Category Archives: International

What Global Warming? Coolest Spring for Idaho since 1984

According to the National Weather Service, Idaho is going through the coolest spring since 1984.

High temperatures for Idaho have been as much as 17 degrees (Fahrenheit) below average.

Even though there’ve been lots of rainy days for Idaho (and rivers are flooding, mainly due to snow melt), the Weather Service says the actual amount of rain, so far, is not enough to set any records.

Local weather forecasts, calling for warming up to the 70s, seem to get pushed back week after week.  No global warming here.

Karzai & NATO going head to head, sure sign that the U.S. has lost Afghanistan

“NATO must learn that air strikes on Afghan homes are not allowed and that Afghan people have no tolerance for that anymore. If they don’t stop air strikes on Afghan homes, their presence in Afghanistan will be considered as an occupying force and against the will of the Afghani people.”-President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai

Karzai is talking tough, but his words are not aimed at “Taliban”.  Instead his words are targeting U.S. led coalition forces.  Karzai’s threats come a after an interview with NATO’s secretary general: “The Afghan society is not yet prepared to take full responsibility for the security.”-Anders Fogh Rasmussen

If the Afghans aren’t ready to take full responsibility for security, than how can their president make such bold statements against U.S. led coalition forces?

Another sign that the U.S. is losing in Afghanistan is that Rasmussen has reportedly asked the United States, and other NATO members, to increase their military budgets and expect to possibly stay longer than the new 2014 withdrawal date.

The latest fiasco in Afghanistan involves yet another “accidental” air strike on civilian homes, which killed 12 children and two women.  There have been conflicting statements from NATO; one official said they targeted a “compound” and there were no reports of civilians. The most recent NATO statement says they missed the target and hit two homes instead.  If you’ve been following the war in Afghanistan for even a year, you’d recognize an MO (modus operandi) with the U.S. led coalition: Kill everyone and then claim, “Ooops, we missed the target.”

Another point to make; Hamid Karzai would not be making such bold statements against the coalition, if he didn’t feel secure in doing so.  It’s an indication Karzai has found support from other international powers, and no longer needs the United States.  Recently the Afghan government made an alliance with Iran.

Global Food Crisis: Idaho hit by cold, wet weather, and Potato Worms

The planting season is way behind schedule in the U.S. state of Idaho; at least two to three weeks according to some farmers.  The weather has been too cold, and too wet.  Here in eastern Idaho the Snake and Portneuf rivers are flooding, making it worse.

The flooding Portneuf is hitting farmers in Inkom: “We’ll lose about 4 to 500 ton of hay and probably, I don’t know how much barley, 150 ton of barley. The problem is there’s still a lot of snow to come down, and I think it’s probably gonna be in July or August before we can get in here, and it’s gonna be to late to crop.”-Jim Guthrie, Inkom farmer

The cold is keeping seeds from sprouting: “The cold weather has probably been as much of a delay as the moisture has been. My sugar beets have been in the ground three weeks and they haven’t sprouted yet. With the cold weather we’ve been having, maybe it’s a good thing they haven’t.”-Jim Tiede, American Falls farmer

Potatoes need relatively dry soil to be planted, and they need a hot summer to help them grow big.  Farmers are worried this summer might not be hot enough, or long enough.  Add to that a little worm that likes to eat spuds: “It’s an extremely difficult pest to get rid of.  The thing can last in the soil for decades, and so the process that you go through to get rid of it is extremely long.”-Larry Hawkins, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Hawkins is talking about a microscopic bug that has seen $36 million spent over five years, trying to get rid of it.  It’s shown up in several eastern Idaho potato fields this year.  The nematodes are not native to Idaho; they first showed up in Bingham county in 2006.  They’re not dangerous to people, but can reduce potato yields by 80%.

Corporate Incompetence: Japanese train company raided by police after train fire

The Hokkaido Railway Company has been raided by police, after one of their passenger trains jumped the tracks in a tunnel and caught fire.  The police took all the company maintenance and operations records.

Investigators say they found a part that fell off before the train jumped the tracks.  Also, the train conductor called HRC headquarters asking for evacuation of the passengers, but company officials denied the evacuation because they were still waiting for “confirmation” of the fire.  39 passengers were injured.

Global Food Crisis: China hit with long drought & big wheat harvest

China is a land of extremes, literally.

In Central China the drought has become so bad that people are being told not to expect any water for another year.  It has drastically cut rice production.  The area is normally flooded at this time of year: “Usually it’s the season to fight floods, local villagers would ride on these boats to reinforce dams along the way. However, the drought has reduced water levels significantly, and as you can see, all the boats are stranded.”-local farmer

At the other end of the extreme, in Anhui, Henan and Shandong provinces, wheat farmers think they will have their best harvest for the first time in five years.  If they do, China hopes it will reduce their need for foreign wheat: “This year is supposed to be a bumper year for wheat harvest. That is of great importance to the whole macroeconomic situation, and stabilization of the price level for commodity prices. It could also enhance China’s capability to minimize the impact of wheat price fluctuations brought by international grain prices.”-Li Guoxiang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Global Food Crisis: Europe hit by drought & e-coli

French Agriculture Minister Bruno Le Maire reporting that rain fall is only half what it was at the same time last year.  French wheat harvests will be down by at least 11%, and exports will be cut in half.

Russia is banning fresh produce from Germany and Spain. At least 14 Germans died from e-coli.  Initially the e-coli was traced to cucumbers, but is now showing up in other produce.

African Union pushes NATO to accept their peace deal with Gaddafi

“I can say that the Libyan leader is ready to implement what is in the roadmap by the AU.”-South African President Jacob Zuma

For the second time, Gaddafi has accepted an AU cease fire and peace plan.  The first time U.S. led NATO, and the rebels, rejected the offer.  The South African president said: “…the importance of the ceasefire proposed by the AU on condition that NATO and (others) stop bombing and give the Libyan people a chance to solve their problems by themselves.”

The African Union is upset because Libya is a member of the AU, and the AU sees NATO’s actions against Libya as an attack against the African continent.


Queen Elizabeth II says U.K. could break up, Scots overjoyed call royal family “parasites”. Royals are Ultimate Welfare recipients

“Regardless of Her Majesty’s personal views, it is the job of her private secretary to take these issues seriously and to investigate them and that’s precisely what is going on.”-unnamed Buckingham Palace source

In the Sunday Times Queen Elizabeth II expressed concerns she may be the last monarch of the U.K.

In a meeting with Prime Minister David Cameron she discussed the possible break up of the United Kingdom.  So far this year, Scotland has been leading the charge for independence, with word that people in Wales are about to join in.  The Queen’s recent visit to the Republic of Ireland was seen as an attempt to bring that independent country back under the control of the House of Windsor.

Elizabeth II (aka Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor) is especially concerned that Scotland might win its independence through the Parliament.  Scotland and England formed a union in 1707, called the Act of Union.  The Union came about as a result of economic sanctions by the English against Scotland, and bribery of Scottish officials.  It is notable that many Scottish “commoners”, and even the lower clergy of the Church of Scotland, were openly opposed to such a union.

Scottish independence activist Charlie Veitch, called monarchies “…a parasite upon natural order and upon natural law because we are all created equal under the eyes of God, the universe, or whatever you believe in.”

Veitch went on to say: “The Queen, in a way, she is a ridiculous figure head of an old world order…we want to make sure that the new world does not have these old, elitist establishment controls that we saw in the past.”

The Commonwealth consists of United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent/Grenadines, Belize, Antigua/Barbuda and Saint Kitts/Nevis.  (in the 1990s I met a few Canadian Army Sergeants who insisted the United States had been secretly brought back into the Commonwealth)

The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Is the Queen just a figure head?  Only when it comes to the Commonwealth as a whole, but, in the United Kingdom the Queen has real power:  She is the Governor of the Church of England and Scotland.  She is the Head of the Armed Forces with ultimate say in how the military is used; if she didn’t like British troops being sent on this War on Terror she can just wave her magic hand, and the Parliament would be forced to bring the troops home.  She opens every yearly session of Parliament by dictating what should be discussed, in other words she sets the agenda.  She is the one who signs new laws, not the Prime Minister.

And who pays for the expenses of the Royal Family?  The taxpayers.  Things like staffing, state visits, public engagements, and official entertainment are paid for with public money from funds called Grants in Aid, and Civil List (by making the Royal Wedding a public event they can legally charge the taxpayers for it).

You see, the rich don’t stay rich by spending their money, they spend your money!

Normally British taxpayers pay for Royal Weddings, but with the marriage of Kate and William the Royal Family recognized the financial sufferings of the people, and decided to pay for part of the wedding.  The Middletons also paid for part of the wedding (they are “commoners” by title only, or lack of title).  The British taxpayers still had to pay for security and clean up.

The fact that the taxpayers must legally pay for official expenses of the Royal Family (not the Royal’s personal expenses of course) is the reason rebels like Charlie Veitch call royals “parasites”.  Basically the Royal Family is the ultimate welfare recipient.