Tag Archives: afghanistan

World War 3: NATO convoy attacked, NATO soldiers killed, more foreign fighters helping Mujahideen

U.S./NATO/ISAF officials said that on the morning of March 27, a NATO soldier was killed after stepping on a mine (aka roadside bomb, IED) in southern Afghanistan.  They did not give the exact location or what country the NATO soldier was from.

ISAF and Afghan government forces claim to have killed and captured more allies of the Mujahideen. Those foreign fighters are coming from Uzbekistan.

The latest firefight took place on March 26, 2012, in Faryab Province.  ISAF officials say they were ambushed by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) while on patrol with Afghan forces.  ISAF did not indicate if they suffered casualties, but said they killed or captured several IMU troops.

Meanwhile, U.S./NATO/ISAF and Afghan Security officials say in the past 24 hours they’ve killed at least 14 Mujahideen.  The battles took place in Kabul, Nangarhar, Faryab, Kandahar, Helmand, Nimroz, Zabul, Ghazni and Paktia provinces.

On the night of March 26, a NATO fuel supply convoy was ambushed in Farah Province.  The convoy was operated by a private security company.  Five of the security company’s employees were killed, they were Afghans.



World War 3: Three U.S./NATO troops killed by Afghan government forces!

March, 26, 2012, several U.S./NATO/ISAF troops being killed by Afghan government forces, or police officers!

British media reporting at least two British troops killed by a man who “tricked” his way onto a British base in Helmand Province.  He was killed by U.K. troops.

Afghan officials say the man traveled from Nangarhar Province, and had been in the Afghan army for 4 years.

A third ISAF troop, from the U.S., was killed by a local police officer at a police checkpoint in Paktika Province.

Terror Drones: March 18-25

“The President’s counter terrorism campaign is about stealth power, rather than hard power or soft power. He is a Jekyll and Hyde president; he is the king of covert because there are not many military options available now.”-Laura Blumenfeld, German Marshall Fund

On March 25, 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama was labeled “Jekyll and Hyde”, at the annual Brussels Forum. Analyst say Obama has increased the use of terror drones in order to save money!

Pakistan’s President says Parliamentary demands that the U.S. stop using terror drones against Pakistan, is a sign of democracy.

On March 25, President Asif Ali Zardari met with Marc Grossman, Special U.S. Representative on Afghanistan and Pakistan.  Zandari said the U.S. had to respect the demands of the Pakistani members of parliament.

Zandari also brought up drug trafficking, which has increased ever since the United States started the so called War on Terror.

Earlier in the week, U.S. Senator Joe Libierman and Senator Dianne Feinstein refused demands from Afghan leaders, who’re calling for a stop to terror drone strikes in their country.

“Drone strikes are critically important to America’s national security. So obviously, I do not believe they should stop.”-Joe Libierman, Senator for Connecticut

“I think the key is whether Pakistan will go into North Waziristan and other places and take out those terrorist leaders who are essentially fueling and leading attacks against our troops in Afghanistan.”-Dianne Feinstein, Senator for California

In the Philippines the government there is denying that the U.S. is using terror drones to help the Philippine government fight mujahideen in the southern islands: “They are here as advisers. They are here as trainers. They can not participate in combat operations.”-Benigno Aquino, President of Philippines

The United States began sending troops back to the Philippines ever since the beginning of the War on Terror.  In the past two years U.S. troop numbers have increased, and could actually be due to the growing tensions over the oil rich South China Sea (especially in an area called Reed Bank).

While the Philippines says no terror drones are being used there, they admit  helping the United States, and the Malaysian government launch air strikes against mujahideen in Malaysia.





World War 3: Afghans attack NATO/ISAF soldiers, militants from Pakistan being detained

March 24, 2012, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) announced that militants attacked a NATO/ISAF base somewhere in western Afghanistan.

ISAF refused to give any more details, but, the Italian government admitted the base was manned by Italian troops.  One was killed, at least five wounded. The attack took place in Farah Province.  The base was hit by heavy mortar fire.

In Helmand Province, provincial intelligence (National Directorate for Security) claim they detained seven people.  Yet again they claim one is a “Taliban” leader (ever wonder how many Taliban leaders there are?).

Afghan officials claim the seven men were trained in Pakistan.

In Kandahar Province, officials there claim they’ve detained two people planning a suicide bombing.  Officials say the two men are Pakistani.

World War 3: Battles continue between Government forces and freedom fighters, 2 NATO/ISAF soldiers killed

The Afghan Interior Ministry reporting that military operations in several provinces are continuing.  They claim dozens of mujahideen have been killed.

Afghan police, Afghan army, Afghan intelligence and U.S./NATO/ISAF forces have been engaged in battles in Nangarhar, Uruzagn, Ghazni and Herat provinces.

On March 22, a U.K. soldier was killed in Helmand Province, when the vehicle he was in hit a mine (aka roadside bomb, IED).

Also on March 22, a French soldier was killed in Kapisa Province.  ISAF officials claim it was not due to combat, but they refused to give a reason for his death.

World War 3: Afghans torch NATO convoy, violence against women increases, Karzai shuts down 58 private security companies

In Farah Province it seems the “Taliban” have started the Spring Offensive early.

A convoy of U.S./NATO/ISAF fuel tankers has been destroyed, and several people killed.  Also, in a separate incident two militants were detained and accused of plotting to launch an attack on Afghan forces.

The fuel convoy was being escorted by a private security company, two of the security guards were killed.

Speaking of private security companies, the media hasn’t talked about the Afghan President’s mission to shut them down. Turns out that Hamid Karzai ordered an end to privately run security companies.  So far 58 companies have been shut down.  Another 40 have been given an extra three months to get out a town!

In Kandahar yet more attacks.  Afghan National Security (ANS) forces say several of their troops were killed and wounded in the past 24 hours.  They claim it was the result of military operations against anti-government militants.  Although the ANS listed the types of weapons they confiscated, they did not mention any casualties on the militant side.

Afghan police claim that violence against women is on the increase.  In the latest case a Baghlan Province woman was found with her head shaved, made to sit in the snow, was beaten with cables, and was forced into prostitution by her husband.

Afghan officials are praising their increased efforts to end violence against women, but the woman in the latest case says she had been tortured for the past three years of marriage, and had asked for help from the police several times!!!

Because the Afghan officials are finally doing something about violence against women, it might seem like there’s an increase in the violence.  But like the woman said, in her case it had been going on for three years, and she told the authorities several times.

World War 3: Proof that U.S. forces officially operating in Rogue Mode, detainees placed in prisons known to U.S. forces as torture sites

“They said they would rape me, and one time they took a stick and dipped it into chili powder and threatened to insert the stick into my anus. They tried to pull off my pants. When they did that, I confessed to everything they wanted.”-prisoner at Kandahar prison

“After [the torture] was finished I told them that I only confessed because of the beating. But they responded to that by beating me again. I swear by God and by my children that I am innocent.”-prisoner at Kandahar prison

U.S. forces know prisons use torture because they were told about it in an order in 2011!  However, the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission has evidence of several cases where people were sent to the torture prisons, after U.S. personnel were ordered to stop such practices, and it looks like U.S. forces also operate their own torture centers!

The United States detains thousands of individuals all across Afghanistan, with the majority held in the Detention Facility in Parwan (DFIP) as well as a number of temporary detention sites, including a secretive U.S. screening facility at Bagram Air Base run by the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).-report titled Torture, Transfers, and Denial of Due Process: The Treatment of Conflict-Related Detainees in Afghanistan

Investigators discovered there are U.S. units that officially operate outside NATO/ISAF command, even though there’s only one commander for Afghan operations: USMC General John Allen.  However there are some U.S. units that are even exempt from General Allen’s authority!

It is important to note that some U.S. forces in Afghanistan operate as a part of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), a U.S. led counter-terrorism coalition that is separate from ISAF forces. Known as U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A), most of these non-ISAF U.S. forces are special operations forces and also referred to as Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan (CFSOCC-A). CFSOCC-A forces frequently conduct operations in which individuals are detained. USFOR-A is under the command of General John Allen, who also serves as the commander of ISAF (COM-ISAF). There are also a number of U.S. military units that operate separately from ISAF and USFOR-A forces, and are not under the command of General Allen.-report titled Torture, Transfers, and Denial of Due Process: The Treatment of Conflict-Related Detainees in Afghanistan

Investigators also discovered that prisoners have tried to report the torture, but are punished for doing so: “I have nothing else to say. They will put me somewhere else after I talk to you. They will disappear me.”-prisoner in Herat prison

They even torture children: “We wrote a complaint letter once, but the director found out, and then we got hit very hard with the pipe after that.”-child prisoner Juvenile Corrections Center in Helmand

The latest investigation was conducted between February 2011 and January 2012.  In September 2011, the United Nations said they found evidence of torture at 16 detention centers in Afghanistan.

The latest report also talks about coalition forces and goes into detail about torture run by U.S. supported Afghan prisons.  Torture, Transfers, and Denial of Due Process:The Treatment of Conflict-Related Detainees in Afghanistan


World War 3: Global March on Al Quds (Jerusalem) includes Asians and non-Muslims

The planned Global March on Al Quds includes people from South East Asia: “The troubles we have in this world now is because nobody stands up for justice.  Everybody is so selfish….Therefore we feel that although Palestine does not affect us directly, it is imperative for every single person who loves peace and justice to stand up…”-Nusrat Howard-Moore, Malaysia

Many people from India have joined the march as well: “We come to support the Palestine issue, as human beings, not Muslim, not Islamist.”-Suresh Khairnar, India

Thousands of demonstrators are hoping to surround Jerusalem on the 36th anniversary of Palestinian Land Day, which is March 30.

World War 3: Afghan march on Al Quds (Jerusalem) reaches Iran, March 30 target date for surrounding Israel

“Peoples of the world demand the freedom for Jerusalem… People of the world demand to end the occupation of Palestine”-Global March on Al Quds

In February Afghans announced a Global March on Al Quds (aka 30th of March Operation).  Today those taking part in the march have rendezvoused in Terhan, Iran.

Organizers had hoped to be in Jordan by now: “Although it was supposed to reach to Jordanian borders to join the 30th of March program but due to situation in Syria and Iraq, no land rout to the borders of Jordan was possible and available and the caravan has to follow the rout from Turkey to Lebanon”– Salim Qafouri, Iranian participants of Global March on Al Quds

Organizers stress that anyone can join the march, which is hoping to surround Jerusalem with thousands of international protesters by March 30, 2012

The next rendezvous point will be Beirut, Lebanon on March 27.


World War 3: Details of Panjwaii shooting investigation made public; 2 villages, 2 squads of U.S. troops, 2 helicopters, women raped. U.S. veteran believes claims

“What’s coming now is increasing evidence that everything the U.S. Army has said is a lie!”-Gordon Duff, Veterans Today, USMC Vietnam veteran

The investigation made by a Afghan Parliament group, gave details of what they found regarding the “lone” U.S. shooting genocide in Panjwaii.

The investigators say there were between 15 and 20 U.S. troops, operating in two teams (squads), being backed up by two helicopters.  Two, not one, villages were attacked.  They also discovered that several women were raped!

Some of the witnesses interviewed were Afghan National Security Forces.

The attacks actually took place in two villages more than 1.5 kilometers (0.9 mile) apart. All the killings took place in less than 30 minutes, which makes it impossible for one person to hit two villages!  Investigators say three sizes of bullets were used.  In one house eleven bodies had been piled up and burned. Women had been raped.

A U.S. Vietnam War veteran, and current veterans activist, Gordon Duff, stated that it is impossible for a single soldier to walk off a U.S. base in Afghanistan: “When you’re in a forward position [Forward Operating Base FOB, Combat OutPost COP]….to leave a base requires a vehicle…a vehicle could not have left the compound at night without more than one person in it…to open the [compound] gate would have required the mission to be allowed…a watch officer, he would have had to have given permission, so they had permission…”

Duff went on to explain that the fact that the bodies were piled and burned is also proof that more than one person did the killing: “The fires would have been caused by pouring gasoline from what we call a cherry can [not everyone calls it that, my 13 years in service no one in the units I was in called it that, although I did hear it from other units] which weighs about 50 pounds.  Nobody walked with one or more cans…they’re attached to the back of our vehicles…”