Actually, during non-Summer months the high temps at Fort Irwin, California, aren’t that bad. In the Gregorian month of May the average high temperature is 28C (83F). A record high temp for May hit 42C (107F). Back in 1998 I went to NTC with Idaho’s 116th Armored Cav (as a 13F with the 148th FA BN), and unfortunately it was during the hottest time of the year when the average high temp is around 38C (100F), and record highs hit 46C (114F)! By the way, 1998 was one of those record setting years for high temps.

In 2014, TV personality Gordon Ramsay videoed the biggest cooking challenge of the show MasterChef at Fort Irwin, California.
Currently the Illinois, Kanasa and Mississippi National Guards are doing a three weeks ‘rotation’ at NTC, started right before the Memorial weekend. What’re they going to eat? Supposedly you get two yummy (not) MREs and a hot meal per day (reality is you could go days without a hot cooked meal). But Mississippi’s Militia cooks boast they’re up to the job of providing at least one hot cooked meal per day for the 3-thousand-8-hundred-plus Militia personnel on the current rotation, even going as far as optimistically promising Sergeant First Class ‘Mama’ Jackson’s fried chicken: