Category Archives: International

Mazda North America responds to demands for their 70 mpg Demio (Japanese Mazda 2)

I recently inquired with Mazda North America about the possibility of the 70 mpg, 1.3 liter gas engined Mazda 2 (aka Demio in Japan) being sold here in the United States.  They basically said no way.

They gave no reason, but did imply that the more people inquire the more they will consider it: “Currently we have no plans to release the Demio in the U.S….Certainly, we want to offer exciting vehicles, and comments such as yours help us to achieve that goal.”-Christina Cruz, Customer Assistance Specialist

Do you want to save money on gas?  Don’t want to drive a scooter to work?  Don’t want to replace those expensive batteries in those hybrid cars?  Let Mazda North America know that you want a 70 mpg car!  Go to, click on “contact us”.

What Economic Recovery? Russia says the United States is to blame, Putin calls the U.S. a parasite, the world should stop using the U.S. dollar

“The country is living in debt. It is not living within its means, shifting the weight of responsibility on other countries and in a way acting as a parasite.”-Vladimir Putin, Russian Prime Minister

Russia says the United States is dragging the world down with it, because of its control over the world finance system, and because most of the world uses the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.

If the U.S. dollar continues to lose value then it can bring down international trade.  Russia, and other countries like China, are pushing for a new form of reserve currency.

What Economic Recovery? PMI data around the world down, huge drop in the United States

PMI (purchase managers’ indexes) data from countries around the world continue to fall.  The data is an indication of domestic economic strength based on domestic manufacturing purchases/production.

A rating above 50 is considered a good sign, below 50 is bad.  Many countries are stagnating around 50 right now.

Russia reports a PMI of 49.8, the worst since December 2009.  It’s the second decrease for Russia in three months.

Economists were surprised by the big drop for the United States.  In June the U.S. PMI was 55.3.  Economists expected a drop to 54.6 in July, but the July PMI actually dropped to 50.9.  The huge 5 point drop for the U.S. is being blamed on lack of consumer demand.

Hungary’s PMI dropped from 55.1 in June, to 52.2 July.  The Czech PMI fell to 53.4 in July.

In the United Kingdom it dropped from 51.4 in June to 49.1 in July: “The manufacturing PMI data was a really unpleasant surprise and suggests that the economic weakness in the U.K. is here to stay.”-Valentin Marinov, Citigroup

In the economic powerhouse of Europe, Germany saw a decrease in PMI from 54.6 in June, to 52 in July.  Surprisingly Poland is reporting a small increase, to 52.9.

The main reasons for the lackluster global PMI numbers is inflation in prices,  and reduced consumer demand.  Decreased consumer demand is being exacerbated by increased unemployment around the world.

Got Swine Flu? You may become Super Immune to other diseases. Vaccines to be replaced by F16 antibodies?

A study published by Science Express, says researchers think the F16 antibody could be the cure for most influenza type A infections.

The Medical Research Council’s National Institute for Medical Research looked at more than 100,000 samples of immune cells from people who had the flu, or flu vaccines. They noticed the F16 antibody, a protein called haemagglutinin, swarmed the surfaces of all influenza A viruses.

The scientists then injected H1N1 (swine flu) infected mice with haemagglutinin.  The result was “full protection” in the mice from the effects of H1N1.

Injection of the F16 antibody is not the same as a vaccination.  More research is being done into the feasibility of using F16 injections to fight infections.

Israelis develop pill for PTSD, erase your memory. Can you put someone on trial for War Crimes if they can’t remember?

Israeli researchers claim to have developed a pill to prevent Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

It won’t help with existing cases.  It works by using the hormone cortisol, which scientists believe prevents the “fixing” of traumatic memories in your mind.

Essentially the pill erases traumatic memories, by preventing them from being stored in your mind.  The pill must be taken within 24 hours of a traumatic event.

Studies were done using injections, and were successful.  Israeli researchers think its main use will be on soldiers.

What Economic Recovery? China economic data down for 4th straight month, inflation to blame, again

August 1, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing says purchases of manufactured products is down for the 4th month in a row.

The main reason is the continuing inflation in prices of basic resources, which is causing prices for manufactured goods to go up.   Despite efforts by the Chinese government to control inflation, the inflation rate is exceeding their expectations.

Currently the purchase of manufactured goods (PMI) is stagnating at 50.7.  Anything below 50 is bad.  In previous years China’s PMI was well above 50, but this year it’s been falling.

Museum Incompetence: 1,000 year old porcelain broken, covered up

A Chinese blogger revealed that officials with the Beijing Museum (aka Forbidden City), covered up a potentially million dollar disaster.

A researcher smashed a 1,000 year old plate from the Song Dynasty.  The researcher was using a device that’s intended to protect porcelains during inspection, but instead the plate was smashed due to operator error.

Officials with the museum decided not to report the incident.  The last time a Song Dynasty plate sold at auction in New York City, it sold for $1.54 million.

Dengue & West Nile influenced by temperature changes, flooding

“Traditional explanations for the seasonal increase in dengue are not consistent with my experience in Thailand, Peru, and Puerto Rico.”-Doctor Thomas Scott

A recent study shows that long hot seasonal temperatures help the spread of Dengue.  The areas of the world, where Dengue is becoming more prevalent, are areas that are not cooling off as they used to, and are subject to radical swings in warmer temps.

The study, “Impact of Daily Temperature Fluctuations on Dengue Virus Transmission by Aedes aegypti”, shows that without the usual cold seasons the mosquitoes, that spread the disease, stay alive much longer increasing their chances of catching Dengue from humans, and spreading it.

The study also showed that mosquitoes are less likely to spread disease during cooler temperatures, and more likely during hot weather: “…whereas transmission probability is estimated to be 0.11 at a constant mean temperature of 14 °C, it shows a 2.7-fold increase with a DTR [diurnal temperature range] of 20 °C.”

While many parts of the World are experiencing warmer than normal weather, here in Idaho our weather is much cooler than normal.  That is keeping cases of West Nile virus way down, so far.

The big concern in Idaho is protecting horses.  Horses are more susceptible to dieing from West Nile, than humans.

Local mosquito eradication officials are reporting that, so far, there’s a drop in West Nile infected mosquitoes, possibly due to the cooler weather.  However, they pointed out that mosquitoes with West Nile usually show up in the later half of Idaho summers.

Another factor in favor of mosquitoes is flooding.  Parts of Idaho have been hit with increased seasonal flooding, and the cooler weather (resulting in less evaporation) means there are large areas of standing water, perfect for mosquitoes.

Officials are already taking action by spraying insecticides on ponds, and asking property owners to drain standing water.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that Idaho, Oregon and Washington state are free of any West Nile cases (as of 26 July 2011).  It could be due to the cooler than normal weather.

The CDC reports human cases of West Nile in the following U.S. states: Arizona, California, Georgia, Mississippi, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, and Wyoming.

According to the most recent CDC Dengue HealthMap, there are no cases of domestically acquired Dengue fever within the United States.

What Economic Recovery? British Prime Minister claims 0.2% GDP is positive growth

The United Kingdom is reporting 0.2% GDP for the last quarter, many officials calling it a sign of economic “growth”.  Prime Minister David Cameron calls it “positive news” for the U.K.

0.2% is not “growth”!  It’s stagnation!  Anything from zero to 3% is stagnation.  The U.S. and U.K. mainstream media, and politicians, keep trying to trick people into thinking that proof of economic stagnation is really economic “growth”.

A country needs to see more than 3% GDP (over so many quarters) before it can be called “growth”.   If David Cameron thinks 0.2% is so great then we’re really in trouble!

No Economic Recovery for U.S.: Property owners put U.S. land up for auction in China, offers immigrant applications to high bidders

According to the Chinese media, 73 Chinese have won internet auctions for land in Florida.

United Solutions of America auctioned off land belonging to a bankrupt company in Florida.  The auction specifically targeted Chinese buyers, as it was a Chinese auction host, Zhuang Nuo, who ran the auction.

1,000 square kilometers of land was split into 100 sections.  Bidders were also enticed with 30 immigration applications if the total bids went over $200,000.

All 100 sections sold on July 22.  73 Chinese won the auctions, with one of them snatching up 20 of the 100 sections.