Category Archives: International

Obama’s order to release U.S. oil reserves is BS, 27 other countries to release oil reserves is also BS, blame war on Libya

All indicators are that global demand for oil is going down, despite the oil “experts” continuing to say it’s going up.  The fact that oil and gas prices are going down is proof of the decrease in demand.  One study says oil should be at $70.00, based on actual consumer demand.

Yet President Barack Obama, and 27 other members of the International Energy Agency, are ordering the release of their respective strategic oil reserves.

The official reason the Obama administration gives, is to ease the supply problems with oil from Libya.  First off, the U.S. is a minor user of oil from Libya, secondly the U.S. is partly to blame for the oil supply problems in Libya!

The U.S. uses about 1% of oil produced in Libya, according to a USA Today report.  The U.S. has been supporting rebels who destroyed Chinese run oil fields in Libya, according to the Chinese government.

As I’m writing this U.S. crude oil prices are at $91.00 per barrel.  Why release U.S. oil reserves now, and not back when it was more than $100.00 per barrel?

Here something interesting; the U.S. Department of Energy reports that the strategic oil reserves are at record highs, 727 million barrels to be exact.  Why would that be? Because demand is down?

The IEA (not to be confused with the United Nations IAEA) is made up of 28 oil consuming countries, including the United States.  The decision of the IEA to release 60 million barrels of oil reserves, is to benefit the countries that get most of their oil from Libya, ie Europe.  One report showed that almost all of Italy’s oil comes from Libya.

In other words, Obama’s decision to release U.S. strategic oil reserves is for the benefit of the Europeans, not the United States!

It is also totally because of the U.S. supported European war on Libya, the aggressors (U.S. and Europe) brought it upon themselves.




What Economic Recovery? Credit Crisis hits SAAB, can’t pay employees, shuts factory

A few days ago U.S. Federal Reserve boss Ben Bernanke said one of the factors in deciding the economy was worse then they thought, was continuing financing problems (credit crisis).  Swedish car maker SAAB, just announced they are the latest victims of the credit crisis.

SAAB can not get short term loans, which is what it uses to pay its employees.  Not only is this a bad sign of the economy, but a reminder that “Western” corporations run on debt, not revenues.

This inability to pay its employees comes after SAAB closed one of its factories in Trollhatten, due to lack of parts (thank Japan’s failed “just in time” supply system).

SAAB is trying to get loans from Chinese companies, they’re waiting for government approval.

What Economic Recovery? United Nations says government cut backs making things worse

“Austerity measures in response to high government debt in some advanced economies, such as Greece and Spain, are not only threatening public sector employment and social expenditure, but also making the recovery more uncertain and fragile.”-UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs

The UN is warning that cuts in government spending will only make the global economy worse.  This comes a week after the International Monetary Fund said the economic crisis was now in the political phase, meaning the private sector had failed.

Interestingly the UN is also blaming the bad economy on global lenders like the IMF.


What Economic Recovery? Britain wants the European Union to collapse

Discussions within the U.K. Parliament reveal that British leaders are hoping for a quick end to the European Union via a Greek collapse.

Former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said, concerning the Euro: “…is going to collapse…” and “Is it not better that this happens quickly rather than a slow death?”

Current Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Mark Hoban said: “I am not going to comment on whether the eurozone will remain intact or not. Clearly, this crisis demonstrates the huge strain the eurozone in under. That is why it was right for us to stay out of the eurozone.”

Current Prime Minister, David Cameron said: “We were not involved in the first bailout of Greece; we don’t believe the European financial mechanism should be used in any way.”

Conservative Member of Parliament, Anne Main said Greece “…should be allowed to depart peacefully from the eurozone.”

Current Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, said the U.K. would not help Greece:  “The package for Greece that is already in place is a eurozone package with the IMF.  It’s the eurozone that is taking forward discussions now about the next stage of dealing with Greece’s substantial problems.  There’s simply no proposition on the table for the U.K. to contribute beyond that IMF involvement and I don’t expect there to be one.”

When you take what the British leaders are saying, along with the International Monetary Fund’s warnings that the default of Greece will lead to a collapse of European Union, then it definitely looks like the British want Greece to default.  Historically the British never really liked the concept of the European Union.



Global Great Depression: IMF warns of global collaspe if Europe goes down the economic toilet

“Given the euro area’s role in the global economy, success in addressing the sovereign debt crisis and raising growth has a significant impact elsewhere.”-IMF report

June 21, a new report by the International Monetary Fund says European economic collapse could bring on a Global Great Depression.

All international finance eyes are focused on what happens with Greece.  There could be a domino effect if Greece defaults.  A check of history will show that a similar situation happened prior to the U.S. Stock Market Crash of 1929, which eventually led to the Great Depression in the U.S.

Here’s a little reminder: Germany was forced to pay the United Kingdom and France (and some other countries) huge reperations after losing the First World War.  The U.K. and France owed the United States big time money for saving their butts during the war.  U.S. corporations were banking on that money from U.K. and France, and actually ran their businesses on debt thinking ‘no problem the French and British will pay up’  (it was called “The Roaring Twenties”).  Well, the victors of the First World War made things so bad for Germany there was no way they could make the reparations payments, so they defaulted.  As a result, the U.K. and France defaulted on their payments to the United States.  As a result, U.S. corporations defaulted leading to the Crash of ’29.

Basically the IMF is saying we are in a similar situation with the current debt crisis in Europe.

Pacific Ring of Fire: Chile hit by 6.6 Earthquake

June 21, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says a 6.6 quake hit Chile, near it’s border with Bolivia.

No emergencies reported, the quake was deep in the ground, at 111.3 kilometers (69.2 miles).

It seems the number of 6 plus quakes, and volcanic activity, around the Pacific Ring of Fire have increased this year.  Earlier this month a volcano in Chile erupted, for several days, spewing ash that shut down airports as far away as New Zealand and Australia.

Proof Syrian “freedom movement” is anything but: third mass grave found with bodies of Syrian soldiers

On June 20, and for the third time, a mass grave was found which held the bodies of Syrian soldiers.  This does not sound like something “peaceful protestors” would do.

This latest mass grave had 29 Syrian soldiers, who had been decapitated, and showed signs of torture.

Earlier this month two mass graves were found, containing the bodies of at least 80 Syrian policemen.

The graves are being found near a town called Jisr al-Shughour,  near the Turkish border.  Turkey is a member of NATO and has recently agreed to allow an increase of NATO troops in Turkey.

To me, this sounds like the Turkish government is encouraging Kurdish separatists to go on the war path against the Syrian government, to help “Western” plans to destabilize and overthrow the Syrian government.  Of course, U.S. media goes on and says it’s “protestors”.   There are legitimate protestors, but peaceful protestors don’t go around as trained paramilitaries killing government forces, then burying them in mass graves.

Iraq and Afghan war vets suffer from lung problems, military doctors back it up

A New York Times report says as many as 80,000 U.S. war vets suffer from lung problems like asthma and bronchitis.

The report says the problems began while ‘in theater’ (while deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan), but have continued since returning home.

Causes could be anything from dust storms to toxic chemicals being used on U.S. military bases.  U.S. military medical personnel are calling for an investigation: “I’m concerned that this exposure is not getting the serious review it needs.”-Captain Mark Lyles, Center for Naval Warfare Studies in Newport, Rhode Island.

The U.S. created four million Iraqi orphans & one million widows, so far

According to the Iraqi Ministry of Women’s Affairs, by 2008 there were one million Iraqi widows, no thanks to the United States.

Their report also blames the more than two million Iraqi deaths on the United States.  On top of that, as of 2008 there were four million children orphaned by the U.S. occupation.

The Iraqi Interior Ministry released a report that says as of 2008, more than 800,000 Iraqis had been disappeared.

There is still more than 50,000 U.S. military personnel in Iraq.  They were supposed to leave at the end of 2011, but Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been working hard to convince the Iraqi government to allow the U.S. forces to stay.