Category Archives: International

Global Economic War: EU officials say they want economic sanctions against other EU countries

“We are in complete agreement in the Dutch cabinet that imposing automatic sanctions as much as possible against countries who do not stick to the rules is the only way to ensure the euro’s long-term success.”-Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of Netherlands

Officials in Netherlands, an economically stable member of the European Union, is pushing other EU members to impose economic sanctions against EU countries that don’t meet the EU standards.

The Dutch claim that for far too long there are some EU countries that have not been playing by EU rules, and they’re the ones dragging down the EU economy.  They want sanctions placed against those member countries, or they want them expelled.

Many citizens of Netherlands, and Germany, would like to see Greece, Ireland and Portugal kicked out of the European Union.

Government slight of hand & Media Incompetence: GDP numbers continue to get revised donward, after being publicly reported, U.S. no better off than EU

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis says the GDP for the second quarter of 2011 was a stagnant 1.3%.  But what some media outlets didn’t report was that the previous quarter was revised downward from 1.95% to 0.4%!

This kind of slight of hand has been going on for years now.  It turns out that real GDP has been much lower during this whole recession/recovery BS.  Don’t be surprised that the second quarter GDP numbers get revised downward when the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reports the 3rd quarter results.

The revision of the 1st quarter, down to 0.4%, shows that the United States is no better off than the European Union, which is in real big trouble.

Germany hit a surprising low of 0.1% GDP.  France, the second biggest EU economic powerhouse after Germany, flatlined at 0% GDP!  For the whole of the EU Gross Domestic Product was only 0.2% for the second quarter.




What Economic Recovery? Europe continues to stagnate, media still calls it ‘slow growth’, Germany hit hard

The European economy is still stagnating, a GDP (gross domestic product) of 0.2% for this past quarter.  That’s a drop from 0.8% in the first quarter of 2011.

Mainstream media continues to call such numbers “growth”.

Europe reports their GDP as a quarterly average.  The U.S. reports GDP as a yearly average.

Germany, the economic powerhouse of the European Union, got slammed.  Their GDP fell to 0.1% for the second quarter 2011!

German officials blamed, as usual, German shoppers, but, they also blamed investors.  Not only are shoppers shopping less in German stores, but investors are investing less into German companies.



What Economic Revovery? Japanese companies report double dip decline in profits, predicts continued declines into next year, blames the crashing U.S. dollar

Major Japanese companies are reporting a second quarter of declining profits.  And that’s before taxes!

SMBC Nikko Securities has compiled the profit results of more than 1,200 companies.  Overall profits are down by 12%.  They also predict profits will continue to fall into next year, by at least 2%.

Business analysts in Japan blame the decline on lack of electricity, due to more than half of Japan’s nuclear plants being shut down, and the crashing U.S. dollar.

As the U.S. dollar falls, the yen is rising in value, making Japanese products more expensive for foreign customers to buy.  Most of Japan’s economy is based on exporting products to other countries.

Japan is also the second largest foreign holder of U.S. government debt.


Turkey gives Syria ultimatum, threatens war, United States makes the usual statments that preceed military action

“If these operations do not stop, there will be nothing left to say about the steps that would be taken.  This is our final word to the Syrian authorities, our first expectation is that these operations stop immediately and unconditionally.”-Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkish Foreign Minister

August 15, Turkey gave Syria an ultimatum; stop military operations or face the consequences.  This follows the increase of Turkish troops along the border with Syria, and the recall of all military officers who retired within the last five years.

Also, on the the same day U.S. President Obama issued this statement, through his spokesman Jay Carney: “We are looking, together with a broad array of international partners, to increase pressure on President Assad.” Also: “By his actions he has demonstrated that he has lost legitimacy to lead, and the president has no doubt that Syria will be better off without him.”

The statements from the Obama administration are now stereotypical in signalling military action.  Turkey is a member of the U.S. led North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).


Riots in Northern Ireland, pro English parade sparks response from those wanting independence

August 14, in Northern Ireland a pro-English Protestant parade sparked a violent response from those who still seek independence (Irish Catholics).

Northern Ireland is controlled by the United Kingdom.  Recently a report revealed that indeed the U.K. government (and thereby the Royal Family) actively supported pro-English terrorists with weapons and money in Northern Ireland, during the time of “The Troubles”.

Sunday’s Londonderry riots quickly moved to targeting police vehicles and other government vehicles.  One person described it as “sustained rioting”.

This year is starting to look like peace has ended in Northern Ireland.  This isn’t the first time a pro-English parade sparked violence, riots also broke out during the pro-English parade in Belfast.


What Economic Recovery? 2.5 million new jobs, not for the U.S., for Iran

The Iranian government is working to create 2.5 million jobs in the Iranian calendar year 1390 (March 21, 2011 – March 19, 2012).

The Iranian government claims to have the essential human and financial resources to achieve this goal.  Iran created 1.6 million new jobs last year.

To do what the United States government can’t seem to do, Iranian labor unions, and companies, are cooperation with their government.  It’s all part of a strategic 20 year socio-economic plan.  The 20 year plan is broken up into smaller tactical five year plans.  Iran recently started its fifth five year plan, which ends in 2015.


Israel preparing to let go of United States, finds new supporter: China

Israeli military industries have long had cooperative relationships with Chinese military industries.  Now the Israeli government is making big moves towards wooing the Chinese government.

On August 14, General Chen Bingde, of China’s People’s Liberation Army, met with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, in Tel Aviv.  Barak visited China two months ago.

The Israelis are trying to win increased support from the Chinese.  Possibly they realize the United States government is flat broke, and can’t continue to give Israel billions of the U.S. taxpayers’ money.

A Jewish commentator, Eran Shayshon, stated, on the same day that General Chen showed up in Israel, that Israel must adopt an “open tent” policy towards the BRIC economies.  BRIC stands for Brazil, Russia, India and China.  They’re the only countries with good economies.

This is the first time a Chinese military official has visited Israel.  General Chen will be there for the next three days.

Global Economic War: World Bank says China’s Yuan would make a good replacment for the U.S. Dollar

“The Chinese policy mix includes a tool box of administrative measures … In general, one of the lessons that the United States and others can learn (from China) is that to have supervisory policies for bank regulatory systems can be a useful part of the tool set.”Robert Zoellick, World Bank president

Zoellick gave a speech in Australia, August 14, and made it clear that China was a shining example of how economic policies should work.  In fact he said that China’s yuan may help the world pull through “a time of danger.”

Zoellick did warn that the current inflation situation, in China, might be tougher to control than Chinese officials think.

The World Bank president also hinted that China’s cooperation with the bank, creating a “catalyst for consensus”, would benefit China in the near future.

China to modify Tight Money Supply policy

China has tightened money supply (monetary policy) in order to control inflation.  Now they will modify it with a “directional loose” money supply.

What they mean is that certain industries will be allowed easier access to financing.  Those industries include agriculture, certain small and medium sized businesses, and construction of low income housing.

Chinese officials hope this new policy will still hold down inflation, without putting a drag on industries.