Category Archives: International

Pacific Ring of Fire: Chile Volcano continues to erupt

The pictures are impressive, of ash columns rocketing into the sky, surrounded by lightning strikes.  Believe or not it’s considered a moderate eruption.  It’s enough to spread enough ash to shut down airports in Argentina and Chile.

The Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano complex erupted on Saturday, June 4, causing thousands of people to evacuate.  Chile is home to hundreds of active volcanoes that periodically make themselves known, and most people know when it’s time to leave.

Vulcanologist say eruptions could continue for several weeks.


Government Incompetence: Greece has been paying thousands of dead people money

The insolvent government of Greece has just discovered that 4,500 dead people have been receiving government retirement pay, for years.

The government is now investigating whether there was a slip up on their side, or the families never filed notifications of death.  At least $23 million was paid out to dead people.

The Greek government is also investigating another 9,000 possible dead recipients of retirement money.

Corporate Incompetence: Strange Japanese Rules

Women in Japan were asked to post online, strange rules that their employers have.

“In our company, women are forbidden from putting on makeup. On top of that, the only underwear we are allowed to wear is white or beige. We are also not allowed to date guys under 23. If they catch us doing so, they cut our monthly pay and ask us to write and submit an official self-reflection letter. When we eventually find a marriage partner, we have to introduce him to the boss and ask for his blessings.”

“When we get to work, we are required to greet the boss’ dog. This should happen before we greet our colleagues or even the boss himself. In cases where someone has forgotten, they are given a lecture on morals by the boss.”

“Every morning when we arrive at the office, the first thing we are supposed to do is greet our company’s ‘special’ female coworker. We never know why we are forced to do so, because her status is not above ours. In fact, we don’t know what her status is. We are also not allowed to leave before her. If this happens, we are called to publicly apologize in front of everyone at work.”

“Our boss has a bell on his desk, which he uses to summon us. He never pronounces our names. When the bell rings, we know what to ask: “Coffee or tea, sir?” His desk is just two meters away from ours. It’s not that far, but maybe he doesn’t like calling people by their names.”

“When I was working at a department store as an elevator girl, we all had to keep our possessions in a bag that was specifically for work. While this is common for some types of jobs, what was strange in our case was that full time employees had a Chanel bag, contract employees had a Louis Vuitton, and part-timers had no-brand bags. That was the unspoken rule. Also, when we are in the restroom, we can’t leave before any full time employees do. In fact, we have to hold the door for them.”

It makes you wonder why they don’t revolt?

What Economic Recovery? Mazda will stop U.S. production, moving to Japan & Mexico

Mazda announced that it will stop production of its Mazda6, at a Ford plant in Michigan.  Mazda will move production of the Mazda6 back to Japan.

The Michigan plant is a joint venture between Ford and Mazda, known as AutoAlliance International.  The joint venture has been losing money ever since the ‘credit crisis’.

Mazda also plans to build cars in Mexico, mainly for the booming Latin American car market.  Some Mexican built Mazdas will be sold in the United States.  Rumors are that Mazda wants out of its joint venture with Ford.




Global Food Crisis: Deadly E-coli hits United States, FDA can’t inspect for new strain

“We usually consider that a rare complication, and to have 470 is absolutely extraordinary. This is a new public health problem.”-Robert Tauxe, CDC

Center for Disease Control believes three people in the U.S. have picked up the latest deadliest form of e-coli.  They had returned from Germany.

Michael Osterholm, at the University of Minnesota, says the e-coli outbreak in Europe is the deadliest on record.  1,624 cases are being reported by hospitals, but the actual number of infected people could be ten times higher.

Chinese scientist, working with German scientist, says the new e-coli strain is not only “super toxic”, but is resistant to treatment.  The strain is similar to the 0104:H4 strain, except for its resistance to antibiotics, which is why scientists think this is a new strain.

Earlier the Food and Drug Administration said it was inspecting vegetables from Europe for e-coli, but it’s been reveled that the FDA can not test for the new strain.  The FDA tests for e-coli 0157 strain (which is also deadly).



Former Israeli Mossad boss says attacking Iran a mistake

“An attack on Iran would mean regional war…consider all options and not to run straight for the war option.”-Meir Dagan, former Mossad Chief

Dagan said the only reason Israel should go to war, is if it was attacked first.

He downplayed the U.S. rhetoric against Iran’s nuclear program as sabre rattling: “We do not have the ability to stop Iran’s nuclear program. In the best case scenario we can push it off a bit.”

Dagan is also advising the Israeli government to make war plans that would take into account attacking several countries at the same time.


Israel announces plans to force 30,000 people from their homes

Israel announced they will force at least 30,000 Palestinians from their homes in the Negev.  It will take five years and affect Bedouins (nomads) as well as the towns of Rahat, Kseifa and Hura.

Israeli leaders claim they will “compensate” the Palestinians with territory that’s half the size of the area of the Negev the Israelis will take over.  Also, Israelis say they will pay either money, or construction material, to the displaced Palestinians.

The Israeli government estimate it could cost them $2 billion to force the people out of the Negev.  I wounder where Israel will actually get the money from?

The people living in the Negev say they will resist.

War on Drugs officially a failure

“Political leaders and public figures should have the courage to articulate publicly what many of them acknowledge privately: that the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that repressive strategies will not solve the drug problem, and that the war on drugs has not, and cannot, be won.”-Drug Policy report

The Global Commission on Drug Policy has declared the War on Drugs a failure.  The 19 member commission includes former U.S. Secretary of State George Schultz, and former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker.

Anti drug policies are to blame for the failure, especially in the United States.  The report points out that while huge efforts are made to stop drug trafficking, most people who end up in prison are the users of drugs, not the sellers.  The report said studies show that users “do no harm to others.”  So why is so much time and money being spent to put them in jail?

The Global Commission on Drug Policy wants anti-drug policies to focus on health and human rights issues, and even consider making some illegal drugs legal.

Global Food Crisis: New Deadly Mutant E-Coli Outbreak

“This is a new strain, O157 was almost certainly one of its parents. It’s also got material from another type of E-coli. So you’ve got this germ that’s like O157 but has this extra weaponry, that makes it more nasty.”-Paul Hunter, University of East Anglia in England

E-coli O157 destroys your blood cells and kidneys, and might be the parent of the latest, deadliest form.

German press reports say World Health Organization officials have identified the e-coli, that has killed 17 Germans so far, as a new mutant strain, spawned by two deadly forms of e-coli.  The new strain has been seen before, but not at the level of an outbreak.

E-coli is a bacteria, and everyone has it (in our intestines), at least the non-lethal kind, but there are some very bad versions out there that will kill: “The vast majority of strains are harmless, but there are a select few that are armed and dangerous because of the particular genes they happen to have. These genes produce those toxins. If they produce these toxins, the outcome of infection, rather than just being a tummy upset, can be far more serious.”-Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading in England

Now health officials are trying to found out where the new e-coli spawned.  Originally Spanish vegetables were thought to be the carriers (vegetables from Denmark and the Netherlands are suspect as well), but the epicenter of the outbreak is around Hamburg, Germany.  More than 1,000 people in Germany are sick, 470 have reached the stage where kidney failure could occur.

Spain has two cases, but officials say those people had just returned from Germany, prompting Spanish politicians to point the finger of blame to Germany.

Sweden is now reporting cases; one death of a woman who went to Spain, 43 people sick.  The United Kingdom reports seven cases.  Denmark has 14.  Netherlands has eight.  Austria, France, Norway and Switzerland are reporting cases, most of the people had just got back from trips to Germany.

Russia and the United Arab Emirates have banned vegetables from European Union.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it’s increasing inspections of vegetables coming from Europe.

Since e-coli is usually found on the surface of vegetables, the best way to protect yourself is to wash them before eating.