Category Archives: International

Paranoia about terrorism out of control in the U.S., or is the TSA run by a bunch of sicko perverts? Butt Bomb Implants?

The Transportation Security Administration says they are concerned about terrorists going to the ridiculous trouble of surgically implanting bombs in their bodies.

Of course the TSA says the latest full body scanners can’t detect such things, so they’ll have to resort to even more invasive pat downs, or other means of checking you out.

TSA officials admit there is no evidence that terrorists are planning such an inefficient way to blow things up.

Think about it, the cost of implanting a bomb inside yourself go against one of the standards of terrorists, that is to do things as cheaply as possible.  Why not spend the money on a shoulder launched guided anti-aircraft missile?  Also, you couldn’t send the terrorist in to do the job right away, because of recovery time from surgery.  And if the surgeon is not the best in the world at stitching, the scar from the surgery is a dead giveaway, no need for more invasive pat downs.

One report says TSA officials think terrorists would implant bombs in their butt!  Hey buddy, what’s that bulging from your butt?  Why the big ass scar on your butt?  Oh, officer I just had butt implants done in Hollywood, I’m gonna be a big shooting star.  Yeah right!  Butt bomb implants?  Doc, now that I have a bomb in my butt can I sit down?  I suggest keeping off your butt until it’s time to blow up the plane.  Well that’s simple, TSA agents just have to watch for the person who refuses to sit down.

TSA officials also say women could put bombs in their boobs!  Excuse me ma’am but your boobs are oddly shaped, I’m gonna have to cop a feel. By the way, one bomb “expert” in Colorado said the detonator for a boob bomb would be under the boob, so if someone presses down…BOOM!  The next time you check out the scars on that porn star’s boobs it might not be silicone in there. Especially if it’s an evil Muslim porn star, you know those Muslim women like to put bombs in their boobs.  It’d have to bee a woman who hates wearing bras, ’cause you might set it off just by putting on your bra, if that “expert” in Colorado is correct.

Here’s another inefficiency in body bombs: Another report said that the body bombs would have to be set off by the terrorist using a large syringe to inject a chemical into the bomb to make it explode.  How does the terrorist get through security with a large syringe of fluid?  Also, how would passengers on a plane, or bus, or train react if they saw someone whip out a huge syringe and jab it into themselves?  If they jab their stomach passengers might think, oh diabetic.  But what if they jab their boobs, or bend over awkwardly and jab their ass?  Still, how’d they get through security with a syringe?

Reality check: Terrorists don’t have to blow up the plane, or bus, or train or whatever.  They can just blow up the TSA checkpoint, or the TSA agents doing a random check in a random location, it’ll still have the same affect.  Look at what anti-abortion terrorists have done; place bombs in trash dumpsters to take out emergency responders, who where responding to the shooting of people who where trying to go into the abortion clinics.  Simple things like that is how most terrorists think, not “I’m gonna put a bomb in my butt/boobs, wait several weeks while I heal up, then try to get on a plane by going through a security checkpoint designed to find bombs.”

Remember, there is no evidence of such a butt/boob bomb plot.  Officials can only point to a British intelligence report that speculates that terrorists might implant bombs into their bodies.  Anybody remember the last time the U.S. went along with British intelligence?  It was the months leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.  Since then all “intelligence” from the British, about Saddam Hussein and Iraq, have been proven to be faulty or even made up.

A retired FBI bomb expert said body bombs are totally impractical: “While possible, it is much less likely to work than other scenarios. There are more practical ways of doing it.”-Leo West

Apparently President Obama supports the TSA’s latest claims, his spokesman Jay Carney, said that the U.S. must continue to evolve ways to search for terrorists and their bombs.

I think the TSA is run by a bunch of perverts, who’re looking for any excuse to exercise a Homeland Security grope fest on your ass and boobs.


Japan Rising Sun: Japanese military builds base in Africa

The Japanese military has built its own air base in the African country of Djibouti.  The official reason is to help fight pirates.

The Japanese had been sharing a base with the United States, but built its own 12 hectare (29.6 acre) airfield for its surveillance aircraft.

The French have long time military ties to the country of Djibouti, but since the surge in piracy, Djibouti is making money off of allowing several countries (including the U.S.) to base military units there.

What Economic Recovery? S & P’s says Europe’s action on Greek debt will result in automatic default

Standard & Poor’s is warning that a French plan to “rollover” Greek debt will force Greece into default.  The plan was put forth by the Fédération Bancaire Française.

S & P’s is not the only finance rating company to make such a claim.  It’s complicated, but basically they claim the French plan would result in current “investors” in Greek bonds receiving much less of a return on their investment, so much so that S & P’s is willing to declare Greece in default.

The plan was approved by the only economic powerhouse in the European Union: Germany.

“In our view, Greece’s near-term reliance on European Union and International Monetary Fund official financing, the government’s difficulty in reducing its sizable fiscal deficit, and the current pricing of Greek government debt in the secondary market all underscore the Hellenic Republic’s weak creditworthiness and, consequently, point to a ‘realistic possibility’ that financing option would fit the ‘distressed’ category.”-Standard & Poor’s

Government Incompetence: Europeans now blaming Egypt for deadly E Coli, no real proof, are GMOs to blame?

First the Germans blamed Spanish cucumbers.  Then they blamed sprouts, from a northern German farm.  Then the French blamed a German owned grocery store selling French grown sprouts.  Then the French blamed a U.K. seed company which supplied the seeds to grow the sprouts.   Then the Swedish blamed the Germans, then backed off when they began having e.coli cases in people who’d never been to Germany, or eaten sprouts.  Now the Europeans are blaming Egyptian fenugreek seeds for the deadly e.coli.  Fenugreek is used as an herb and a spice.

The Europeans have gone so far as to ban any more imports of Egyptian fenugreek.  On top of that they’re banning other Egyptian agricultural products, until they can be proven safe.

Here’s the problem; no one has proven conclusively where the deadly e.coli strain is coming from!

Fact: German health officials traced some of the e.coli cases back to a typhoid Mary suspect, a woman who worked for a catering company.  The woman seems to be a carrier.  She thinks she might have eaten sprouts.

Fact: E.coli comes from humans, not plants.  The only way plants could get infected is if they came into contact with humans waste.

So far at least 49 people have died, and more than 4,000 are sick.  Knowing the facts about the case, how can European officials now blame Egyptian fenugreek?  Of course they claim the seeds were used to grow the sprouts that made people sick.  But up ’till now the claim has been that “bean” sprouts are the culprits. Now suddenly it’s fenugreek sprouts?

Seeds get contaminated when they come into contact with the bacteria.  This could be at anytime in the planting, growing and harvesting process.  It only takes a tiny bit of the bacteria, once the seeds are planted not only does the plant grow, but some does the e.coli, and it spreads.  That’s the traditional way.

Here’s a new way: In an earlier posting I wrote how some scientists say it looks like the deadly e.coli strain was engineered in a lab.  If you understand the way genetic engineering of plants works, then it actually makes sense.  In order for scientist to make their genetic modifications ‘stick’, they must use a bacteria that is resistant to almost all forms of self preservation by the original plant genes.  Yes, e.coli is one of those deadly bacterias that agricultural giants like Monsanto could be using to create GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

They also want their newly modified plants to be super resistant to natural diseases, and man made chemicals.  Again, that’s where the deadly bacterias come into play.  GMOs contain bacteria that are intentionally made to be super resistant.

Are we looking at the first cases of deadly results from genetically modified plants?

Australian study says hypoallergenic baby formula doesn’t work

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Epidemiology reports a study done by Australian researchers, into the effects of hypoallergenic whey based infant formula.

620 babies were divided into three groups. One group got the whey formula, another group got cow’s milk, and the third got soy milk.

Two years later the babies were checked.  Surprise!  More than half the 620 babies developed allergies regardless of what type of formula, or milk they drank.

Further more, when researchers looked at just the babies who drank the hypoallergenic whey formula, they discovered that the incident rate for developing allergies, was no different than for the cow’s milk or soy milk.

French study says drinking more water could reduce chances of getting Type 2 Diabetes

A study in France followed more than 3,000 people and the amount of water they drank over a nine year period.

Over the nine years it was discovered that people who drank at least 1 liter (34 ounces) of water per day, had 21% less blood sugar, than those who drank less water.

Researchers admit there are other factors that could account for the results, and they want to do more studies.

No more open borders in Europe, no thanks to the U.S. & European wars in the Middle East & North Africa

Denmark announced that starting July 5, no more open borders.  They blame drug trafficking and illegal immigrants.

Since the U.S. led invasion of Afghanistan drug trafficking has skyrocketed across Central Asia and into Europe.  Many of the drugs come from U.S. occupied Afghanistan.

The NATO attacks on Libya have greatly increased what European governments are calling illegal immigration (most of whom are actually war refugees, no thanks to the European/U.S./NATO war on Libya).

Denmark is not the first EU member to close its borders.  France and Italy closed their borders with each other, for the same reasons as Denmark.  In the case of France and Italy, French officials discovered that Italy was giving refugees (I mean illegal immigrants), mainly from Tunis and Libya, EU visas then putting them on trains bound for France.

Other EU members are complaining about the violation of the European Union’s “open borders” policy, but Denmark claims their border closure will not affect commerce.

Saudi Prince tells U.S. led NATO to invade Iran or give Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons

A British newspaper reports that a secret meeting was held between NATO and Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal.  The subject was nuclear weapons, and how Saudi Arabia could get some.

The Guardian quoted an unnamed Saudi official as saying: “We cannot live in a situation where Iran has nuclear weapons and we don’t.”

The meeting concerned Saudi fears that Iran will develop nuclear weapons.

Saudi Arabia is a Semitic country.  Iran is technically Aryan (Aryans originate in Central Asia, and spread from India to Europe, the politically correct term in the West is Indo-European).  Also, most of the Saudi royal family are Wahhabi (aka Salafi) Muslims (the main stream western media incorrectly says most Saudis are Sunni Muslim).  Most Iranians are Shia Muslims.  Al Qaeda, also made up of mainly Wahhabis, declared jihad against Shia Muslims.  The dominating tribe of Saudi Arabia (the royal family) considers Iran a mortal enemy.

One analysts says what’s really happening is that Saudi Arabia is trying to push the United States closer to going to war with Iran: “I think the point is less that Saudi Arabia is really planning to make nuclear weapons, it’s about impressing on the U.S. how urgent it is to react to Iran’s nuclear program.”-Guido Steinberg, German Institute for International and Security Affairs