Tag Archives: africa

World War 3: Obama increases U.S. troops in Africa, kill so called ‘Christian’ militia leader, it’s really about the oil

U.S. President Barack Obama is sending 100 troops to central Africa, officially to fight terrorism.

According to the Associated Press the U.S. troops will be stationed in the Central African Republic, Congo and the newly independent South Sudan.

Former U.S. President George Bush Jr established the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM).  The creation of AFRICOM was greatly influenced by a January 2002 report from the African Oil Policy Initiative Group (whose purpose is to find new oil sources for the U.S. in Africa).  Now Obama, the man who said he’d reverse Bush’s policies, is expanding its operations.

Officially Obama says the troop increase is to take out the Lord’s Resistance Army, a “christian” militia group that’s been accused of just about every human rights violation you can think of.  The goal is to remove the group’s leader, Joseph Kony, “from the battlefield.”

I find it interesting that the civil wars in central Africa have been going on for decades, and now the United States wants to do something about it?



World War 3 Race War: African Union refuses to recognize Libyan Rebels, Rebels have been targeting Black Libyans

“No, things don’t work that way.  The TNC has reassured us regarding African workers in Libya. We will wait and see.”– Jean Ping, African Union Chairperson

The AU is refusing to recognize the U.S. supported Libyan rebel TNC.  Partly because the African Union was never consulted regarding UN resolutions against Libya, and NATO attacks on Libya.  Libya is a member of the African Union.

The main reason the AU is refusing to recognize the TNC is because black Libyans, and mainly black migrant workers from other AU member states, have been targeted and murdered by Libyan rebels.

Some rebels believe that all black Africans in Libya are mercenaries working for Gaddafi.

What Economic Recovery? Obama about to send $145 million in military aid to Africa, $200 million for Yemen

Last week the Pentagon presented Congress with a plan to provide African countries with up to $145 million in military aid.  The aid, in money and equipment, is for so called counter terrorism operations.

The $145 million, to be split between several African countries, doesn’t compare to what just one country got last year.  Yemen, on the Arabian Peninsula, got $155 million in aid last year, paid for by taxpayers.  And this year the Pentagon wants give Yemen $200 million!

Out of the $145 million in military aid going to African countries, only $600,000 is for ‘human rights training’.


African Union says no to war with Libya

the African Union rejects the idea of foreign military intervention in Libya, regardless of its form.”  -Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President of Mauritania

At the current African Union summit, being held in Mauritania, union members are demanding an end to all military actions in Libya.  The African Union is upset that a member of the African Union is being attacked. That’s right, Libya is an African country, despite western media continually referring to Libya as the Middle East.

The African Union boycotted the emergency meeting in Paris, France.