Tag Archives: africa

World War 3 Africa: Obama orders military occupation under the False Flag of fighting ebola! Ebola? More likely it’s about all that new found oil and the control of the World’s biggest economy!

17 September 2014 (06:27 UTC-07 Tango)/22 Dhu l-Qa’da 1435/26 Shahrivar 1393/24 Gui-You 4712

“Liberia is facing a serious threat to its national existence. The deadly ebola virus has caused a disruption of the normal functioning of our state.”-Brownie Samukai, Liberian Defense Minister

The Obama regime loves to claim the U.S. taxpayers are sending hundreds of millions of worthless U.S. dollars to fight ebola, even though last month UN health officials said they were still waiting for such U.S. funding to show up.  Now Obama is ordering 3-thousand U.S. military personnel to establish a military base in the name of fighting ebola.  I’m sure that despite the fact that U.S. funding is failing to come through for anti-ebola healthcare, the U.S. military base (in Ghana) will become reality.

A more likely reason for U.S. military presence is oil, and all that money that comes with it.  Yep, it’s that evil oil again.

The countries being hit hard by the unusually virulent strain of ebola also happen the area of massive new oil and natural gas exploration, led by a company based in the British empire country of Australia.  That company is called African Petroleum Corporation.

Let’s look at the oil ops just in the country of Liberia:

The former(?) U.S. colony of Liberia has been allowing foreign oil companies to drill for natural gas and oil, since 2004.   Some of the oil companies operating there are Spain based Repsol, California based Chevron, Texas based Anadarko Petroleum (who claims their oil operations are all for the “world’s health and welfare”), and Australia based Woodside Petroleum which has had an on-again-off-again interest in west African oil (Woodside quit its interest in the Israeli Leviathan gas fields and returned to western Africa in July 2014 by becoming a partner with United Kingdom’s Chariot Oil & Gas in Morocco, and in August 2014 by becoming a 40% partner with Texas based Nobel Energy in a new project off the coast of Gabon).  Then there’s Texas based ExxonMobil, which took over oil drilling in Liberia from a Canadian company in 2013.

The African Petroleum Corp. finally struck oil in Liberia in 2012, but full blown oil production is not expected to begin until 2015 (interestingly ExxonMobile stated they’re delaying their production until 2015 due to the ebola outbreak).

However, obvious corruption within the Liberian government caused the awarding of new oil contracts to be put on hold, until a new law is created to stop such corruption.  To add to the frustrations of the oil companies, at the end of 2013 Chevron downgraded their expected chances of striking oil, to just 50/50.   At one point it was estimated that Liberia might have one million barrels worth of oil off its coast.

The Obama regime now claims the ebola outbreak is “chaotic” and requires the help of the U.S. military to control.  However, Chinese and Cuban doctors seem to have things under relative control in neighboring Sierra Leone (39% death rate), apparently it’s just the former(?) U.S. colony of Liberia that’s out of control (about 50% death rate)?  In fact most of the fear mongering now being done by United Nations health officials is actually about Liberia.

So what’s this about a new U.S. military base in Ghana?  The international airport at Accra (the capital of Ghana) will be turned into a USAF base, under the guise of being an “airbridge” to supply medical help to the ebola infected countries.

Analysts have stated that the airport is actually being expanded into a giant military base under the control of the United States.  For some reason the internationally rated airport has been deemed too small to handle all the military aircraft from the U.S. that will be calling it home.

By the way, Ghana is estimated to have 800-million barrels of oil just waiting to be sucked up by western oil companies!

So is there a problem with getting medical supplies into the affected countries, that would justify an ‘airbridge’?  China and Cuba don’t seem to be having a problem getting in and out of the area.

The Washington Post reported that unnamed U.S. Department of Defense officials stated that military hospitals were also going to be built.  Barack Obama claims this is because “If the outbreak is not stopped now, we could be looking at hundreds of thousands of people affected, with profound economic, political and security implications for all of us.”  

Interestingly, one medical analyst who has been pushing for U.S. military intervention is now criticizing the current Obama regime plan.  Laurie Garrett, with the Council on Foreign Relations, has been warning for years about what is happening now in Liberia.  But she says what the Obama regime is about to do will do nothing to stop the spread of ebola: “We will have a central command, but it will be commanding U.S. military personnel, not people from other countries and certainly not the Liberians themselves.  And we also see that the response is not a regional one. We are, unfortunately, dividing our response according to kind of old colonial ties…. 

…..we’re late to the game. And if you just do the math, based on the statement made today by WHO, a doubling time every 10 to 21 days, and you take the number of actually identified and suspected cases existing now and do your math, you can see that if we can’t get a response on the ground immediately, effectively, across the region, we will be looking at a quarter of a million cases by Thanksgiving, and 400-thousand by Christmas …..we’re talking about something equivalent to the Black Death’s impact on Tuscany and Florence in 1346!”-PBS Newshour interview, 16 September 2014

So, the Obama regime is sending a military mission “late in the game” to establish a military base in Ghana (estimated to have 800-million barrels of oil) to help poor but possibly oil rich Liberia fight ebola.  Remember I said Liberia had suspended the awarding of oil contracts?  According to an August Reuters report, Liberia is about to restart the oil contract bidding on three offshore ‘blocks’ in October, with 13 more new ‘blocks’ up for auction if the new petroleum law passes in November (however, the Reuters report also revealed that of the six working oil wells constructed so far, none are considered “commercially viable”).   Then there are the Cubans and Chinese.

Yep, the Chinese are vying for oil rights in the very same ebola affected countries!

In August 2014, China purchased a record amount of oil from west African countries that are already producing oil.  Nigeria, Angola and other oil producing west African countries are now exporting 1.2-million barrels per day to China!

What about the Cubans?  It was recently revealed that the biggest money maker for Cuba is renting out their medical experts to help other countries fight outbreaks of disease.  Not just renting out medical personnel, but educators, sports trainers, etc.  According to Agence France-Presse, Cuba makes the equivalent of $6-billion USD every year on renting out its ‘professionals’.

Yesterday, The Nation revealed that many Liberians thought the ebola outbreak was a False Flag op by their government to bring in more taxpayer funding from other countries, as well as donations from private organizations, and to kill off dissenters: “I was hearing people tell me that what was happening wasn’t ebola, that whatever it was had been created in labs as an effort to kill Liberians. That it was a way the government could get money from the World Health Organization so that it could then put the money in its pockets.”-Satta Watson, resident of Monrovia, capital of Liberia

The point is that it’s all about the money, and new west African oil discoveries are potentially the biggest money makers ever.  How much so?  According to The Telegraph, by 2050 the countries of Africa will be making more money than Europe Union and United States put together: “Africa is going to go from a $2 trillion economy today to a $29 trillion economy by 2050.  That’s bigger than Europe and America put together in today’s money. Life expectancy is going to go up by 13 years. The population’s going to double from 1-billion to 2-billion, so household incomes are going to go up sevenfold in the next 35 years.”-Charles Robertson, economist

So this ‘race’ between the U.S. and China to supposedly stop the spread of ebola could really be part of the plan to see whose going to control the World’s biggest economy.

United States…fail to come through on funding the fight against Ebola!

GMO Food Aid = Ebola Outbreak

90% kill rate!


Return of the Black Death?

Obama increases U.S. troops in Africa…..it’s really about the oil

More proof God is evil: United States & most of Christian ‘West’ fail to come through on funding the fight against Ebola! Only China pays up! U.S. even ignores its 2-million residents infected with NTD!

21 August 2014 (05:43 UTC-07 Tango)/24 Shawwal 1435/30 Mordad 1393/26 Ren-Shen 4712

“Our medical people don’t know about this virus…”-Neh Dukuly Tolbert, Liberian ambassador to China, revealing how they’ve been kept in the dark and abandoned by ‘Christian West’, and now appealing to China for help

Recent statements by officials at the United Nations have revealed that the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in western Africa could have been stopped in its tracks if the ‘western’ Christian countries of Europe and North America had paid the promised funding for international health care.  So far the only country that has kept its promises to fight EVD in Africa is China!

In Liberia, Chinese ‘peacekeeping’ troops have been leading UN supply efforts, since the Chinese have the only logistics unit in-country.  There are more than 690 Chinese troops in the former colony of the United States.

There are also 1500 Chinese civilians working in Liberia.  Chinese corporate officials have reported that many international health groups have actually begun fleeing Liberia, leaving Liberian health officials overwhelmed.  Chinese officials also report that Liberians are panicking and breaking into residences and drug stores in search of medication, any kind of medication.

Only three international airlines are willing to fly in and out of Liberia, and the UN is now calling for “exit screenings” for all people wanting to leave the affected countries.

As of 21 August more than 460 Liberians have died from EVD.   39 were medical staff.   China has promised to send medical teams to help the Liberian Health Ministry.  China already has medical teams in Sierra Leone dealing with other Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD).  Those teams have been rotated every two years and are now focusing on fighting EVD, in fact, one week ago China delivered $4.2-million in medical equipment and cash to help Sierra Leone fight EVD.

The affected countries have been trying to raise their own money by selling government bonds, but it’s not enough (who want’s to buy bonds from countries with poor economies and long track records of internal war?).

At the beginning of August the U.S. based World Bank promised $200-million USD in “emergency funding”, but that is not free, it is in the form of loans (“financing”): “Governments are almost totally reliant on international aid and healthcare expertise to co-ordinate and fund the containment strategy. The selling of debt remains a poor option for impoverished west African countries seeking to fund the fight.”-Charles Laurie,  Maplecroft consultancy

At the end of July the European Union promised $5.2-million, but added that they would send medical teams to “assess the situation”.

The United Kingdom promised $5-million to fight ebola in Africa, and the U.S. promised unspecified funding, but so far nothing is materializing, mainly because the funding is still being debated by lawmakers (this is why Prime Ministers and Presidents should not go around promising money when they have to rely on Congress or Parliament to approve it).

Newsweek recently reported that the United States was “sitting” on promised ebola vaccines, and they blame U.S. corporations: “The lack of funding is largely due to a lack of interest shown by pharmaceutical companies, for whom a rural, relatively low-kill African disease presents no lucrative market.”

A U.S. doctor in Texas is not surprised that the U.S. is failing to fund international healthcare efforts, because the U.S. fails at home as well: “It’s almost as though we do not want to admit that we have poverty in this country.  But the truth is that we have 20-million Americans who live in extreme poverty and almost 2-million Americans living on less than $2 a day, and they’re all infected with NTDs!”-Peter Hotez, National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine

GMO Food Aid = Ebola Outbreak

more proof God is evil: Red Cross & former Army officers say Christian United States loves to torture!

False Flag Bio-War: United Nations GMO Food Aid = Ebola Outbreak

07 August 2014 (12:50 UTC-07 Tango)/10 Shawwal 1435/16 Mordad 1393/12 Ren-Shen 4712

“Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus… 25% of the population is supposed to go in Contagion.”-Charles Arntzen, Biodesign Institute for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, supposedly worked on ebola serum

Some people are blaming the current ebola outbreak on the consumption of monkey or bat meat (there are at least five versions of ebola), but the revelation that the United States has been working on an ebola serum (apparently in secret) for some time now only reinforces my hypothesis that the current ebola outbreak is caused by genetically modified crops (aka GMO, GM, GE [genetically engineered], transgenic).   You see, the life saving serum is made from Kentucky grown GM tobacco soaked in ebola virus.

From 1976 (by coincidence, Monsanto’s Roundup was “commercialized” for the U.S. market in 1976) to 2012 the major ebola outbreaks have been centered in central Africa; in the two Congos, Uganda and southern Sudan (now called South Sudan).  But suddenly, at the end of 2013 ebola shows up with a vengeance in western Africa.

The three countries at the new center of the “unprecedented” EVD (Ebola Virus Disease) outbreak are Liberia (a former[?] U.S. colony), Sierra Leone and Guinea.  All border each other and all are prolific users of GM crops.  This is interesting because all the GMO tracking sites I checked don’t show these countries as being involved in GMO use (and the most recent data is from 2011).

Nigeria has also joined the EVD outbreak club.  At the beginning of July the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development swore there was no GMO in Nigeria.  But get this, he wants to use nuclear tech provided by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to increase food production, and he sure seems confused about what GMO is: “We must never be afraid of atomic technology in food production. We want to raise productivity, good health and environmental sustainability. We must not listen to those who want to create fear in the minds of people on things they should not be scared about with half-baked knowledge……We can use science to make our food safe and for the issue of food security…..The fact remains that we have nothing in this country called GMO. People confused modern day science to GMOs.”-Akinwumi Adesina

Here’s another fact from Nigeria:  While the Minister of Agriculture denies GM crops are being grown in his country (while appearing to not know what they are), the Minister of Science and Technology announced, in 2013, the creation of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agric-biotech Application.  The main purpose of this “Application” is to promote the growth and use of GMO in Nigeria!

When did Nigeria report its first cases of ebola?  Earlier this year, however the Minister of Health recently said what’s really going on in Nigeria is a hemorrhagic  version of dengue fever (which can kill you just as good as ebola).

The problem with GMO is that some genetically engineered plants involve the use of “transfer vectors”, normally a type of  agro-bacteria or other microbe, to force genetic change or prevent rejection of the genetic changes.  It is not the same as Mother Nature’s pollination technique.  Deadly microbes act as firewalls within the DNA strand, preventing the host’s genetic immune system from eliminating the foreign DNA.

GMOs are so risky that in 2002 Liberia joined the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.  Last year Liberia held a two week risk management course for GM crops, run by their new Liberia National Biosafety Framework Implementation Project.  It was funded by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Global Environment Facility.  If GMOs are so safe why the need for such biosafety programs?

I’m not the only one who thinks this ebola outbreak is connected to GMO: “The toxic substances embedded in GMOs that make them pests, insects and disease resistant are poisonous bacteria that kill these insects aiding pollination of flowering crops. Nature has a way of doing things, in human race we called that unexpected happenings as Miracles and this could happen in GMO. The insects contacting GMO crops might not die instantly but could manage to carry pollens grains from GMO to non-GMO crop. This would cause the changes of traits of the traditional crop which means that the new crop might manage to survive the environment around it and the cause of the crop adjusting to the new environment, could develop complications not unknown to science hence possible outbreak of new crop disease similar to that of Ebola Virus Disease. This would cause the ailing agriculture to bleed to death.”

Now lets add the fact that scientists say this current ebola outbreak is different from the 1976-2012 outbreaks: What’s going on is unprecedented.  Usually these things last two or three weeks and then get isolated.  That is more than a little unnerving to me as a virologist because it suggests that maybe this strain is a little different or has adapted in a different way to cause disease in humans.”-Thomas Hope, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

But don’t blame it all on farmers growing GMOs.  Turns out the very same African countries suffering the EVD outbreak are huge recipients of United Nations food aid, which arrives in the form of GM products.  That’s right, the main sources for UN food aid are GM crops, and there’s a conspiracy to dump as much of it on African countries as fast as possible.

Liberia is a huge recipient of UN World Food Programme (WFP) genetically modified food, partly because Liberia has become a refugee camp for people fleeing Côte d’Ivoire.  But wait there’s more!  The new WFP GMO food dumping Hunger Free Liberia program began in 2013, the same year the ebola outbreak started!

In Sierra Leone the WFP is dumping GMO food aid in the name of preventing malnutrition in children.  The WFP says most farmers in the country are unable to get their crops to market because of bad roads, justifying the dumping of GMO food aid.

In Republic of Guinea, the WFP is ‘bartering’ their GMO food aid for locally produced iodized salt.  The salt is used to supplement WFP’s food program.  At least 114-thousand Guineans live off WFP’s food for salt program, which apparently began at the end of 2013.

In 2012 UN officials proudly reported that they finally got Nigerian officials to admit they have food insecurity.  Since 2009 the UN claimed there were 30 regions in Nigeria in need of food aid.  In 2012 the UN expanded that to 383!  Food aid is being dumped by such globalist groups as UNICEF (dumping what they call Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods or RUTF), European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) and the terrorist group known as USAID.   UN officials also claim that by dumping this RUTF they are helping to fight inflation in Nigerian food prices (sounds like economic warfare).  It should be noted that the expansion of the RUTF began in 2013!

This year the UN’s WFP announced even more GMO food aid to Nigeria, blaming increasing violence which is creating a refugee crisis.  The food aid will also be shipped to refugee camps in Cameroon, so don’t be surprised if you hear about ebola spreading to Cameroon.

For an example of a conspiracy to increase the dumping of GMO food aid in Africa, in 2011 the African government of Kenya fired its National Biosafety Authority boss after catching him ‘expediting’ the distribution of milled UN/African Union food aid.   African Union food aid officials were pissed: “When you have people starving in your country you don’t simply turn your back on food at your door-step just because it is labelled GM, it is expected that biosafety risk assessments should have been conducted before the importation of the food to see whether it does indeed pose a threat before taking a decision. Taking this decision so late in the day could have serious consequences for the suffering people.”-Diran Makinde, New Partnership for Africa Development’s African Biosafety Network of Expertise

Who should we blame?  According to a 2011 Popular Science article, U.S. based Monsanto is responsible for 90% of the GM crops around the World (grown mainly in the U.S. and South America)!

Then there’s the United Nations, African Development Bank, USAID, World Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other ‘western’ globalist organizations that are pushing the use of GM seeds, and even dumping GM food aid in African countries.

It’s ironic that the genetically modified tobacco plant is being used to create a serum for ebola, after all the tobacco plant was the first plant to be genetically modified by humans (in 1982).

More deadly GMO reading:  DNA from GMOs can pass directly into humans, study confirms 

U.S. wildlife refuges phasing out GMO crops, some pesticides to help bees

Globe-Trotting GMO Bananas Arrive For Their First Test In Iowa

Ugandan scientists grow GM banana


Outlawed GMO wheat shows up on Oregon farms!

Corn syrup + GMO corn crops + Pesticides = Honey Bee Colony Collapse! Human collapse next!



The ugly truth: Anti-gun laws would not have stopped the Rwandan Genocide! Swords & sticks ruled the day!

07 April 2014 (11:46 UTC-07 Tango)/06 Jumada t-Tania 1435/18 Farvardin 1393/08 Wu-Chen 4712

“Scholars of these sorts of events say that the killers, armed mostly with machetes and clubs, nonetheless did their work five times as fast as the mechanized gas chambers used by the Nazis.”-Bill Clinton, then U.S. President during 1998 speech to Rwandans

20 years ago more than 1-million people were literally slaughtered like lambs during what is now called the Rwandan Genocide. And that was just over a three month period, and the main weapon was not a gun!

The predominant weapon used in the slaughter was a farming tool, an edged weapon called the machete.

A study titled Machetes and Firearms: The Organization of Massacres in Rwanda revealed that despite the intentional distribution of guns to the general public by the government, supposedly in preparation for the genocide, the machete accounted for 52.8% of killings!

But wait, guns still didn’t make second place for preferred killing tool!  The old fashioned cave man tool called the Club accounted for 16.6% of killings!

Guns accounted for 14.7% of killings, and the rest of the killings involved all kinds of perverse acts using other farming tools, hangings, burnings, buried alive, starvation, or being thrown into a septic tank or being run over by a tractor.

But it’s clear, the Machete was King of Death in Rwanda, accounting for more than half a million people killed in just three months!  Where’s my gun?

Martial Law Gun Control BS! International Police boss says give everyone guns like in Texas!

24 October 2013 (20:56 UTC-07 Tango 23 October 2013)/19 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/02 Aban 1391/20 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Colorado, if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly? What I’m saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, ‘Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism?’ This is something that has to be discussed.  For me it’s a profound question.  People are quick to say ‘gun control, people shouldn’t be armed,’ etc., etc.  I think they have to ask themselves: ‘Where would you have wanted to be? In a city where there was gun control and no citizens armed if you’re in a Westgate mall, or in a place like Denver or Texas?'”-Ronald Noble, Secretary General of Interpol, interviewed by ABC News 

World War 3, African Front: U.S. behind genocide against Nigerian Muslims?

16 October 2013 (02:15 UTC-07 Tango)/11 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/24 Mehr 1391/12 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

“The United States is invested in Nigeria’s success because Nigeria’s challenges are Africa’s challenges.”-William Burns, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State

“The evidence we’ve gathered suggests that hundreds of people died in military custody in 2013 alone. This is a staggeringly high figure that requires urgent action….”-Lucy Freeman, Amnesty International

Amnesty International says they’ve confirmed reports from earlier this year, and from last year, that Muslim men are being killed in several prison camps in Nigeria.  In the first six months of this year at least 950 men have died, many from suffocation, beatings and starvation.

Officially the people thrown into the camps are called militants by the U.S. backed government. Some reports say men are being rounded up just for being Muslim.

Nigeria is the main focus of U.S. AfriCom, and U.S. and European corporations.

U.S. taxpayers gave the Nigerian government $31.3 million USD, to conduct rigged elections!

U.S. AfriCom trains the military forces of Nigeria.

Black Agenda Reports has connected Obama to Royal Dutch Shell.  In 2010 the United Nations accused Shell of ecocide and genocide in the name of oil.  This was partly based on Shell’s own documentation it provided to the UN.

Amnesty International said the concentration camps are officially known as barracks, and include Giwa and Sector Alpha.

Witnesses told Amnesty that soldiers would also remove prisoners telling them they were going to die.  In April 2013, Amnesty International documented the dumping of 20 emaciated bodies by Nigeria’s U.S. trained Joint Task Force at the State Specialist Hospital mortuary.  Witnesses told Amnesty that such dumping of emaciated bodies, by U.S. trained forces, was a daily occurrence.

The bodies pile up until the morgue is full, then they are taken away by the Borno State Environmental Protection Agency.  I have checked reports on the Borno State Environmental Protection Agency and found that they have been burying people in mass graves since at least 2008!  (is that environmentally protective, or just a military convenience?)

Is this what Obama means by “exceptionalism”?

Pale Horse: Measles scare used as False Flag to justify Bilderberg vaccination program? War on Terror is to blame! Money to be made!

06 October 2013 (18:14 UTC-07 Tango 05 October 2013)/01 Dhu’l-Hijja 1434/14 Mehr 1391/02 Ren-Xu (9th month) 4711

Australia: Health officials are freaking out because they’ve confirmed an 18th case of measles in Ipswich.  Adults are being pushed to get vaccinated.  In Toowoomba health officials are telling people to go ahead and get more vaccines, if they’re not sure they’ve already had the shots. Health officials say they’ve found that many people who thought they’ve been vaccinated, were not.  Members of parliament are now debating whether children who are not vaccinated should be banned from schools and childcare centers!  Hey, if the other kids are vaccinated then what’s the problem, or is there some doubt as to the effectiveness of the vaccine?

Canada: Government health officials are having a tizzy because people in Alberta are refusing to get vaccinated.  There are outbreaks of measles in British Columbia and Ontario.  I’d like to know the vaccination rates where the outbreaks are, versus in Alberta (so far there are no measles cases in Alberta).  Alberta Health Services says the outbreaks in BC and Ontario are directly related to people who traveled to Netherlands, where they got infected.

China: Pharmaceutical companies are making big money peddling their vaccines to the Asian giant.  According to Research Report on China Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Market, 2013-2017, in 2012 20-million MMR vaccines were issued.  However, the marketing report said the numbers were a decrease from previous years, but there’s still hope for increased sales, because the report said China has 16 million newborns every year.  The report pointed out that the numbers quoted were those vaccines issued by the government.  Most Chinese, who can afford the out of pocket expense, elected to pay for more expensive “imported” vaccines.

Democratic Republic of Congo:  Government officials are forcing six million children to get vaccinated.  The program is being run through the United Nations and the GAVI Alliance (aka Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).  Health officials claim 1120 children have died, so far this year, from measles.

Ghana: Over a nine day period 52-thousand children were vaccinated in Sunyani Municipality.  Health officials were upset because they fell short of their goal.

Japan: Rubella (German Measles) cases hit a record 13700+ cases, so far this year, despite the fact that the Japanese government has been pushing for citizens to get vaccinated (Japanese health officials have discovered that the measles vaccine is temporary, so even if you had it as a kid you probably need to get it again as an adult).  The U.S. CDC has issued a travel advisory for people going to Japan (never mind the radiation).

Nigeria: National Primary Health Care Development Agency pushing a vaccination program for 35 million children!  They used a 2011 outbreak as justification, saying more than 8-thousand people got sick.  Mmmm, 35 million versus 8-thousand.  However, Nigerian health officials claim that from January this year to the end of September 330 people have died from measles.  That’s 126 more than the same time last year.  Is there something more deadly about this new strain of measles?

Philippines: War in the southern islands is being blamed for an outbreak of measles.  Refugees are always caught in the middle, and several cases of measles now has government health officials demanding the sick refugees be isolated.  They have also begun forced vaccinations.

South Sudan: At least 44 children confirmed with measles in the past week.  All are six years of age, or younger.  United Nations wants to vaccinate 31-thousand children in the country.

Turkey: For the NATO member who is supporting the U.S. backed war in Syria, there is a 20 fold increase in measles cases!  In the first six months of 2012 Turkey had 349 cases, in the first six months of this year they had 6-thousand cases!  Interestingly many cases are showing up in refugees from Syria.  Turkish health officials say the war in Syria is resulting in an epidemic in that country: “There are 50,000 Aleppo boil cases in Syria according to official data, but 200,000 according to non-official figures.”-Mehmet Ali Torunoğlu, Public Health Institution

United Kingdom: Health officials pushing for vaccinations of children in Wales.  The Welsh land is reported to have just gotten over its biggest measles outbreak ever.  1200 people were infected, one child died.  In Greater Manchester, England, measles cases have skyrocketed.  In 2012 there were 15 cases from January to June.  This year there were 242 cases in the same time span.

United States: Measles was considered officially eradicated in 2000, but now state health departments around the country are pushing to get children vaccinated.  This is based on their fears that several U.S. residents had visited other countries experiencing measles outbreaks, and returned infected.  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the United States is heading for a record year in measles cases (since the eradication). To put things in perspective, there are at least 360-million people in the U.S., the CDC is getting hissy because they think more than 2-hundred people might get measles. The Gates Foundation has been pushing the Global Measles Initiative.  Bill Gates has attended several Bilderberg meetings (his name has been published on the guest list on the Bilderberg website).  Non-profit Global Virus Network (co-founded by Bliderberg supporter G. Steven Burrill) has also been sounding the vaccination call in the U.S.

In the U.S. state of Texas a recent measles outbreak was linked to the Eagle Mountain megachurch.  At least 21 people were infected. Texas health officials say prior to that August outbreak five people were sick with a strain of measles that was “imported” into the country.  Texas has not reported any new cases since August.  Going by local news reports at least 18 U.S. states reported measles cases, mainly among people who traveled out of the country or from tourists coming into the country: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, Virginia and Washington.

There are reports of U.S. families who are pro-vaccination are discriminating against children of families who are anti-vaccination.  Hey, if your kid is vaccinated then what’s the freakin’ problem?  They should be protected from measles then, right?  Or maybe the pro-vacciners really don’t trust the vaccines after all?

United Nations World Health Organization reports that more than 70-thousand children died in South East Asia from measles, in 2011.  That made up almost half of the entire World’s measles deaths for that year.

The GAVI Alliance is not only directly connected to the Bilderberger Bill Gates, but is funded with tax dollars from Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States.

Ever hear of Infectious Disease Testing Market 2014 Opportunities?  It involves U.S., U.K., Italy and Japan.  It analyzes potential diseases and possible sales volume of vaccines over the next five years: “These comprehensive reports will assist diagnostics industry executives, as well as companies planning to diversify into the dynamic and rapidly expanding microbiology testing market, in evaluating emerging opportunities and developing effective business strategies.”PRWeb

It’s all about the money, man!


World War 3, African Front: Imperialist Japan expanding military intelligence gathering in Africa, preps for oil war with China!

30 August 2013 (16:05 UTC-07 Tango)/23 Shawwal 1434/08 Shahrivar 1391/24 Geng-Shen (7th month) 4711

“This engagement is very productive and meaningful for us. Sharing knowledge with our American counterparts helps us better prepare to assist our allies in maritime security.”-Nobuhiko Morita, JSDF

Japan Self Defense Forces’ Deployment Air Force has been training with the U.S. Navy Patrol Squadron 47 in Djibouti: “These events enhance our interoperability and work toward achieving mutual goals of maritime security, while building and strengthening our enduring relationships.”-Lieutenant Comander Mark Zematis, USN

On the continent of Africa, Japan is also sending out military spies to seven counties: Algeria, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa.  Japan already has Self Defense Force spies in Egypt and Sudan.

Officially this is for helping the U.S. in its BS War on Terror, but all these countries have oil, gold or other strategic natural resources, and China is active in those countries.

Japanese officials used the January killings of Japanese in Algeria as the excuse.  Those Japanese were working at a gas refinery.

According to a news report out of Uganda, the neo-imperialist leaders of Japan consider the resources, and potential market place of Africa, as the only way to pull Japan out of its decades long economic stagnation: “Growth begins and lies in Africa. Time to invest in this continent is now. Africa will be the growth center over the next couple of decades.”-Shinzo Abe, neo-imperialist Prime Minister of Japan

Norovirus / Tummy Bug update, 02 August 2013: Airline flight from vomiting hell! 9 people dead, 150 sick in Canada! Hundreds sick at Washington campgrounds!

At least 26 people were quarantined in Australia after a gut wrenching flight from Chile.  Paramedics met the 747 when it landed in Sydney.  Health officials say the sick people were part of the same tour group.  Norovirus is suspected.  Also, in Wodonga The Grange old folks home was “locked down” for a week because of a major gastroenteritis outbreak.  Employees went to the local news media after officials with The Grange lied and said it was just a dozen people sick.  Turns out at least 70 residents and 12 employees were sick.  An unnamed employee said management didn’t even try to pick up the slack to compensate for the sick employees: “Work has increased tenfold. There has been no recognition from management. No one is saying we’re doing a great job. It’s a hard place to work at the moment.”

Nine people have died and 150 sickened after an outbreak at an old folks home in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada!  Health officials suspect the deadly outbreak is caused by norovirus.

And just south, in the state of Washington, U.S.A., the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department is investigating an outbreak at a YMCA campground. About 80 people are sick with norovirus like symptoms.  And 120 people sickened at a Christian campground in Whatcom County!  Health officials are blaming norovirus. They say the outbreak actually started at the beginning of July, but for some reason is only now being made public. About one week ago they did warn residents to be careful as there were “clusters” of cases being reported.  In the same county, people reported tummy bug symptoms after a chile contest on Lummi Island.

The U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease claims to have  discovered an antibody that can neutralize human norovirus.  Their study involved the use of immune cells of chimpanzees.

More bad news for plant eaters!  Recent parasite infections are being blamed on bagged salads!  In the United States the cyclospora outbreak has hit 16 states and at least 380 people!  In Iowa and Nebraska, health officials say they’ve traced the parasite to bagged salads.  At this point they’re not releasing the name of the brand of packaged salads.  You can only get sick by eating food or drink contaminated with the parasite.

In Arkansas U.S.A., another parasite has eaten the brain of a girl.  It’s called amoebic meningoencephalitis.  It’s a type of meningitis caused when an amoeba goes up your nose into your brain.  Officials think she got infected while swimming at Willow Springs Water Park.  One of the first signs is vomiting, which could cause people to think it’s a tummy bug.   The 12 years old girl has been placed in a medically induced coma.  If she survives she will be only the third person to do so.

Yogurt and flavored coffee lovers watch out, bugs are being used as food coloring in U.S. food products! According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, cochineal insects are being used to color flavored coffees and yogurts.  There are reports of people having allergic reactions, such as vomiting.  Starbucks announced last year they would stop using the red bugs in their strawberry flavored Frappuccino.  And you thought they were real strawberries.  Officials with Dannon yogurt says the U.S. FDA approved the use of the bugs as a substitute strawberry (carmine) coloring, so they are not going to stop using them!

And more bad news for plant eaters: A Washington U.S.A. woman and her 3 years old daughter were sick for seven months from oatmeal.  At first it was blamed on the standard tummy bug, turns out it was fungal mycotoxin poisoning.  It wasn’t doctors who figured it out, it was the suffering woman.  She was about to make her son a bowl of oatmeal, which he rarely ate, but she noticed he would get sick with similar symptoms when he ate it.  Upon closer inspection of the Western Family brand oatmeal container she found a clump of toxic mold in the oatmeal.

New Hampshire U.S.A., one man has been infected with two rare viruses, Jamestown Canyon virus and the Powassan virus.  Mosquitoes and ticks spread the disease.  The signs are sudden severe headache, fever, vomiting and paralysis.

And in Iowa U.S.A., health officials reporting at least 26 cases of infection from a rare form of salmonella.  Officials say this form of salmonella is related to poultry and is easily confused with the cyclospora parasite.   Also, Polk County Department of Public Health is reporting another parasite outbreak, this time cryptosporidium.  At least 68 cases so far.  You get it from contaminated drinking water or swimming pools.

Bad news for beef eaters: There are reports that the Lone Star Tick is making its way north, from the southern U.S. states.  The bad news is that apparently the bite of the Amblyomma americanum can render you allergic to beef!  Symptoms are vomiting, abdominal cramps, hives, anaphylaxis and death.

In the African country of Nigeria, reports of at least 104 cases of gastroenteritis.  Health officials blame poor hygiene.

In the new administrative district of Bandipora, in Jammu and Kashmir, India, at least 75 cases of gastroenteritis.  Apparently people are rising up in protest because government officials supplied them with contaminated water.  The angry people actually forced Public Health Engineering Department employees to drink the contaminated water!  Health officials are now telling people to boil the water.  In Mumbai city, 40 cases of cholera, and 2481 cases of gastroenteritis, were reported in July.

Pakistan reported a 39% increase in gastroenteritis, from December through January.  (they also reported a 90% increase in snake bites!)

World War 3, Africa Front: The U.S. Empire Beast gets bigger! How is the U.S. taxpayer funding this?

22 July 2013 (22:25 UTC-07 Tango 21 July 2013)/14 Ramadan 1434/31 Tir 1391/15 Ji-Wie (6th month) 4711

The U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) will begin war games with South Africa later this week.  At least 5000 personnel will be involved.

South African Navy (SAN) Captain, Jaco Theunissen, explained the purpose: “We are exercising to do a human support intervention….where you will fight against rebel groups.”

Captain Theunissen also stated that military medical units are training to provide healthcare on a large scale to civilian populations in war environments.  In other words, the United States and its empirical allies are definitely using the military as “international aid agencies”, as stated concerning the current massive war games with Australia.

Medical “human support intervention” is already underway in Liberia, called Operation Onward Liberty (OOL).  According to AFRICOM, OOL has been ongoing since 2010.  U.S. Air Force Major, Joshua Latham, revealed the goal is to take OOL outside of Liberia: “…then you can begin operations to serve other people, whether it be other nations or individuals….”

A former commander of AFRICOM supports the creation of the precedent setting UN combat brigade known as Intervention Brigade: “….the Intervention Brigade is, as I believe it is postured to be, is an element of MONUSCO, I think that’s the right structure….I do think that the force is necessary.”-General Carter Ham, U.S. Army

General Ham stated that it was the African Union that asked for the U.S. to get involved: “We were asked by Africans to support an African-led activity….”

Ham also said “….we don’t go anywhere or do anything which we have not been invited by the host-nation government.”  Yet, an African reporter with the Mail and Guardian countered by stating “…most other countries are hostile politically to AFRICOM…”

AFRICOM now has a special operations force called Commander’s In-Extremis Force.  It’s being used a a type of rapid reaction force.   Another African reporter questioned the possible redundancy of AFRICOM: “….doesn’t it seem that AFRICOM is duplicating everything, similar exercises of other [U.S.] agencies that are on the continent, because there are loads of these agencies.  So isn’t AFRICOM duplicating with planned session of exercises….?”

Ham responded by saying that budget constraints make it difficult to operate redundant missions.  This led to another reporter asking “….with all the budget cuts happening in the States, is AFRICOM likely to survive?”

Ham ensured them that AFRICOM was not going to killed by the bad economy in the States, but will make adjustments as necessary.  According to AFRICOM, U.S. taxpayers fund the operation to the tune of about $275 million USD per year (which is actually cheap compared to other U.S. military operations).  But how can the U.S. government fund any military operations when it’s bank is busted?  (Afghan opium anyone?)

The General admitted the U.S. is competing, maybe even cooperating with China for resources in Africa: “…we are competing for economic position.  I think we’re competing for influence…….we’ve kind of chosen different paths to achieve our goals.  But….I wouldn’t characterize it….as any type of adversarial relationship.”

The now retired General Ham said to keep your eyes on South Africa, Botswana, Angola and Zimbabwe.