INDIANA: On 16MAR2023, Purdue University researchers prove the situation is worse than officials are saying, revealed yet more unreported chemicals found in samples from the East Palestine, Ohio, derailment;
NORTH CAROLINA: Revealed this week, officials covered-up a CATS Light Rail derailment for a year! Also revealed, the derailment was the result of a known problem, and the delay of repairs to fix the problem;
PENNSYLVANIA: State-level politicians hold special meeting over the 40 days old East Palestine, Ohio, derailment;
WASHINGTON: Approximately 5-thousand gallons of diesel fuel spilled when the train derailed on 16MAR2023;
16 March 2023 (11:57-UTC-07 Tango 06) 25 Esfand 1401/23 Sha’ban 1444/25 Yi-Mao 4721/16 марта 2023 года
Medicare is about healthcare, mainly for citizens 65 or older who have paid taxes, as in what happens when you need to see a doctor. There is a connection between your eating habits and your overall health, and taxpayer supported Medicare has provided food allowances through something called a Grocery Benefit using a Medicare Food Allowance/Heath Foods Card. That is through the Select Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNP) or Chronic Condition Special Needs Plans (C-SNP), types of Medicare Advantage insurance programs.
Now, several states are trying a new ‘Food for Medicaid’ operation. Medicaid is a joint federal/state governments operation that helps some people who don’t meet the requirements of the federal Medicare.
Delaware, Maine, New Mexico, New York, New Jersey and Washington are petitioning Medicaid to allow them to add food to their new Biden Medicaid Food program. Alaska, Massachusetts and Oregon already are using U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior’s new Medicaid for Food program. But wait, Medicaid already has a food program!
Medicaid already issues vouchers for meal deliveries for people with specific health conditions, apparently it is a temporary thing. But, most (not all, I know because I’m one who does not get SNAP and relies totally on the only private charity food pantry in my town) low income people (with families, or individuals with disabilities) in the United States get SNAP (aka Food Stamps), and if you qualify for SNAP you usually qualify for Medicaid and vice versa! So why is Medicaid being used to give low income people, who would qualify for SNAP, food?
Supporters claim that by spending more money on a food for healthcare program will somehow save the government money! Maybe in relation to healthcare cost, but not in relation to food costs. Perhaps healthcare costs are so high that the supposed savings of giving somebody extra food to stay healthy offsets the extra food costs? This new, supposedly bi-partisan supported, Biden system was tried out in Arkansas in 2022, at a cost of $85-million!
Why not simplify and increase the SNAP allowances and expand SNAP eligibility? Why not tie SNAP, Medicare, and Medicaid all together? Does this have something to do with the end of the False Flag Pandemic taxpayer funding for SNAP? Is this just a way for states to get extra federal taxpayer funding? Why all these shenanigans?
In 2014, the U.S. Army awarded a taxpayer funded contract to BAE to modify 2-thousand-907 Bradleys into AMPVs, to replace M113s.
I’m a Cold War veteran (signing-up in 1982, the year after the Bradley began service) and I remember that the Bradley was first sold to the U.S. public as being the replacement for the M113, yet here we are more than 40 years later and we are still using the M113, but now both the M113 and Bradleys, and their ‘new’ replacements, are made by a British empire company!
Testing the 120mm mortar carrying AMPV, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, 17OCT2017. Photo by Mark Schauer.
The BAE AMPV began testing in 2017, on the Yuma Proving Grounds (YPG) in Arizona. Five variants were proposed. It was kind of a ‘no shit, Sherlock’ moment when they promoted the AMPV as being bigger than the M113, when the AMPV is just a modified Bradley, which is naturally bigger than the M113.
120mm projectile launched from the AMPV mortar track on Fort Hood, Texas, 20SEP2018. Photo by Major Carson Petry.
In 2018, testing shifted to Fort Hood, Texas. The AMPV is intended to replace five variants of the M113: Medical Treatment, Ambulance, General Purpose, Mortar Carriers, and Command Post.
U.S. Army photo by Major Carson Petry, 20SEP2018.
U.S. Army video, Fort Hood AMPV testing, 2019:
February 2021, U.S. Army promotional video by Dan Heaton:
USA photo by Mark Schauer, 16JUN2021.
In 2021, intense off-road and maintainability testing back at the YPG in Arizona.
USA Tropic Regions Test Center photo, 04APR2022.
In 2021-22, testing moved to the jungles of Panama (reportedly the first U.S. tracked vehicle tested in Panama since the 1980s) and the snow/ice of Alaska.
USA Cold Regions Test Center, Alaska, 14DEC2021. Photo by Sebastian Saarloos.
Return to the Empire: In the late 1990s, under the Bill Clinton regime, Marconi Electronic Systems (MES, originally an Italian company) began taking over U.S. defense contractors. In 1999, MES and BAe merged to create BAE Systems, apparently to stop a U.S. defense contractor from taking over MES. In 2001, the same year the False Flag War on Terror began, BAE Systems aggressively invaded the U.S. defense industry, taking over many U.S. companies, including cyber security companies.
15 March 2023 (09:21-UTC-07 Tango 06) 24 Esfand 1401/22 Sha’ban 1444/24 Yi-Mao 4721/15 марта 2023 года
According to a White House Fact Sheet, U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior issued a bold new executive order concerning the destruction of your Second Amendment Constitutional Right!
What is a mass-shooting? It turns out that the ‘woke’ main stream news industry is operating under its own definition of mass-shootings! The U.S. government has several definitions as it has created several categories relating to killings and shootings.
U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ):Mass Killing is also known, officially, as Mass Murder. Do not confuse Mass Killing with Active Shooter. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, a bureau of the DoJ) considers Active Shootings to involve “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.” But, to confuse everybody a little more, the FBI itself actually has a definition for mass shootings: “Any incident in which at least four people are murdered with a gun.” Notice that this is more than what the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012 defines as a Mass Killing.
14 March 2023 (15:28-UTC-07 Tango 06) 23 Esfand 1401/21 Sha’ban 1444/23 Yi-Mao 4721/14 марта 2023 года
According to a White House Fact Sheet, U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior issued a bold new executive order concerning the destruction of your Second Amendment Constitutional Right!
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (ATF) video from 2015, explaining how they can track guns using something called NIBIN (National Integrated Ballistic Information Network), part of Crime Gun Intelligence (CGI), it is currently used for solving crimes:
ATF video from 2014, showing random inspection of gun store by ‘Industry Operations Investigators’:
13 March 2023 (13:27-UTC-07 Tango 06) 22 Esfand 1401/20 Sha’ban 1444/22 Yi-Mao 4721/13 марта 2023 года
“The Biden rule would lead to sweeping changes to the federal government’s authority to regulate what is considered a navigable water, with enormous impacts on small businesses, manufacturers, farmers, home and infrastructure builders, local communities, water districts, and private property owners. Cloaked under the guise of clean water, all this rule does is expand the federal government’s control over states, localities, and private landowners, making it harder to farm, build, and generate economic prosperity. I encourage the Senate to pass this commonsense resolution to push back against onerous rules like this one.”–Sam Graves, U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
What is WOTUS? Waters of the United States (WOTUS) is part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Water Act (CWA), it determines which water, and water conveyances, fall under federal and state control.
WOTUS is also known as the Clean Water Rule (CWR-2015) of 2015. CWR-2015 is an attempt by both the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to clarify federal regulations regarding water usage by industry, academia and individual citizens. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior altered the CWR-2015/WOTUS, the new rule goes into effect on 20MAR2023. However, on 09MAR2023 the U.S. House of Representatives voted to block (227 to 198) what is now called The Biden WOTUS Rule.
The U.S. Senate is also poised to block The Biden WOTUS Rule, but Biden has vowed he will veto any such blocks upon his version of WOTUS!
The Biden WOTUS Rule is the result of a more than a decade long federal lawsuit brought by an Idaho couple against the EPA and USACE, in 2008. In October2022, the federal Supreme Court heard arguments, for a second time, concerning the lawsuit, the Court is supposed to make a decision in early 2023.
Biden’s WOTUS Rule was finalized on 30DEC2022. One controversial rule says that water ‘adjacent’ to ‘protected’ water is subject to the new WOTUS, there was no wording clarifying any amount of distance from such ‘protected’ water. Another rule states that ‘permanent’ flows of water in local ditches, waste water treatment ponds, artificially created lakes or ponds, are now under the control of the EPA! The new WOTUS uses ‘environmental justice’ as an excuse to take control of local water, restricting industries including food production!
Idaho Army National Guard photo by Crystal Farris, 16FEB2023.
Many Idahoans don’t know that recently The Gem State was invaded by NATO units from Germany, they were busy calling in airstrikes on Southern Idaho!
Idaho Army National Guard photo by Crystal Farris, 16FEB2023.
From 11FEB2023 to 22FEB2023, artillery forward observers from NATO-Germany occupied the Saylor Creek Range, practicing calling in airstrikes by Idaho Air National Guard 124th Fighter Wing/190th Fighter Squadron’s A-10C Thunderbolt-2s.
Idaho Army National Guard photo by Crystal Farris, 16FEB2023.
Gee, it’s as if there is a war going on somewhere in the world?
Idaho Army National Guard photo by Crystal Farris, 16FEB2023.
Idaho Army National Guard photo by Crystal Farris, 16FEB2023.
10 March 2023 (10:12-UTC-07 Tango 06) 19 Esfand 1401/17 Sha’ban 1444/19 Yi-Mao 4721/10 марта 2023 года
On 09MAR2023, WVEC, in Virginia, reports that Guard personnel are not getting their civilian jobs back when returning from deployments, in violation of federal law (this has always been a problem, even during the Cold War):
California Army National Guard drops hay, from CH-47 Chinooks, to snowbound cows in Humboldt County:
After ten days and at least 13 deaths(!), the ‘woke’ gov’na of California finally deployed the National Guard to the snowbound communities in the San Bernardino Mountains on 02MAR2023 (I used to live in Wrightwood back in the mid-1970s, so I know how bad it can get):
Welcome to borderland hell under U.S. President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, incomplete (just the tip of the iceberg) list of videos and reports from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) about the increasing flood of boat people from Bahamas, Cuba, and Haiti, and the increasing illegal fishing operations by Mexico, for February 2023:
15FEB2023, the USCG captured 311 Haitians approximately 30 miles northeast of Caibarien, Cuba! Video by Lieutenant Alexander Cordes and Air Station Clearwater helicopter crew:
USCG HC-144 Ocean Sentry spotted a boat full of illegals approximately 25 miles west of Cay Sal, Bahamas, 17FEB2023:
USCG District 7 photo by Petty Officer Second Class Matthew Abban, 21FEB2023.
Then on 21FEB2023, the USCG captured this homemade boat filled with 39 illegals from Cuba, about 25 miles west of Cay Sal Bank, Bahamas.
USCG District 7 photo by Petty Officer Second Class Matthew Abban, 21FEB2023.
Also on 21FEB2023, the USCG reports capturing this boat of illegals, about 20 miles north of Cayo Fragoso, Cuba.
USCG District 7 photo, 28FEB2023.
Believe it or not, the USCG says this boat they captured on 28FEB2023, about 35 miles northeast of Corralillo, Cuba, was crammed with 206 illegals!
USCG District 7 photo, 05FEB2023.
On 05FEB2023, USCG and Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office captured this human smuggling boat full of illegals as it entered the Jupiter Inlet.
09FEB2023, 114 illegals from Haiti arrive near Tavernier Key:
10FEB2023, Florida makes it legal to help other states ship illegals to any ‘sanctuary city’ in the U.S.:
USCG video, capturing a boat full of illegals, about 30 miles south of Man Key, 19FEB2023:
USCG intercept boat full of illegals, approximately 20 miles offshore of Marathon, 21FEB2023:
USCG District 7 photo by Petty Officer Third Class Ian Gray, 23FEB2023.
Then on 23FEB2023, another boat full of Cuban illegals was captured just one mile from Marathon.
23FEB2023, Martin County sheriff demands President Joseph Robinette Biden Junior do something after 78 illegals land on Hutchinson Island:
USCG District 7 photo by Petty Officer Matthew Abban, 28FEB2023.
On 28FEB2023, 75 Cubans were captured about 5 miles southeast of Upper Matecombe Key.
USCG District 7 photo by Senior Chief Petty Officer Brodie, 28FEB2023. MacDonald)
Also on 28FEB2023, 49 Haitians were captured, including toddlers, just off the coast of Florida.
LOUISIANNA: On 16FEB2023, U.S. taxpayers sent an undisclosed number of illegals back to the Central American country of Guatemala, via an ICE contracted Boeing 737 leaving from the Alexandria Staging Facility:
USCG District 8 photo, 08FEB2023.
The USCG intercepted two Mexican fishing boats, 6-hundred pounds of illegally caught fish, and seven Mexicans on 08FEB2023.
USCG District 8 photo, 15FEB2023.
On 15FEB2023, yet another Mexican fishing boat was captured inside U.S. water, filled with 1-hundred pounds of red snapper and shark that was being taken out of the U.S. food supply. Five Mexicans were also captured.