Category Archives: International

Toyota expecting parts supply problem to last for months, cutting production in Thailand

Toyota announced that production at its factories will not return to pre-March 11 levels, until December.  Toyota expects 2011 production levels to be lower than 2009.

Production in Japan will not pick up until July.  Production at all other Toyota plants will remain low until August.  And that’s a best guess: “We don’t know how the production recovery curve will shape up.”-Atsushi Niimi, Toyota Executive Vice President

Toyota officials pointed out that in today’s car factories it only takes one missing part to shut down production.  Especially when it comes to electronic parts.

Toyota is now cutting production at its Thailand factory by 50%, starting April 25.  Honda and Nissan have announced similar cuts at their Thailand factories.



Iran and Brazil closer together, Iranian trade center to open in Brasilia

Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota announced his country’s new President, Dilma Rousseff, will continue the policies of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in regards to Iran: “Rousseff will stay on the path of her predecessor and mentor Lula da Silva.”

Now Iran will open a trade center in Brazil.  The move is meant to increase trade between the two countries.  According to a 2009 IMF report, Brazil is Iran’s largest trade partner in South America.  Iran also has trade deals with Venezuela, Ecuador, and Cuba.

Iraqi religious leader issues warning for U.S., if it doesn’t leave as planned

“Americans occupied our country and started corruption in here and ruined whatever was left by Saddam, therefore after 7 years and based on the security agreement (between Iraq and the U.S.), all the U.S. forces should leave Iraq at the end of 2011.  The extended mission of the infidel occupiers in Iraq even for one single day after the mentioned date (as cited in the security agreement) is haram (religiously forbidden).”-Senior Iraqi Shiite Grand Ayatollah Kazzem al-Hosseini al-Haeri

Iraqis attack U.S. base, again, 2 soldiers killed

Ever since officials from the Obama administration made statements about staying in Iraq passed the 2011 withdrawal date, the Iraqis have been really upset.  Not only protests, but attacking U.S. bases.

According to some reports a U.S. base was attacked on April 23.  Three rockets hit the Echo Army base near the city of Diwaniyah, in southern Iraq. This makes the fourth time the base has been attacked in the past few weeks.   On April 22, two U.S. soldiers were killed, patrolling in southern Iraq.  No details were given by U.S. officials.  So far for April nine U.S. personnel have been killed.

New York City desperate to sell land to China

New York City’s Economic Development Corporation is hosting a weeklong program, trying to sell property to Chinese companies.

It’s another sign that the economy is not recovering.  Real estate agents can’t sell enough property to U.S. companies, so they’re trying to get the rich Chinese to buy it.

Several Chinese businesses have already opened New York City offices, include the apparel company Li & Wang, and several banks and investment firms.

Chinese bankers say dump U.S. dollar, buy other currencies

Several banking officials in China, have stated that they Chinese government needs to “reduce” and “diversify” their foreign currency holdings.

Tang Shuangning, chairman of China Everbright Group said China must reduce its excessive foreign exchange reserves and further diversify its holdings.

Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of China’s central bank, said that China’s foreign exchange reserves “exceed our reasonable requirement”.

Xia Bin, a member of the monetary policy committee of the central bank, said China should further diversify its foreign exchange holdings.

According to western media reports, most of China’s foreign currency holdings are in U.S. dollars.  This is part of why the value of the U.S. dollar hasn’t dropped as far as it should have.  But if the Chinese government listens to its bankers, then the dollar could crash.

When the Chinese bankers say China must reduce its current foreign currency holdings they’re talking about U.S. dollars.  They’re saying the Chinese government has too many, based on how bad the U.S. economy is.

When the Chinese bankers say they want the Chinese government to diversify foreign currency holdings, they mean they want to get rid of U.S. dollars and buy money from countries that have good economies, like Russia, India, South Africa and several South American countries.


After dissing African Union, over Libya, Obama now asking for their help

The United States, the Europeans, even the United Nations, ignored the African Union when they expressed concerns about military action being taken against one of their own; Libya.  Now, the U.S. wants the AU’s help.

“In addition, we seek the African Union’s assistance in arriving at a political solution in Libya.”-Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State

So now the Obama administration wants a political solution to Libya?  Why didn’t they do that to begin with!  Is this just part of the U.S. plan to move on to attacking Syria?

Obama condemns Syria, using words similar to what he used before bombing Libya, get ready

“This outrageous use of violence to quell protests must come to an end now.”-President Barack Obama, referring to Syria, April 22, 2011

Compare that to what Obama said to Libya before attacking them.

“The suffering and bloodshed is outrageous and it is unacceptable. So are threats and orders to shoot peaceful protesters and further punish the people of Libya. These actions violate international norms and every standard of common decency. This violence must stop.”-President Barack Obama, referring to Libya, February 23, 2011

Basically Obama’s statement to Syria is just a condensed version of what he said to Libya.

The United Nations is already calling for investigations of protesters being killed in Syria.  France is expressing concern, and remember, they were the ones that did all the dirty work to get the United Nations to approve war with Libya.  President Obama is also accusing Iran of taking part in the violence in Syria.