will come from such a merger, but agree that people are going to lose their jobs: “HP has some massive structural fixes that they need to make, and this doesn’t come close. I don’t see how this changes anything apart from probably giving you an excuse to cut some heads and cut some costs.”-Rob Cihra, Evercore Partners